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Tag: Tommy Linarcos

Tommy Linarcos – eBooks and PDF’s

On this page, you’ll find eBooks and PDF’s Tommy Linarcos created of his stories. His stories can be read online on the site through the menu or his separate pages. But for your convenience, here are downloadable files.


Becky and Jimmy Don’t Watch TV

Off from high school for the summer, Becky watches her younger brother’s body instead of boring television.  What can she do to get to see him naked, and what would Jimmy be willing to do once he was?



Jason’s Mom and the Wrestling Team Car Wash

Helen supports her teenage son Jason’s wrestling team fundraiser and has a perspective-changing incident, driving her to give in to her desire to see and experience his body.



My Brother Saves Halloween

In Chicago for a wedding, a young girl and her older brother are left alone and forgotten on Halloween. They make a Halloween for themselves and go trick-or-treating in the big city, but caught in the rain, their interests turn to each other when they dry off back at their hotel.



Welcome Tommy Linarcos!

I’ve been working with Tommy Linarcos for a while now. He’s helping me out with proofreading and fixing my stories where needed. E-o-F plays an important part in that, too. But when Tommy offered to help me, I was thrilled he did! It can become a crowd with too many people, but with Tommy and E-o-F around, I feel more confident that my stories will improve.

However, since Tommy is a talented writer, I wanted to offer him the opportunity to publish his work here. He was a little hesitant at first because he didn’t think his work would fit in here. I admit it is slightly different to what I write. I focus on more younger characters with no or hardly any experience. On the other hand, Tommy writes about teens where at least one of them has at least some form of experience. But the most important thing is that his work is character and story-driven. That’s why I think he’s a proper addition to the site.

The first seven stories are published. More will follow, and you can find his story page here or in the menu like the other authors.

Welcome to the site, Tommy!

Tommy’s story page


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