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Forbidden Fruit – Chapter 10

Forbidden Fruit – Chapter 10

Isaiah collapsed on the lower bunk and glanced up at Adam, worried he’d pushed things too far. Still, the tension he’d felt growing was gone now. After closing the door, Adam joined him on the bed and sighed, “What the fuck? I thought I was going to have a heart attack, Isaiah.”

Adam hardly ever swore, and the boy wanted to retreat into his shell for making his boyfriend angry. “I’m sorry, Adam. Maybe I shouldn’t have, but you’ve been pulling back when I try to get closer, and it sucks.”

Like a sail losing its wind, Adam deflated, “Have I? I guess I didn’t realize it. I didn’t mean to. I just…”

Isaiah finished the thought, “Didn’t want my mom to think you were doing stuff with me?”

His boyfriend ruefully chuckled, “I guess we don’t have to worry about that anymore. She knows I give you blowjobs now.”

Isaiah’s face lit up as he remembered the intense electrical feeling that had shot through his body when Adam sucked him off. Still, he didn’t want the young man retreating from something so fun, “It’s not really giving me blow jobs if you only do it once or twice. But if you sucked me a third time…”

Isaiah spread his legs open, offering his seme-erect member to Adam.

The young man laughed as he leaned forward, “Fine, but I’ll get my revenge for making me do that in front of your mom later.”

Then his tongue touched Isaiah’s glans. The electrical sensation was just as intense as it had been earlier, and the boy was in heaven as Adam worked his tongue and lips over his now-straining erection. Unlike earlier, when Amanda was watching, now the young man took his time, kissing and licking along Isaiah’s shaft. It was the weekend; there was no hurry.

Isaiah lost himself to Adam’s swirling tongue. For a fleeting moment, he wondered why he had ever thought Josh might have been worth a kiss. His mom was right. God must have brought Adam into their lives because the young man was so perfect in every way. His hips jolted as his boyfriend engulfed his entire length. Another wordless moan escaped his lips as he felt himself awash in his passion. It was loud enough for his mom to hear, but now, now, it didn’t matter.

A high-pitched squeal escaped his lips as his penis jerked. Isaiah shuddered as he felt his little bit of ejaculate squirt into Adam’s mouth. The young man’s lips and tongue kept at it until the stimulation overcame him and his hands pushed Adam’s head away. Overwhelmed by the intensity of his orgasm, he exhaled, “Fuck! That was good.”

Adam lightly smacked him in the side of the head, “Your mom gave you a free pass this evening. Don’t let her catch you cussing, okay?”

Still reeling from his climax, Isaiah nodded, “Yeah. I want to do that a lot more.”

Chuckling, Adam said, “It’s a good thing your cum tastes so sweet. I think I might become addicted to you.”

The look in Adam’s eyes was enough to fill the boy with certainty. This was right for them. He didn’t know why people thought it was wrong. Not when it felt so right. Unable to resist, he leaned forward and kissed his boyfriend. In addition to the sweet taste of chocolate cake and the familiar taste of Adam, there was something else in the kiss. Was that his own cum?

The taste on his tongue made him want more of Adam, and before he could properly finish shoving his tongue as deep into Adam’s mouth as possible, Isaiah’s head dropped a bit and kissed at Adam’s beautifully smooth nipples. But those weren’t his objective, just a slight detour. He nearly ignored Adam’s innie bellybutton as his fingers wrapped around the base of the young man’s erection. The silky smooth skin above Adam’s penis felt so different against his lips than the pubic hair that once covered where his lips now kissed. This was so much better. He hoped Adam would keep shaving.

There was a slickness on Adam’s penis as the boy’s tongue licked across Adam’s glans. Apart from a slight sweetness, it was tasteless. Before putting his mouth over his boyfriend’s penis, he glanced at Adam’s face. He lay back against the pillow, his eyes closed. Good, Isaiah thought. He wanted to take his time and explore Adam’s penis.

Isaiah’s jaw popped as he slid the large head inside his mouth. But the release of pressure felt better as he adjusted to Adam’s tip. Running his tongue over the young man’s piss slit filled Isaiah’s taste buds with more of that slight sweetness. Then, he pulled back and licked and kissed down the bottom of the large penis until he reached Adam’s ball sack. Unlike times in the past, now it was smooth too. In a fit of curiosity, Isaiah felt his own scrotum. Sure, it was a lot smaller. Of course, his balls were a lot smaller too. But somehow or another, Adam had managed to shave down there to the point he was just as smooth as Isaiah. And it felt fun playing with the twenty-year-old’s balls, kissing and licking them before he worked his way to the tip again.

Adam had told him on several occasions that the young man’s penis was just average. But to Isaiah, it was huge, and he loved the feel of the soft skin over rigid muscles. Especially as the boy added a second inch in his mouth. No matter what Adam might say, Isaiah disagreed as he managed a third inch. But now, Adam was pressing against the roof of his mouth. Another inch and Isaiah’s tonsils would be forced back.

Breathing through his nose, Isaiah mimicked the bobbing motion Adam had performed on him, and even though he came close to gagging, he fell into a rhythm that elicited a long, low moan from his boyfriend.

His jaw started to hurt after Isaiah had been going a couple of minutes, but another moan came from the head of the bed before Adam said, “Watch out, I’m about to blow!”

And before Isaiah could decide if he should pull back, the rigid fleshy pole in his mouth grew even harder and then shuddered in his mouth as salty fluid erupted from Adam. It wasn’t like his own. Spasm followed spasm, blast after blast, as the boy had no choice but to swallow the salty, slightly bitter liquid overflowing from his mouth.

A glob of white goo beaded on Adam’s penis after Isaiah pulled back, a couple of whitish rivulets ran down the corners of the boy’s mouth. The heavy taste of Adam on the boy’s tongue was unfamiliar. While he had tasted worse things, Isaiah wondered if he would acquire the taste for Adam’s cum the same way his boyfriend liked his own semen.

Adam opened his eyes, “Sorry about that. I tried to warn you, but you were doing such a great job, I lost myself.”

Isaiah swallowed again. “No problem. Did you enjoy it?”

Adam nodded as he pulled on Isaiah, pulling him toward his face. After a long, drawn-out kiss, Adam said, “Yeah. That was the best yet. Who could have imagined loving you would be so fun?”


Isaiah’s soft breathing brought a tired smile to Adam’s face. They had both sucked each other off a second time. Well, a third time for the boy. But now, he really needed to pee.

As careful as possible, he slid off the bed and hurried to the door. A glance down the short hall showed a flickering light in the living room from the TV. He thought about putting something on, but his clothes were still in the living room, where Isaiah had taken them off. Shaking his head, he stepped across the hallway into the bathroom. By the time he was finished, his bladder felt like normal. Before turning to go, he ran his hand over the smoothness created by his safety razor. It did feel good. Perhaps if he hadn’t already orgasmed twice, his penis might have stirred. Instead, it happily lay dormant, three inches softly laying against his balls.

Involuntarily, he yawned and headed back to bed. When he opened the bathroom door, a voice from the living room said, “Isaiah, honey, is that you?”

Standing in the doorway naked, Adam was tempted to ignore the voice and hurry back into the room he shared with Isaiah. But Amanda had been so good to him, especially after the boy’s efforts earlier in the evening. He said, “It’s Adam.”

“Can you come here, sweetie?”

Still standing at the door, he said, “I’m afraid I’m still undressed, Amanda.”

“That’s alright. After this evening, I think I can handle a little nudity.”

Wondering what Amanda wanted, Adam came into the living room. She was still on the couch, but some romantic comedy with Hugh Grant played on the TV.

When she looked up and saw Adam, Amanda’s eyes lingered over his crotch, covered by his cupped hands, briefly before returning to Hugh Grant. “I couldn’t sleep. What’s your excuse?”

Adam felt uncomfortable as he came over and sat on the other end of the sofa, still covering himself. He didn’t understand why he felt that way. What he felt for Amanda came close to what he’d call love, but it wasn’t anything like his feelings for Isaiah. In his jumbled mind, Amanda was like the friend he’d always wanted Becky to be, as well as what might feel like to have a big sister.

“I had to pee. What time is it?”

“A bit after midnight. I was about to head to sleep, but Isaiah’s loud.”

The heat rushed into Adam’s face as he recalled the boy’s squeals as he came. “Oh, God, I’m sorry.”

Amanda hit the pause button and turned to face him, “No, sweetie, I’m sorry. I had no idea Isaiah had planned to force you and me to accept the full nature of your relationship.”

Adam shook his head, “I wanted to stop it. I couldn’t afford to piss you off.”

Amanda reached across the couch and touched his knee, “You didn’t. It was naïve of me to think Isaiah would be content to play at romance, happy with some kisses and hugs. He wants everything you have to offer him. And, even though it’s weird hearing him when you…”

Adam felt a measure of relief Amanda didn’t finish the sentence. But she did go on, “And you. I know you want everything he has to offer. That’s what love is about, Adam. I wish I had found it with Adam’s father.”

Amanda had never talked about the boy’s dad. All Isaiah had told him was he had never met the guy. The young woman shrugged, “And to think, I thought when I first met you in the fellowship hall, the two of us might have had a chance.”

She chuckled in the darkness.

The admission left Adam at a loss for words. The silence lingered until he managed to say, “I had no idea. Getting to know Isaiah was really how I came to terms with being gay. I’d had other stuff happen when I was in junior high and high school, but I’d tried to chalk them up to experimenting. That lie brought me some comfort for a while, but your son shattered that illusion.”

Amanda moved over until only a few inches separated them, “When I realized you were destined for Adam, I gave up on hoping for something between us. But I’m still terribly fond of you.”

As if that admission were permission, she leaned against Adam’s arm and continued, “I’m flying blind through all this. I love my son with everything I have. And that’s how I’m coping. He loves you so much, and it hurts me watching him fall in love again, thinking he was heading for another disappointment. Only this time, I thought it would be worse than with Josh. I prayed every day that God would give me something. A sign, a miracle. Anything to save Isaiah from a broken heart.

“I never imagined when we met that you were the answer to that prayer, Adam. I know this is messed up. I know I’m supposed to think what you have with Isaiah is wrong. But I’ve been watching your romance blossom, and the two of you share a beautiful innocence. Nobody can convince me God thinks what you have is wrong.”

