High quality erotica. And more....

Day: February 16, 2024 (Page 2 of 2)

Aetheria – Chapter 9

Jason Crow

Chapter 9 – Scavenging

I woke refreshed from a dream-filled sleep and half-expected to be awakened by my coms. But it was something else that woke me. It took me a moment to realize that Nadia was kicking her feet in this dream she was having. During the night, she had moved over to her side of the bed, and as I checked her out, I was greeted by her boobs peeking out above the sheet.

I still had to get used to seeing her like this, and I absentmindedly put my hand on my morning wood to give it a good squeeze. But when I wanted to wrap my fingers around it, a soft beep reminded me that this wasn’t possible yet.

I checked the time and saw it was still early. It was still early enough to explain why there wasn’t a rescue mission knocking at the door but late enough to start my day.

As I stared at the ceiling, I thought about our possibilities to return to the main base. All ideas hung on the fact that I wasn’t able to use my hands, and we had to wait a week, six days at best, to go back on our own. If there even was a base left at all!

I was thinking about the options we had to bring the coms to the main base back online when Nadia was waking up. The cute whines and groans as she returned to the land of the living kept bringing a smile to my face.

I turned on my side to face her, and when she moved her head and noticed me, she also turned to her side. As her face came closer to mine, I said, “I’ve got a bad case of morning breath, I’m afraid.”

Nadia giggled at that, and moments later, she kissed me gently on my lips again. It wasn’t the intimate and loving kisses we shared last night, but it wasn’t exactly a peck on the cheek, either.

She moved closer and wrapped her arm around my body as our kiss intensified. Her breasts were pressed against my chest, and I knew I’d never grow tired of feeling them.

Her other hand lay on the mattress between us, and when I shifted a bit, it accidentally brushed against my rock-hard boner. My eyes flew open at the contact, and so did Nadia’s. She pulled her face back and smiled wickedly at me.

“You’re completely awake, aren’t you?” she chuckled.

I could only blush, and when she didn’t pull back her hand, it twitched firmly, causing Nadia to pull back her hand.

“It’s morning again,” I apologized and turned to my back.

Nadia must have noticed my embarrassment because she said, “You know I don’t care about that. We talked about it.”

“I know… but it’s just…”

“You can’t do anything about it now. Is that it?”

“No! It’s not. It’s a bit…” I stammered and realized I could be honest about this stuff now, “Yeah… it’ll get worse in a few days. And… I don’t wanna embarrass you by poking you with my boner, you know?”

“I don’t mind being poked. As long as it’s with you, at least.”

I turned my head to look at her and saw her smiling warmly at me. She was serious. She didn’t care about these things! So why was I acting so stupid then?

“I can help if you want…” she whispered with another coy smile on her face.


“Yeah! I can, you know… use my hand to…” she said as a blush spread across her face and upper chest.


“I mean… I touched you before, and I watched you do it. So…”

My mind was shooting everywhere at the moment. My sister jacking me off? That sounded like the best thing that could happen to me. But what if I shoot too quickly? What if she didn’t want to do this and just offered to do it as a nice gesture? She might hate me afterward! I know… I was so messed up!

“I really don’t mind, Ay! And it’s no big deal. I just wanna help,” she said in the silence while I was thinking.

Thankfully, my hormones took over, and I timidly nodded. Apparently, this was all my twin sister needed. She scooted over and put her hand just below my belly button. She kicked down the sheet with her feet, exposing our naked bodies.

Her head was on my chest again, and she looked down at my hard dick. Her hand inched downwards, and the moment she rubbed her palm over my dickhead, I sucked in a breath. This time, Nadia didn’t flinch. She moved her hand further down, and now, her palm rubbed my shaft. Her fingers closed around it, and she gripped my hard-on firmly.

A soft moan escaped my lips as she moved her hand upward, slightly releasing the firm grip but still enough to give the much-needed friction. The moment her fist was at the top of my dick, she moved it down again, just like I always did.

“Ohhh…” I softly moaned.

Nadia moved her face up and lay it next to my ear. She slowly kept moving her fist up and down as she did this.

“You like this, huh?” she whispered in my ear.

This sent goosebumps all over my body, and I could only nod between my moans. I felt Nadia move her head, and in the corner of my eye, I saw her looking at the action between my legs again.

Despite this being her first time, she did an excellent job. She glided her fist over the entire length but still managed to give the underside of my dickhead extra attention. She also gripped my dick firmer and softer at every move, which was a new one for me, but far from unpleasant. Quite the opposite, actually!

“It’s so hard…” she whispered, and I could hear the excitement in her voice.

“Mmhhh…” I moaned.

“Am I doing okay?”

“Y- aaahhh… you’re… oh yes!”

My peak was rapidly approaching. It came way faster than when I did it myself, but the feeling of someone else handling my dick, especially my fabulous sister, was also way more intense.

“Oh… Na- ahh… I think… hmmm…”

“You’re shooting?” she asked excitedly.

“Oh yeah.. oh yeah… oh…”

Now that I wasn’t in control, I couldn’t change the pace, grip, speed, or anything. I was completely dependent on what my twin sister did. I’d usually go faster by now, but Nadia just kept going at a regular pace. This extended my orgasm a little longer, which was fantastic.

But the inevitable was coming. There was no going back now. I grunted deeply as I felt the wave of my orgasm approach. Nadia moved her head down a little, which turned me on even more. She wanted a first-row seat for my spurting dick.

When my balls tightened and I felt my dick fatten, I moaned loudly. This was it, and the moment my first spurt shot from the tip of my dick, Nadia’s soft “YESSS!!” gave me another surge of excitement.

She was watching me cum, and she loved it. And I loved her soft hand working my dick as three more spurts came out before it turned into a dribble.

“Stop… too sensitive,” I panted.

Nadia stopped jerking me and kissed me tenderly on my neck, but she didn’t let go of my dick. She kept squeezing it as she let me catch my breath. She stayed away from my glans and kept fondling me, which was an excellent way to come down from my orgasm. I even managed to remain mostly hard, which was a first.

I looked her deep into her eyes, and Nadia immediately caught on. She kissed me on my lips, and before I knew it, we were Frenching quite heavily with her fingers still wrapped around my dick. Her lower body moved, and I felt her drape her leg over my lower body. Moments later, I felt something hot and moist press against my upper leg, and it started sliding up and down my leg. This was Nadia’s pussy, and she was grinding it against me.

Her kissing became more passionate, almost violent, and she moaned in my mouth constantly. Our tongues were wrestling, and she still had a firm grip on my dick. She was jacking me again, and the short break was enough to get me going again without it being too sensitive.

But it wasn’t about me now. Her movements against my upper leg were more and more deliberate, whereas her focus on jacking me ebbed away.

With my arm around her lower back, I felt her pelvic motion going faster and faster. Her mouth was smashed against mine, and the loud noises of her breathing through her nose filled the room.

There was one final firm push, and then she stopped. Her body stiffened, and as I opened my eyes to look at her, she had hers firmly shut, and an intense look of pleasure and focus was all over her face.

The motion of her pussy on my leg continued, and now she was making small circles. Every now and then, she shook a little, but her orgasm was going down now. After a minute or so, her body went limp, and she lay her whole weight on top of me. Feeling her on top of me like this was fantastic, and we stayed like this for a while.

