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Forbidden Fruit – Epilogue

Forbidden Fruit – Epilogue

Adam felt a warmth in his ear that pulled him from his sleep. Still, he felt comfortably warm in the bed with a smaller body cuddled against his back. Again, the warm air flowed over his ear, and his hand swatted at the air.

A treble giggle sounded just inches from the same ear, followed by a familiar voice, “Come on, It’s a Saturday, you can’t sleep all day when there’s stuff to do.”

Adam cracked open an eye and glanced at the nightstand next to the head of the bed. It was barely past eight in the morning. “Jeeze, Isaiah. Do you know what time it is?”

The boy went from cuddling against his back to spooning him. The familiar heat against his ass was accompanied by, “Yeah, time to make love to you.”

A twitch below reminded the young man, his younger lover wasn’t the only one with needs. Adam flipped the covers back on the queen size bed and flipped over and faced Isaiah. The boy’s face lacked the rounded shape he’d first come to love. But the angular adolescent visage gazing back at him held the same warm, brown eyes he’d fallen in love with two years before.

Adam slid an arm around the boy and pulled him close. Their kiss lingered, a combination of good morning and let’s make love, driving them together. Isaiah’s penis pressed against his own, leaving Adam no doubt precisely what the boy wanted.

When Isaiah climbed on top of him, Adam couldn’t help but smile. He’d heard most gay relationships have a dominant and submissive partner. He chuckled at the idea. The previous night, he’d been the one taking what the boy happily offered. Despite the years between them, Adam felt a communion with Isaiah almost of equality. The boy led out exploring what he wanted perhaps more often than he took control, although it was close.

The boy reached between their bodies, and Adam nearly gasped when Isaiah accidentally touched him with the cold lubricant on his fingers. A moment later, he felt Isaiah pushing against his butt. Adam had lost count of the times he and Isaiah had made love. The young teen was soon impaled, his nearly five inches buried inside Adam’s ass.

Watching the boy grow over the past couple of years had been a time of delight. They’d celebrated the boy’s first pubic hair, as well as the first shaving of said pubic hair a few weeks later. Adam had been there the first time Isaiah’s high pitch had warbled and cracked. He’d even sat in the school’s large gym a few days before and watched the boy walk across the stage, officially graduating from the eighth grade.

“Hey, old man, where were you?” Isaiah said as he rested his hips against Adam’s.

Adam smiled and leaned forward for another kiss. “Just thinking about us. About how lucky I am.”

Isaiah pushed forward, bottoming out. “Admit it, you just like me for my sexy body.”

Adam bit back a moan as his body tingled. Isaiah was good at finding his prostate. Although the boy had always done well pleasuring his ass, as he’d gotten bigger, he’d also gotten better. “Yup. Shut up and make love to me.”

Isaiah slid in and out, “You’re getting senile, old man. You’re the one doing most of the talking.”

He fell silent as he sped up. Isaiah, already lying flat on the bed, closed his eyes and felt his swollen prostate getting close. Then, he felt a familiar explosion inside him, and his penis erupted, splattering his semen over his stomach. Isaiah didn’t stop. With lust in his eyes, he moved even faster. Then, he shoved himself in as a shudder thundered through his body. Adam felt something even hotter than his ass fill it.

Breathing heavily, Isaiah fell against his chest. After a long moment, he groaned, “Gross, your cum is all over my belly now.”

Adam wrapped his arms around the boy’s waist. “That’s nothing. Give me a few, and my cum will be up in your ass, too.”

Grinning, Isaiah slid off and said, “Go for it.”

Adam did.

Later, he drove over to the university with Amanda in the passenger seat and Isaiah in the back. Like his young boyfriend a few days earlier, today was Adam’s day to walk across the stage and receive his diploma.

He gave Amanda and Isaiah hugs and watched them head toward the arena’s general seating, where several thousand people were already waiting to watch their loved ones graduate. Adam made his way to the assembly area, where ushers handed out a single sheet with instructions. Once he found his spot toward the back of the assembly area, there was nothing to do but don the black graduation gown and wait.

Graduation was about transitions. Leaving something behind and pursuing something new. Most of the people who he knew well from his classes were heading home after graduation. A few were probably destined to live in their parents’ basement. But most were excited for the next step in their journey, whether it included a new job or marriage, or sometimes even both.

Someone made an announcement. Commencement music played over the area’s sound system as the graduates filed into the seats where the college’s basketball games were usually held. The problem with the last name Weston was it was pretty far back in the alphabet. So, when he finally got to his spot in the arena, he was on one of the last rows. With hundreds of names to go before W, he knew it would be a while before his name was called.

Adam wasn’t going back home. His mom had moved on with her life and remarried. He barely knew his stepfather. There was nothing back there for him. His future, at least for a bit longer, was here. Sure, he was taking the summer off, but he had already been accepted into the graduate program for clinical psychology.

The graduation ceremony was moving along. The graduates a few rows ahead of Adam were rising to their feet, filing down toward the stage.

Of course, Isaiah was ecstatic Adam was staying. They had already made plans to return to Schlitterbahn in a few weeks. In fact, he was pretty sure this summer would be the best yet for him and his young boyfriend.

Before he realized how much time had passed, Adam rose, along with the other graduates on the next to last row. He filed down the long aisle, as slowly, one by one, each graduate hurried across the stage, shook the hand of the university president and received their diploma, and paused for a split second for a photographer to capture the event on celluloid.

When it was finally his turn, Adam’s feet hurried him across the stage. The handshake and the diploma happened faster than he’d imagined. But when he paused for the photograph, he saw standing in the general seating a large, white sign. Isaiah and Amanda held it. It read, “We Love You, Adam!”

As he rushed toward the stairs, Adam’s eyes stayed glued, not to the sign, but to the young teenager holding it. Sure, he knew he wanted to go into counseling, help kids like him to find their place in the world, but Isaiah was the reason he was staying.

When the last student, by the name Zimmerman, left the stage, the graduation ceremony came to a close. Adam, holding the diploma tube, raced out of the arena floor. The concourse around the arena was flooded with families. Flashes of photography lit up the already lighted area as the young man scanned the crowd.


