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Smoky Mountains – Chapter 11

Smoky Mountains
Jason Crow

Chapter 11 – Keeping busy
Day 3.

“Do you want a glass of water, Uncle Adam?” I heard Ellie ask from the kitchen.

“No. I’m fine. Thank you,” I responded.

After we both cried for over an hour, we comforted each other. We had a long talk together about everything that had happened. I felt SO guilty for letting Ryan go out there and not protecting him. I couldn’t think straight right after we realized he was dead. Ellie was amazing and talked to me constantly. She assured me that it wasn’t my fault. We didn’t know what was happening, and I did everything in my power to stop it. That just wasn’t enough.

After a few minutes, I realized she was probably right. Although the guilt didn’t go away. It kept lingering in the back of my head. Ellie, of course, was also devastated by her brother’s death. But eventually, we both agreed we needed to focus on the problems and mourn over Ryan later.

I was also still digesting the voice message her mother had sent me. It was sent over a day ago, and the ending disturbed me the most.

“Hi, Adam. It’s crazy out here! I’m locking myself in my hotel room. I’m really hoping that you, Ellie, and Ryan are safe. Please call me or app me! The Wi-Fi here is gone, but my phone still has service. Please, Adam! It’s… Oh no! Don…”

That was it. I tried calling her the minute I heard it and again when Ellie was on the toilet. I also sent her over a dozen messages, but no response. I was fearing the worst but couldn’t tell Ellie yet. Not now.

Ellie came back into the living room. I saw her eyes were still red and swollen as she sat down next to me on the couch. She cuddled up to me and sighed deeply. I put my arms around her, and we just sat there, lost in our thoughts.

“What do we do now, Uncle Adam?” Ellie eventually asked.

“I think we need to make a list of things we need to do. Just to make sure we don’t forget anything. How about that?”

“Okay. I guess,” she responded glumly. “What time is it?”

I checked my phone and noticed it was already six pm.

“It’s already six. How about we eat something first and make a list after dinner?”

“I’d like that.”

“Great. Shall we make dinner together?”

The next hour or so, we were busy in the kitchen. Ellie acted less sad, and we actually managed to create an excellent Italian-style spaghetti together. We ate it at the kitchen table, cleaned up together, and went to the living room.

“Okay. I think the first thing we need to do is to find out what is killing everyone. Is it the air, radiation, North Korea?”

Ellie giggled at that last option.

“I can check online if you want. I mean… We’ve got WiFi now”, Ellie offered and smiled weakly.

“Good idea. Even though I don’t think you’ll find much online, it’s worth the effort.”

“Why not?”

“Well… According to everything I saw online up until now, the world has probably gone to pieces. We don’t know that for sure yet, but let’s assume it has. The internet is designed to withstand catastrophic disasters, so its infrastructure will probably be up and running. But platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and such all use algorithms to present us the right news and information. That algorithm is probably way too confused to do anything now. With almost two billion people logging on each day, and maybe half of them posting stuff, the algorithm expects a certain quantity of data. I’d be amazed if Facebook is still available right now. They’ll probably have all sorts of automated procedures in place for these types of enormous drops in data traffic.”

Ellie looked at me, confused. She picked up her phone and unlocked it.

“The app still opens,” she said. But after a few moments laid her phone back down. “It’s still working, but the last addition is over ten hours old. So…”

“There are other ways to get intel. I like the idea of you checking online. I’ll try the TV and see if the regular channels work now. Then I’ll check if the news stations are still broadcasting. I don’t think so, but we’ll have to check. That way, we both work on our most important issue at hand. I think that’s a great start.”

“Great. So do I. What’s next?” Ellie asked, obviously eager to help.

“I need to find a way to contact Uncle Robert. I’m assuming he’s alright in that fortified army base. But I think the only thing we can do about that is wait. And I don’t like that at all. But when we get in touch, we’ll probably know right away what’s going on out there.”

“Maybe I can check the control room? No offense, but I think I’m better with that sort of stuff than you,” Ellie said, looking apologetic.

“Ha, ha! None taken!” I laughed. “But it’s a good idea, Ellie. You do that.”

“Maybe you can check the lab? That’s your cup of tea, isn’t it?”

“That’s an excellent plan, Ellie. Maybe there’s some lead in there about what’s going on. I know Uncle Robert always keeps detailed logs on his computer. So I must check that too.”

“Anything else?” Ellie asked, yawning loudly.

“Well. The most important thing is to gather intel and setup coms. I think we’ve got that covered. Maybe we need to check the crops room in case we’re here for a long time and need fresh food?”

“I guess you’re right. Put that on the list, and we’ll do that after the other stuff is done, okay?”

“Right. I think we’ve got it then. Maybe a cleaning schedule? You vacuum, and I clean the toilet?” I giggled.

Ellie started smiling, which reminded me how much I liked to see Ellie smile.

“We’ll manage. Remind me to set the temperature down when I find it on the control panel tomorrow. When we ask SHIVR, it seems it’s a temporary setting that only lasts an hour or so. Otherwise, we’ll keep walking around in our underwear,” Ellie said and kept smiling.

“Ellie? There is one more thing we need to talk about,” I said with pain in my heart.

“It’s about mom, isn’t it?”

“Well… Yes. I can’t reach her in any way. I tried calling and messaging her through her a lot of apps, but there’s been no reply.”

“Oh,” Ellie responded, not showing too many emotions.

“This doesn’t mean anything, Ellie!”I quickly added. “Maybe the cellphone network went down, her battery is dead, or stuff like that. I’m sure a big, international hotel like the one she stays in has contingency plans for such events. She’s probably in the shelter in the hotel.”