“We need a shower,” Nadia chuckled after she finally lifted her face to look at me.

She was right. My sperm was between our bodies, and although it wasn’t much, we needed to wash it off. And my leg was a bit sticky from my sister’s juices. So yeah… we need to shower.

The shower itself was relatively uneventful. Our room had the biggest bathroom of the site, with two shower heads next to each other. It was initially the captain’s family room, designed for showering together with his young kids and, most importantly, to give him status. But this captain eventually never came to Aetheria.

Nadia washed my front and back, paying particular attention to my crotch. She giggled as I grew stiff again under her soapy hands, but we didn’t do anything sexual in the shower because we wanted to be ready in case a rescue team came knocking. Tenderly kissing each other under the cascading water was something neither of us wanted to miss, so we did that a few times.

Being dried by another person had been a long while, but Nadia did a great job. She tried to be clinical about it, but when it came to my dick and ass, she just had to make some smartass comments about it and toyed with my balls.

But that was about it. I loved the kissing and seeing my nude sister prance around, but we needed to make sure to be ready to head back to the main base. At least, that’s what I told myself.

If I was honest, I wouldn’t mind another hand job from my sister. But now Nadia was pulling up my boxers after she put on her gray, oversized shirt. She cupped my balls and smiled at me after everything was stuffed inside the tight material.

“All good?” she asked.

“Yup! Thanks for helping me!”

“Don’t mention it. Now I can touch your penis whenever I want, under the pretense of helping you,” she giggled.

“Be my guest,” I countered, but it came out lamer than it sounded in my head.

After Nadia fed me my breakfast and ate her own, we rechecked the control room, and everything was the same as yesterday. All tests were still showing up green, and no intelligent lifeforms other than the local animal population were detected anywhere near the site.

“Let’s explore more of this site, okay?” Nadia asked, “I’m getting bored in here.”


We checked if our coms were still connected, and after the central systems confirmed this, we headed over to the sleeping quarters. We wandered around and checked out the separate rooms, hoping to find something interesting.

Some of the rooms were nice and tidy, but a few were still in the same state as when the person who lived in it left it. After some searching, we learned that these people expected to return on short notice and asked the bots to leave their rooms alone.

Because of the security clearance Nadia had managed to give us, we could enter these rooms and check them out. Most of the personal belongings were gone, but some pictures, small boxes, and stuff were still there.

We were going through these rooms to see if we could find something interesting. Since there wasn’t too much to do here, we’d hope to find a game, deck of cards, or anything like that. We checked out all storage rooms, bathrooms, personal rooms, everything! It took us most of the day, but we didn’t mind. It wasn’t like we had anything else to do, and it wasn’t exactly cold, so we were glad to have something to put our minds to.

I looked inside a half-open closet in one of the last rooms we entered. There was a small box, so I asked Nadia to check it out. She put the box on the table and opened it.

“That’s one of those vintage personal streamers, right?” I asked as she pulled out a small black box with buttons on it.

“Looks like it,” she said, rummaging through the box.

She pulled out some pictures, a diary, and some other stuff. But when she pulled out another streamer, I looked at Nadia and matched her surprised look. With a knife, someone had carved a small smiley in this streamer.

“Let’s take those,” Nadia said, placing all the other stuff back into the box.

We scanned some more rooms, but none were interesting. We looked at each other after we exited the last room on the floor.

“We can do the floor below,” Nadia said, but I could see she was a bit fed up with it, just like I was.

“Let’s check out the streamers. We can always do the bottom floor tomorrow. If we’re still here, of course.”

We headed to the rec room, and I dropped on the couch. Nadia clicked on the TV, took the remote, and scanned for the wireless connection options.

“Good thing this TV still has this option,” I said, feeling glad we could check out these streamers.

“Yeah. It’s an oldie, and I guess that’s why this guy still had these boxes lying around. Let’s see…”

Nadia pressed the power-on switch on the box, and a soft beep confirmed it still worked. The television showed the text ‘Connecting,’ and the device menu appeared after a few moments.

There were several movies on there and a ‘personal’ section. Nadia scrolled through the movie list and giggled when we came across a golden oldie.

“Jeez! Fast and Furious forty-four! Really!?” I said, giggling myself, “Talk about vintage! That franchise stopped being interesting after the fifth movie!”

“Vin Diesel’s great-great-grandchildren still pulled it off.”

“Whatever. What else is on there?”

We scrolled through the personal section, and it was filled with videos from home. This guy had left his wife and kids behind, and there were tons of videos from them. Most of it was mushy stuff about how much they missed him and what his kids could do now. But one of them was interesting, and we watched it completely.

I guessed the woman to be in her early thirties, and she was in her black bra and panties, talking into the camera while it panned over her good-looking body.

I felt myself grow hard, especially when she said the word “Blowjob” a few times in a tone that would’ve instantly melted a block of ice.

“What’s a blowjob?” Nadia asked and smiled when she eyed my boner.

“Dunno. But it sounds good!”

“I can see that,” she giggled but turned her head back at the TV.

“And I miss your thick, hard cock, stretching out my soaking cunt as you fuck me senseless,” the woman said, and her hand slid inside her panties.

“Oh wow…” Nadia whispered.

“Love you! Come home soon. I’ll be waiting for you,” the woman on television whispered as the screen faded to black.

Nadia and I looked wide-eyed at each other and simultaneously said, “Bisque!”

That caused us to giggle, and after a few moments, Nadia said, “I didn’t know grownups did this kind of stuff.”

“Me neither. And I think a blowjob is also some sex stuff, don’t you think?”

“Has to be. Maybe we can find something in the other clips.”

We kept scrolling through the rest of his personal files, but none of them had any more sexy stuff in them.

“Let’s try the one with the smiley,” I said, getting bored with the kid constantly running around and telling us how much he missed his daddy.

“Let’s do another broad sweep first, okay?”

We headed over to the control room, where Nadia did her routine again. The broader sweep of the surroundings had to be done manually, and it could show early signs of life approaching the base.

“Still no one…” I said, feeling gloomy about being left here all alone.

“And it’s getting late. Almost too late for them to head back if needed.”

“I don’t think anyone is coming. Do you?”

“Don’t say that, Ay! We don’t know how bad they were hit by the quake.”

“I know… but we need to find a way to get that radio fixed. I need to know what’s going on!” I said and heard a bit of anger and frustration in my voice.

“You need your hands to go outside.”

“AAHHGR!” I shouted out of frustration.

Nadia placed a hand on my shoulder and said, “Let’s check out that other streamer, okay? After that, we’ll eat and figure out what to do with the radio later.”

When the streamer booted, there was only one movie on there. It was some lame-ass romantic comedy that neither of us wanted to see. But when Nadia opened the personal section, there were two folders. They were labeled ‘Pics’ and ‘Vids’ and didn’t have thumbnails.

Nadia looked questioningly at me, and I said, “Vids. Definitely.”

When the folder opened, the titles only had six-digit numbers instead of labels and no thumbnails. Nadia selected the first one, and an old, grainy opening shot started. I guessed it was shot in just 4K, which gave it an aged, vintage look. We saw an exterior shot of a big mansion, and the title faded in with big, curly letters.

“The pool boy?” Nadia said, surprised, “What kind of dumbass movie is this?”