He turned at the sound of a familiar voice. Isaiah waved as he raced toward him. “Adam!” he cried again. This time his voice breaking with an adolescent tremor.

Adam dodged and weaved through the crowd until the boy, now a few inches over five feet, plowed into him and threw his arms around him. Raising his voice to be heard over the milieu around them, Isaiah said, “Congratulations. Mom just told me the good news! You’re really going to stay here?”

Adam squeezed the boy in a bear hug, “Yeah. Come on. Let’s go home.”

The End.

Copyright 2019 – Caliboy1991
All rights reserved

Forbidden Fruit – Chapter 13

Forbidden Fruit – Chapter 13

Adam spied the boy hurrying from the front entrance of the junior high school. Usually, Isaiah strolled out to the car, chatting with one or two other students. Now, though, his gait was long and hurried. He practically threw himself in the passenger’s seat and burst into tears.

“Hey, what’s wrong?”

The boy shook his head, “Just get me the fuck out of here, please, Adam.”

A car horn behind him reminded Adam others were waiting in line. After pulling out of the school’s long drive, he said, “Hey, now, we’re out of there. What’s wrong?”

Tears streamed down Isaiah’s face, his eyes red-rimmed, “Ja’Quille called me a faggot.”

Adam had no idea who Ja’Quille was, but he could feel a dagger poised at his heart and felt for his young boyfriend. “Why’d he do that?”

Isaiah wiped his eyes with his shirtsleeve, “He saw me hugging you at the game, said only queers hug like that.”

Adam felt anger boiling up from within. Part of his anger was at this unknown seventh-grader named Ja’Quille. Part of it was because seventh graders could be intolerably cruel. And part of it was at a society that required his relationship with his young boyfriend remain hidden.

He put a hand on Isaiah’s leg, “Did you tell him whether you’re gay or not is none of his business?”

Isaiah’s normally cheerful countenance was stormy, “I’ve told a couple of my friends I’m gay. But not that asshole. It didn’t stop him from telling me I’m going to Hell because God doesn’t like faggots!”

Adam pulled under the carport, “That’s bullshit, Isaiah.”

“Is it? I mean, Mom wanted me to go to church so that I’d stop feeling bad about trying to hug Josh.”

Thinking back over the past months, Adam chuckled, “How’d that work out for you?”

Isaiah let a giggle out between sobs, “Well, I found you there. Maybe not too bad.”

As they headed into the house, he added, “When we’re together, I feel more alive and more excited about stuff than any other time. I’m not really going to Hell for that, am I?”

Once inside the house, Adam closed the door and turned and enveloped Isaiah into a fierce hug, “Hell, no. I don’t want you thinking like that. God doesn’t hate you or me, just because we love each other.”

Isaiah collapsed on the couch, “Forget that stupid Ja’Quille, but even at Wakefield doing gay stuff, they’d say is wrong. Right?”

Adam sat down next to the boy, “I’m not sure how to think about it, except for feeling just like you. I love you more than anyone else, Isaiah. The only reason I don’t shout it from the highest mountain is that a lot of people wouldn’t understand or approve of my love; they’d say you’re too young for me. When you’re old enough that people won’t crucify me, I’ll tell anyone and everyone that we love each other.”

Isaiah shifted and climbed into his lap, “I guess youth group leaders don’t know much either.”

Adam wrapped his arms around the boy’s waist, “Not this one.”

“You’re still studying to go into the ministry, though,” Isaiah said, “I don’t want to go to Hell, but I don’t want to not be with you even more.”

Adam pulled Isaiah into a short kiss. “I’m still studying for it because that’s what my scholarship is for. I don’t think I’m cut out to be a preacher or even a youth pastor, though. But I hope I can still figure out a way to help people.”

Isaiah wore a lopsided smile, “Is there anyone I could talk to that could help me understand?”

Adam thought about Pastor Rich. He wasn’t sure if he would have any answers to help Isaiah’s conflict. After all, Adam felt the same tear in his spirit. After talking with Rich, there were two things he’d known for certain. First, he’d never be a pastor. The second was his relationship with Isaiah didn’t change God’s love for him.

“Maybe. Let me make a phone call tomorrow.”

Then Adam leaned forward and explored the inside of Isaiah’s mouth with his tongue. The boy moaned and inched forward on his lap until their chests touched. One thing led to another, and a bit later, Adam had traded places with Isaiah, who now sat on the couch with his shirt and pants on the floor.

When Adam pulled the boy’s red briefs down, he was pretty sure the boy was nearly three and a half inches. But as he ran his hands across Isaiah’s pubic area, it was still silky smooth. He envied the boy a smoothness that took no effort to maintain. It was silly to think that, but Adam didn’t much care as he bent down and took Isaiah in his mouth.

Adam took his time licking and sucking the boy. He took the small orbs in the boy’s scrotum in his mouth and then licked Isaiah’s shaft, breathing in the boy’s prepubescent sweaty scent as he became aroused. Then he alternated between bobbing and sucking. Yes, he thought, Isaiah was definitely a bit larger than when they had started a few months before. The thought of watching his young lover grow, get bigger and leave childhood behind was intoxicating.

The twelve-year-old squirmed on the couch. Adam could tell he was getting close. When Isaiah threw his head back and loudly moaned, his whole body shook. Adam felt the little nail grow even harder, and then a few jets of watery cum splattered the back of his throat.

Isaiah groaned, “Fuck, yeah. Suck it!”

The front door opened, and Amanda walked in. Adam froze. He knelt between the boy’s legs. Isaiah’s penis was still in his mouth. So was the boy’s semen.

Amanda did a one-eighty, “Oh, shit! What the hell, boys? Couldn’t you take this to your room?”

Adam swallowed the boy’s sweet and salty nectar and let Isaiah’s appendage slip out. He pivoted around and sat next to the boy. “Um, sorry,” he managed.

Isaiah grinned up at his mom. “What? You don’t mind, do you?”

Despite the boy’s erection pointing heavenward, Amanda turned back to face them, “Not minding isn’t the same thing as seeing the two of you. I’d at least like to pretend my little boy and his boyfriend are innocently playing video games.”

Adam had gotten to know Amanda well over the past few months, and he could tell her voice was mostly exasperation. There was no heat behind it. Still, she didn’t want to see what they were doing.