“I hope you’re right, Uncle Adam. She’s an independent woman and can take care of herself. Let’s hope for the best.”

That was a pretty mature reaction. I wondered how good or bad her relationship with her mother was. Or maybe she was just done crying for now.

“Let’s do that. What do you wanna do now? Watch a movie? Go to bed? Have a drink?” I laughed.

“I saw some books on the shelves over there. Maybe read some in bed?” Ellie asked shyly.

“Fine with me. I assume you’re sleeping in my room tonight?”

“You don’t mind, do you?”

“Of course not! And you’re not the only one that’s sad. I’m glad to have some company now too. But I’m taking a glass of whiskey with me.”

“Can I have one too? I’m afraid I can’t sleep, and maybe that’ll help me sleep,” Ellie asked with the same puppy eyes as Ryan did yesterday.

Damn! Yesterday… the day everything changed. Seems like an eternity ago.

“I guess one glass won’t hurt. I’ll go look for a book too, pour the whiskey and come to bed, okay?”

“Thanks, Uncle Adam,” Ellie said as she hugged me firmly.

As I walked into the bedroom, I noticed Ellie wasn’t there yet. I put her glass on the nightstand on her side of the bed. As I walked over to mine, I heard the toilet flush.

I crawled in and looked at Ellie doing the same. I held up my glass, and Ellie took the hint. She took her drink, and we toasted.

“To Ryan,” Ellie said, tearing up.

“To Ryan,” I said, swallowing that lump in my throat away.

“AAHHH,” we both said practically at the same time after our first gulp of whiskey.

“Damn! How can adults drink this shit?” Ellie asked, coughing loudly.

“In a few moments, you’ll feel all warm and fuzzy inside. Then you’ll know,” I laughed.

“Ohhh. You’re right!” Ellie said after a few moments.

A little later, we were sitting up against the headboard of the bed, reading. Eventually, I polished off my glass and poured myself another one. I glanced over at Ellie, and she smiled at me. I poured her a little bit too, figuring it wouldn’t hurt her too much to drink a little more than a full glass of whiskey.

After I finished my second glass, I looked at my phone and noticed it was almost ten. I looked over at Ellie, and she had closed her book already and was polishing off her glass.

“I’m tired. Let’s sleep, shall we?” I asked.

“I guess I can sleep now. So, yeah. Uhm… Uncle Adam?”

“What is it, Ellestar?”

“I… Uhm… I hate to wear clothes in bed. Do you mind if I… You know, take them off?”

This surprised me a lot, and I had to let that sink in for a moment. But that was a slight problem, though. I wasn’t thinking too clearly anymore because of the whiskey. I’ve always been a bit of a lightweight when it came to alcohol.

“You let Ryan sleep naked,” Ellie quickly added to her defense.

“You’re right, Ellie. But the deal I had with him was that I could be naked too and that we both kept our own ends of the bed.”

“Great! I can live with that,” she said, and I could see her hands moving under the sheet.

Moments later, her panties dropped on the floor, and she was fiddling with her top. She’d pulled up the bedsheet to hide her breasts from view, but that didn’t seem to work too well. I decided to give her some privacy, so I turned a bit on my side to face the wall and started taking off my boxers.

The movement beside me had stopped, so I turned back on my back and looked at Ellie. Obviously, her tank top had come off, but she modestly kept the sheet up, covering her breasts.

“Much nicer,” she said with a slight smile on her face.

“I agree. I hate wearing clothes to bed too,” I added.

“You know… In the last months or so, Ryan tried sneaking peeks at my naked body. Like when I came out of the shower and stuff. I didn’t let him, though,” she said softly, and I saw a tear forming in the corner of her eye.

I extended my arm and stroked her hair. Ellie took it as an invitation and nestled her head against my shoulder. It was against our agreement, but I figured to let her be in these difficult times. What harm could it do after all?

“After that little booger figured out it wouldn’t work, he started showing off his own nude body to me, hoping that would somehow work. He had a very nice body. Cute penis too,” Ellie smiled up at me. “Now I hate that I didn’t show him, you know,” she trailed off.

“Well… He was in a very curious phase of his sexual development,” I said, trying to sound scientific and mature.

“I guess you’re right,” Ellie responded, cuddling up even more.

“He asked me if I knew how to masturbate…”

Ellie pulled her head back and looked at me with a big smile.

“He did? Typical Ryan,” she laughed. “What did you say?”

“Well, considering he confided in me to help him, I decided to show him how it’s done. He just came out of the shower, and I… Well… You know…” I said, blushing, realizing the booze maybe made my tongue a bit too loose.

“You showed him. You didn’t just tell him how it’s done?” Ellie asked with a bit of unbelieve in her voice.

“Yeah… Well… He was naked. I was wearing only a bathrobe… So yeah. It was easier to just show him.”

“Wow,” Ellie giggled. “Knowing Ryan a little, he didn’t leave you alone after that, did he?”.

“You’ve got that right. Last night we did it again,” I said, immediately regretting saying it.

“What? In here?”

“Well… Where else?” I noticed I got hard from the memory of Ryan’s tight body.

“Oh boy. Well… He CAN be manipulative. So I guess it’s not that weird you did this.”

“I know I shouldn’t have. But he was curious, came to his gay Uncle about it, and got no one else to go to with it. Letting him find it out on his own was just not done, you know? Maybe he’d end up with some creep he found online,” I said, primarily to myself. “And you’re right. He did have a nice body and an adorable penis.”

“Well. Don’t be sorry. I think you did the right thing. Too bad for him he died a virgin, but at least he had an orgasm before he died.”