“Dunno. Looks old.”

The camera moved to the back of the house and panned over the pool to a lounge chair. In that chair, a big-breasted young woman was finishing applying her sunscreen and ready to get her tan. I guessed her to be around eighteen or nineteen, and what surprised me most was her extremely skimpy white bikini.

The fabric of her top was barely enough to cover her nipples, and the, what I later learned, thong bottom was high on her hips and low at her front. I boned up instantly when I looked at her.

She turned to her belly, showing us her fine-looking ass with the small stripe of fabric between her cheeks. She sighed deeply and closed her eyes.

“What is this?” Nadia asked, her eyes glued to the screen.

The woman reached behind her back and untied her top, showing some sideboob. She threw it on the floor beside her and softly said, “That’s better.”

Moments later, we saw another shot of bare feet, shown from behind, walking up to the woman on the chair.

“Excuse me, miss,” a dark voice said, and the shot widened.

The woman looked back at the man and acted like she was startled by his presence. The acting was poor, and we saw a flash of her naked boobs right before she covered them with her hands.

“Oh! I didn’t know you were coming!” the woman said.

“Don’t worry, ma’am. I’m only here to clean the pool. Don’t mind me.”

The man took off his white T-shirt, and the woman exaggeratedly checked out the man’s body. And, moments later, the camera did the same. He was wearing an extremely short and tight pair of cutoff jeans. He had a pronounced bulge in them, and his upper body was muscular with a nice dark tan.

The man picked up a net and started scooping the leaves and other stuff from the pool. We saw the woman checking him out, and she licked her lips. The next shot showed the ass of the man as he picked up something from the floor. The woman acted, poorly again, as if she had just come up with something.

She laid back down on her belly, grabbed the sunscreen, and called the man over. The man checked out the ass of the woman and asked, “What’s the problem, ma’am?”

“Can you help me with this, please? I don’t wanna get sunburned…”

“This is one of those sexy movies,” I said in disbelief.

“You mean… pron?”

“I think so…”

On TV, the man wasted no time and was rubbing his hands all over the woman’s back. He didn’t ask permission and also started rubbing all over her ass. The woman didn’t protest, and a closeup of her smiling face showed she actually liked it.

“Do you need me to also do the front?” the man asked with that very dark voice that Nadia said was sexy.

The woman turned around, showing off her huge tits with extremely hard nipples, and said, “Yes, please.”

The man smiled widely at her exposed tits. He wasted no time and started massaging them, causing the woman to moan loudly. He kept kneading one breast with one hand while the other moved downward over her belly toward the top of the white thong.

The moment his hand disappeared under the white fabric, the woman arched her back and sucked in a breath.

“This is bisque,” I said softly.

“Yeah… mind if I get comfortable?” Nadia asked as she glanced briefly at my crotch.

My boner stretched the fabric, but it was stretchy enough to still be mildly comfortable. Nadia had her hands at the bottom of her shirt and looked expectantly at me. I gave her a gentle nod, and Nadia quickly took off her shirt and threw it on the floor. My eyes were immediately fixated on my twin sister’s breasts. To me, they looked way better than the big boobs we saw on TV. I noticed Nadia was looking at the TV again, and when I saw the lady had pulled down her bikini bottom, I had to look at her bald pussy.

“Doesn’t she have hair?”

“I think she shaved them,” Nadia said without taking her eyes from the screen.

The man’s fingers were shown in closeup as he was fingering the woman. I looked intensely, and it was apparent he knew what he was doing as he did almost the same things I saw Nadia do. 

In the corner of my eye, I saw Nadia’s hand between her legs. It didn’t take a genius to figure out what she was doing. My dick twitched hard at the realization my sister was openly fingering herself, and Nadia glanced down when I did. She saw me looking and shrugged apologetically.

“This is hot,” she hoarsely whispered.

I was about to ask for a hand when the woman on TV said, “I wanna blow you. Get up…”

The man got to his feet, and we saw a closeup of his tight jeans where an obvious boner was stretching the material. Moments later, the woman’s fingers were working the button and zipper.

As the man’s gigantic dick popped out, both Nadia and I whispered a simultaneous “WOW!” His dick was at least eight inches and looked massive. Strangely enough, it didn’t make me feel small or inadequate. He was an adult and probably selected for this movie because of that. Maybe I’d grow to be this big when I was fully developed, but now, I couldn’t care less about it. Seeing pron for the first time was just too exciting.

The next shot was a POV shot where we looked down at the woman. Her big tits were showing, and she was stroking the man’s dick while looking seductively into the camera. What she did next caused Nadia and me to suck in another breath.

Her lips wrapped themselves around the man’s colossal dickhead, while she kept looking into the camera. More and more of the man’s dick disappeared into her mouth. For the next couple of minutes, we saw how she sucked, licked, and toyed with the man’s hard dick.

A wet spot was forming in my boxers around my dickhead. The stuff on the TV made me incredibly horny, and with Nadia slowly working her pussy beside me, I felt an incredible urge to grip my dick and do the same. The frustration about not being able to do so started having an effect.

With a loud ‘pop,’ the woman lifted her face and pulled at the man’s dick. She got up, giving us another closeup view of her entire body, and the man lay on his back on the chair.

“Are they gonna make sex now?” Nadia hoarsely asked, and I noticed she was picking up the pace.

“I guess.”

But the woman climbed on top of the man with her face near his dick. This way, her bald pussy was near the man’s face, and he didn’t waste any time. The camera got close to his face, and we saw how his tongue was licking all over her pussy. Her enlarged clitoris, which couldn’t be missed, received extra attention, and his fingers worked overtime to help his tongue.

In the next shot, the camera moved from his face over the woman’s round ass to the action between his legs. She was licking and sucking away, just like before, and was toying with his balls.

We were looking at a closeup shot of the man’s glistening dick with the woman’s head bobbing up and down on it when suddenly the screen went black, and the text ‘Check input connection’ appeared. 

“What the hell!?” Nadia exclaimed.

No! Not now! Come on! This is the good part!” I shouted.

“This is… Aghhh!”

“Check the streamer,” I said, annoyed and frustrated, suspecting the source of the problem.

“It’s dead…”

“I was afraid of that. These old devices need to be recharged every six months. We were lucky it still had some juice.”

“Now what?” Nadia said, leaning back on the couch with her hands folded behind her head.

My eyes roamed over her body, and the tension I felt in my balls grew even tighter. I thought about it for a second but couldn’t come up with a quick fix.

“I didn’t see a charger in his room, did you?” I asked.

“No, damnit! I want to see how it ends. Don’t you?” Nadia said, and I saw something in her face I hadn’t seen before.

“Maybe in one of the other rooms…” I tried.

“Can’t we change the battery with the other streamer?”

“Afraid not. It’s a fixed one, so the device could stay smaller.”

We were quiet for a few moments, and I noticed how Nadia had her fingers in her crotch again, and they moved slowly. She wasn’t fingering herself but was just toying with her pubes and the other exciting bits down there.

“At least now we know what a blowjob is…” Nadia chuckled.

“I never thought people would do that. I mean… I pee from there!”

“It looked like they had fun. I don’t think it tastes bad. Otherwise, they wouldn’t have done it to each other…”

“Guess you’re right.”