He said, “Come on, Isaiah, let’s go back to our bedroom.”

Isaiah was almost to the door when Amanda stopped him. “Everything okay?”

Adam wanted to tell her everything was fine. But it wasn’t. He explained about Isaiah’s run-in with the other seventh-grader.

“Oh, for heaven’s sake,” she groaned. “That’s the last thing Isaiah needs to worry about.”

“I’m at the same place, Amanda. I know what he’s going through. If it’s okay with you, I’m going to schedule a time for him to visit Pastor Rich. He helped me when I realized I was gay. I’d like to think he can do the same for Isaiah.”

Amanda pursed her lips, “Maybe. But Wakefield doesn’t seem very supportive to me, Adam. Pastor Rich included it in one of his sermons recently as a sin. Are you sure?”

Ignoring the boner he’d gotten while blowing his young boyfriend, Adam nodded, “Yeah. I think it’ll help.”

Amanda finally nodded, “Okay. Now get out of here.”

Adam headed toward the bedroom. It was his turn now.


“Hey, Isaiah, thanks for coming by,” Pastor Rich said as he stretched out his hand.

Isaiah shot a worried glance at Adam before taking the pastor’s hand. “H-hi Pastor Rich.”

Everyone at Wakefield called him Pastor Rich, not Pastor Miller. A few even just called him Rich. The informality helped put Isaiah at ease as he came into the pastor’s study.

Adam stayed at the door, offering a smile of encouragement.

Pastor Rich had a battered desk against one wall. Behind it were big bay windows. But the pastor guided him to a pair of comfortable chairs against another wall. When the boy sat, the pastor said, “Adam will be waiting for you.”

Isaiah bit his lip, “Um, I’d rather he stay. Is that okay?”

Pastor Rich waved his boyfriend into the office, “Sure. Adam, have a seat while me and Isaiah have a chat.”

A moment later, the pastor sat opposite Isaiah, “So, Adam says you’re having a rough time. A kid at school bullying you?”

Isaiah nodded, “Yeah. I mean, yes, sir.”

A smile creased the pastor’s face, making him look years younger than his nearly fifty years. “Pastor Rich or just Rich is fine. Why do you think he was bullying you?”

Isaiah couldn’t help himself. He glanced at Adam for strength. Once the young man nodded, Isaiah said in a voice barely above a whisper, “I, uh, am gay.”

The minister nodded slightly, unperturbed by his hesitant declaration. “When did you realize this?”

The boy counted the months. March through December. “Almost a year ago.”

Pastor Rich leaned back, “Before you and your mom joined our little congregation. Perhaps what you’re feeling is a passing phase, Isaiah. Boys your age experiment with other boys a lot. Keep that in mind. But for now, I’m going to take you at your word. Okay?”

For some reason, Pastor Rich’s non-threatening demeanor made him relax a bit.

The pastor continued, “Look, I’m not going to try to tell you you’re not gay. That’s between you and God. Instead, ask me what’s on your mind.”

Isaiah breathed a silent breath of relief. Since Adam had told him he’d schedule some time with Pastor Rich, the boy had been brimming with questions. He said, “Am I going to Hell? A boy at school said that I was.”

Pastor Rich’s lips thinned, “You want the simple answer or the complicated one?”

Why do people have to be so complicated? Isaiah’s sigh filled the room, causing both the men to chuckle lightly. Frowning slightly at Adam, the boy said, “Whichever one is the right one.”

Pastor Rich laughed, “Oh, you’ve got a smart kid here, Adam.”

He grew serious, “Stop me at any point if you don’t understand me. The short answer is that we believe salvation is through Jesus alone. Nothing else matters. If you accepted Jesus as your savior, then that’s it.”

Isaiah had been baptized at the last church he and his mom had attended before moving here. What Pastor Rich said matched up with what the pastor at that other church said. But it couldn’t be that easy. “Why’d that kid say I was going to hell? I’ve seen stuff online that says the same thing. That a gay person is going to go to hell.”

The pastor leaned forward, “Are you familiar with binary code? Ones and zeroes?”

Isaiah wasn’t terribly interested in computers, but he’d read about ones and zeroes as a computer language. He nodded.

The pastor said, “Well, some people think things are easy. You’re a Christian, you’re not a Christian. You’re gay, you’re straight. You’re fat, you’re thin. Of course, there are lots more examples. But they think if you’re a Christian, then you can’t be gay.”

The way Pastor Rich spoke, Isaiah got the impression he wasn’t impressed with that line of reasoning. “But that’s not how I feel.”

“Exactly. There’s only one person who can judge your relationship with God. That person is you.”

Isaiah nodded. That made sense. Still, he had more questions. “So, it’s not a sin?”

Pastor Rich smiled and shook his head, “A person’s relationship with God is sacred, Isaiah. But it doesn’t mean they’re without sin. The Bible lists many sins, things that if we do them, we’re going against God’s plan for our lives. The boy who cheats on his test, the girl who bullies other students, the boy who lies to his parents, someone who steals from others. Those are just a few examples, but all of them are wrong. I believe homosexual acts are part of those things that are wrong.”

“Oh,” Isaiah said, his head resting on his chest and his eyes looking at the carpet.

“Isaiah,” Pastor Rich said, “I don’t think God puts homosexual behavior any higher on his list of things we should abstain from than any of those other sins. Do you think someone who lies can’t get into Heaven?”

“Of course not,” Isaiah said. “Well, I guess it depends on the lie.”

Pastor Rich smiled, “I’m not sure about that. Other Christian groups think differently, but I hold to the idea once you become a Christian, you’re always saved. Oh, I know, there are plenty of people who are looking to fill that full of holes, but that’s what I believe.”

Isaiah lifted his head, “So, because I’m a Christian, I’m going to heaven even though I’m gay?”

Pastor Rich gave him a slight smile. “I don’t think your sexual preference has anything to do with your salvation, Isaiah.” He paused, his eyes getting a faraway stare. After a moment, he refocused on the boy, “If you end up in a homosexual relationship, you may find yourself living with a bit of a disconnect between your faith as a Christian and your lifestyle. If that happens, my door is always open to you.”