Ellie cuddled back against me and gave me a firm hug.

“I miss him,” she said softly but didn’t cry.

“I miss him too, Ellestar.”

“You’re the best Uncle in the world, you know that?”

Now it was my turn to be surprised.

“I don’t. Why’s that?”

“Well, you helped us out the best you could. We don’t have a dad. Our mom is probably gone, or at least out of the picture for a long period, and you take us in as if we were your own kids. And on top of all that, you taught an underage boy how to masturbate!”

We both started laughing at that. It was a way for us to release the tension of Ryan’s loss.

“Yeah, well… I can’t help you with that last part, you know? I’m gay, so don’t you ask me how it works with girls,” I laughed and kissed her on her head.

“Don’t worry, Uncle Adam. I’ve got it covered.”

“Thank god!” I said, overly exaggerating.

“Good night, Uncle Adam. I love you,” Ellie whispered as I felt her body relax under my arm.

“Night, Ellestar.”

End of Chapter eleven

Copyright 2021 – Jason Crow
All rights reserved

in conatur moveri

Smoky Mountains – Chapter 10

Smoky Mountains
Jason Crow

Chapter 10 – Risk
Day 3.

The rest of the day wasn’t that eventful. I expected it to be way more intense with us planning all sorts of stuff and trying to get as much information as possible. But it was none of that.

The news had dried up. All our social media feeds weren’t updated anymore. The last post I could find was almost nineteen hours ago. We didn’t have the tv in here, but I guessed there wasn’t any broadcast anymore.

”Why are the lights still on? You said the electricity would go down soon.”

”I don’t know. I just figured this would happen, as it always does in zombie books and movies,” Joel said, looking up from his phone.

”And we’re still online too.”

Joel looked thoughtful.

”Most of these systems are fully automated, so there really is no reason for it to go down,” Joel said after a few moments.

”But why do they go down in the movies?”

”Good question, ” Joel said, and then his eyes lit up. ”Zombies walk around!” he suddenly shouted.

”Yeah? So?” I responded, not impressed.

”Don’t you get it? Suppose a zombie in a nuclear power plant shuffles into the wrong room. In that case, he’ll probably be creating a major short circuit!” and he looked at me hopefully.

He looked at my blank face and sighed.

”Now the people are just dropping to the ground. They can’t break anything by simply lying down.”

”Ah! I guess you’re right!”

I realized again that Joel was an intelligent guy. He could think this stuff through.

”So we’ll probably have power and internet for weeks. Maybe months,” he continued.

”Well… At last some good news!” I sighed. ”We’ll die with the lights on.”

”Don’t, Mia. We are not going to die.”

”I’m sorry. I just don’t see a way out of this, ” I said, a bit glum.

”I know. Me neither. Yet! But in a few days, things will be completely different. And by then, we can start thinking about how we’re getting out of here. I promise. We’ll just have to wait it out for a few days.”

” I guess you’re right. I think I’m just a bit bored right now.”

”We can play Risk?” Joel proposed.

This caught me a bit off-guard. The last time Joel and I played Risk was about two years ago. Our dad didn’t allow it any longer because we both played it frantically.

“I noticed it lying under your bed when I was working on lifting the door,” he continued.

”I hid it there because of dad. Otherwise, he would have thrown it out.”

”So?” Joel asked hopefully.

The following seven hours flew by. It seemed I would win for a while, but due to sheer luck, Joel won the game. I wasn’t a bad loser, but I hated to lose a game of Risk from Joel.

He was the same, so he didn’t brag or tease me with it. I could win the next game just as easily, and then the tables were turned. We both learned not to brag the hard way.

During the game, we heard two more screams outside. Both times we looked at each other and were quiet for a few minutes.

“I’m sure the screams will stop eventually. These bugs can’t live forever,” Joel said, primarily to himself.

As we were putting the game away, I thought of something.

“Are the animals dead too?”

“Ehh,” Joel said and looked confused. “That’s an excellent question. I sure as hell hope not because that’ll be the end of the world.”

“And we’ll have to become vegetarians,” I giggled.

“I’m serious, Mia. If the animals die too, there’s no way the earth can survive. They play an essential part in the reproduction of plants and stuff. If that food chain is broken…” Joel trailed off.

“You’re right. I didn’t think of that. Fuck!”

As if on cue, we heard another scream in the distance, and we looked at each other again.

“Let’s kill the lights. I don’t want to attract desperate people still wandering around,” Joel whispered. “I think we shouldn’t put them back on either and keep the noise down. If there’s anything I’ve learned from the movies, it is that such a situation brings out the worst in people.”

I killed the lights and started working on our dinner. The streetlights provided enough light for me to see what I was doing. We sat at my desk and ate our dinner. Our talk toned down to a whisper.

“We did get dad’s old ham radio in here, didn’t we?” Joel asked.

“I think so, yeah. Why?”

“I guess it probably won’t work, but maybe there’s some news on the old radio signals. That radio can receive a lot of channels, even the really long-range ones.”

“If you say so. I don’t know how that stuff works,” I responded with my mouth full.

“Dad showed me once, so I hope I can get it to work. But like I said. It’ll probably be nothing but worth a shot. I mean… The internet isn’t down, but still, there’s nothing to be found online. So why would there be any on the radio? But hey! It’s not like we’ve got other plans tomorrow,” he smiled.

After dinner, we both played some games on our phones. Despite the incident this morning, the thought of going to sleep in the same bed with Joel again was making me feel horny. During the day, flashes of Joel’s dickhead peeking from under the blanket flashed through my head several times.