Adam wasn’t so sure. But Isaiah was too important to him to listen to the arguments that had once held sway over him. He said, “That means a lot to me. When I feel so in love, it’s easy to forget that this is all new to you, too.”

Amanda reached an arm around his torso and hugged him, “Maybe so. But I love you, even if it’s somewhere between how I’d feel about a boyfriend, brother, and friend. There’s nobody else I’d want Isaiah to grow up loving than you.”

Smiling at the warmth of Amanda’s hug as well as her words, Adam said, “Thanks. We’ll try to keep it down and not make things too weird.”

“Oh, sweetie, don’t do that. Be yourselves.”

Adam wasn’t sure she really meant it. “I don’t know that you’d really want Isaiah and me to be lounging around naked in the living room. After this evening, I don’t think I am.”

Amanda leaned over and kissed him on the cheek, “Suit yourself, sweetie. But I wouldn’t mind. Well, I probably wouldn’t want to find Isaiah riding your cock on the couch. I’d be fine with you boys keeping that in your room.”

She laughed nervously as she exited the movie. “I’m glad we got a chance to talk.”

She climbed to her feet, “It is getting late. And I should get on to bed.”

Adam stood, “Yeah. Me too. Thanks for everything.”

There wasn’t much space between them, as Amanda said, “Anytime.”

Then, she took a small step forward and leaned up and kissed him. This wasn’t like the little pecks she had given him when he’d been lying beside Isaiah. This was different. There was a depth of longing in the kiss. But also sadness.

Amanda pulled back, “I’m sorry, Adam. I had no right. It’s just…”

Even though the kiss was over, the memory lingered. Even though it felt different than how Becky used to kiss him, it reminded him of his ex’s kisses. Despite something stirring between his legs, he felt no spark and doubted he ever would.

But his hand reached out and took hers, “It’s okay. I didn’t mind. Good night. See you in the morning.”

Adam turned and walked back to his bedroom. He stopped at the door and watched Amanda head to bed. He felt a mixture of sadness and elation. He was powerless to do anything for her. Despite her kiss, all he felt was something familial for her. His elation came from knowing he was no longer constrained in his feelings for Isaiah. They could be unreservedly together, at least within the boundaries of their bedroom.

He closed the bedroom door behind him and slipped under the covers next to Isaiah. After spooning the boy, he closed his eyes. He tried praying for Amanda, that she would find someone who completed her like Isaiah did him. But before he finished, he was sound asleep.

Copyright 2019 – Caliboy1991
All rights reserved

Forbidden Fruit – Chapter 9

Forbidden Fruit – Chapter 9

Adam glanced at the time in the laptop’s taskbar and sighed. He’d spent the last three hours explaining in an essay how the Reformation impacted the Age of Reason, and he was ready to be done. He had a bit of time before he needed to pick Isaiah up from school. The boy was ecstatic not needing to take the bus home most days, although with the school year barely a week underway, Adam was new to the routine.

He saved the Word document and closed the laptop. The paper wasn’t due until Monday, and he was nearly finished. At least with the first draft. As he climbed off the lower bunk, he felt a familiar pressure on his bladder and headed across the hall to the bathroom. When he unfastened his jeans and pulled down the front of his blue briefs, a bit of talcum powder escaped, forming a faint cloud over the toilet. He’d done his best to ignore the occasional itching, but he took a moment to pull his pants down to inspect the damage.

It had started a couple of days before, between the time Isaiah got home from school, and Amanda returned from work. He’d been cuddling with the boy on his bunk in just their underwear when Isaiah shoved his hand down the front of Adam’s underwear.

“When’d you get hair down here?” he had asked as his fingers ran through the curly mass.

With Isaiah’s hand so close, it was impossible not to bone up, “I was probably thirteen. Why?”

The boy’s fingers wrapped around his shaft, “I like how smooth your dick is compared to the rest of you. It feels nice when I touch it.”

Adam wasn’t about to let Isaiah have all the fun. He snaked his fingers down the front of the boy’s underwear. As he ran his fingers across the boy’s smooth pubic area, he said, “How’s this feel?”

Giggling, the boy said, “Better when you do it. I like it when you touch me.”

Adam wrapped his fingers around the boy’s growing protrusion, “Me too. Do you like it better when you touch my body or when I touch yours?”

The young man was genuinely curious. If someone had told him at the start of the summer that he was going to be passionately in love by the time school started back up, he’d have laughed in their face. If they’d told him it would be with a pre-teen, he’d have denied it to heaven. But now he was head-over-heels in love with Isaiah, and he wanted to know what about their intimacy the boy enjoyed the most.

Isaiah was thoughtfully silent for a bit as he pulled on Adam’s underwear, freeing his erection from the brief’s constraints. “I like them both. But I like how your skin feels on me when you touch me. I wonder if it’ll feel as good once I get hair down there.”

Adam had let his fingers glide over the boy’s pubic area before returning to stroking his boner, “If you don’t like it, you don’t have to keep the hair. Some guys shave their body hair.”

As the boy’s hand sped up on Adam’s penis, he said, “Have you ever done that?”

“Yeah. I had a friend back when I was your age. His name was Clint, and we fooled around some. Anyway, when I started getting hair down there, he talked me into shaving it.”

The boy’s rhythm didn’t stop, as Adam felt the first tingling tremor in his penis. “Why’d you start shaving it?”

Clint’s moving away for college had given Adam time to try to leave the gay sex behind. Given how the young man now realized how fruitless his earlier denial had been, he didn’t want to burden the boy with all the details. He said, “After Clint left, I didn’t see any point in shaving it. Looks kind of weird when you’re fourteen and showering in PE, and all your pubes are gone.”

Considering the boy’s questions, Adam asked, “Why? Do you not like my pubic hair?”

Isaiah was silent; his hand barely jacking up and down on Adam’s erection. “It’s cool. I like it just fine. After all, it’s on you, and I love everything about you, boyfriend.”

A few seconds later, Adam pulled Isaiah’s underwear down and began stroking his penis with his thumb and forefinger. Before long, the boy’s hand stopped going up and down on him as Adam stroked the boy to orgasm. Just like the first time, Isaiah had a clear, shiny pearl beading on his pee slit. Unlike before, he swiped his finger across the boy’s glans and deposited the tiny amount on his finger before putting his finger in his mouth. The small amount barely had any taste, perhaps slightly sweet.

After getting off, the boy resumed his assault of the young man’s erection until a few minutes later, the boy splattered Adam’s seed across both of them.

That had a few days before. And now, as Adam ran his fingers across his smooth pubic area, he tried to find any imperfections in his effort to shave himself, but he was smooth. In fact, he lifted his shirt, all the way up, and felt the artificial smoothness of the area under his belly and across his chest. It had taken a while, but two razorblades later, he had shaved every bit of hair he could reach below his neck.

As he emptied his bladder, Adam muttered, “The things I do for that boy. He’s got no idea how difficult it was to get to some parts.”

Adam had pulled away from the curb after letting Isaiah buckle up. “T.G.I.F,” the boy said once they were underway.

“How was the first week back?” Adam asked.

Isaiah shrugged, “Not bad. Did you finish the paper you said you had?”

“Almost. But I’m not going to let it get in the way of a certain twelve-year-old’s birthday bash.”

The boy grinned. “Last year, Mom wanted to take me out to a Pizza buffet, but they were still closed because of the virus. She tell you what she’s planning?”

Amanda had told Adam. It didn’t seem like much, but she swore the boy would be happy with pizza, gifts, and movies. When he’d asked her how she knew that would be enough, she told him that all Isaiah wanted was to spend time with Adam. Pizza and movies were just icing on the cake. Of course, she’d also have a cake with chocolate icing.

“You’ll just have to wait until she gets home,” Adam said cryptically. Although he had bought the boy a gift card for his console, the real gift was later, after they’d retired to their room. He was nervous about what Isaiah would think of his smooth body. Given how bits and parts itched a bit, he hoped the boy would like it.

By the time they got home, it was pushing four in the afternoon. As Adam parked in the second spot under the carport, he said, “Why don’t you get your homework done first? That way, you’ve got the whole weekend to celebrate turning twelve.”

Isaiah stuck his tongue out, “There you go, already trying to suck the fun out of a perfectly good Friday.”

“Well, do you have any?”

The boy huffed, “Yeah. Stupid Mrs. Jacovich gave us a worksheet for Texas history.”

Walking up to the front door, Adam called over his shoulder, “Come on, don’t be like me, procrastinating until Sunday night.”

Isaiah was putting his textbook and assignment in his bookbag when there was a rattling at the front door. Adam jumped up and opened the door. Amanda came through the door laden with a couple of pizza boxes and a cake box on top of that. Once she set them down on the kitchen table, she nearly shouted, “Happy birthday, Isaiah!”

Isaiah’s high-pitched pre-adolescent laughter thrilled Adam. He loved seeing his young boyfriend happy. And Amanda was right. The boy seemed perfectly happy.

By the time they had demolished both boxes of pizza and half the chocolate cake, Adam sat on the floor, leaning against the couch while Isaiah sat next to him, playing the newest game his mom had bought. After a bit, Amanda came back in from throwing the pizza boxes away, “You boys want to watch a movie? I rented the new Top Gun movie.”

Isaiah saved where he was at in the game, “Yeah. This game is single player. I’ll play it some more when you old fuddy-duddies are too tired to keep up with all this awesomeness.”

Adam dug an elbow into the boy’s rib, “Who you calling old? Pipsqueak.”

Isaiah gave a war cry and jumped on Adam, straddling his waist, “Who you calling pipsqueak? Look whose on top of who.”

Adam stuck out his tongue, “That’s look who’s on top of whom.”

Isaiah leaned forward until his face was a few inches over Adam’s. “Nope. No grammar police tonight. It’s my birthday.”

Then, he leaned forward and kissed Adam. It felt weird to kiss in front of Amanda, who had just sat down on the couch a couple of feet away. Although it seemed like Isaiah found excuses to kiss him in the living room or the kitchen, the frequency had grown over the past week. Her wry chuckle was permission enough for him to return the kiss and wrap his arms around the boy, letting their kiss linger. This evening, Isaiah was the first to part his lips and slip his tongue into Adam’s mouth, but it wasn’t long before he invaded the boy’s mouth.

Adam only broke the kiss when he felt himself bulging in his pants. “Alright, stud-muffin, you want to watch the movie or not?”