My dick was now painfully hard, and the wet spot in my boxers started to feel sticky. I had a tingling feeling throughout my lower body that I hadn’t felt before. If I had the use of my fingers, I would definitely be playing with my… cock like Nadia was doing to herself.

The awkward silence was broken by Nadia clearing her throat. “Do.. uhm… do you mind if I, you know… try it with you?”

“Try what… oh!! Uhm…”

“I’m curious, you know?” Nadia said, blushed furiously, and spoke with her eyes locked on mine, “I wanna suck your, uhm, cock!”

Her usual timid reaction to stuff like this was now replaced with a determination I had never seen before, and she didn’t look ashamed or embarrassed. She looked me deep into my eyes, and there was no doubt about what she wanted. Judging by the man I saw on TV, he had a great time getting that blowjob, so I didn’t have a reason to say no. Heck! I wanted to know what it felt like the moment the woman’s lips wrapped around his dick.

But there was also the case where the man used his tongue on the woman. If I was honest, that looked like a lot of fun too. By using my tongue, I could make Nadia feel good without having to use my fingers, something I wanted to do for a long time.

“Okay. But only if I can try it with you after that!”

That brought a huge grin to my sister’s face. She got to her knees and sat down in front of the couch with my legs on each side of her.

“I was hoping you’d say that…” Nadia said with a smile and started working on my boxers.

She pulled the waistband away from my body so my boner wouldn’t be trapped. She started pulling them down, and I lifted my butt so she could pull them off completely. The awkwardness of being naked in front of my sister was long gone by now, and I only felt anticipation about what was going to happen.

When Nadia’s face was inches away from my boner, she grabbed it by the base and examined it closely.    

“I like yours better than the guy’s on the streamer. Way cuter,” she said and moved her face toward my dickhead.

My whole body was beaming with anticipation. I saw her opening her mouth, and the moment her lips touched my dickhead, a bolt of electricity shot from my dick to the back of my head. Nadia took more of my dick in her mouth, and her eyes widened when I felt a drop of precum ooze out. She was holding my dick with her right hand, and with her left, she started toying with my balls.

As her warm mouth went further down my shaft, I moaned involuntarily. This was by far the best feeling I ever felt on my dick. Ever! Judging by Nadia’s enthusiasm, she was also having a blast.

I kept looking at my sister as she was bobbing up and down on my rock-hard dick. Every now and then, her eyes met mine, and the twinkle of excitement grew bigger. She must have noticed how it became increasingly difficult for me to focus.

Her tongue was lapping all around the underside of my shaft and dickhead, and her lips were tight around my shaft. Each time her tongue hit the sensitive spot at the base of my glans, I moaned louder. But the soft squeezes she gave my balls took away the peak and made me last longer. 

The combination of my sister’s mouth around my dick and all the sensations that flooded my young mind were all accumulating into that fantastic peak I recently learned to love so much. The waves of pleasure were building inside, and these waves were banging against my inner dam. I could only moan, and my hips moved involuntarily to feel as much of that beautiful mouth as possible.

Despite all the primary feelings inside, I was clear enough to feel the need to warn Nadia. Between my moans, I panted, “ohh… cummin- ohh, I’m…”

I expected her to lift her face from my dick and finish me with her hand. But she kept on sucking, lapping, and bobbing.

I wasn’t sure if she heard me, so I managed to squeeze out a, “Look ou- Aahh… it’s…” right before I felt the inner dam break.

It was like a volcanic eruption. All the pressure that had built inside my lower body peaked into one place and erupted through my cock. Spurt after spurt left my twitching dick, and I felt my sister’s mouth working hard to keep up. Even though I didn’t shoot very much with each spurt, there were a lot of spurts, and Nadia wanted it all.

I collapsed back on the couch, heard a loud pop, and the cold hit my saliva-covered dick as it left Nadia’s mouth. She crawled onto the sofa next to me and pressed her body against mine, kissing me on my neck and face as she whispered in my ear, “THAT was freaking bisque!”

I was panting heavily and turned my head to kiss her back. She immediately inserted her tongue into my mouth, and I tasted the faint taste of my own cum. The lust and passion in her kiss were remarkable and turned me on immensely despite having an orgasm mere seconds earlier.

I felt a primal urge to make her feel as good as possible, and I wanted to feel what it was like to lick my twin sister’s pussy. So, I broke the kiss and slid to my knees, so I sat between her legs. 

This close-up view of my sister’s pussy was fascinating. She had already explained what everything was the last time I looked, but seeing it up close was different, to say the least. What struck me most was the intoxicating smell that filled my nostrils. It wasn’t a warm smell like freshly baked cookies or a forest after a rainstorm, but it wasn’t exactly unpleasant either. It triggered something deep inside, and I felt tremendously attracted to my sister.

So, I stuck out my tongue and moved my face between her legs. The moment the tip of my tongue hit her slit, Nadia hissed. I knew this wasn’t from pain or discomfort. Someone else’s touch down there gave you a whole new set of pleasures.

I moved my tongue further up her slit toward her clitoris. As I did this, more and more of her pussy’s moisture hit my tastebuds. This was almost like a drug to me. My eyes widened, and I felt an incredible urge to taste as much of this as I could.

But my first goal was her clit. Nadia said earlier that this was the best spot on her body, and I wanted to test that. This confirmation was instant. As I touched her clit with the tip of my tongue, her legs clamped shut around my head, and I could hear her moan in the distance.

She must’ve realized what she did because her legs opened again a second later. I gave her clit a couple of tentative licks but wanted to taste more of that magnificent moisture she offered me. So I started licking all around her pussy, to lick up as much as possible. Nadia caught on and opened her legs widely.

The strong scents I smelled kept me longing for more. Now that Nadia had spread her legs, I could sneak my tongue further inside. I was now licking between her lips and made sure to rub my tongue over her clit with every upward move.

Between her lips, the taste was even stronger, so I wanted to know if, by entering her, this would increase even more. I rolled up my tongue and pressed it against her entrance. I slipped in way easier than expected and was amazed by its texture. Judging by Nadia’s moans, she liked this. But I couldn’t go as deep as I wanted, and I couldn’t taste her as good as I wished to this way.

So I started licking all around her lips and clit again, all the while encouraged by my sister’s moans. Her breathing was shallow and fast, and she started rubbing her fingers through my hair. When I toyed with her clit in my mouth, her fingers pressed hard into my skull, which was sexy and encouraging.

“Oohh… yeah… right there… OOOHHH!!”

By now, I was solely focused on her clit and the small area around it. Nadia’s fingers constantly pushed into my head, and she tried pushing my face against her pussy.

I would have none of that. I was in control here, and I determined what I did. Feeling the buildup toward her inevitable orgasm, and me being the cause of that, gave me a tremendous feeling of power and pride. Her breathing became ragged, and whining sounds came from deep within her throat. All indications I was on the right track.

A soft “Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah!” sounded every time I put pressure on her clit with my tongue. I even wrapped my lips around it and sucked on it like it was a little penis. She liked that, but the small circles I was making now had the most effect.

It was fantastic to have the power to determine when she would cum. And it was fun to prolong it a little. But my jaw was getting a bit sore, and I knew how frustrating it could be to build up to the edge only to be brought back down again.