I knew I had to suppress these feelings, but I just couldn’t help myself. I wanted to see his dick. See him jack it. See it spurt its sperm. Caress it. Taste it…
I quickly snapped out of this whirlpool of thoughts. I looked over at Joel, feeling flushed and noticing my pussy was soaking wet. Joel saw me looking, and I smiled.

“What time is it?” I asked.

“Almost ten.”

“I’m not too tired, but I think I’m turning in. Shall we play some more games on our phones and call it a day?”

“Sure. Games on our phones…” Joel smiled.

“And maybe some…” I whispered as I put away the plates of our dinner and pretended to be extremely busy.

As I turned around, Joel already took off his shirt and was looking at me. I only had to drop my spandex shorts, but I hesitated slightly. It felt to me as if we were about to cross a line. But I immediately liked the idea of crossing that line, so I dropped my shorts and looked at my brother.

“You look really hot in that thong, Mia,” Joel said as he looked me over.

I wanted to see him drop his pants, so I thanked him and crawled into bed, my eyes never leaving his body.

After he dropped his pants, I noticed the bulge in his boxers. He wasn’t hard. I knew that from what I saw the first night. But he wasn’t entirely soft either. Did I have that effect on him, I wondered.

As he crawled in next to me and took his phone, I glanced at my brother and felt myself starting to blush. Joel looked at me, questioning with one lifted eyebrow.

“What is it? Did I do something wrong?”

“No, no. It’s just… well…” I inhaled deeply, “is it wrong that I’d still like to masturbate. Like… now?”

Joel started smiling, which put me a bit at ease.

“I was literally just thinking the same thing,” he grinned. “And I immediately felt bad about it.”

“So… we’re both horrible people?”

“Nah. Just horny, I guess,” and he laughed.

“I don’t know what it is, but I really like doing this. I mean… I already liked it a lot, but with you beside me, I like it way better!” and I blushed again.

“I know what you mean, sis. It’s boring as fuck, sitting inside a room all day. But the idea of masturbating keeps my spirits up, I guess. Is that weird?” Joel asked, looking insecure.

Joel wasn’t a caveman type of guy, but he wasn’t too sharing about his feelings either. So him saying this was a big deal, I realized.

“No! No way. This isn’t weird at all,” I assured him, “I know exactly what you mean. You know the world has gone to shit, but your personal needs still trigger you. I thought about this a lot too, today. I couldn’t figure it out but finally figured ‘what the heck.’ You know?”

I could see Joel’s body language change. He let go of the tension in his body and relaxed visibly.

“So…” Joel started, “fancy another session?”

“Absolutely!” I said, already taking off my underwear.

Joel started moving too, and after a few seconds, I heard the sound of his underwear hitting the floor.

I slid my hands between my legs, sighing happily, and glanced over at Joel’s moving hand under the blanket. His eyes were closed, and he appeared to be in the zone already.

“Don’t you need lube or something?” I asked, curious about his technique.

“Huh?” Joel asked, obviously disturbed.

“Lube. When there’s something about jacking off in the movies, a guy spits in his hand or uses hand lotion or something.”

“Nah. I don’t need it. I just hold ‘it’ loosely in my hand and slide it up and down, you know?” Joel said, looking a bit embarrassed.

“Uhm… no?”

“What do you mean, no?”

“I never actually saw someone do it,” I softly said, feeling flushed, horny, embarrassed, and curious at the same time.

“You didn’t? Not even online?” Joel asked, surprised.

I noticed his hand had stopped moving, and he was looking at me. We were both quiet for a few moments.

“Uhm… I can show you how I do it. If you want,” he eventually said, blushing a bit.

“SURE! I’d like that!” I said, way too eager. “I mean… If you don’t mind…”

“I guess not. If you don’t mind seeing me naked,” he said shyly after being silent for a few seconds.

“Oh. I don’t mind, Joel,” I said as casually as I could.

Joel kept looking at me, but he didn’t move. I was SO anxious to see his dick and to see him beat it. But Joel was too shy to start.

“If it’s easier for you, I’ll take off my clothes too,” I offered, hoping to urge Joel on this way.

“Would you do that?” he asked, surprised.

“Sure! It’s only fair, isn’t it?”

“Uhm… If you don’t mind… I… Uhm,” he stammered.

It was evident that I needed to take the lead here. I felt my heart beating in my throat as I started lifting my top. Before I could chicken out, I pulled it off and laid it by my thong, next to my pillow. I felt Joel’s eyes on my bare breasts as I deliberately had left the blanket down around my waist.

“Wow, Mia. You are…” Joel said, obviously lost for words.

I glanced over at my brother and noticed his eyes were glued to my chest. Seeing him admire my breasts made me suddenly feel less self-conscious. A little seductive even. Not wanting to wait any longer, I slowly started pushing down the blanket.

Slowly but steadily, my brother’s hard dick came into view. The red, fat dickhead came first. During our baths when we were younger, I already saw he was circumcised, although that didn’t quite register back then. This morning, when his dickhead peeked out, I thought back of those days.

We’d play in the tub and were way too young to care about the differences between boys and girls back then. Sure, we noticed our differences, but that was it.
Joel’s balls came into view, and I was mesmerized by what I saw. Now that I could look at my brother’s dick unobstructed, I could size it better. It was almost six inches long and with big balls under it. His shaft wasn’t too thick, but the mushroom-shaped, fat dickhead made it look fabulous.

But the best part of what I saw was his pubes. Pictures and videos I saw online all showed hairy dicks. Thick bushes of pubes and very hairy balls. Joel’s balls only had a few wisps of hairs on them, and he just had a small patch of pubes above his shaft. Other than that, his body was hairless.