Then his eyes drifted over to Adam, who had been quietly listening the entire time, “You’re not alone in what you’re feeling, Isaiah. I know one other young man who is wrestling with the same challenges. Just like I told him, the doors of Wakefield are always open to you. I’m not going to tell you that if you live a homosexual lifestyle that we’ll approve of that choice. But, the doors will always be open to you.”

Isaiah cut a quick glance at Adam and flashed his lover a quick smile. “So, if I’m gay, I can still come to church? You’re not going to kick me out if I, um, have a gay, uh boyfriend?”

The pastor’s cheeks turned a shade of scarlet before he chuckled, “Isaiah, we’re a hospital for sinners, not a museum for saints. There are a lot of people sitting in those pews on Sunday whose lives are messed up. Of course, you and your, um, boyfriend would be welcome.”

While Isaiah felt somewhat better, he didn’t fully understand. It was very evident Pastor Rich viewed homosexual acts as sins. And Isaiah would rather die than give up what he had with Adam. But Pastor Rich wanted him to keep coming to church. That wasn’t what he’d expected. “That’s cool,” he managed as his mind worked over the conversation.

Pastor Rich reached out and put a hand on Isaiah’s shoulder, “If you want to visit some more, tell Adam or call my office. I’m here to help. Before my next appointment gets here, do you boys mind if I say a quick prayer?”

Copyright 2019 – Caliboy1991
All rights reserved

Forbidden Fruit – Chapter 12

Forbidden Fruit – Chapter 12

“Are you sure I look okay?” Isaiah said with another glance at his blue jeans and button-down yellow shirt. Although the only person who mattered was sitting in the driver’s seat, the boy still wanted to look his best.

“Yeah, super-hot,” Adam said as he put the car into park. “If we weren’t in the middle of the high school parking lot, I’d show you just how hot you are.”

Isaiah loved how his boyfriend could make his cheeks turn red, but not quite as much as he made other parts of the boy respond. “I liked the kiss you gave me before we left the pizza parlor parking lot.”

It has been daring, too. The parking lot had been crowded. Isaiah and Adam hadn’t been the only people who had gone there before the big game, although the boy hadn’t recognized anyone. They had all been high schoolers with their dates. But, after Adam had held the passenger side door open for him and then came around to the driver’s side, the young man had reached over the console and pulled Isaiah close enough to steal a kiss. The only thing Isaiah would have found more erotic is if there had been anyone nearby in the parking lot.

Adam reached over the console and lightly tousled Isaiah’s hair, “Yeah. I could tell. What a shame we have to cool our jets for a few hours. Think we can pretend to be just friends until the game’s over?”

Isaiah flashed a grin, “We’ll see. Let’s go before all the good seats are gone.”

The boy was out of the car and waiting for Adam to grab a jacket and come around to his side. It was hard not to hold his hand as they walked toward the gate. Sure, Adam was his boyfriend, but they hardly ever went out, so the notion of masking their relationship was hard on Isaiah. After all, his mom had come to accept Adam as something between a son and younger brother. At least that’s how it seemed to Isaiah.

Once they handed over their tickets, they made their way into the stands and found a spot fairly high up, close to the fifty-yard-line. Even though he wasn’t supposed to show any affection, Isaiah leaned his head against Adam’s shoulder, but when the young man didn’t complain or correct him, the boy settled in and waited for the kick-off.

Once the game started, leaning against Adam became a thing of the past. The fans in the bleachers were on their feet, cheering for their team most of the time. Isaiah and Adam were right there with the rest of the crowd, cheering them on.

The visiting team was the only other team in their district also undefeated. By the last half of the fourth quarter, the home team was ahead by a field goal when the visitors intercepted the ball and ran it most of the way back, only missing a touchdown by ten yards. On their first down, they ran the ball down the middle but lost a yard when the running back was tackled before he could get across the line of scrimmage.

On the second down, the visiting team’s quarterback tried the same tactic. This time, the running back managed to claw his way forward, not going down until he was inside the seven-yard-line. On the third down, the visiting team’s quarterback snapped the ball laterally to his wide receiver, who would have made it into the endzone, save for the home team’s cornerback taking him out just outside of the one-yard-line.

Everyone in the stands was on their feet. If the visitors scored, then they would probably win the district title. If the home team won, then they were nearly a shoo-in for the district title. And all that stood between their foes taking that title away from Isaiah’s team was one measly yard.

After a short timeout, the opposing team kept the same players on the field. They were going to go for it! Isaiah climbed on the bleacher to see over the heads of the people in front of him. He had to see it. Could his team stop the ball?

The quarterback snapped the ball. And handed off the ball to his running back, who veered around the defensive linebackers. The home team’s safety and one of the linebackers took him down right in front of the goal.

The crowd went wild. Isaiah jumped up and down and then threw his arms around Adam and gave him a big hug, “We’re gonna win, Adam! There’s only a couple of minutes left on the clock!”

He stayed with his arms around his boyfriend until Adam gently removed his arms from his neck before giving him a sly wink.

And the clock wound down as the home team took possession of the ball and ran the clock out on a series of three more plays. Again, Isaiah didn’t care about a little hug; who could object to that? This time, he climbed onto Adam’s back and grabbed around the young man’s neck and enjoyed the feel of his boyfriend. He was especially happy when Adam carried him back to the car, riding on his back the whole way.

When they got home, Adam put the car into park and reached across the console and pulled him into his lap, “God, feeling your boner poking me in the back from the bleachers to the car was enough to drive me insane.”

Isaiah melted against him as the young man’s tongue trespassed his mouth. The hint of pepperoni betrayed Adam’s choice of pizza from earlier. The larger tongue in his mouth made Isaiah long for their familiar intimacy, and his hand pushed against the young man’s jeans, where he felt Adam’s erection outlined in his pants.

Isaiah needed more. He opened the driver’s door and slid out. Before bolting toward the front door, he said, “Last one into the bedroom gets fucked first!”


When Adam closed the front door, he saw Amanda lying on the couch. She had a box of tissues sitting on her lap. Before he could ask, he noticed she was watching some tear-jerker. She waved at him as she set the box on the floor. “Isaiah made a bee-line for the bedroom. Said it was a race. How was the date?”