So, I figured it was time to get her off. I slipped a finger inside her, and slowly started moving it in and out. She groaned loudly and she was rocking her pelvis a little to give me even better access. A gush of her juices filled my mouth, and I moaned loudly. The sounds were muffled by her pussy, but it also triggered a moan from Nadia. I tried it again, and the same thing happened.

“Ay! I’m… it’s…”

Another gush of her pussy juices came out, and I drank it as fast as I could so I could get back to her clit, while slowly moving my finger. I kept moaning softly and was treated with more and more of her sex drugs.

And that’s when it happened. She pressed her pussy hard against my mouth and pushed my face against her crotch. There was no way I could break free from her firm grip. But there was also no way I wanted to get away. Her pussy fed me copious amounts of those fantastic juices I lapped up eagerly.

I was breathing through my nose and heard the most beautiful sounds I ever heard. The high-pitched, soft whimpering of my climaxing twin sister. All senses in my body were treated with the best possible input I knew. Even though it was her orgasm, I shared her feelings on a spiritual level.

Her body was trembling as she came, and I slowed down my efforts on her clit, assuming it was pretty much the same as with my dick. The gentle licking continued for a few more moments when I felt Nadia’s hands on my shoulders. She was trying to pull me up, and I got the idea.

I sat up straight between her legs and moved over to kiss her. Nadia’s arms wrapped around my neck, and we kissed passionately for a couple of moments. Our bodies were pressed together like this, but I was clueless about our position until I felt my hard dick touch the warm and moist pussy of my sister.

My eyes flew open, and Nadia moaned into my mouth. I didn’t dare to move my lower body, as I didn’t want to accidentally stick it into my sister. But Nadia had different ideas as she moved her hips to press more of her pussy against my throbbing member. We broke our kiss and looked deep into each other’s eyes. Nadia had a grin I had never seen on her before, and she moved her lower body again.

“That was amazing, Ay! Thanks for doing that!”

“It was… ahh…”

The slickness of her pussy on my dick felt terrific! I didn’t dare to move my hips, and Nadia must’ve noticed my discomfort about this situation as she sat up straighter and broke our connection.

“I’m sorry,” she whispered, “it just feels good to have your… cock on my… cunt…”

“It does! But…”

Nadia didn’t let me finish and kissed me again. Not as passionate as before, but more loving and tender.

After we broke the kiss, I sat on the couch beside her and noticed the blue lights on my braces had turned purple. Beside me, Nadia abruptly got up and started walking towards the kitchen.

“I’ll make us some dinner,” she said and didn’t look back.

This startled me a bit. Did I do something wrong? Was she mad about what had happened? Was it about my dick against her pussy? All sorts of horror scenarios shot through my head. I needed to know what was wrong with her, but I didn’t know how to talk about it.

After a few minutes, I gathered my courage and headed to the kitchen. Nadia had put on an apron and stood with her back toward me. Seeing her naked ass and back, with just the belt of the apron around her waist, looked sexy as hell. There was no denying in that! As I approached her, I noticed some sideboob as the apron only covered half her boob.

I stood at her back, and because of the noise the hood above the stove made, she hadn’t heard me yet. I looked at her slender neck, the soft skin on her back, the perfect ass, and long legs and felt an incredible urge to hug her.

So, I put my arms around her waist and pressed my naked body against hers. I pulled her against me, and after a surprised ‘oh!’ Nadia straightened her head, and I saw a smile on her face. I kissed her neck and pulled her even tighter against me.

My soft dick was nestled between her cheeks, but this wasn’t sexual at all. It was nice to feel our bodies against each other. Nadia turned around, and we locked eyes.  Without saying anything, we started kissing each other tenderly. No tongue, just a tender, loving and heartfelt kiss.

“I really love you, Ay…” Nadia whispered after we broke our kiss.

“I love you too,” was all I could come up with.

“I know, but…”

I could see she was struggling with something. I waited a moment for her to keep talking, but when she just kept looking at the floor, I asked, “What’s wrong?”

“I really, really love you, Ay!! Not like my brother or friend, but as something, I don’t know… deeper?” she said and sighed deeply, “I mean… we talked about it after our first kiss, and I’m glad you love me too. But to me, it’s… more. And then after you gave me, you know… the best feeling EVER, and then your… touched me there, I wanted nothing more than to…”

Wow! She wants to have sex with me! This needed a moment to sink in… I loved Nadia with all my heart and would do anything for her! Even sex. But wasn’t that… wrong?

Before I could answer, she sighed again and continued, “But you’re my brother! And what brother would want to have sex with his sister? And on top of that, brothers and sisters aren’t supposed to do that. It’s illegal! And here I am, wanting to feel you inside me…”

Tears rolled down her cheeks, and she didn’t look at me anymore. She only looked at the floor and sniffed loudly. I opened my mouth and, for once, didn’t think first about what I wanted to say. I wanted my sister to feel better and just started talking.

“I would love to have… uhm… sex with you!” I started, and Nadia’s eyes shot up to meet mine and gazed at me in wide wonder, “I want to be as close as possible to you for as long as I can remember! And when I learned about sex, I wanted nothing more than to do it with you. But I don’t wanna hurt you! And I know we aren’t supposed to do this, so I’m not sure if we should. And the thoughts of wanting to do this with you, even though you probably didn’t want to do it with me, combined with it being illegal and all, has been troubling me for months now!” I blurted out in a torrent of words.

I felt a tear roll down my cheek as I confessed my deepest feelings to my sister. The look on Nadia’s face morphed from anger and sadness into wonder and tenderness.

“You… you want to do it too?”

“Yes! Absolutely! But… It’s just…” now it was my turn to sigh deeply, “I’m not sure if we should. I mean… I read on the FliN that it will probably change our relationship, and nothing, no matter how amazing it feels, is worth jeopardizing that! I just… I don’t wanna lose you!”

“Oh, Ay! I’m SO glad you said all this! I thought I was going mad! From the moment I saw you after your shower, I knew I wanted to do something with you. But I didn’t have a clue what that was. Until A’vii’s sister told me about the secrets of sex. That’s the moment it all clicked inside my head. I felt so stupid and alone for thinking these thoughts…”

“I know exactly what you mean! And thank you for telling me this! I would’ve never dared to talk about it with you, and if- if…”

Before I could finish my sentence, we kissed again. We kissed deeply and intensely, and this kiss radiated throughout my entire body.

“We’re so stupid…” Nadia chuckled after we broke the kiss.

“Yes. Yes, we are!” I nodded.

Nadia lay her head on my chest, and her arms were around my waist with one hand on top of one of my ass cheeks. After another sigh, she asked, “So now what?”

“Dunno,” I replied honestly, “I don’t think we should force anything, do you?”

I felt her shake her head, but she didn’t say anything.

“Maybe we should think about this some more and see where it goes,” I said as I kissed her on her head and quickly added, “But we can still do all the other stuff we saw in that pron movie!”

Nadia giggled, lifted her head, and looked at me with a twinkling in her eye, “Cool! I wouldn’t wanna miss that! Your tongue around there feels totally bisque!”

Behind us, the oven beeped, and Nadia broke our hug to grab the food. As she was bending over, I got a good look at her exposed backside. Her ass looked amazing, and I had a great view of her moist pussy lips like this. I managed to steer clear from a boner by doing the table of sixteen in my head, but it was close and would just be too awkward.