I tore my eyes away from Joel’s fascinating dick and looked him in his eyes. He didn’t notice me looking as his eyes were roaming all over my body. I was lying there completely naked for my brother to see, and he didn’t waste the opportunity. Knowing I had this effect on my hot brother made me feel all tingly inside and even hornier than I was before.

“You look… Phew…” I said to Joel. “Ahem… It looks quite big.”

“Huh? What? Oh… I uhh…” he stammered and finally looked at my face.

“Your… penis,” I pointed.

“What about it?” he asked, obviously confused.

“It looks big,” I laughed nervously.

“Oh. Well. It’s not the biggest in class, but I’m quite close,” he beamed.

“So… weren’t you going to show me?” I asked, looking directly at his stiff dick.

“Oh. Yeah. Right,” and he took his dick in his hand, immediately sliding it up and down.

This was by FAR the most erotic thing I ever saw in my whole life. I slid my hand between my legs and started masturbating too.

“You see. I just hold it semi-loose in my fist, creating just enough friction to…” he stopped and looked at the action between my legs.

“I’m sorry, Joel. But looking at you spanking it got me going,” I blushed and let out a small moan as my finger brushed against my clit for the first time since we started this.

“Don’t be sorry. Ohhh… I wanted to ask how you… ahhh… did it,” and his fist was going faster up and down on his magnificent dick.

I just had to watch his hand. And his dick. And his jacking. And his balls. And… Ohhh!! This was amazing!

“Ohh… So… How do you do… ahhh… it?” Joel asked, looking at my crotch. “Do you slide your finger in, or…?”

“Hmmm… I just rub the outside of my… pussy and over my clitoris. Ohhh… And when I’m getting… OHHH… Close, I some-ahhh-times… slide my fingers inside, so I cum harder and… Ohhh fstr…” I managed.

“OHHH… This is fucking hot!” Joel panted and draped his leg over mine again.

We lay there masturbating side by side and looking at the other, both panting and moaning heavily. Joel’s fist was going faster and faster, and my pussy had never ever been this wet before. I was on the verge of cumming, and was wondering if I should warn Joel.

“OHHH… Mia… I’m almost AHHH… there. If you want to… OHHH!!!” Joel moaned loudly as his fist stopped moving.

My eyes widened as I saw the first spurt leaving my brother’s dick. It flew out of it with a nice arc and landed just below his chin. I saw four more spurts until I felt my pussy contracting and just had to shut my eyes close, letting the best orgasm EVER wash over me.

It took me a few minutes to recover. But after I opened my eyes and looked at Joel, he had a shit-eating grin on his face and looked at me lazily.

“Now THAT was fucking amazing, sis! I never thought that letting you watch me would be such a big turn-on. Fucking hell!” he kept panting.

I glanced down his body, and with his softening dick and cum-covered chest, he looked even sexier than before. I wasn’t ready to speak yet, as I pulled my hand from between my legs.

“You came too, right?” Joel asked.

“Holy shit! Did I come? The best ever!” I managed.

“Did you… ehm… stick it in?”

“No. Didn’t have the chance. I came SO hard the moment you came. I… Waah!” I sighed.

“I know,” Joel laughed. “If we grow tired of Risk, we can always do this. Damn!”

I had to laugh too. Mainly because he was so right. No matter what happens, if it was up to me, we’d definitely do this again.

“You look pretty hot, Joel,” I whispered in the silence that followed.

“You should see yourself, Mia. The hottest chick in town,” he said with a giggle, but I could feel he was completely honest with me.

Joel reached under the bed, took a towel, and started cleaning the cum off his chest. I wanted to feel it, taste it and put it inside my pussy, but I wasn’t sure how Joel would react to it. So I decided to let it go and maybe try it another time. Considering Joel’s reaction, I figured there would be a second time.

“I’m tired now, Mia,” Joel yawned as he put the towel back under the bed.

“Me too. Good night, big brother,” I said, pulling up the blanket.

“Only by four minutes,” Joel said as he put his arm under me and pulled me close.

As I snuggled up against Joel, I was feeling relieved we crossed this line. I was so at ease with him. It felt natural to do this stuff with him. And snuggling up naked against my equally naked brother only added to the sense of feeling at ease with each other.

“Good night,” I heard Joel whisper as I drifted off to sleep.

End of Chapter ten

Copyright 2021 – Jason Crow
All rights reserved

paulo minus conversationem

Smoky Mountains – Chapter 9

Smoky Mountains
Jason Crow

Chapter 9 – Killing time
Day 3.

The movement beside me startled me at first. But after a few seconds, I realized it was just my brother Joel moving in my bed. I opened my eyes and, judging by the light in the room, it was still early. I guessed it to be around six a.m. I was lying on my side, facing the wall, so I looked over my shoulder to check on Joel.

I saw he was lying on his side too, but facing away from me. The blanket was pulled down, and both of us were exposed from the waist up. I was suddenly aware of my lack of panties and was glad I was still wearing my top.

As I reached for my panties and quietly pulled them up, I realized Joel was completely naked. After all the boxer-clad glances I got yesterday, I was curious as hell how his penis looked. But the moment this thought entered my mind, I immediately dismissed it. He was my brother, damnit! I shouldn’t think like this! He was doing everything in his power to protect me, and I was only lusting after his body.

I loved my brother dearly. And, considering the circumstances, there was no one in the world I’d rather be with now than with Joel. He’d give his own life for me if he had to. I felt so much love for him at that moment. So I turned over, draped my arm over his chest, and cuddled up against his back. Joel let out a small gunt, but that was all. I figured I wouldn’t sleep anymore, but I would at least feel safe and maybe doze a little bit this way.