Even after ten weeks, the heat radiated to Adam’s face, despite Amanda’s knowledge of what he and Isaiah were doing behind their closed door. “Good. The football team won. Isaiah had a good time.”

Amanda smiled. Although she had been incredibly supportive of his relationship with Isaiah, Adam was still embarrassed that she knew pretty much everything going on. It wasn’t like the boy was a quiet lover. “I imagine he’s expecting a good time tonight.”

Then she nodded toward Adam’s pants. His erection was still making an indention in his jeans. “Looks like both of you are looking for a good time.”

The crimson in his face spread up and down, “Um, really?”

The young woman chuckled, “It’s really weird and kind of messed up, but let me joke about it. It makes it easier for me knowing how much you love each other. Now, go on, get your ashes hauled.”

Adam headed toward the bedroom, trying not to think too deeply about how Amanda coped with his relationship with her son. When he opened the bedroom door, he spied Isaiah on the lower bunk. He was naked, his three inches pointing directly at the top bunk. “What took you so long? Was thinking you got lost or kidnapped.”

The twinkle in Isaiah’s eyes showed his words to be trash talk. Adam pulled his shirt off, “Well, your mom just wanted to make sure that I put some duct tape over your mouth so she could get some sleep.”

Isaiah had the good grace to blush. “Well, when it feels so good, it’s hard to be quiet.”

Adam unbuckled his belt and pulled his pants down, “I guess she’s going to hear you moan like a banshee tonight.”

The boy’s flush deepened, “But I won. It’s my turn.”

Adam let his blue briefs fall to the floor before he let his erection lead him over to the bed, “That’s fine, lover-boy, but the night is young.”

Adam dove onto the bed, grabbing at Isaiah as the boy tried wiggling free. The young man’s fingers ran up and down the boy’s ribs, eliciting peals of laughter. By the time his young lover could stammer out a “S-stop,” Adam lay nearly on top of Isaiah.

The boy’s brown eyes, not much different than his own, drew him in like nothing else could. Somewhere deep inside, Adam knew the boy was on the cusp of puberty. It was even possible he would outgrow their affair as he grew from boy, to teen, to man. Part of Adam would always be drawn to Isaiah, the boy, but he hungered to see how the boy would grow into a man.

His hands rested on Isaiah’s chest, “I love you, Isaiah Luke Clayton.”

The playful expression on the boy’s face gave way to an uncharacteristically meditative one, “At school, sometimes when I think about you, my heart thunders in my chest because I just want to be with you. I know I’m only in the seventh grade, and I’m just a kid, but I’ll always love you, Adam Weston.”

Adam kissed the boy’s neck before drifting down his body, suckling on Isaiah’s small nipples until they grew hard under his tongue. Then, he dug his tongue into the indention of the boy’s belly button. Despite being ticklish, Isaiah quietly chuckled as his fingers ran through Adam’s straight, brown hair. He only gasped when the young man’s tongue caressed his glans.


Adam slipped the boy’s erect penis into his mouth. Isaiah felt larger than when they had first started more than two months before. Perhaps slightly thicker around and a bit longer. But if that were so, Adam couldn’t have cared less as he sucked the boy.

He hadn’t been down on the boy for long when his young lover pushed him up and said, “Two can play at this game. Flip around.”

Happy to oblige his young lover, Adam pivoted until his midsection was poised over Isaiah’s face. Once the boy’s tongue licked across his glans, the young man went down again on the boy, eager to bring him to orgasm first.

Adam’s nose was filled with a sweaty smell unique to Isaiah. It was one that drove him crazy with lust, and he alternated between licking and sucking on his lover’s little tool until Isaiah stopped sucking on him as he wiggled his butt as pressure built.

“Ahh! Fuck!” the boy cried out as his hips bucked upward, and he spasmed. There was more watery seed now than ten weeks before. A second drop hit the back of Adam’s throat. With a hint of something akin to sweet and salty peanuts, the boy’s ejaculate was still sweet in Adam’s mouth, but with a bit more saltiness, too.

When Adam pulled back, Isaiah’s penis remained erect. That was another delight Adam found in the boy. He could stay erect through multiple orgasms. At twenty, it didn’t take him very long to recharge his batteries, but the boy had hardly any downtime.

Isaiah slapped his butt, “Roll over. I want to be on top.”

Once repositioned, the boy returned to Adam’s penis, bobbing up and down with all the practice and experience two months had given him, even teasing Adam with his tongue. The young man didn’t last long, the feeling in his balls bubbling up, until he moaned, “Cumming!”

Isaiah pushed forward until Adam felt the boy’s tonsils, and then he shuddered as his penis spasmed, sending a load down the boy’s throat. It was followed by a handful more spurts. As his orgasm slowly retreated, Adam enjoyed the powerful feelings as the boy pulled his mouth back until just the young man’s glans remained inside.

When Isaiah finally let his softening penis slip from his mouth, Adam found himself aroused by a hint of something shiny on the boy’s lips, the only sign from swallowing his cum. The young man pulled the boy up to his face, where the taste of his own seed on the boy’s lips was intoxicating.

After long kisses, the boy pulled back and squatted on his knees. His erection pointed toward the top bunk. “That was fun. Now, it’s my turn.”

Without waiting for permission, Isaiah spread the young man’s legs a bit wider and then reached under the mattress for some KY, which Adam had recently bought. After smearing a bit on his penis, he leaned forward, barely waiting as his slender cock pushed through Adam’s muscle ring. Of course, since discovering the joys of anal sex a week before, they had practiced it almost nightly since then.

Isaiah rocked his hips back and forth, in short jabs designed to keep him inside Adam. Despite his three inches, the boy’s tip found the sweet spot inside Adam, and the young man felt a special tingling growing inside him. Normally, Isaiah shot his seed within a couple of minutes, before the growing feeling inside Adam would come to completion. But with only a few minutes since his last eruption, Isaiah seemed to settle on a gentle rocking motion.

He murmured, “You feel like the perfect glove, Adam. I could do this all night.”

The young man couldn’t complain. Especially each time the boy’s penis hit his prostate. “You fill me up, Isaiah. It’s like having something just right in me.”