The boy climbed off his lap. Once Adam had reclaimed his seat on the couch, he patted the space between him and Amanda, “Come on.”

Isaiah gave him a wink before turning to Amanda, “Is it okay if I get ready for bed before we watch the movie?”

It wasn’t even eight o’clock. Adam wasn’t sure what game Isaiah was playing at. A glance from Amanda showed she wasn’t either. Still, she nodded, “Sure, if you want.”

The boy turned to Adam. In a sensual, soft voice, Isaiah said, “Can you help me, please?”

All of the boy’s public displays of affection started to make sense. Even including the kisses over the past week, Adam had been consistent about keeping things between him and Isaiah to a PG rating when Amanda was around. And, there were a few things he and Isaiah still hadn’t done yet. He was determined to take things slow.

With eyebrows raised, Adam said, “You need my help?”

Smiling seductively, Isaiah said, “It is my birthday.”

This felt like Isaiah was pushing at those boundaries, and Adam glanced over at Amanda. She offered a bemused smile and shrugged her shoulders.

Adam reached out and pulled the boy close, “Okay, Casanova.”

He took the boy’s shirt by the hem and pulled it over his head. The boy’s tanned torso looked inviting. Of course, he was hard-pressed to keep his hands from reaching out and playing with that torso. Then, after another glance at Amanda, whose bemused smile had been replaced by a curious stare, Adam went for the boy’s shorts and unfastened them. With a gentle tug on the legs, they fell to the floor. Isaiah grinned proudly in his new blue briefs. They were the same brand Adam wore, albeit several sizes smaller.

“There, lover-boy,” Adam smirked, “All dressed for bed. Ready to watch the movie?”

Isaiah smiled broadly, “It hardly seems fair that I’m the only one ready for bed. As my boyfriend, I thought you’d want to get ready, too.”

Seeing the trap Isaiah had set, Adam cast a glance over at Amanda, who was hiding her mouth behind a balled-up fist, although Adam could practically hear her silent laughter at her son’s machinations.

Any other time, Amanda’s tacit acknowledgment would have been enough for him to agree to Isaiah’s playful suggestion. But, dammit, he’d just shaved everything from the neck down. If he got down to his underwear, setting aside how could he possibly hide the erection growing in his pants, how could Amanda fail to see what he’d done? Between one or the other, either could lead to questions he didn’t want to answer about how fast things were progressing between him and Isaiah.

Adam stammered, “Um, you sure? I mean, we don’t wanna gross your mom out, a couple of boys in our underwear, you know.”

Amanda’s silent laughter turned loud, “Sweety, I’ve seen both of you in your underwear several times. Neither of you have anything I haven’t seen.” She chuckled some more before she added, “Go on, I don’t mind.”

Isaiah moved first. His hands were at the young man’s shirt, and without further protest, the shirt soon joined the pile of Isaiah’s clothes. In his haste, Isaiah hadn’t really seen the subtle changes wrought by Adam’s razor blades. Then, the boy attached the button and zipper on Adam’s jeans before tugging at them. Before Adam knew it, in the boy’s haste to pull his pants off, the young man’s underwear was almost to his knees before he knew it.

Isaiah stopped his tugging as Adam’s erection popped into view. Almost as important, at least to Adam, much of his handiwork with the razors was on full display before his boyfriend and Amanda.

Adam snatched at his underwear and tugged at them, but they were caught in his pants. It took a moment to free them and pull them up, covering up his shame. He muttered, “Oh, shit, I’m so sorry.”

Isaiah, eyes still wide at the shocking revelation, stammered, “Uh, n-no, t-that was my fault.”

Amanda sat in silence, her cheeks a bright crimson, while Isaiah plopped down between the two adults, grabbed the remote, and started the movie. Feeling the heat flushing his face, Adam crossed one leg over the other and rested his hands in his lap, desperate to hide the erection straining against his briefs.

Top Gun 2 hadn’t played for long before Isaiah relaxed against his arm. Adam moved it and draped it across the boy’s shoulders. Having the nearly naked boy leaning against him almost made the young man forget about the earlier embarrassment. After a bit, Isaiah ran a hand over his chest, stopping to play with his nipples for a moment before letting his hand fall to below his belly button, where the thin track of hair had once trailed down to his pubic area.

In a soft voice only intended for Adam, the boy said, “Wow, it’s so smooth. Just like me.”

Adam so wanted to ask the boy if he liked it. After all, Isaiah was the entire reason he’d shaved everything off. But Amanda was only a few feet away, and even though she was ostensibly watching the movie, he could tell the boy’s mom was very much aware of what her son and his boyfriend were doing.

Adam whispered, “I hoped you’d like it.”

The leg Adam had crossed over the other was close enough for Isaiah to inspect, and he moved his hands away from the young man’s belly, running his fingers over the smooth results of a close shave. Adam wasn’t a particularly hairy twenty-year-old, but the boy had previously commented on how much hair he’d had on his legs. However, to Adam, it was the contrast between having some body hair and Isaiah’s complete lack of it.

The boy exclaimed, “Wow, this is really smooth, too. Even smoother than mine.”

Excited by the new discovery, Isaiah’s voice was no longer a whisper, and Amanda leaned forward at the boy’s comment.

Still uncomfortable with the earlier wardrobe malfunction, her voice was hesitant as she examined Adam’s leg, “Wow. You went all the way. Can I feel it?”

Adam, embarrassed at all the attention, nodded. Over the past few weeks, he’d come to like Amanda a lot. It was clear the best things he loved about Isaiah came from his mom. But his feelings for her were hardly the same as his feelings for his young boyfriend. In some ways, it reminded him of how he liked Becky, but without the need to hide his preferences. As Adam’s love for Isaiah deepened, he could see Amanda would be supportive of their love for as long as the boy wanted it.

As Amanda ran her fingers over his calf, she nodded, “Very smooth. I’ve got some moisturizer in my bathroom. I’ll let you borrow it. It’ll keep it your skin from drying out.”

Isaiah’s attention moved to Adam’s thighs. His hand moved up the inside of Adam’s leg until it grazed his underwear. The boy seemed fascinated with Adam’s body, far more than before. His fingers traced over Adam’s fingers, which were still trying to hide his erection until the boy’s hand once again rested on the young man’s smooth skin between his belly button and the waistband of his briefs.

There was a note of appreciation in the boy’s voice, “You did this for me, didn’t you?”

Adam tried to ignore Amanda’s hand, still running up and down his calf, and nodded, “Yeah. I know how you like it…”

His voice trailed off. He really wasn’t comfortable talking about what he and Isaiah shared in their bedroom, not with Amanda sitting next to him, inspecting his handiwork.

Isaiah didn’t share the same inhibition, “When you touch me. Yeah. The way your hand feels against my skin is really nice.”

Adam tried to get the boy’s attention with his face, nodding toward Amanda. If telepathy existed, he’d have screamed, Dude, your mom’s right there.

His look hadn’t been subtle. The red in Amanda’s cheeks spread down her neck as she pulled her hand away, “Isaiah, your making Adam uncomfortable. Boyfriends don’t usually talk about that around their moms.”

Isaiah flashed an apologetic grin, “I’m sorry, Adam. It’s just… I don’t know. I…”

When the boy’s words failed him, Adam reached out and tousled his hair, “It’s okay. When I think about you, sometimes I have a hard time finding the right words, too.”

Isaiah shook his head, “It’s not that. It’s just I don’t want you or Mom mad at me. But I’ve got something I want to say.”

The boy, over the past few weeks, hadn’t been particularly assertive in their relationship, content with the things Adam had shown him. In fact, aside from that first day in the shower, neither of them had sucked on the other, although Isaiah had shown an interest in trying it out again.

In unison, Adam and Amanda said, “Okay.”

With his hand still resting on Adam’s stomach, Isaiah said, “Mom knows we fool around, Adam. And she’s cool with it because we’re boyfriends. But you’re always worried she’s going to get pissed at you and kick you out or do something worse.”

Adam cringed at his young boyfriend’s accurate assessment. Even though Isaiah left unsaid the worst, it wasn’t far removed from Adam’s mind that what he was doing with his young boyfriend wasn’t strictly legal. And staying on Amanda’s good side was critical to making his relationship with Isaiah work and not ruining his own life.

Isaiah continued, “I love you, Adam. I love how you hold me and kiss me, and how we, um,” his eyes flicked to Amanda as his cheeks grew warm and red, “play with each other’s dicks.”

Amanda’s only response was the spreading of the crimson down her neck, under her shirt.

Isaiah drew in another breath, “But Mom doesn’t care about that. I know she’s okay with us doing more than just fooling around, and you need to know that, too.”

Tears of frustration pooled at the corners of his eyes, “When you’re holding me, and we’re kissing and stuff, I can feel you holding back. Stop it. I need all of your love, please!”

Adam was stunned by Isaiah’s admission. But the boy was right. His worry about Amanda not approving was the only thing keeping him from exploring their growing love.

Amanda scooted closer and rested a hand on Isaiah’s shoulder, “Oh, baby. But I do care about what you’re doing and who you’re doing it with.”

Then she put her other hand on Adam’s shoulder, “That’s why I thank God every day He sent Adam into our lives. It’s clear this wonderful young man loves you so much he just wants what’s best for you.”

Adam flushed at the praise. But Isaiah said, “I know. I feel it when I’m with Adam. That’s why I don’t want him holding back. But he’s afraid of you, Mom.”

Despite the way Adam felt toward Isaiah, sometimes he had wondered if it was possible for a twelve-year-old boy to love him as deeply as he felt for Isaiah. That question died then and there. The fiery determination in Isaiah’s eyes left no doubt the boy’s love for him just as deep.

With her hand still on Adam’s shoulder, Amanda said, “I trust you, Adam. Even more now than when I asked you to move in.”

Isaiah rounded on her, “Does that mean you’re just okay with us kissing?”

Then, he shocked the young man by moving his hand down, pulling Adam’s underwear down until his erection sprang upward and wrapping his fingers around him, “Or can you be okay with us doing stuff like this?

Isaiah’s brash, unexpected behavior paralyzed adam. Amanda gaped as seconds passed while the boy held him gently, waiting for a response.

Amanda bit her lower lip, her eyes drawn to where the boy held Adam. When she finally spoke, her voice was strained, “I, uh, oh my. Sweetie. Are you sure Adam’s okay with this?”