I was wrong. I woke up again feeling something poking against the bottom of my hand that I had draped across Joel’s chest. I opened my eyes, and this time it was way brighter inside my room. Judging by his breathing, Joel was still asleep. The eerie quietness outside was creepy as fuck, but being here with Joel gave me a natural comforting feeling.

There was that poke against my hand again. It took me a moment for it to land. But when it did, I instinctively pulled my hand back.

“That’s Joel’s erection!” I thought.

But the moment I pulled back my hand, I was sorry I did. A small part of me wanted to feel it, caress it, judge its size, fondle it… But before I had a chance to casually lay my hand back, Joel stirred. He was waking up.

“Grmph…” Joel grunted and looked back over his shoulder to see what was going on. “Morning, Mia”

“Morning, Joel,” I responded and turned onto my back.

Joel turned to his back too, and I had to hold back a gasp as I saw the tip of his dick peeking out from under the blanket. This was just a tiny flash, but enough for me to see the fat dickhead. Joel pulled up the blanket quickly to hide his dick, and I decided to act cool and pretend I didn’t see it.

“Sleep well?” Joel asked as he rubbed his eyes.

“Surprisingly well. You?”

“Me too.”

I avoided the obvious elephant in the room but was dying to find out what Joel thought of the previous night.

“I guess the much-needed relief last night helped me sleep this well,” Joel continued.

“It did, didn’t it?” I tried.

“Yeah. I’m glad we chose to do this, Mia,” Joel said, looking me in the eyes seriously.

“Me too! And I’m glad you liked it because I liked it a lot too!” I said with relief in my voice. “Wanna do it again?”

“I was hoping you’d ask. Whenever I can, I jerk in the morning. It’s my favorite part of the day,” Joel said and smiled a mischievous smile.

We both laid still for a moment, looking at each other. Joel moved first, and his hand slid under the covers.

That was all the encouragement I needed, and I slipped my hand inside my panties, rubbing all over my wet pussy. I laid my elbow back on Joel’s chest, and the next minutes we laid there masturbating silently.

I was nearing my orgasm. All the time, the image of the tip of Joel’s dick was in front of my eyes. It’s poking against my hand was on the top of my mind the entire time too. As I was ready to insert a finger and go for the end-zone, Joel draped his leg over mine. He was panting heavily also, and as I turned to look at him, he just smiled.

“It’s nice… to… feel your… movements…” he panted.

I just nodded and was blown away by how much such a small act could impact my senses. I saw Joel’s other hand disappear under the covers, and moments later, his eyes crossed.

“I… OHHH…” he groaned.

Seeing my brother cum beside me was more than enough trigger for me to climax too. I felt my body stiffen as the waves of pleasure washed over me.
As I laid there panting and feeling my orgasm fade Away, I noticed Joel hadn’t moved, and our legs, hips, and arms were touching. I heard him panting too. I guessed because of my recent orgasm, my senses were on full blast, which caused me to feel practically every hair, bump, and muscle on my brother’s body.

“This is nice,” Joel said, his panting slowing down.

“It is. Kinda takes your mind off things, you know?”

“Can you face the wall again, please?” Joel asked.

I turned over, felt Joel moving around, and eventually getting out of bed.

“I’m done. You can look now if you want.”

I turned on my back and felt lazy. There wasn’t any need to get out of bed, so I stretched and looked over at Joel, who was standing beside my bed, looking down at me, smiling.

“What?” I asked, slightly worried my boobs fell out of my top or something.

“Nothing. It’s just that… You just look wonderful when you wake up and with this light,” he said, and I could see a blush spreading across his face and chest.

He was standing there, beside my bed, in his boxers, and his slightly muscular body seemed to be glowing. His boxers had a nice bulge in them, and in my eyes, he could easily pass for a Calvin Klein underwear model.

“Well… You don’t look too bad yourself,” I smiled, still stretched out on my bed.

“I thought of something last night. I think we need to create something so we can put some stuff outside the room and still be able to reach it. Get dressed, so we can eat and talk about it,” Joel said as he was pulling up his pants.

“But I don’t wanna get dressed,” I pouted.

“Then don’t. I don’t care,” Joel giggled. “But we need to find a way to get our ‘toilet’ out of the room, or we’ll die of suffocation knowing how much you can stink!”

“OH! You Jerk!” I shouted, acting offended.

I threw my pillow at him and started laughing.

“I guess you’re right. As always,” I said, getting up and acting defeated.

“I AM serious about getting dressed, Mia,” Joel said after we stopped laughing. “If you don’t want to, I don’t care.”

I looked him in the eyes, trying to size him up. Then it dawned on me that he must be just as curious about my body as I was about his. I thought about it for a minute and decided to let him have some fun too. I could wear my short sweat shorts for comfort and a tiny bit of modesty, but I’d keep my tank top and leave my bra off.

The moment I stood in front of my closet with my back toward Joel, I noticed something and decided to turn it up a notch. I quickly pulled down my underwear and figured I’d grab a fresh thong from my closet. Our dad would’ve had a heart attack if he knew I wore a thong. I only owned two: a plain black and a laced red one. I heard Joel clear his throat behind me, and I figured I’d tease him a bit longer. I pretended to look for the right pair and stalled as long as I figured I could get away with, all the while showing Joel my naked backside. I picked the plain black one, and as I pulled it up, Joel cleared his throat again.