After another lingering kiss, the boy slipped back into a pleasurable rhythm. Adam wasn’t sure how much time had passed when the intense feelings spilled out from his prostate, and his semi-erection shook with an orgasm from much deeper than normal. White, sticky prostatic fluid covered his stomach as the orgasm crashed over his entire body. Somewhere inside his mind, he realized this was the feeling Isaiah had received each time he made love to the twelve-year-old. And it intense beyond words.

And still, Isaiah kept moving, although he picked up his pace at the sight of the young man’s orgasm. And a few minutes later, while Adam’s prostate orgasm continued to wrack his body, Isaiah shuddered and collapsed on top of him as the boy came again.

Time lacked meaning to Adam. He wasn’t sure how long Isaiah lay atop him, but one thing was sure. The twelve-year-old’s erection never flagged or faltered. And after a bit, Adam’s returned. Even so, he didn’t have the energy or desire to climb atop the boy. Instead, he turned on his side and spooned his young lover after preparing himself to invade the boy’s tightness.

Once Adam felt himself pushing on the boy’s sphincter, he was rewarded by Isaiah pushing against him as the boy cooed, “Oh, fuck, that feels good. We are going to do this all night!”

Adam doubted he had much stamina remaining, but that didn’t stop him from pulling the boy deeper into his embrace as well as burying himself deeper in Isaiah. When the boy shuddered, Adam said, “I should have gone slower. Did I hurt you?”

Isaiah shook his head, “You’re good. It barely even hurt when you pushed it in. It feels really good inside me. Don’t stop.”

Despite exhaustion tugging at him, Adam rocked back and forth on his hips, slowly sliding in and out of Isaiah. The boy’s rectum pulled on his penis as if trying to keep him embedded within him. The best of it was despite how good and tight Isaiah felt on him, the tingling at the base of his penis was a long time arriving and longer still building up.

Isaiah shook in his embrace as his orgasm wracked his entire body. Adam wrapped his fingers around the boy and tried to make the prostatic orgasm even more intense. Of course, the fact the boy had nothing left in reserve only intensified his orgasm.

By the time Adam finally felt his balls constrict, Isaiah barely moved in his arms. His moans were soft, no louder than a whisper. The young man’s eruption filled his young lover’s bowels, and in the protracted moment of his orgasm, Adam passed out.

Copyright 2019 – Caliboy1991
All rights reserved

Forbidden Fruit – Chapter 11

Forbidden Fruit – Chapter 11

Adam set the book down on his bed and turned to the keyboard and typed, John Wycliff’s effect on the Reformation should be measured by the role of reformers in England more so than for his impact with figures such as Martin Luther.

“Adam, what’s a whore?”

The young man’s fingers froze on the keyboard. He glanced upward at the top bunk, “I thought you were doing school work.”

Isaiah leaned over the railing, “I am. I’m supposed to write a paper about the Texas Revolution. And I found a story about a whore who was supposed to help the Texans win their independence. So, what’s a whore?”

Thoughts of the Reformation and John Wycliff drifted away on the winds of Isaiah’s question. “Um, it’s a prostitute.”

“Oh, like Mary Magdalene in the Bible?”

Adam frowned. How in the hell did poor Mary from Magdala get turned into a whore in church tradition? Still, that didn’t have anything to do with Isaiah’s question. Adam said, “Yeah. Are you reading about the Yellow Rose of Texas?”

“Yep. Do you think she really existed?”

Adam closed his laptop, “I suppose. You about done with your homework?”


A moment later, “Adam?”

“Yes, Isaiah.”

“Homecoming is this Friday,” the boy said.

Was October already half over? Adam shook his head. Christmas break would be here before he knew it. He said, “You going to ask some pretty seventh-grade girl?”

“Fuck you.”

Adam laughed. In the confines of their bedroom, the boy had developed a potty mouth. Adam felt a grin spread across his face. The boy had probably developed it because of his tendency to swear when he orgasmed. Isaiah leaned over, “Girls drool, and boys rule. Right? Anyway, I wanted to go. The football team is kicking butt this season. Do you want to go?”

Adam had been living at the Claytons’ for two months. And in that time, he hadn’t taken Isaiah out on a real date. Some of it was money. He’d given the rent money to Amanda each month, and that didn’t leave him a lot of spare cash. But more importantly, he was afraid of what conclusions folks might draw if they saw him and the boy together at a restaurant. But if the two of them played it cool, the last reason shouldn’t be one.

He leaned over and looked up, “Sure, boyfriend. That sounds fun. We’ll go on a real date and then go to the game. How’s that sound?”

Isaiah swung down and nearly landed in his lap as he threw his arms around Adam’s neck and kissed him. The young man set his laptop and books under his bed before running his hands over the boy’s bare back. Adam pushed his tongue into his young boyfriend’s mouth, savoring the tartness of the Smarties Isaiah had been eating.

The boy tugged at his shirt until it fell discarded on the floor. His hands ran over Adam’s smooth chest. A weekly shave reduced his body to the smoothness Isaiah loved to feel. Then, the boy pushed him back and yanked at his loose shorts, giggling in delight when Adam’s orange briefs came off along with the shorts. Isaiah wrapped his fingers around the young man’s growing erection.

Still giggling, he said, “I love all of you, Adam Weston. But I really love this part of you the best.”

Adam couldn’t argue. The deft, gentle touch felt magical on his penis. He could have let the boy have his way, and both of them would have enjoyed it. But he pulled Isaiah to him and wrapped his arms around the boy’s waist before grabbing Isaiah’s shorts and briefs in the back and pulling down on them.

By the time the boy’s clothes landed on top of Adam’s, Isaiah leaned down and licked the young man’s erection. He looked up into Adam’s face, “The only thing that kept me working on my homework was that you wouldn’t let me do any fun stuff until I’m done. Now, I wanna play.”

The fluttering in his belly had stopped as Adam had grown used to being intimate with Isaiah, but that didn’t lessen his desire. He needed the boy’s three-inches in his mouth. Now. Adam picked up his young boyfriend and rotated him around until Isaiah’s head was poised over his erection. Of course, the boy’s rigid nail was pointed at Adam’s face, too. Then he let the boy mold himself to his body as Adam felt his glans enveloped in Isaiah’s small mouth.