Adam didn’t know what to think. The uproar he’d expected from Amanda at seeing him exposed hadn’t come. Isaiah leaned forward and gave him a quick kiss, “Hey, boyfriend, do you like this?”

The tingling in his penis felt terrific, even if he’d never been more uncomfortable in front of someone before. He gave a slight nod. And Isaiah moved his hand up and down on his erection, jacking him off in front of Amanda.

Instead of pulling back or screaming at the boy, the young woman sat, mesmerized by the boy’s gentle and slow movement. The tingling gradually grew, and if the boy kept at it, Adam knew what would happen. But the resolute expression in the twelve-year-old’s eyes he couldn’t resist.

After a few more strokes, Isaiah stopped. “This is what I want, Mom.”

He flushed brilliant crimson as he stood between Adam and Amanda and pulled down his briefs, releasing his own meager three-inch erection, letting it slap against his belly when freed. He stepped out of his briefs and then moved Adam’s legs, uncrossing them before grabbing at the young man’s briefs and pulling on them until, by force of will, he pulled them all the way down to his ankles.

Adam knew he needed to say something. Amanda didn’t need to see this. And if she freaked out, what would happen? But he was powerless against Isaiah’s determination as the boy straddled his legs and inched forward until he felt his throbbing erection touch the boy’s penis. Then Isaiah closed the rest of the gap and wrapped his arms around his neck. After another short kiss, the boy turned, “You are okay with this. Right?”

Adam wasn’t sure what to make of the young woman’s expression until she let loose a nervous chuckle. “Isaiah, honey, yeah. But don’t think I, um, needed to see this.”

The boy shook his head and slid off of Adam, as he spread open the young man’s legs. His hand grappled with Adam’s nearly-six-inches as he lowered his face until he was just inches above’s penis. “You do, Mom. Adam has to know you’re okay with him and me doing the sex stuff.”

With that, he lowered his head, surprising both Adam and Amanda when he took the young man’s glans in his mouth. He held it there for a few seconds to prove his point before raising his head again. “You did this once to me, and none of the other times you’ve made me cum made me feel as good. But you won’t do it again, and you won’t let me do it to you. But no more, Adam.”

Another glance at Amanda showed her eyebrows arched in surprise, but no anger, thank God.

Isaiah climbed to his feet, his face reddening again as he glanced at Amanda before grabbing one of Adam’s hand. “Now, it’s your turn.”

Confused, Adam said, “My turn? For what?”

Isaiah thrust his hips forward, “I sucked you. Now it’s your turn. I want that feeling again.”

Who was this incredibly sexy, horny, and assertive boy? What had he done with meek little Isaiah?

Adam dared not move. Amanda wouldn’t let this go any further. A glance her way showed her staring at the rigid tube sticking out from her son. Isaiah broke the silence, “Come on, Adam. I know you love me, and I know you want to show me by sucking my dick. Please!”

Adam finally found his voice, “But, your mom!”

Exasperated, Isaiah said, “Mom!”

Amanda blinked and tore her eyes away from her son, “Yes?”

“Can Adam suck on me? He’s worried you’re going to be mad.” Isaiah said, his little nail waving as he shifted between facing Adam and Amanda.

Amanda’s eyes refused to look at her son. “Isaiah, you’re embarrassing us both. Please.”

The boy leaned forward, resting one hand on his mom’s knee and the other on Adam’s. “Only because the man I love is afraid of what he thinks you’ll do to him if he loves me like he should. This is my freaking birthday, and this is the one thing I really, really want.”

The boy shifted again, moving between Adam’s legs, thrusting his hips forward. Every part of Adam wanted to take the boy’s penis into his mouth and watch him squirm with delight. Every part that wasn’t afraid of Amanda’s reaction. Now, when he looked at her, she wore a look of surrender as she murmured, “Go on, Adam. I – I don’t mind.”

With a look of triumph, Isaiah climbed onto the couch, spreading his legs wide so that his penis was more or less even with Adam’s mouth. And with the one burden holding him back now removed, he tried to pretend he wasn’t about to suck his young boyfriend right in front of his mom. Moving forward, he breathed on the small nail-like erection as he closed the distance.

Isaiah’s glans felt hot beneath Adam’s tongue as he licked the diminutive head before taking the top half of the boy into his mouth. The boy moaned and thrust his hips forward, pushing it the rest of the way into Adam’s mouth. Forgetting about being naked, shaved, and sitting in front of Amanda, Adam’s focus narrowed to the three-inches of Isaiah the boy had gifted him. His tongue slid along the bottom of the boy, causing him to groan with pleasure.

Isaiah’s testicles hung in a slightly distended scrotal sack, and as Adam pulled his mouth off the boy’s dick, he licked down the bottom of the shaft until his togue tasted the slight saltiness of the boy’s scrotum. Adam pulled the boy’s balls into his mouth. They fit neatly, no larger than two small pecans. As gently as he could, the young man sucked on them until he felt drawn back to the boy’s sacred shaft. Once his lips pressed against Isaiah’s smooth pubic area, Adam bobbed back and forth, letting the steel-hard erection slide in and out of his mouth.

Adam could feel the boy tensing as he held him at the hips. At that moment, the only thing that existed was Isaiah’s erection, and he used his tongue to stimulate that erection as he bobbed on the boy. Then, from Isaiah’s lips came a shout, “Ahhh, fuckkk! I’m cumm…”

And then it happened. The fleshy nail spasmed as a drop of the boy’s semen landed on his tongue. It was only one drop, but a marked improvement over the small clear bead Isaiah normally produced. Even though the other spasms were dry, that one tiny bit tasted a bit sweeter than that first time a few weeks before.

As Adam pulled back, he helped guide the boy onto his lap, where he shot a lazy grin at his mom, the flush of embarrassment gone. “Okay, Adam, now that Mom knows what we’re doing, stop holding back.”

The taste of Isaiah remained in Adam’s mouth even after swallowing the boy’s seed. The tunnel vision he’d fallen into retreated, and now the young man could feel Amanda’s eyes on him. The trepidation and fear returned despite the boy’s insistence about his mom. Uncertain what to say or do, Adam wrapped his arms around Isaiah’s chest and sent an apologetic look Amanda’s way.

The movie droned on in the background. Tom Cruise simply couldn’t compete for their attention. Amanda drew in a long breath and then said, “No, yes. Um, I mean… Oh, shit. I don’t know what to say.”

Smiling like a bird with canary feathers sticking from its mouth, Isaiah said, “Say that it’s okay.”

Amanda’s expression was inscrutable. She said, “Adam, I didn’t mean to send you conflicting signals. Most of the time, I tried to forget or pretend what the two of you have been up to wasn’t happening. Knowing you, I should have realized you respected me enough to not venture much beyond what you thought I knew about. I know the two of you are gay, and you’re both very attracted to each other. I guess I’m trying to say, is that as you boys explore your sexuality, that I trust you with Isaiah.”

The boy nearly shouted, “See, Adam, I told you so.” With that, he wiggled around until he straddled the young man’s lap and kissed him again.

When the kiss ended, Adam tried to ignore the fact he was still naked in Amanda’s presence and simply enjoy the deepening intimacy he felt for Isaiah. And that went fine for all of about five minutes. Then, Isaiah muttered something about, “Oh, yeah. It is my turn.”

With that, he slid off Adam’s legs, splaying them wide as he knelt on the floor, his face perched over the young man’s crotch. This time, his fingers traced across the freshly shaved pubic area, “Wow, it’s really smooth. Does my touch feel better than before?”

With no pubic hair to get in the way, not even any stubble yet, the boy’s touch felt more intimate. “Yeah. Amazingly so. But maybe we should take this back to the bedroom,” he pointed at a slightly scandalized expression on Amanda’s face.

Isaiah’s face flushed red again, “Do we have to?”

Amanda smirked at them both, “Adam’s your boyfriend, Isaiah, not mine. Do you really want me to see you pleasure him?”

The boy grew more embarrassed, “I guess I got carried away this evening. We can go back to our bedroom.”

The newly minted twelve-year-old stood and took hold of Adam’s hand, “Come on, lover boy, I’ve got plans for you!”

Copyright 2019 – Caliboy1991
All rights reserved

Forbidden Fruit – Chapter 8

Forbidden Fruit – Chapter 8

Tossing the towel over the rack, Isaiah looked at himself in the mirror. Or at least the part of himself he could see through the condensation he’d wiped away. His brown hair was damp and messy. A little work with a comb gave it a semblance of order, if just a little.

Although he couldn’t see the rest of his body reflected through the mist covering the mirror, he could just look down and see. The worse of the sixth grade had been Josh’s rejection. That’s had nearly crushed Isaiah’s spirit. But that hadn’t been the only problem. He was short. He’d finished the sixth grade at four feet, five inches tall. And perhaps had gained one whole other inch over the summer. There wasn’t any doubt in his mind, in a couple of weeks, with school in session again, the other newly minted seventh graders would tower over him by a good six to eight inches.

He glanced down between his legs. Even the last couple of months in the sixth grade, he’d realized most of the other boys in gym class were leaving him behind. Several of the kids, Josh included, had hair down there. Some just a few stray hairs and others a lot. He ran his fingers over the area, so smooth.

He shook his head. Did any of that really matter? Adam had seen him naked. And he hadn’t pointed and laughed. Just the opposite. He had tried to make Isaiah feel good about himself. A twinge between his legs was enough for Isaiah to realize he needed to get moving. He pulled on a pair of white briefs. When the elastic waistband snapped into place, he thought about how nice the colored briefs looked on Adam and thought he might ask Mom to buy some him some.

When he stepped into his bedroom, Adam was lying on the bottom bunk, over the covers but still dressed in just his blue briefs. “How’s it going, roomy?”

Surprised, Isaiah ran over and hugged him, “You’re staying with me tonight?”

Adam wore a nearly dazed expression as he added, “Your mom said it’s cool. I think she’s going to let me help with the rent, so I might be staying for a while. Is that okay with you?”

Isaiah’s belly was doing summersaults at the news, “Okay? Like times a million. That’s awesome.”

Then, to show it, he pulled back from the hug long enough for his lips to find Adam’s. With the door closed, he savored the sweet taste of Adam’s lips, a hint of the sweet and sour chicken from dinner awoke his own tastebuds as his tongue slipped into the young man’s mouth.