End of chapter 9

Copyright 2024 – Jason Crow
All rights reserved

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Aetheria – Chapter 8

Jason Crow

Chapter 8 – Terra site

I knew I was dreaming, but it didn’t bother me. The warmth of the painkiller was soothing and clouded my brain. But it was okay. It was a nice dream. We were inside the airlock, and I looked deep into my sister’s eyes. I moved my head slowly forward and pressed my lips against hers. Every ounce of love I felt for her was poured into this kiss.

My hard dick was pressed between us, and I pushed it even firmer against her during the kiss. Her small breasts were smashed against my chest, with her nipples poking my pecs, and I could feel my heart pounding as I savored the feeling of her soft lips against mine.

In the next part of my dream, I saw her boobs in front of my face. I didn’t know why they were there, but they were so close, and her hard nipples looked so inviting. I lifted my head and closed my lips around the closest boob. I sucked gently and flicked my tongue over the hard nipple in the center of my mouth. The soft, spongy texture and the way it reacted to my tongue was amazing.

Nadia giggled coyly, but her unconvincing “Stop it, Ay!” between her giggles had quite the opposite effect.

I switched breasts and gave the other one the same treatment as the first. All too soon, Nadia lifted her body, and her boobs disappeared from view, sending me back deep into my dreamland.

Later, through the clouds of my dreams, Nadia’s face appeared again. I didn’t hesitate and started kissing her passionately again. This was the girl I loved with all my heart! And why not dream about how good it felt to express that love I could never show in real life?

After having drifted back down again, my dreams started to vanish. I slowly drifted back into consciousness, and after hearing beeping around me, I opened my eyes and had to blink a few times because of the light around my head.

Around my underarms were metal braces with blue blinking lights. The unnatural bend I had in them was gone, and as I regained my focus, I realized I was inside a med pod.

The dreams about Nadia still lingered in my head and made me smile, but now I needed to focus. So I looked outside the med pod the best I could, and I could see the hall I was in was dimly lit. Good! This meant there was power. But where was my sister? I assumed she had put me inside to get me patched up, but I wasn’t one hundred percent sure of that. The moment this thought crossed my mind, a worried face appeared on the other side of the glass.

It was Nadia! The worries vanished from her face the moment she saw me. She disappeared again, but because of the beeps I heard, I knew she was just opening the pod, and I didn’t panic. After a loud hiss, the top of the pod tilted away from me, and the pod itself turned upright to almost vertical.

Now, I could see the room I was in, and everything had a dim light to it, but all the equipment seemed to work, judging by lots of blinking lights. This only took a second because Nadia stepped in front of me, blocking the view. She wore an oversized gray T-shirt, and one of her shoulders was completely visible. So, no bra there. And the bottom of the shirt hung just below her crotch, with nothing but her smooth legs to be seen below that. Even in the situation I was in now, I couldn’t deny how sexy she looked.

“How are you feeling?” Nadia asked as she looked me over.

“I… uhm… okay, I guess. A bit of a headache, but that’s it.”

“Probably the painkillers wearing off. You were out like a light!” she giggled and started blushing.

“I guess…”

“And your arms?”

I tried wiggling my fingers, but the blue light on the bracelet turned red, and there was no movement in my hand whatsoever. So, I lifted my right arm and didn’t feel any pain.

“You can’t move your hands or underarms for about a week. The repair is done, but it takes time to heal. The braces are helping your nerves to heal quicker.”

I nodded and asked, “How did you get me in here?”

“It wasn’t easy, but you were still conscious enough to help me, even though you were high as a kite! The med pod did the rest.”

“I don’t remember anything after we entered the airlock,” I said.

“I thought so,” Nadia said and blushed again.

“Only a couple of fever dreams, and then I woke up here. How’s the base doing?”

“Come on. I’ll show you,” Nadia said, and she grabbed me by my neck to help me get out.

I realized I wore a tight pair of boxer briefs as I stepped onto the cold floor. They weren’t mine and were a size or two too small. And on top of that, they were so-called second skin, a thin fabric that sticks to your body to be comfortable.

I could see every curve, bump, and muscle through it. My dick couldn’t be missed in this either. You could even make out the veins on my shaft! The only function of it was that I wasn’t naked and that it hid my crotch from direct view. But other than that, its only function was to make me feel comfortable under my clothes. I have to admit that it did give some support.

“What’s with these clothes?” I asked as I checked out my sister’s nipples as they poked the grey material of her shirt.

“Ours are still outside. And this was all I could find that fits us. There are some overalls, but they’re way too big for us. Be glad the med pod can spray on the second skin. Otherwise, you wouldn’t have anything to wear. There’s literally nothing left but this shirt and the overalls.”

“Good thing it isn’t cold in here,” I grumbled.

“Stop whining,” Nadia said, “it could’ve been worse. A lot worse. Let’s go to the control room.”

We entered the control room, and it was apparent that Nadia had done some tests. A diagnostic test was running, and a couple of notes were on the desk.

“How bad is it?” I asked as I sat down on a chair next to my sister.

“Thankfully, it’s not as bad as we expected. As far as I can tell, only the communication tower is offline. I can’t fix that on my own because…”

“Because you need an inside and an outside team to properly align everything. Damn it!” I interrupted Nadia, annoyed by the situation and my arms preventing me from solving the issue.

“Yeah…” she said, “but the reactor is fully operational, and the structure is undamaged. The only other problem is the garage. I couldn’t get in from the outside because the door wouldn’t open. So, the rover is still outside, and we had to enter through the outside airlock.”

“Hmm… That sucks. So, we can’t reach the rover now without suiting up.”

Nadia nodded and said, “But that seems to be all. There’s a diagnostic test running to check for the terraforming process, but that’s just because I didn’t know what else to do. And I managed to park the rover really close to the entrance, so it is protected by the shield.”

“Bisque. You did great!” I said, feeling genuinely proud of how well she handled herself.

“We just don’t know how things are at the main base. I don’t know if they’ve got structural damage or something, but I assume they’re coming for us if they can. Even when there’s no contact with this station.”

I nodded and thought about it for a second. Then, a thought struck me, and I hesitated to mention this to Nadia. But when she saw my worried face and started to frown, I knew I had to spit it out.

“The rover was our relay station. Our suits reported back to base through the rover. And now…”

“Shit! They don’t receive any signals from us anymore! Does that mean…”

“No. I don’t think so,” I said in an attempt to calm her, “They must know something can happen with the rover. I think they’ll go and check our route and come here to check on us anyway.”

This was a little comforting for Nadia, and I could see her relax slightly, but not by much. She pressed some buttons, and the outside camera feeds appeared on the screens above us.

“This way, we can see if someone is coming. I’ll also set the proximity alarm, so we can contact anyone who’s close enough,” she said, and I noticed her shirt had fallen even further down her shoulder, exposing a bit of the top of her boob.

We sat in the control room for half an hour, lost in our thoughts, when Nadia said, “I had powered up the living quarters a while ago. It’s good that we’ve got plenty of food and water and a big kitchen. We can sit it out if they can’t come and get us right away.”

“That’s Bisque. But we’ll be bored shitless in here, won’t we?” I chuckled.

“I don’t think so. This used to be the main base, remember? There’s a big rec room with a huge screen and lots of games to play.”