I looked over my shoulder, and it was apparent Joel was checking me out. I loved the effect I was having on him but couldn’t prolong pulling up my pants any longer. Instead of sweats, I decided to go for my spandex workout shorts. They weren’t too short, comfy, and I guessed Joel would like that also. After I made sure I was covered correctly, I turned around. Joel stood there blushing, but he didn’t say anything.

“What is it?” I asked, knowing perfectly well what was going on.

“I… Uhm… It’s…” he stammered and cleared his throat again. “I didn’t know you had a thong.”

“I bought it last month. But I didn’t want dad to know.”

“Right… That makes sense,” he said and started smiling. “You look amazing in it, Ellie. You’ve really got a nice body. Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise!”

“That’s sweet, Joel. But you already told me I look amazing,” I laughed. “Seriously. Thank you for taking care of me, Joel!”

I stepped toward him, and we hugged each other firmly. After a few moments, we heard a loud scream outside, reminding us of the delicate situation we were still in. I looked at Joel and saw his smile had vanished. The cheerfulness I felt this morning was immediately gone too.

“Let’s eat,” Joel said with a low voice.

“Right,” I responded. “I’ll try to make us something. But we’re down to canned food, so don’t expect anything tasteful.”

We ate our breakfast which consisted of canned tuna, spam, and some bread, in silence. All the while, I felt silly sitting here in my spandex shorts and tanktop. I glanced over at Joel and saw the serious expression on his face. We were in a very, very fucked-up situation. Our dad was dead in the next room, we’d probably be inside this room for maybe weeks if the food would last, and we were just thinking about getting off. That scream was a brutal wake-up call for me.

“I feel bad,” I confided to Joel.

“Me too. What were we thinking? We need to make sure we survive all this, you know?”

I felt tears welling up in my eyes and looked at Joel. The moment he saw me, the stern look on his face vanished, and he came over to me to hug me. The moment I felt his strong arms holding me, I started crying.

“I’m SO confused, Joel!” I sobbed. “I mean… dad is dead, and we don’t have a clue about what’s going on outside. And all I can think of is how good you look in your underwear.”

I didn’t mean to say that last bit. It just came out of my mouth. I immediately felt embarrassed, but Joel didn’t respond. I kept crying, and Joel kept comforting me. All the while, my face pressed firmly against his chest, feeling protected in his strong arms.

“For what it’s worth…” Joel started as my crying was almost over, “I was thinking the same about you, Mia.”

That caught me by surprise. Sure, I teased him a bit last night. And I guess every boy would get a boner when he sees a bit of side-boob. But it never occurred to me that Joel liked to look at me too. I lifted my head to look at him.

Joel smiled shyly and started drying my eyes. He kept holding me with one arm, and I wasn’t ready to let him go yet. I don’t know how long we sat there, but I was glad Joel was there to comfort me as I regained my composure.

“You think I look nice?” I finally asked softly.

“You look fabulous! Especially in that thong. Heck! If you weren’t my sister, I’d definitely want to fu… uhh, date you!” Joel said and quickly cleared his throat.

“Right… How romantic,” I laughed.

“Sorry about that.”

“Did you get any from Kelsey?” I asked, trying to lighten the mood.

“What kind of question is that? Why would you want to know about your brother’s sex-life? Well… Lack of sex-life, that is,” he sighed.

“It isn’t like we’ve got anything better to do, and it takes our mind away from the real problems.”

“No. She didn’t give me any. I haven’t even got laid yet. How about that?” Joel said in a slightly annoyed tone. “If one of these bugs comes flying in, I’ll die a virgin. If there weren’t any other ‘real’ problems, I’d be fucking pissed about that!”

He looked at me seriously, and I couldn’t stop myself from laughing. Joel looked at me and tried to be all serious, but I saw a smile spread across his face after a few moments. The next thing I knew, we were both laughing loudly.

“Same here, bro. Still sparkling new. I did break the seal, though,” I said between laughs, and I could see the confusion in Joel’s eyes.

“Ah! You mean your hymen!” he said after a few moments of thinking.

“Yep,” I giggled because of Joel’s discomfort with the subject. “Brandi let me borrow her dildo a few weeks ago. It hurt a bit, but at least now it won’t when I lose my virginity.”

“Okay… Maybe a bit too much info?” Joel said, looking at me with an odd face.

“Don’t be a pussy! You’ve also watched me go to the toilet. How’s that for oversharing?!” I responded, and we both burst out into laughter again.

It was true. We did have that bucket in the room to take care of business. We decided Joel could pee straight into the sink in the room, and I would ditch my pee from the bucket there. If we used enough water to wash it away, it would still be mildly hygienic.

We didn’t have to do number two yet, but I had to think about what Joel said this morning. Okay, we’ve pretty much lost our privacy. But the other person could turn around, so we could keep a little dignity. But the smell would get nasty pretty quickly.

“What did you have in mind for placing stuff outside our room?” I asked, changing the subject to a less awkward one.

“Nothing. It just occurred to me last night that we need to find a way to ditch the unhealthy stuff. It’s not just the poo. Food that’s gone bad doesn’t smell too nice either.”

“You’re right. We didn’t think that one through. Maybe…” I trailed off.


My idea was to use the last big piece of plastic and make some sort of a dog flap in it. We’d cut two lines in it, approximately twenty inches apart, and put pieces of tape over them. When we needed to slide something out or in, we’d remove the tape, put our arm through the opening, and do our thing. This way, we didn’t have to open the whole door, and we’d be relatively safe. We would have to open the door only once this way and immediately put the plastic in the opening.
I explained it all to Joel, and he loved what I came up with. His idea was to just kick holes in the door and hope for the best.