Breathless, when the kiss ended, the boy smiled, “Wow. If you’re going to stay with us, that means we can kiss like that a lot. Right?”

Even sitting on the bed, Adam was able to wrap his arms around his back and pull him close. Standing against the side of the bed, for once, Isaiah could look down on the young man’s face. “Yeah. We talked, and your mom’s cool us being friends.”

Isaiah would have loved to have listened in on that conversation. He was almost twelve and no longer a little kid. He’d overheard adult conversations plenty of times and suspected Adam and his mom must have had an interesting discussion. “You told her you’re gay? How’d she respond?”

Adam’s eyes lit up, “Better than I thought it would. I think she’s suspected for a bit now.”

Isaiah straddled Adam’s knees and sat, his eyes nearly even with the young man’s. He’d always loved his mom, but he felt something even deeper. “Gosh. It’s really cool, she knows. Now there’s nothing to hide.”

Adam cocked his head, “What?”

Isaiah slid forward a bit until his lips were just an inch or two away from Adam’s. He whispered, “I love you, Adam. Will you please be my boyfriend?”

Despite the connection he felt with Adam, the boy felt trepidation when he asked. After all, Adam had already told him once just a few hours before they couldn’t be boyfriends. Now, though, Isaiah felt a spark of hope that with his mom on board with Adam staying with them, things would be different.

Then, when Adam leaned forward and kissed him in response, the doubt evaporated, and Isaiah threw his arms around his boyfriend’s neck and melted into the kiss.

Later, lying on the top bunk, Isaiah rolled onto his side, sleep eluding him. The evening had been the happiest one he could remember, so falling asleep should have been easy. But it wasn’t. His boyfriend was sleeping just a few feet below him, and all the boy could think about was being held by Adam.

Finally, after tossing and turning a few more times, Isaiah climbed down and pulled back Adam’s covers and slid in next to him. Adam murmured, “Couldn’t sleep?”

As the young man draped an arm over his chest, Isaiah snuggled against him, “No. Can you hold me?”

Adam rolled onto his side. The hand draped over Isaiah’s chest pulled the boy against the young man’s chest, turning Isaiah into the small spoon against Adam’s large. The warmth of Adam’s body cloaked the boy in a cocoon. Isaiah had never felt safer nor more loved than as he slowly drifted off to sleep. Just before he slept, he was vaguely aware of something hard poking against his backside. And then he slept.


Adam felt a strain in his briefs as he opened his eyes. The first thing he saw was Isaiah cuddled against his side. Blinking against the twilight darkness of the boy’s bedroom, he vaguely recalled Isaiah cuddling with him at some point during the night. The boy’s warmth was probably why the covers were pushed down to the foot of the bed. Even now, Adam felt comfortable, warmed only by Isaiah’s body.

A glance toward his crotch showed his erection tenting his briefs, making them tighter than normal, despite his modest size. Morning woods he was used to, but his erection was as hard as it had ever been. That’s when he felt something pressing against his hip. Looking at Isaiah, one leg draped over one of Adam’s, and his crotch was nestled tight against Adam’s hip.

Adam swallowed as he felt a sense of desire wash over him. He tried to ignore the twitch down below. It was too early to get moving, and he wasn’t about to do anything about his erection. Not with Isaiah soundly asleep beside him.

His eyes had just closed when he heard a soft knock at the bedroom door. Then the door swung open, and Amanda stuck her head inside. After a long moment, probably to let her eyes adjust, she whispered, “Isaiah? Adam? I’m heading into the office. You boys awake?”

That feeling of vulnerability he felt around Amanda hit Adam as he whispered, “Just me. Isaiah’s asleep.”

Amanda came in and stood next to the door. “Can I come in?”

Adam wished nothing more than for his painful erection to go away, “This is your place.”

Amanda came over to the bed. She rested a hand on Isaiah’s bare shoulder. After a long minute, she murmured, “You boys look lovely together, Adam. I really should have knocked. Isaiah would freak out if I walked on the two of you naked or something.”

Feeling his penis push against his underwear, Adam hoped she couldn’t see how crimson he was in the face. “Yeah. We’ll try to keep things PG, Amanda.”

The young woman leaned down and kissed her son on the forehead and then leaned over and rested her hand on Adam’s chest as she gave him a peck on the lips, almost identical to how she’d kissed Isaiah before bed. “You’re sweet, Adam. You’re boys, not monks. For now, I’m going to try to pretend Isaiah isn’t growing up. The instructions for dinner are on the fridge. If I’m lucky, I’ll be home by five-thirty.

A moment later, Amanda was gone. And now, not only was Adam still horny, he was as perplexed as ever. Isaiah’s mom had warmed remarkably to the notion of Adam dating her son.

Adam tried falling back asleep but to no avail. He wasn’t sure how much time had passed since he heard Amanda’s car pull out of the driveway, but he couldn’t help it. The hand that wasn’t wrapped around Isaiah, slid down his taut belly until it threaded through his coarse pubic hair, and encircled his erection. As quietly as possible, he pulled on himself, letting the tingling sensation gradually build within him.

“Whatcha doing?” A voice startled Adam out of his rhythmic reverie.

Started, Adam jerked his hand out from his underwear, “Shit, you startled me.”

Isaiah giggled, “You cussed,” as he rested a hand on the young man’s chest.”

“You startled me.”

Isaiah stretched and yawned, “Well, good morning to you, too.”

He reached across and gave Adam the best one-armed hug he could manage, then he said, “Were you, um, playing with yourself?”

The tent in his underwear hadn’t gone away, not one bit. Adam was tempted to tell Isaiah it was nothing, but lying in bed cuddling with Isaiah, that seemed silly. Instead, he said, “Uh, yeah. Don’t you?”

Despite the darkness of the room, Isaiah’s flush was visible. He whispered, “Yeah.”

He rubbed a hand in a circular motion on Adam’s chest, “You’re poking up a lot. Can I see it again?”

Even though Adam sort of felt as if he had Amanda’s permission to go a bit further than just kissing with Isaiah, he wasn’t sure where that line was. After all, there wasn’t any rush. He and Isaiah could take all the time in the world, discovering their love for one another.

He said, “Maybe later. Okay?”

Isaiah’s hand moved from Adam’s chest down below his belly button, “Why? We’re boyfriends, Adam. Don’t you want to do stuff with me?”

Of course, he did, A lot. But images of Amanda standing over his shoulder made him say, “I do, a lot. But what’s the hurry?”

The boy’s fingers had found his waistband, “Do you know when I realized I was gay?”

“No. When?”

Isaiah let a sad sigh escape his lips, “I guess it was just before Spring Break, and me and Josh were in the shower after PE. When I realized I wanted to touch his junk, I thought something was weird. But it never stopped. I barely managed to stop myself a couple of times. Well, until I tried to kiss him and made him hate me.”

Adam empathized with him. He’d had similar moments with both Clint and Jacob.

Isaiah wasn’t finished, “And after the shower at the waterpark, I wanted to see your stuff again. I still do. So, can I?”

Adam repressed a chuckle. If this was Isaiah’s idea of going slow, there was a real possibility the next time Amanda opened the bedroom door, she might be staring at a couple of naked gay boys. As he gripped his underwear, he was thankful Isaiah thought he was big. But he was at best average—a bit more than five and a half inches.

His erection slapped against his belly once his underwear was down below his thighs. Isaiah gasped, “Cool!”

Smiling at the pleased expression on the boy’s face, Adam realized just how different things with Isaiah would be compared to the lusty experience he’d had with Jacob. He loved Isaiah, wanted to let things progress normally at Isaiah’s pace.

He gripped his erection and slowly jerked off, even as Isaiah’s fingers threaded their way through his pubes. When the boy’s finger sent a jolt through him as it touched the base of his penis, Adam pulled his hand back. A glance at Isaiah’s face revealed the boy’s open curiosity and an unasked question.

Adam said, “You can, if you want.”

Slowly, almost reverently, Isaiah’s fingers gently wrapped around his penis and copied his up and down motion. The tingling he’d been building ratcheted up by a factor of a thousand at the boy’s near-caressing touch.

The boy’s smaller hand moved up, then down in an unfamiliar cadence, but it didn’t matter to Adam. The boy’s fingers simply reflected the connection between them. When the tingling reached into the young man’s balls, he knew he wouldn’t last long, “Ahhh, Isaiah, I’m about to cum.”

The boy turned his confused face to him, “Come? What?”

But he didn’t stop jacking and then it happened. Adam let loose a wordless moan. His dick spasmed as a thick rope of semen splattered his torso, running from above his navel to the middle of his chest. Another spurt landed below his belly button, and a third coated Isaiah’s fingers.

The boy, still gripping Adam’s rod, softly spoke, “Oh, shit! That’s what they were talking about!”

Still catching his breath, the young man said, “Wow. That felt incredible, Isaiah. You did it like a pro.”

Still, with that look of wonder in his eyes, the boy pulled his hand away, lifting it to his nose. “A couple of guys in gym talked about white stuff shooting out. I saw a video online once. But…”

Isaiah’s words failed him even as he tentatively stuck his tongue out to taste that part of Adam on his fingers. After a moment, his face contorted, like biting into a lemon, “It’s really salty, Adam.”

Coming down from the high of his orgasm, Adam reached over Isaiah and fished up a T-shirt, which he used to wipe himself clean. When he was done, he gave it to the boy, “Use this to clean your hand.”

Now, with his penis satiated, Adam’s gaze fell on the boy nestled in the crook of his arm. Hand clean, Isaiah dropped the T-shirt on the floor, “That was cool.”

Hugging his young boyfriend, Adam said, “Have you had that happen before?”

Isaiah blushed at the question as he shook his head. “The coach talked about it in Health class last year. That’s your, um, semen?


Isaiah looked up at him. In a pensive voice, he said, “When do you think I’ll get, uh, semen?”

The question took Adam back to his own first time with Clint. He’d been a few months older than Isaiah when the older teen first masturbated him. He still remembered the shocking pleasure at the clear goo splattered on his torso.

His eyes drifted down to Isaiah’s underwear. He’d been so focused on his own needs, he’s grown used to the boy’s erection pressed against his hip. What he wanted was to examine that beautiful tube of flesh, find out what it was capable of. The image of Amanda came to mind. The problem was making sense of her mixed signals. To Adam’s way of thinking, the boy’s mom was terribly conflicted. She wanted him happy but safe. Adam could hardly imagine her internal conflict.