“Can we check out the living quarters? I don’t think there’s much more we can do in here, right?” I asked.

“Good idea. I’ve connected our coms to the controls, so we’ll know when something is up.”

I noticed how good everything still looked as we entered the living quarters. I had expected a worn-down station with leaking pipes and trash everywhere. But everything was clean and well-maintained, which was probably because of the bots they left behind. And it helped that they didn’t have to go in a hurry like in some old sci-fi movie where some alien life form threatened the crew.

“You’re right. We can wait it out in here,” I said as we entered the rec room.

“How long do you think we need to stay here?”

“Dunno. I don’t think they’ll be here today, to be honest. Maybe tomorrow. Depends on their own damage. If it’s up to Mom, she will drive here herself. But the crew won’t let her.”

“So?” Nadia asked as we sat on a couch in the corner.

“My best bet is tomorrow. Or the day after that. Either way, we need to be ready for more… It sucks ass that I can’t use my hands!” I said, feeling frustrated that I couldn’t do anything.

“You can use your hands, just not your fingers,” Nadia said, “If you do, it’ll take at least six weeks to heal.”

I sighed, feeling bummed out by all of this. But I was also a little tired despite my time in the med pod.

“How’s the pain?” she asked.

“I don’t feel any pain anymore. Did I get more painkillers?”

“No. Those braces numb the nerves locally until it’s healed. That’s also why they stop you from moving your fingers. It’s the most effective way of healing from such a fracture.”

“Are you a doctor all of a sudden?” I chuckled.

Nadia giggled and said, “No, silly! I wanted to know how to get you on your feet as quickly as possible. I didn’t want to be all alone out here. And the med pods have extensive documentation on the procedures.”

“I didn’t say it yet,” I said, looking seriously at my sister, “but thank you for helping me!”

“You would’ve done the same.”

“Probably. But you actually had to do it, and you did it! So… Thank you!”

We sat there, both checking out the room. I was thinking about our situation and realized I had to go to the bathroom sometime, but I wasn’t sure how to do this. I didn’t want to ask my sister for help, but eventually, I had to go some time. And if we were here long enough, taking a shower would also be a challenge.

And… beating off!

This hit me like a ton of bricks. I couldn’t jack off for a week! One whole week!! My balls feel like they’re going to explode after just two days, let alone an entire week. Damn…

“I’ll make us something to eat,” Nadia said, snapping me out of my thoughts.

I kept her company as she prepared something. We chatted about all sorts of things during dinner but carefully avoided Ethan. We had to talk about it sometime, but now wasn’t the time.

After dinner, the urge to pee became more of an issue. As we put our stuff away, I cleared my throat.

Nadia must have seen me blush because she looked worriedly at me and asked, “What’s up? Pain?”

“No. It’s just… I’m…”

“Do I need to put you back in the med pod?”

“I need to pee!” I blurted, blushing furiously.

“Oh…” was Nadia’s timid reply.

The tension in the room was thick, and the awkwardness of the situation was almost painful, but Nadia managed to take it away a little when she said, “No problem. I also need to pee. Come on, I’ll help you!”

She got to her feet, and we walked over to the bathroom. I didn’t know what to do, but Nadia gestured for me to stand in front of the toilet. I was about to ask what to do next when Nadia stood beside me, pulled down my tight boxers with ease, grabbed my dick, and aimed it at the bowl.

“Wh- what?” I stammered.

Nadia looked at me, and my face must’ve been one of terror and disbelief because she said, “Don’t be a wuss. You need help, don’t you? Well… I’m helping you.”

“But…” I half-heartedly tried.

“Just do your thing,” she said, focusing on my dick.

I was dumbfounded by this. If it wasn’t this awkward, unexpected, and strange, I would’ve definitely boned up. But the combination of my need to pee and the surreal situation got my flow going as I let go of my bladder.

“This is Bisque,” Nadia giggled as she aimed the stream all over the bowl.

As the force of the stream died down, and only drops came out, Nadia asked, “Now what?”

“You… uhm… shake it to get the drops off.”

She shook it a couple of times, and since the weirdness had gone down a little bit and her handling of my dick actually felt good, I chubbed up a little. So I stepped back from the bowl, and Nadia pulled up my boxers. Her face was flushed, and thankfully, I could steer clear from a boner.

Nadia surprised me as she sat on the toilet, lifted her shirt a little, and did her business. This didn’t do anything sexual to me, but it was fascinating to watch her pee.

After the waterjet of the toilet wiped her, blew some hot air, and flushed, she said, “Phew! That’s a relief.”

“Yeah… thanks for, you know…”

“Don’t mention it. You’d do the same for me. And besides, it was bisque seeing how boys pee. You can aim it anywhere,” she chuckled.

After we rechecked the control room and found nothing new, we flopped down on the couch in the rec room. We watched a couple of cartoons when a thought struck.

“We can have our own bedrooms in here,” I said.

Nadia checked me out with an expressionless look on her face and said, “I know. But I think we need to stick together. I mean… with all the unknowns and with your situation.”

I was pleased with her reaction. I wanted to sleep with her but still thought I was forcing myself on her. But her response was exactly what I hoped for.

“I’m glad you say that. I think so, too,” I said softly.

“I already had the bots prepare a room,” and in the silence that followed, she whispered, “I don’t wanna lose you too, Ay.”

She cuddled up to me after she said that, and I draped my arm over her to pull her close. Despite the thought of Ethan, sitting like this with us barely dressed felt comforting and heartwarming and brought the two of us even closer together.

After watching more cartoons, my mood lightened. We were safe in here. Tomorrow, we’d probably be taken back to the main base. Ethan’s body would be taken care of, and life would more or less continue. But the most important part was that I still had my twin sister.

Over the last couple of months, we had grown closer together than ever before, and now I loved her more than ever before. And if I was frank with myself, this wasn’t just a brotherly love. On top of these butterflies I felt as I was thinking about her, there was also her fantastic body! The way her hard nipples topped her small boobs… Her firm and smooth ass… the way she fingered herself to an orgasm… how she handled my dick…

Nadia snapped me out of my thoughts when she giggled, “These boxers do absolutely nothing to hide things…”

I looked down, and my boner pointed toward my left hip. The only thing the fabric did was give it another color. Everything else was clear as day.

“I… uhm…” I stammered.

“Does it hurt?”

“No. And with these boxers, it isn’t even that uncomfortable. It’s just embarrassing…”

“Why?” Nadia asked, looking at me, “I’ve seen you like this before.”

“I know… but I’m… I guess I’m not used to that yet.”

She rubbed her hand over my chest and belly and softly said, “I like how you look. Don’t worry so much.”

We sat like this for a bit longer, and I felt my hardon deflate. Deep down, I knew she was right. But the urge I felt to protect her was intense. I should have let her come closer, but this was hard.

“Let’s go to bed, okay?” Nadia asked after a while and got to her feet, “We’ll wear the coms tonight in case they come for us. But I don’t think they’ll do a mission when it’s dark, do you?”

“No. That’s way too dangerous. Especially after the quake. We’ll have to get up early and be as ready as we can when they get here.”

“So, we’ll wear the coms and stay alert. Come on.”

I followed my sister into the bedroom, unsure what to do next. Were we sleeping like we did at the main base? Or were we keeping it modest, just in case?

