Must-see Movielist

For a long time, I’ve been thinking about listing a few (more or less mainstream) movies that you folks might enjoy. Some of them contain nudity, so don’t complain with me if you’re easily offended. But then again, why are you here? 😀

This list is completely randomly ordered. I don’t have any preference. It depends on my mood and a lot of other variables. This is just a service from me, to you! Do with it what you like. I don’t know if they’re for sale on Amazon or something. I don’t own these movies and I won’t provide a download link or something. If I do, this site will be down in less then a week, so don’t ask! 🙂

If you think something is missing, or the description is off, let me know and I’ll add / change it.

Little Lips (Piccole Labbra):
A writer returns home from World War I. He has developed a very bad case of post traumatic stress disorder. He contemplates suicide, but becomes interested in the 12 year old niece of the innkeeper at the place where he is recuperating.

It’s got a big ‘Lolita vibe’ throughout the film. There are LOTS of full-frontal scenes of the twelve-year-old girl, who apparently really was twelve at the time they shot this.

You Are Not Alone – (Du Er Ikke Alene)
A student strike at a Danish boys school is the backdrop of YOU ARE NOT ALONE. The leisurely paced tale explores the relationship between 14 year-old Bo and Kim,11, the younger son of the stern boarding school headmaster. Mounting school tensions over the expulsion of a troubled student threaten to sabotage the tranquility of the school.

The description says it all. And there are cute, nude boys in it. And exploring their sexuality. Not a hard-core porn, obviously, but nicely done and very compelling.

The Cement Garden
Four children live with their terminally ill mother. After she dies, they try to hold things together. In their isolated house, they begin to deteriorate mentally, whilst they hide their mom’s decomposing corpse in a makeshift concrete sarcophagus.

I didn’t read the book. But I did see the film. In the end, the brother and sister get going. And nudity (of course)

The Devils (Les Diables)
The siblings Joseph and Chloé are 12 and have just been placed on another children’s home. For years they were on the same or separate homes or on the run together. Chloé is an autist. She does not talk, feels panic when touched, and eats only when told so. Joseph dearly loves her and firmly thinks she needs him. The child psychiatrist agrees that he has a very positive influence. Joseph dreams that Chloé will recover if they find their parents.

Pretty tough story. I honestly felt for these kids. But the main reason it’s on this list, is because of a very hot scene where the two are bathing somewhere together and roughhousing. The boy gets erect and runs of, holding his boner. Don’t know if it’s a real one (probably not), but it looks hot. She’s hot too by the way. And naked on several occasions. There seems to be a common thing on this list…

The Genesis Children
IMDB says: “A group of teen boys go to Rome in this controversial art film.”
Well. It pretty much sums it up. Really nothing of a story here. Just A LOT of naked boys running around. This movie can’t be made today, I can tell you that much…

For a Lost Soldier (Voor een verloren soldaat)
Set in The Netherlands at the end of WW II, this touching story, told in flashbacks, explores the complex and romantic relationship between an adult soldier and a displaced, lonely adolescent boy.

Romantic relationship and adolescent boy in one sentence!? Must be good! And it is. It’s an interesting movie. Don’t remember much nudity by the way. But I do remember it being an interesting movie.

After her mother dies, fourteen-year-old Marion falls in love with her stepfather, Remy.

Don’t remember much from this one. Kept it on this list, and the premise seems promising.

Maladolescenza (Spielen wir Liebe)
A teen boy grows from playing and fighting with his German-shepherd dog, to playing kids and adult games with two equally young girls, in a dream-like forest which eventually turns eerie, and somber.

A bit of weird flashback structure if I remember correctly. But a VERY hot sex scene in the middle!! And… nudity… LOTS of young nudity…

1900 (Novecento)
Set in Italy, the film follows the lives and interactions of two boys/men, one born a bastard of peasant stock, Olmo, the other born to a land owner, Alfredo. The drama spans from 1900 to about 1945, and focuses mainly on the rise of Fascism and the peasants’ eventual reaction by supporting Communism, and how these events shape the destinies of the two main characters.

What can I say about this one? The movie is released in 1976 and features Robert De Niro, Gérard Depardieu, Donald Sutherland and a few other, now well-known actors. With a running length of over five (!!) hours, it’s a monster. I didn’t watch it entirely. But after reading one of the parental guide remarks on IMDB, it sparked my interest: “An 11 year old boy undresses fully to get out of wet clothes and pulls back his foreskin some. He and his friend compare penises, one of whom is clearly shown, and erect.”
The guide is right 😀 At a little over an hour in the movie, this plays out in front of your eyes. It isn’t meant to be erotic, which is partly true. But to my eyes, it’s VERY entertaining!

Cordero de Dios (Lamb of God)
Only a few priests and interns remain in a secluded run-down boys religious boarding school in North Argentina in 1961. Arrives Father Martin, who’s intentions are not as clear as he claims they are.

I’ts the most recent movie on this list. I’d recommend watching the Director’s Cut on this one. It’s a boys boarding school. So yeah… lots of naked boys in this one. Story-wise not too fancy, but very watchable, especially with the occasional naked boy.

Tú solo
In this docu-drama, a group of dedicated youngsters, ranging in age from eight to eighteen, live and breathe the controversial sport of bullfighting as well as the world of machismo. This coming-of-age film features the students themselves.

Not too much in this semi-documentary. But there is a big naked bull-fighting scene in it. And that’s always interesting, isn’t it?

Barnens ö
Reine is supposed to go to a summer camp called Children’s Island but decides to remain in Stockholm over the summer while his mother is working at a hospital. She thinks he is at the camp, and he tells her he is. We then follow him around Stockholm that summer and see what he encounters on the path of life.

The movie is slightly pretentious and didn’t age well, but IMDB’s parental guide is spot-on again, and that’s why I watched it: ‘The pre-pubescent boy is afraid of growing up and inspects his genitals for signs of pubic hair. He briefly pulls his foreskin back and looks underneath. This occurs in plain view. Later as he approaches puberty (still without pubic hair), he spies upon a naked woman. He is obviously sexually aroused by this, as an explicit view of his erection is shown in close-up view twice as he peers at the woman through a hole. He proceeds to touch himself, signifying him masturbating.’ Do I need to say more?