Amanda had sought him out, hopeful he could be a role model for her son. No doubt to steer him away from his attraction. When had she realized the bond Isaiah shared with him wasn’t going to steer him away from his attraction but directly to it? Indeed it was before she’d invited Adam to stay with them. Now, to Amanda, Adam was still the boy’s salvation. But now, instead of trying to pull the boy back from his attraction, she wanted him to guide Isaiah through it.

Still, as his hand slid down the boy’s torso, he wasn’t sure this was what she meant. But Adam couldn’t pull back even if he wanted.

“Whatcha thinking?”

Adam flashed a grin at Isaiah as his fingers brushed against the white waistline of the boy’s underwear, “About you. About how I want to make you feel just as good.”

With that, Adam took the expectant look on Isaiah’s face as permission and slid his fingers under the waistband. The silky-smooth skin felt delightful under his touch felt like nothing else. When his fingers grazed the base of Isaiah’s penis, the boy gasped, his mouth forming a wordless O. Then, with as much care as he could muster, Adam wrapped his thumb and forefinger around Isaiah’s boyhood.

“When you played with it, is this how you did it?” he asked in a reverential voice. At that moment, he imaged he understood how an Israelite high priest must have felt when he entered the Holy of Holies.

The boy shook his head slightly, “N-no.”

“Do you want to show me how you did it?”

Another shake of the head, “No. You feel really good,” Isaiah’s voice was breathy.

Adam moved his fingers up and down a couple of times before he stopped and pulled the boy’s underwear down to his knees, allowing his eyes to feast on the three inches on display. Isaiah’s little head flared wider than his shaft, separated by a slightly darker circumcision scar that made up about a third of the fleshy tube. A bluish vein ran up one side of the penis, but otherwise, the erect appendage was smooth.

Feeling the blood flowing into his own appendage between his legs, Adam took Isaiah’s penis in his hand and slowly jacked him up and down. From time to time, he’d look at the boy’s face, enjoying the lopsided grin Isaiah wore as his eyes grew glassy, his world shrinking to the space between his legs.

A couple of minutes into the gentle stroking and the boy’s legs contracted as an intense look plastered his face. “Nngg,” he moaned, “F-feels really different. Like I’m gonna pee!”

Adam picked up the tempo as he watched Isaiah’s eyes roll back. A few seconds later, the fleshy tube in his hand spasmed. The boy arched his back as he loudly moaned. His penis kicked a few more times as Adam kept stroking. When he stopped, he spied a tiny bead of clear fluid on the tip of Isaiah’s penis. It was almost invisible, barely there.

When Adam pulled his hand away, the boy’s eyes fluttered open, “F-fuck, that was awesome.”

That was the first time the boy had ever cussed, at least in front of Adam. But he could understand it, especially if this was Isaiah’s first orgasm.

Grabbing the boy, Adam hugged him tightly, “Yeah, you seemed to have enjoyed yourself.”

Isaiah squirmed around until he lay on top of Adam, where he kissed the young man. Despite having just woken up, the boy’s lips felt soft and magical against his, and when it ended, he let the boy’s head rest against his neck.


So, this is what it feels like to have a boyfriend, Isaiah thought as he lay on Adam’s chest. The intense feelings he’d gotten from the young man playing with his penis still lingered a bit. Nothing had ever felt more right than being with Adam. The part of his mind, the part he usually used when he had to listen to his mom, said what he found in the young man’s arms was wrong. But he didn’t care. At first, he had prayed so hard for the feelings he had once felt for Josh to go away. The problem was, they didn’t really go away until he fell in love with Adam. It was, he realized, an answer to his prayer. Adam made him happy, and with the young man as his boyfriend, he actually wasn’t scared of going into the seventh grade, even if he would be the shortest kid on campus.

After another long, sensuous kiss, the boy realized Adam’s penis was between his legs. And it was hard again. For a moment, he thought about teasing Adam about how hard he was but realized as his own pole was hard, laying flat between their bellies. The feeling of Adam’s erection when it erupted had been incredible. Isaiah had been surprised when the pole grew even harder in his hands before spitting out gobs of semen. Now that he knew how to jack Adam off, he felt silly about how he’d been trying to play with himself before. Rubbing his penis with a pillow had been fun, to a point, but now that he knew how to do it, he really wanted to see it again.

“Um, Adam, can I play with your junk again?”

The young man took in a deep breath, “You don’t have to if you don’t want to.”

That was something else he loved about his boyfriend. While the differences in their age and development didn’t mean that much to Isaiah, they evidently did to Adam. Isaiah could see the point. After all, between the stuff they taught at school and his mom, the idea of good and bad touches had been drilled into him. Instinctively, he knew the teachers at school would consider Adam’s touching the bad kind. But they didn’t understand. At least his mom did. So did Adam, thank God.

Isaiah shifted, moving down until he was straddling Adam’s legs, “I wanna.”

As he wrapped his entire hand around the enormous penis, at least to his not-quite-twelve-year-old eyes, Isaiah liked this vantage point. He alternated his view between the nearly six-inch object of his desire and Adam’s open face.

As the boy stroked up and down on Adam’s erection, he found a rhythm and fell into a pattern, jacking gently up and down, listening to his boyfriend moan in pleasure. He’d lost track of how long he’d stroked Adam, but at one point, the young man’s eyes slammed shut as he groaned, “Here we go again!”

A moment later, his white goo splattered against Isaiah’s chest, followed by a few more dollops of Adam’s semen, which got on the boy’s belly and hand. He didn’t want to let go. He found a closeness to Adam impossible to explain as he held his boyfriend’s penis, slowly milking the last little glob from Adam’s glans.

When the young man opened his eyes, he chuckled, “Real nice, Isaiah, that felt even better the second time around. But damn, you’re a mess. You should get a shower.”

Looking down at the sticky, white semen, Isaiah couldn’t help but agree. When he slid off the bed, he grabbed a pair of underwear from a chest of drawers. Everything since last night had been magical. He didn’t want it to end. “Can you join me?”

Adam’s eyes twinkled, “You know how to get a shower, man.”

Isaiah rolled his eyes, “Yeah, so? Can’t I take a shower with you? After all, isn’t that what boyfriends do?”

The twinkle in Adam’s eyes turned into a wide grin, “Sometimes. Okay. But my dick needs a rest. You’ve been very generous in your attention.”

A few minutes later, Isaiah pulled the shower curtain closed as water shot out from the showerhead, drenching them. Adam grabbed a bottle of bodywash, “Here, let me see your back.”

The soft touch of Adam’s soapy hands on his back made Isaiah’s body tingle all over. If he hadn’t already been erect, he’d have popped a boner for sure. His boyfriend didn’t stop at his lower back. Soon, Adam’s soapy hands were massaging the boy’s pearly white globes as Isaiah giggled. The boy didn’t mind at all at the extra attention paid to his ass-cheeks before Adam knelt and washed his legs, going from back to front.

Then, once his legs were lathered up, Isaiah’s breath was caught in his throat as Adam’s face was just inches away from his three-inch erection. Slowly, Adam’s hands worked up from his legs and massaged at his nail-like tube. Overcome by the intense feeling building from within, Isaiah leaned against the wall-tile. “Ahh, that feels really good.”

Adam looked up and smiled, “You want me to make you cum again?”

“Oh, fuck, yes!” Isaiah squealed.

He closed his eyes, letting the tingling sensation build. Adam’s hand stopped stimulating him for a moment, and then he felt something wet encircle his glans. The unfamiliar touch caused him to open his eyes, and he nearly squealed again as he saw Adam’s mouth engulf his glans. Already sensitive from the steady buildup, the touch of Adam’s tongue on his shaft was too much. He felt that explosion in his penis as it kicked in the young man’s mouth. A couple of more spasms radiated from his erection as he felt himself sliding down the wall-tiles as his grip on reality slipped away.

“Hey, buddy, you okay?”

Water splashed in Isaiah’s face as his eyes fluttered open. He was lying in the bottom of the bathtub, the showerhead overhead raining down on him. “W-what happened?”

Adam, straddling his legs, said, “You damn near scared the hell out of me, Isaiah. You passed out when you, um, came.”

Everything came back into focus, and he felt himself twitch at the memory, “When you put my junk in your mouth. Man, that was intense.”

Blushing, Adam said, “I was going to ask what you thought of your first blowjob, but your body kind of gave that away.”

So that’s what a blow-job was. Isaiah had heard other boys in PE talk about it, and he sort of understood what they were talking about. But now he knew, and he liked it. Even if he had passed out from the intensity.

“Can we try that again?” Isaiah said as he sat up.

Adam cringed, “Eventually. But maybe we should slow things down a bit. We’ve been boyfriends for less than a day. There’s plenty of time to do this stuff. Plus, I don’t want to piss your mom off.”

Confused, Isaiah said, “But you said she was okay with us being boyfriends and that boyfriends do things like this. Right?”

Adam turned the water off, “And that’s true. But I don’t want her regretting letting us be together either.”

As Isaiah let the young man dry him off, he wondered how his mom felt about things. There was so much he wanted her to understand. Maybe Adam was right. Taking things slow might be best. But he doubted it.

Copyright 2019 – Caliboy1991
All rights reserved

Forbidden Fruit – Chapter 7

Forbidden Fruit – Chapter 7

Adam felt something press against his chest. Blinking away the sleep, he saw Amanda’s shadowy figure looming over him. As his thoughts coalesced into coherence, he realized her hand was on his chest. “Wha-?”

That’s when he realized the blanket he’d fallen asleep under had dropped onto the floor. That shouldn’t have been a problem, save for the fact he had gotten hot after laying down and had stripped down to his blue briefs.

Embarrassed when he realized Amanda’s eyes were roaming over his body, Adam’s hands involuntarily went to cover his crotch. Amanda had the decency to blush as she knelt over him, even as her hand remained on his bare chest.

“Sorry to wake you, sweetie. Did you sleep alright?”

Keenly aware of Amanda, Adam nodded, “Yeah. I got a little warm and took my pajamas off. I guess I shouldn’t have.”