“Here, lemme help you,” Nadia said and started working on my boxers.

She squatted in front of me and pulled down my boxers. This was unexpected, so I was still soft when she pulled my boxers down. My dick wiggled right in front of her face, and she checked it out for a brief moment.

Then, she got to her feet and lifted her shirt without much of a fuss. My eyes immediately landed on her tits, moved down over her belly toward her slit, and landed on her tits again. I had a semi and was on my way to full mast by now.

Nadia looked but didn’t say anything. Instead, she lifted the blanket, let me get in, and draped it back over my lower body. As she walked over to her side, my eyes glued to her ass, she hummed a song.

After she got in, she moved over and cuddled up against me. Her breast was pressed against my chest, and my arm was around her back. I couldn’t stroke her back now, but I could pull her close to me and show my affection this way.

“Might as well sleep here like we did at the main base, right?” Nadia asked as she looked, smiling at me.

“Yeah. Thanks for helping me with that,” I chuckled, “wasn’t expecting that…”

“Yeah… figured you were okay with that.”

She was stroking my chest and belly again, and I could sense she was a bit nervous. Her body was tense, and there was a hint of a tremble in her voice. Did I do something wrong? Did she regret what we did together earlier? I was thinking all sorts of horrible things where we wouldn’t be together anymore. I was pretty messed up at the time. I realize that now.

After a minute of silence, she softly asked, “Ay?”


“When uhm… when we were in the airlock…” she asked and moved back to her side of the bed to look at me.

“Oh. Sorry, but I don’t really remember anything after I undressed. I only had a couple of… weird dreams.”

Nadia thought about this for a second and asked, “Really? Did any of these dreams have the airlock in it?”

“I… uhm…” I stammered, not knowing what to say to that.

“Because you… we… uhm… you kissed me inside the airlock.”

This struck me like lightning. I had kissed her in my dream! It was a dream! Or was it? Now, it was my turn to be nervous.

“I… it was a dream… I wasn’t…” I stammered as I felt tears growing in my eyes, “I’m sorry..”

I did everything in my power to prevent from crying. My sister hated me because I couldn’t control myself, and I had to deal with that now. But I had to stay strong and get us out of here.

After a short pause, Nadia softly said, “I liked it…”

See! She hates me, and… wait.. what? I wasn’t sure if I had heard it correctly, so I gathered all my willpower and looked my sister in her eyes. She was blushing and looked insecure, but a sly smile in the corner of her mouth did it.

“You… and it wasn’t a dream?”

“No. It was real. And it felt really, really good, Ay. I know it’s weird for brothers and sisters to kiss like this, but I don’t care! You made me… made us feel, I don’t know… connected, and I got all mushy inside.”

“But I didn’t mean to…” I stammered again.

I realized she was being so honest and open about it that I should also try to show my real feelings for her. What was the worst that could happen? So, I cleared my throat and said, “I wanted to kiss you for a long time. I think the painkillers pushed me past my fears about what you might think about a kiss.”

“I… I didn’t know that…”

“I’m not proud of it. But it’s the truth,” I said as I fumbled with the sheet.

My sister didn’t react, and I didn’t dare to look at her. So many emotions and thoughts were shooting through me that I didn’t know what to think or do.

“Will… will you kiss me again?” Nadia asked, barely above a whisper.

My eyes immediately found hers. I just had to see if she was serious or not. But looking into her bright green eyes, I saw nothing but love and tenderness. With her eyes, she almost sucked me deep into the depth of her soul. I never felt so deeply connected to anyone than at that moment.

My instinct took over, and I moved my face closer to her. Everything at that moment happened in slow motion, and I still remember every millisecond of it.

I kept looking into her eyes, and as my face inched closer, I could smell her sweet scent. The moment my lips touched hers, a surge of electricity shot through me. My lips tingled as if I had touched one of those vintage static electricity globes. I kept pressing my lips firmer against her, and I could feel Nadia doing the same.

Her lips felt wonderfully soft but were still firm against my lips. We closed our eyes simultaneously as I drank in the fantastic feelings that were surging through me. It was as if our souls merged into one at that moment.

This wasn’t a sibling kiss. This was a kiss between lovers and could last a lifetime. Nadia surprised me when she opened her mouth a little, but when her tongue touched my lips a moment later, an internal light bulb switched on. This was a French kiss!

I opened my mouth to let my tongue meet hers. When our tongues touched, my whole body felt like it was on fire, and I had goosebumps on every inch of my body. The world around me didn’t exist anymore. It was just my sister and me as the most beautiful and indescribable feelings swept through me.

Our tongues rubbed gently against each other, and I tasted the sweetness of my sister’s mouth. My breathing was heavy, and breathing through my nose at this point wasn’t easy. But being this close to Nadia was the best there was, and if it all ended here, I’d still be the happiest boy in the universe.

My dick was rock hard and twitched violently every now and then. But somehow, this didn’t involve my dick. It wasn’t a sexual thing we were doing now. The side-by-side jacking session definitely was, but this was all very emotional and spiritual and connected the two of us.

Nadia broke the kiss, and I slowly opened my eyes. I saw Nadia do the same, and a warm smile spread across her face. I still felt goosebumps all over and felt a tremendous amount of love for my sister.

“That was… wow…” Nadia whispered.

“It sure was… it’s a-“

Before I could finish my sentence, we were kissing again. We kissed like this for a couple of minutes, only breaking it a few times to regain our breaths.

After what seemed like forever, Nadia and I broke the kiss again, and Nadia draped her body half over mine, cuddling up with her head below mine, resting on my chest. 

“I love you, Ay,”

This hit me right at the center of my heart. She LOVED me! It never once occurred to me that my love for her might be returned. I was convinced I’d die miserable and alone, longing for my sister’s love. But now she said she loved me!

I was over the moon by now, and I felt my heart trying to beat itself out of my chest. I could only stammer a soft, “I… I love you too…”

Nadia lifted her head briefly to glance at me. We both knew at that moment this wasn’t an ordinary love when our eyes met. This was a deep connection between two people.

She laid her head back on my chest and squeezed my body to hug me tight. I stroked her bare back and kissed her on her head. We didn’t say anything else. It wasn’t like we’d leave it hanging, but we said what we wanted, so we said enough.

After a while, Nadia said, “I can hear your heart…”

“You smell nice,” I replied.

Nadia chuckled and asked, “Are we weird?”

“Nope! Not at all,” I replied immediately.

“But we…”

“Not! At! All!” I said again.

“Stop it,” Nadia giggled and slapped me on my chest.

“I love you. You love me. What’s weird about two people loving each other?”

“Because we’re brother and sister?” she said, stating the obvious.

I thought about it for a second and said, “After all these months being so close to you, you’re way, way more of a friend than my sister to me. And so what? The world can always use a bit of love. Even this world.”

“Guess you’re right. Who cares that you’re my brother? I know I don’t.”

“There you go,” I said, kissing her on her head.

“I’m feeling tired,” Nadia said after a short while.

“Me too.”

And that was it. Nadia and I fell asleep with her half-lying on me with her head on my chest and her boobs and pussy pressed against my body. I felt whole at that moment and blessed to be so close to another person. Especially my twin sister. 

End of chapter 8

Copyright 2024 – Jason Crow
All rights reserved

Verus et sine condicione amor est pulchrum est

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