He grabbed the boy by the ass-cheeks and pulled Isaiah down until he tasted the first bit of precum on his glans. Then Adam slid the three rock-hard inches into his mouth, swirling his tongue around the twelve-year-old, listening to Isaiah’s groan. Although with his mouth full of most of Adam’s dick, the boy’s moan was muffled.

This was not the first time he and Isaiah had sixty-nined each other, but it never got old. The tingling in his dick grew gradually as the boy went from bobbing up and down on his erection to licking from the balls to the glans, and back to taking as much of Adam as he could manage. Which Adam thought was quite a lot.

He could feel Isaiah’s tonsils slide across the top of his penis as the boy took him as deep as possible, although four inches was the boy’s limit without gagging. The feel of the inside of Isaiah’s mouth was incredible, especially as the boy’s tonsils slid again over his skin. Adam closed his eyes as the buildup continued. The feeling bubbling up from within his balls was so intense, he let Isaiah’s penis slip from his mouth. As though that was some sort of signal, Isaiah lowered his mouth deeper than ever. He coughed and backed up for a moment before pushing deep again. The second time, Adam felt himself tip over as Isaiah’s lips touched his pubic area.

“Holy fuck!” he moaned as his erection spasmed deeper in the boy’s mouth than ever before. After the second shot, Isaiah backed off until just Adam’s glans remained. When the boy finally pulled off, his hand gripped Adam and milked the last little bit.

Then he growled, “My turn, Adam! Make me cum, please!” Hearing his high preadolescent voice talk about sex kept Adam horny as he took to taking the boy’s entire length in his mouth. This was his preferred way of bringing the boy to orgasm, working his tongue up and down the thin shaft.

Isaiah gripped his hair as he pushed down on Adam, trying to drive his erection even deeper. Then he came. One little jet of semen hit the back of Adam’s throat. Then Isaiah’s penis twitched, firing blanks another half dozen times. Even though he couldn’t see the boy’s semen as he swallowed the little amount, Adam knew from the previous day, the boy’s seed was still watery and clear. And sweet. Isaiah’s cum had none of the salty bitterness of his own.

Spinning around, Isaiah lay with his face directly over Adam’s. His feet rested against the young man’s knees as they kissed. He could still taste his semen on Isaiah’s lips. He’d grown used to the taste, but then again, so had the boy.

One thing Adam adored about his young boyfriend was his stamina. Isaiah’s penis pressed against Adam’s abdomen, still as hard as ever. After a long passionate kiss, Isaiah said, “Can we, um, do some more stuff tonight?”

They both had already received mind-numbing orgasms. What more could the boy want?

Resting his hands on the boy’s smooth backside, Adam said, “Sure. What do you have in mind?”

The past couple of months had ended both of their inhibitions with each other. And that’s why Adam was surprised at the flush on Isaiah’s face. Then the boy surprised him, “Can we fuck? I know you said we needed to wait because I’m not ready. But I think I am, and I really want to fuck.”

Adam’s penis twitched at the boy’s suggestion. He had asked the boy to wait a bit. Some of the reason was that he wanted the boy to be a bit larger and some of it was more practical. Isaiah wasn’t a quiet lover. Thank God Amanda was as understanding as she was.

When Adam didn’t respond, Isaiah got up and said, “I’ll be right back.”

A moment later, he returned with some petroleum jelly from his bathroom. “You didn’t say no, so that means yes.”

All the mutual masturbation and blow jobs had been everything Adam had wanted with the boy. But he knew sex with Isaiah would draw them even closer. He just didn’t want to rush it. “Um, okay. You know how it’s done, I guess.”

Isaiah thrust his hips forward, “Yeah, one of us puts it in the other’s ass.”

The way the boy said it gave Adam an idea. He had just turned fourteen the last time Clint had fucked him. The idea of letting Isaiah fuck him sounded fun. “Yeah. You’re right. To get you ready for me to put my dick in you, we’re going to have to do a bit of work to loosen your butthole. But, if you want, you can go first on me.”

Isaiah’s eyes shone brightly as he nearly shouted, “Awesome,” as he climbed onto the bed.

Adam took the petroleum jelly and made a promise to himself to pick up something with an easier cleanup for the next time. He said, “Kneel between my legs, lover boy.”

With Isaiah squatting between his legs, Adam took some of the goop and smeared it over the boy’s still erect penis. Then he took a bit more and fingered himself. The feeling of his finger sliding through the tight sphincter rings felt weird, but when he pulled his finger back, he nodded and said, “You know you won’t be a virgin after this.”

With a face filled with lust, Isaiah said, “I know. But that’ll make us lovers, for real. Not just boyfriends.”

Lining up Isaiah was so different from six years earlier. Clint had been bigger and experienced. Fourteen-year-old Adam had been smaller and the object of the older boy’s lust. In fact, it wasn’t lost on Adam that once Isaiah penetrated him, the boy would lose his virginity before he would.

The slick, cold touch of the lubricant dissipated against the heat of Isaiah’s small head as it pressed against Adam’s sphincter. The young man nodded, “Fuck me, Isaiah.”

And with those three simple words, his young boyfriend pushed inside.

More than six years had come and gone since the last time anyone had invaded Adam. There was a sharp pain that was gone almost as soon as it hit, when Isaiah penetrated the muscle ring. The boy’s three inches slid the rest of the way in nearly effortlessly. Lying under him, Adam enjoyed the pure bliss on the boy’s face when his bald pubic bone pressed just under Adam’s scrotum.

“Wow!” Isaiah said, leaning forward.

It felt like more than three inches inside Adam. And as he felt a bit of pressure forward of his rectum, he closed his eyes at the delightful penetrating pressure.

His eyes snapped open, and he leaned toward Isaiah and kissed the boy before saying, “Go ahead. Move in and out.”

Isaiah slipped out when he pulled back, but his penis found the hole without any help as he let gravity take him back in. The boy’s tip massaged against Adam’s prostate, sending tingling sensations throughout his body.

The boy slipped out once more before figuring out how far back he could go before he’d pop out. He then settled into short rhythmic thrusts that sent waves of bliss radiating out from Adam’s rectum. Isaiah paused for a moment, his eyelids half-closed, before he sped up, “I’m almost there!”