Amanda’s eyes drifted down to where his hands covered his briefs. “You’re fine. I’m used to Isaiah sleeping like that. I think I can handle two cute boys sleeping in their underwear. I’m heading out. There’s cereal and milk for breakfast and leftovers for lunch. I should get home around six. You boys have fun with your movie day.”

A moment later, she was out the front door and gone. Adam grabbed the blanket and spread it over him, and tried to forget what had just happened. A glance at his watch showed it was still a few minutes before seven. He closed his eyes and tried to go back to sleep, but after a bit, his bladder betrayed him, and he swung his feet off the couch and hurried over to the bathroom across the hall from Isaiah’s room.

He felt relief as his piss hit the water in the toilet bowl. Even his morning wood was back to normal by the time his bladder was empty. When he opened the door, he nearly jumped in surprise. A sleepy boy in white underwear stood in front of the door. Isaiah’s eyes brightened, “Oh, hi. I guess we had the same idea.”

Thoughts of Isaiah in the shower at Schlitterbahn filling Adam’s mind as his eyes drank up the nearly nude nearly-twelve-year-old. His penis was outlined clearly against the white material as he sported his morning wood. Adam tore his eyes away from the boy’s package, “I guess so.”

Sliding past the boy, Adam felt Isaiah’s eyes on him. He added, “It’ all yours. Your mom said there’s cereal in the kitchen. I’m going to grab a bowl.”

Leaving the door open, the boy padded over to the toilet, oblivious to Adam standing at the doorway. Although all he could see was Isaiah’s backside, the young man could envision the boy pulling the front of his briefs down and taking his piss-hard erection in his hands and waiting until nature took its course.

A moment later, Adam was rewarded as a yellow stream arced into the bowl, visible between the boy’s legs. Feeling something stir between his legs, Adam turned away and headed toward the kitchen. By the time Isaiah joined him a few minutes later, he’d poured himself a bowl of cereal and was doing his best to ignore the fluttering in his belly.

Isaiah didn’t say anything until he was seated and shoveling Frosted Flakes into his mouth. In between bites, he said, “How was the couch?”

Stretching, Adam still felt some soreness in his back, “I’ve slept in worse places. It wasn’t bad.”

After another bite, “My bottom bunk is more comfortable. I’m gonna mention it to Mom again.”

Lost in the uncertainty of where to draw the line with Adam, the notion of sharing the boy’s bedroom stirred that familiar feeling between his legs. “You normally sleep in your underwear?”

Isaiah stared into his cereal bowl, a bit of heat turning his cheeks red. He nodded. “You?”

Feeling the same heat in his face, Adam said, “Yeah. But if your mom lets you have a roommate, I should probably wear pajamas.”

Isaiah looked up from his cereal. His cheeks were still scarlet, there was a glint in his eyes, “Why? We did see each other in the shower at Schlitterbahn. It’s not like we have anything to hide.”

Adam finished the last of his cereal, “No, I guess not. Although I’m not sure your mom would want us flashing our dicks to one another.”

Isaiah giggled, “Probably not. Can we watch the second Lord of the Rings movie this morning?”

“Sure,” Adam said before cleaning up the kitchen from breakfast.

Back in the living room, Adam picked up the blanket to fold it up. Isaiah interrupted him, “Can I use that? I wanna lay down on the couch with you. Like yesterday.”

“Sure,” Adam felt a connection to the boy and tried not to think of how wrong things could go if he gave himself over to what he wanted. Instead, he lay down on the couch as Isaiah settled in between him and the padded seatback.

While he fiddled with the storage device’s remote control, Isaiah spread the blanket over them. Despite the trepidation in his heart, Adam loved it. From the boy’s skinny leg pressing against his, to their naked torsos touching, the only thing between the two of them was their underwear.

Then the movie started. The majestic ice-capped mountains of middle earth fill the screen, followed by the faint echoes of the fight that took Gandalf away from the rest of the Fellowship. And both man and boy were hooked. Adam wrapped an arm around the boy’s shoulders, and Isaiah rested his head on the young man’s chest, turning a great movie experience into a magical one.

When the credits rolled, the boy murmured, “That was really good.”

“Yeah. But The Return of the King is even better. Do you want me to start it?”

The boy’s head shook against his chest, “Not yet.”

They lay in silence as the credits rolled on. After a bit, Isaiah’s arm squeezed against his chest in a half-hug, “Thanks for… everything Adam.”

“Everything? Um, okay.” Adam was in heaven with the boy tightly nestled against him. Even though so much needed to stay off-limits, in a moment of honesty with himself, Adam knew this relationship with Isaiah was right for him, despite the potential minefields. He added, “I’ve never had a friend I liked more than you.”

There was moisture in Isaiah’s eyes, “You really mean that? Even after I tried to kiss you last night?”

Adam felt a lump in his throat as he added his left arm around the boy. Taking Isaiah into a proper hug, he said, “You surprised me there. But your kiss was nice. But I do have one serious regret about it.”

A worried look crossed the boy’s features, “W-what”

The hug in which he held the boy left their faces a few inches apart. Heart beating uncontrollably against his chest, Adam leaned down until his lips met Isaiah’s. The boy’s lips were soft and moist. Although there was a moment of shock etched on Isaiah’s face, it passed, and he returned the kiss.

What Adam had intended as a quick kiss lingered. Time blurred until the kiss only ended when Isaiah pulled back, drinking in a gulp of air. His face was flushed as a loopy grin spread across his face. “Wow.”

Wow, indeed. Isaiah’s lips had been sweet to the touch, better than Becky’s indifferent kisses, or even the hurried, awkward kisses he’d stolen with Jacob. Better even than Clint’s. He swallowed against the lump in his throat, “I hope this kiss made up for my failure last night.”

The silly grin pasted across the boy’s face remained. “Yeah. Can you do that again?”

A heat in Adam’s heart kindled in the first kiss burned as he leaned into a second kiss. The trepidation was gone, leaving only desire. He parted his mouth, slipping his tongue against Isaiah’s lips. A current of electricity coursed through his mouth when the boy’s lips parted, letting Adam’s tongue invade his mouth. The boy tasted of Frosted Flakes and something else. As Adam’s tongue explored Isaiah’s tongue and teeth, he realized he tasted the boy’s essence.

This time when the kiss ended, Isaiah lay his head on Adam’s chest, “I love you so much.”

Adam ran his fingers through the boy’s brown hair. Some part of him knew he should fear the boy’s admission. It only kindled more the heat in his heart. This heat radiated out, flowing throughout his body. Years earlier, he thought he had loved Clint. After all, the older teenager had taught him about sex. But by the time Clint left for college, Adam knew what they had was fueled by hormones and lust. Jacob had been more of the same. And Becky had never been more than a friend masquerading as something more. Isaiah, though consumed Adam from the inside out. With newfound clarity, he replied, “I love you too.”

How the boy, already resting against Adam, managed it, the young man couldn’t say. But at those words, Isaiah melted even more against his body. After a few minutes, the young man felt pressure against his side. Before long, he realized it was Isaiah’s erection pressing against his hip.

The boy must have realized the same thing. He shifted his hips until the pressure was gone. “S-sorry,” he stammered, clearly embarrassed.

Still rubbing a hand in the boy’s hair, Adam thought back to the shower room at the waterpark. Then, it had been essential to keep a sense of propriety. After all, he had been Isaiah’s youth leader. That was in the past, and they were in uncharted territory now. “You remember in the shower at Schlitterbahn? Getting an erection is perfectly normal. They happened all the time for me. Sometimes it still does.”

Isaiah was still flushed, “I know. A lot of the time, it happens for no reason. But not now. It happened because of you. Please don’t be upset with me.”

A chuckle rose from Adam’s chest, “I’m not. Can I tell you a couple of secrets?”

When the boy nodded, he said, “I think your dick is cute when it’s hard. And, you’re making me hard right now.”

With that, Adam pulled back the blanket, revealing the thick outline in his dark-colored underwear. He’d been hard since the first kiss. After feeling the boy’s erection poking against him, he wasn’t embarrassed letting the boy see his hidden boner.

Isaiah gawked at his crotch until Adam pulled the blanket back to his chest. “Do you think I’m gay, Adam?”

Adam empathized with the boy. He knew exactly how Isaiah felt, only for him, he was wrestling with an attraction for a preteen boy. “It’s possible, Isaiah. But if you are, then I probably am too.”

The admission was like a lightbulb turning on over Isaiah’s head. The kisses, acknowledgment of love, and seeing Adam’s erection through his underwear, finally added up in the boy’s mind. “Oh, you are too. When did you know?”

“I really felt something for you when we were at Six Flags. But it wasn’t until I finished up working as the Summer Intern that I realized how special you are to me.”

Adam felt the boy’s stomach rumble, “I think we’re both hungry. Why don’t we grab some lunch, and we can talk some more about it.”

Still tasty after three minutes in the microwave, Adam enjoyed the leftover meatloaf. Isaiah tore into his plate like a man saved from famine. He was mostly done when he asked, “So, if I like you and you like me, does that mean we’re, like, boyfriends?”

Adam sucked in a deep breath, “I doubt your mom would approve. Are you okay with the two of us focusing on being best friends? I think your mom would be okay with that.”

A confused look on his face, Isaiah said, “Why do you think she would mind? We really like each other.”

Feeling the heat on his cheeks, Adam said, “When people my age have a boyfriend or a girlfriend there’s usually more than just kissing. You tell her we’re boyfriends, and she’ll think we’re playing with each other’s dicks and having sex.”

“Sex? Boys can have… Oh. The butt?” The confused expression gave way to one of incredulity.

The expression on the boy’s face was priceless. Isaiah was deeply attracted to Adam, but he was still terribly naïve about what boyfriends did together. Adam nodded, “Yeah. And if your mom thought I was doing something like that with you, she’d hate me. Probably call the cops on me and make my life very bad. That’s why we should be best friends instead of boyfriends.”

It was hard telling the boy they shouldn’t touch, even though every fiber in Adam’s body cried to hold the boy, to explore every inch of his naked body, show him what pleasures could be had between his legs. But he wouldn’t risk Amanda’s fury.

After a long, thoughtful silence, Isaiah nodded, “You’re right. But does that mean we can’t kiss anymore?”

Chuckling, Adam leaned in and answered the question with a kiss.


Isaiah was mesmerized as Frodo boarded the Elvish boat that would take him, Bilbo and Gandalf across the sea to the Undying Lands. Although it paled in comparison to his newly awakened love for Adam, he was definitely a convert to the beauty of the Lord of the Rings trilogy. The day had been perfect. Lounging around in his underwear all day long with Adam was about as perfect a day as he could imagine.

He let his eyes close as he fell asleep to the swelling musical score that ended the best movie series he’d ever seen.

His eyes flew open when he heard the front door rattle, and a moment later, the door swung open, and his mom came inside. He’d grown so comfortable he forgot he was laying side by side with Adam in nothing more than his underwear. At some point after drifting off to sleep, the blanket had fallen onto the floor.

His mom closed the door as he felt Adam stirring awake. Amanda slowly shook her head as her lips curled at the corners, “You boys really do look cute lying there in your undies. Did you finish the Lord of the Rings movies?

It never dawned on Isaiah his mom would disapprove of him cuddling with Adam, watching movies in their underwear. Since his falling out with Josh, he’d become self-conscious about his body, going from running around naked after his baths to wearing underwear around the house most of the time. Apart from cuddling with Adam, chilling out in his underwear was normal.

Adam snatched the blanket from the floor and pulled it over his midsection, much to Amanda’s amusement. Chuckling, she said, “Don’t be modest on account of me. God knows, Isaiah’s not. Why last Christmas, he streaked through the house in nothing more than a Santa’s hat and a smile.”

Isaiah blushed at the memory. It had been Christmas Eve, and he had just finished taking a bath. “Mom, please. I haven’t done anything like that in ages!”

Amanda leaned over the young man and pinched the boy’s cheek, “Adam, he was the cutest boy, running around naked as the day he was born.”

Isaiah knew he should feel more shame at his mom trying to embarrass him. But the fact was, the idea of Adam seeing him naked excited the boy. The young man was probably right. They should just be best friends and not boyfriends. But that didn’t change how Isaiah felt about Adam, not one bit.

Adam’s voice sounded dry, “Um, I guess it’s a good thing Isaiah’s learned what underwear is for.”

The boy caught the quick wink Amanda gave Adam as she stood up, “I know. I’d hate for him to set a bad example for you, Adam.”

The young man’s eyes grew round as Isaiah realized the implication. A glance up at his mom was enough for him to know she was pulling Adam’s leg. Smiling impishly, Isaiah said, “It’s okay, Adam. I know where the Santa hat is. It’ll be ready for you after your shower.”

Laughing, Adam said, “I’ll keep that in mind. Amanda, you’ve got to be tired. Let me call in an order for Chinese tonight. And tomorrow, if you’ll let me and Isaiah know the plan, we can start work on dinner before you get home.”

Amanda had tried to get Isaiah to help in the kitchen in the past, but he had burned a couple of casseroles before she stopped asking. Maybe Adam could show him what he had done wrong. “Yeah, Mom. I can help Adam.”

Amanda raised her hands, “It’s alright. It won’t take me too long to cook something for dinner. And Adam, you don’t know what you’re asking. Isaiah could burn water. I’ve seen it happen.”

Adam shook his head as he pulled his wallet from his bag near the end of the sofa. “I want to help out, Amanda. You guys didn’t have to help me out of a tight spot. This way, I feel like I’m contributing something.”

When Amanda relented, Isaiah felt his heart soar. He knew Adam was actively trying to find another place closer to campus. But if his mom saw how helpful Adam was, the boy hoped she would let him stay for longer than a week or two.

By the time dinner had come and gone, Isaiah had helped clean up the Styrofoam boxes and voted on the movie. He’d lost – two to one. They were watching Two Weeks Notice. It wasn’t very good, he decided, but it was hard to complain as the boy stretched out, resting his head in Adam’s lap and his feet across his mom’s lap.

He awoke to the tickling sensation on his feet. “Hey, Sweetie. You missed the movie. It was so romantic. Hugh Grant was such a stud muffin.”

Isaiah yawned and stretched his arms, one of which brushed against Adam’s bare stomach. The boy grinned, thinking about how much fun it had been to spend the day in his underwear doing nothing but watching movies. Even if the last one sucked.

“Why don’t you go on and get a shower before bed, alright?” Amanda said as she pushed his feet off her legs.

It had been a couple of days since he’d showered, so there wasn’t much point in arguing with her. Mom seldom let him win those arguments. As he climbed to his feet, his mom took him by the hand and said, “How about that goodnight kiss?”

Isaiah’s eyes cut over to Adam. It wasn’t the movies that had made the day special, he realized. It was the kisses he had shared with the young man. It wasn’t fair of his mom to make his best friend, who he secretly wanted as his boyfriend, sleep on the couch. Not when his bottom bunk was perfect for Adam.

The boy sat on Amanda’s knees, “Sure, Mom. But don’t make Adam sleep on this old, uncomfortable couch. Not when there’s an open bed in my room. Please!”

His mom leaned forward and gave him a kiss, “We’ll see.”

That was a lot better than the no from the day before, Isaiah thought as he stood. Before he went to the shower, there was one other thing he needed. He stepped over to Adam and sat on his lap. Without asking permission, he wrapped his arms around the young man’s neck and leaned forward until his lips touched Adam’s. The young man’s lips pressed against his, welcoming the kiss. Before the boy could slip his tongue into Adam’s mouth, the young man broke the kiss and smiled at him.

“That’s what I meant by thanks, Isaiah.”

Flushing beet red, aware his mom’s eyes were on him, Isaiah hurried to his feet and ran toward the bathroom.


“I guess you took my advice and made that next kiss something he’d remember,” Amanda said as Adam heard the bathroom door close.

With heat burning his cheeks, Adam said, “I messed up last night. He deserved to know what a real kiss feels like.”

Amanda propped her feet up under her and leaned against the armrest on her end of the couch. With a half-smile, she said, “It looks like y’all have that down pat. I’m at a loss, Adam.”

Despite the half-smile on Amanda’s lips, he could sense a disquiet. “About what?”

“Part of me is worried about Isaiah. He returned that kiss like a lover. That part of me worries about what Isaiah is getting exposed to. I’m still wrapping my mind around the two of you spending all day lounging around in your underwear.”

Shaking her head, she finished softly, “If it had been any other man, I’d be angry as hell. But you…you’re different.”

Adam felt naked under Amanda’s gaze, and it had nothing to do with wearing just his underwear. It was as though she were reading his heart, mind, and soul. With no clue how to defuse a coming objection, he stammered, “I – I should have put some shorts on, Amanda. It’s just…”

She shook her head, “No, sweetie. I’m not upset about that. If you boys want to goof off and watch movies in your underwear, that’s fine by me. The look on Isaiah’s face is all I need to see to know you’re good for each other.”

Surprised by Amanda’s words, Adam said, “I want to be whatever Isaiah needs from me, Amanda. But when he asked me to be his boyfriend, I told him it would be best for us to be best friends.”

Amanda reached over and put her hand on his knee, “Adam, in this house, you don’t have to pretend to be straight.”

The young man flinched, “What?” Then he realized his feelings for the boy were probably too easy for Amanda to see. “I’m still working through that, Amanda. But that’s not why I told him we shouldn’t be boyfriends.”

Amanda, hand still resting on his knee, said, “Why’s that?”

Adam hadn’t meant to bear his soul to Amanda. He’d never acknowledged his feelings of homosexuality to anyone directly before. “I want to keep things between Isaiah and me where you’re comfortable. You don’t seem to mind him kissing me or us cuddling.”

Even though Amanda nodded, there was a hooded expression in her eyes, “That’s thoughtful of you. How would that change if you were Isaiah’s boyfriend?”

Adam didn’t want to go into the details of what he thought gay boyfriends did with one another. Although he certainly recalled Clint and Jacob and what he did with them. He said, “I don’t know. I know what some of the gays at college do. And I’m pretty sure you wouldn’t want that for Isaiah.”

Amanda’s eyes flitted around the room, her brows knit in thought. With a loud sigh, she said, “I can’t fucking believe I’m thinking like this. But here’s the thing. I know my son is gay. I’ve lost too much sleep over the past year that I can’t fight that anymore. As long as Isaiah’s happy, that’s enough for me. I’ve got calluses on my knees, praying God would send someone who would protect my boy from the worst of that shit. I can’t stand the thought of him growing up, bouncing from one relationship to another, or worse, having no stable relationships at all. I’m not blind to the gay lifestyle any more than you are. And you know what, Adam. I think I just realized that God sent you into our lives.”

Adam was confused, “What are you saying?”

Shaking her head, Amanda’s voice was subdued, “I think God made this happen. Isaiah needs you, and it’s becoming evident to me that you need him. Also, you need a place to stay. I’ve got a place for you to stay. And God knows, I could use a little help right now, if you’re able.

Adam trembled at Amanda’s offer. While it seemed too good to be true, the earnestness in her face was unmistakable. He found himself nodding, “When you say he and I would be good for each other, how do you mean? As boyfriends?”

When Amanda nodded, Adam leaned back, stunned by her admission. When he finally found his voice, it shook, “Okay, Amanda. Please understand, in as much as you’d trust Isaiah with me, I’d be trusting you with my life. I don’t want to do anything with him that would anger you or cause you to lose faith in me. But if you let Isaiah and me date, I can’t promise it would only be kissing and holding hands. You know that’s not how dating works, gay or straight. Would you really be okay with that?”

Amanda bit at her lower lip, “What happens to him if he found some strange boy to date in school? Or worse, what if Isaiah gets drawn to some older teenager or man? What kind of stuff would they do with my son? Would they only hold hands and steal kisses?”

Adam winced at the mental images Amanda’s words created. “Probably not. What were you like when you were a teenager?”

The young woman chuckled, “I lost my virginity when I was thirteen. And you’ve made your point.”

She stood and paced around the couch, “What kind of fucked up world do we live in where the very best option for my gay twelve-year-old is his ‘I’m working through my gay-ness’ twenty-year-old former youth leader? Just thinking about it is enough to make my head spin.”

After another disbelieving shake of her head, Amanda came over and knelt and hugged him. She whispered, “Please, Adam, I’m trusting my baby to you.”

Adam found his arms around her back, “I promise I’ll keep him safe.”

Still wearing a befuddled expression, Amanda said, “I know you will. I’m heading to bed. When he’s done in the shower, have Isaiah show you your bed. I’ll see you in the morning.”

Copyright 2019 – Caliboy1991
All rights reserved

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