The boy went rigid as Adam felt his insides quiver with each kick of the boy’s penis as he shot his bit of semen into the young man. With a loud yelp of pleasure, Isaiah fell on top of Adam’s chest, letting the young man caress his hair and back while still enjoying the remnants of his bliss.

When Isaiah’s penis slipped out, Adam missed that full sensation when he said, “Was it as good as you’d hoped.”

A bit glassy-eyed, Isaiah lifted his head, and with a big, goofy smile plastered across his face, he said, “Better. That was fucking awesome. Now it’s your turn.”


All was right in Isaiah’s world. The release he felt between his legs was almost beyond words as his head rested against Adam’s chest. The sound of his boyfriend’s heart thumping against his ribcage thrilled the boy to know Adam’s heart belonged to him.

When he felt Adam’s penis erect between his legs, he slid off to his side, “I meant it, Adam. I want to know what you felt. Fuck me.”

Adam turned on his side as Isaiah came to rest next to him. The young man leaned forward and kissed him, “No, my love. I want to make sweet love to you.”

With that, Adam knelt and moved over between Isaiah’s legs. When he retrieved the petroleum jelly, he slathered a bit on his finger and placed it at Isaiah’s backdoor. “Let’s see if we can fit this in you first.”

Isaiah had spent some time reading up about sex. Who would have thought there was so much information on WebMD? And the school was nice enough not to block the medical website. Those moments over the past month when he’d been in the bathtub alone, he’d tried penetrating himself with his fingers. That’s when he discovered soap might lube you up, but it could also burn like hell. Still, he’d managed to get a couple of fingers inside his rectum a few times. When Adam’s index finger invaded him, it didn’t hurt. Of course, knowing what to expect helped, as did pushing against his boyfriend’s finger.

“You okay, Isaiah?” Adam said when his finger was in him up to the young man’s second knuckle.

The boy’s focus was on his butt and the feelings within it. The stretching of his sphincter was a bit uncomfortable but not really painful. Isaiah nodded, “Yeah. Go deeper.”

A moment later, he felt Adam’s hand brush against his balls as the young man managed to get his finger all the way in. Isaiah’s insides felt full, or at least fuller than they had when he’d pushed his own fingers up his butt. When Adam withdrew his finger, the boy felt a powerful tingle between his butt and penis.

“Oh, wow. That felt good,” he said even as his boyfriend slid his finger deep inside.

Adam seemed to enjoy fingering Isaiah, and who was he to complain? His boyfriend’s finger felt good. Then, he gasped in longing as the finger came out. Adam said, “If I didn’t know better, I’d say you’ve done this before. Your muscles are relaxed a bit. We’ll see if I can fit inside you.”

When he’d slathered the slick goop on his penis, Adam leaned forward until Isaiah felt pressure on his butt hole. Some of the articles he read said that butt sex could be really painful. Others seemed to say proper preparation was all that was needed to make it feel magical. He prayed the second opinion was right as he pushed against Adam’s penis the same way he would if he were taking a poop.

Adam’s erect, hard penis was bigger than his finger. A lot bigger, and as the young man forced his way past the outer muscle ring, Isaiah blinked back tears at the pain.

“Whoa,” Adam stopped his forward motion and said, “You okay?”

Isaiah nodded as the pain gradually faded, “Yeah. You’re really big.”

Without moving his erection any deeper, Adam leaned forward and kissed Isaiah’s lips, “You keep saying that, but I’ve barely average. I bet you end up bigger than me.”

The pain subsided by then. Isaiah said, “By then, we’ll both be experts at buttfucking. Can you go deeper?”

If he had thought Adam’s fingers filled him up, he couldn’t have been more wrong. As his boyfriend pushed in another inch, part of Isaiah felt like he had never been as full. Mesmerized by the feelings swirling inside him, both figurative and literally, Isaiah propped himself up on his elbows so he could see the space between him and Adam.

“Holy shit, Adam, I can see you inside me! That’s sick!” he nearly shouted. Adam took his excitement as proof the young man wasn’t hurting Isaiah and pushed in a bit further. Isaiah’s eyes bugged. There was some discomfort, but nothing compared to the pleasantly weird feeling that came from having most of his boyfriend buried in his ass.

With a ragged sigh, Isaiah lay his head back down as he felt Adam’s pubic bone press against his balls. In a voice tinged with wonder, the young man said, “I’m all the way in. How’re you doing?”

Isaiah had no idea if fucking himself with his fingers over the past few weeks had helped or if Adam’s larger finger penetrating him had done the trick, but now that his sphincter had been violated, every bit of him that had taken in all of Adam’s erection felt terrific.

Instead of moving in and out, Adam let his body rest atop Isaiah’s. The boy would have thought he’d have been crushed, but it wasn’t like that. Of course, as the young man kissed him, any thought about how much heavier was Adam went out the window. His twenty-year-old lover pushed past the boy’s lips, twisting his tongue against Isaiah’s.

When he finally broke the kiss, Adam slowly pulled his penis out until only his glans remained inside Isaiah. He slowly sank back in, gradually driving five inches deep into Isaiah’s rectum. The boy let loose a happy yelp as that tingling in the space between his butt and his penis tingled even more.

Adam’s rocking motion wasn’t fast, but every time his penis rubbed along Isaiah’s prostate, the boy wordlessly moaned his bliss. Then the most amazing thing happened. After an intense jolt, he felt the tingling explode, running up his spinal column, down his legs, and to the tip of his penis. And he came again. The watery, clear cum oozed out of his piss slit as his erection spasmed.

“Ahhh, fuck!” Isaiah cried out as the most intense orgasm he’d ever had wracked his body.

Then, as if that weren’t enough, Adam groaned, burying himself as deep into the boy as ever as his body shook. The feeling of the young man growing bigger and harder inside him just made that orgasm deep inside Isaiah keep coming.

Adam hunched over the boy, nestling his head against Isaiah’s neck until the boy’s orgasm finally ended. Slowly, the young man, a look of astoundment writ across his face, kissed Isaiah tenderly on his lips. After a long, lazy kiss, he said, “That’s how we make love.”

Copyright 2019 – Caliboy1991
All rights reserved

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