We spent most of the morning planning and creating the plastic sheet. We made sure all the necessary tape was within reach, and we created a lever, so we were able to lift the door from its hinges.

We talked it through a few times until we were both confident we could do this. The way we planned this, there were only a few seconds in which a bug could fly into the room. We accepted that slight chance, as it was way better than the alternative.

“Three… Two… One… GO!” Joel counted.

Joel opened the door, placed the box to stand on in front of the opening, and immediately put the plastic on the doorframe’s top. I taped it shut against the wall and quickly did the same with the door’s right side.

I looked at Joel, and he was done with the door. He laid it on its side, and with a big push, it slid into the living room, hitting the couch, and miraculously stayed on its side. The moment the door left the room, I taped that side of the door shut, and we were safe.

“YEAH!!” Joel shouted.

“WHOOO!!” I yelled and hugged Joel, glad we managed to get this done.

Joel hugged me back, and I briefly felt his hands on my butt. It lasted only a second or two, and I guessed he did it by accident. The moment his hands left my butt and wrapped around my upper body, I felt a very slight disappointment but immediately banned that feeling from my body.

End of Chapter nine

Copyright 2021 – Jason Crow
All rights reserved

postremo parva victoria

Smoky Mountains – Chapter 8

Smoky Mountains
Jason Crow

Chapter 8 – SHIVR
Day 3.

I don’t know what woke me, but when I opened my eyes, I felt relaxed. So it wasn’t a bad dream or a loud noise. It was really quiet down here, but I immediately knew where I was. I checked my watch, and it was a little past seven-thirty. Still early, but I might as well get up, I figured. I looked over at Ryan and he was still sound asleep. He was still lying on top of the sheets. One of his legs was straight, and the other one was pulled up and lay there in a bend. Both his arms were above his head, and this way, his whole body was on display. His soft penis was pointed toward his left hip. In the dim light of the room, he looked amazing!

I felt myself get hard, so I sat up and pulled up my boxers before I would get completely stiff. I heard some rumbling in Ellie’s bedroom and figured she was awake too. That’s when I noticed the soft beep. This is what must’ve woken me up. Now that I heard it clearly, I started focusing on it. It beeped every thirty seconds. It was soft and almost not noticeable, but definitely there. Behind me, Ryan began to move.

“Morning,” he grumbled. “What time is it?”

“Good morning. It’s around a quarter to eight. You can sleep some more if you like, but I’m getting up,” I said.

“Hmmm,” he responded and yawned loudly, obviously not fully awake yet.

I stood up and turned toward the door, trying not to focus on the sexy nude boy on the bed. I was making my move to get my shirt when the door opened.

“Good morning, boys,” Ellie cheerfully said.

I didn’t expect it and was a bit startled by her sudden appearance. She was basically dressed the same as yesterday. She was now wearing bright red panties instead of the blue, and her now white tank top seemed even shorter and tighter than the one she wore yesterday. And it was a tiny bit transparent because I could make out the shadow of areolas on her breasts when I checked out her hard nipples.

I expected Ryan to spring into action and quickly cover himself up, but he just lay there acting like there was no one else in the room. I could see Ellie checking him out, but she said nothing and acted as if it was the most normal thing in the world.

“Don’t you know how to knock?” I felt obliged to ask.

“I heard you were up, so I guessed I could come in,” she said, avoiding the question.

“Did you sleep well?” I asked, deciding to drop it.

“Yeah… Well… I was a bit anxious about being alone in my room at first. I was on the verge of coming over when I started drifting off. And then it was morning all of a sudden. So, yeah. I guess it was okay. Did you guys sleep okay?”

“Yeah. I did. Ryan didn’t bother me at all, and it’s a comfy bed,” I smiled.

“I see he’s in his usual sleeping outfit,” she giggled.

“I asked Uncle Adam, and he was okay with it. We made a deal. As long as I would stay on my side of the bed, I was okay with him if he stayed on his side,” Ryan said and blushed the moment he realized what he said.

“A good thing I didn’t come in and spoil the sausage fest,” Ellie said and started laughing with Ryan joining her.

I was a bit stunned by how they acted, but seeing both of them laughing, I couldn’t help myself and joined the laughter. I was glad that both kids didn’t seem to be worried too much about our situation.

“Let’s get us some breakfast and see where that annoying beep is coming from.”

Ellie and I prepared breakfast and couldn’t help myself checking her out. Her body was just as lovely as Ryan’s, only female. She had nice, perky breasts, which were about a handful. Her butt was sweet and pretty much the same as Ryan’s. Her red panties accentuated her forms magnificently, and there was a tiny cameltoe at her front.

I reminded myself I was gay and that these were just kids. And my niece and nephew, for christ’s sake. But I just couldn’t help myself and kept checking her out. We silently ate breakfast together. Ryan figured it was wise to put his underwear back on, and because of the heat, I couldn’t blame him. It was just a pair of boxers. All three of us were still in our underwear.

“I’m going after the climate control again. We know it’s working because the bedrooms were cozy last night,” I said, a bit annoyed about the heat.

“I forgot to bring my asthma inhaler from the house. I left it in my room,” Ryan said as he started munching down his Rice Krispies. ”Can I go and get it later?”

“Uhm. I don’t know. Uncle Robert asked us to go down here,” I said, not sure if it was safe or not.

“But what if I get an asthma attack?”

I thought about it for a few seconds. He was right. He could get severe attacks under the right circumstances. But Robert…

“First, I want to make sure it’s safe to go outside. I’m not sure what’s going on out there. The moment it’s safe to go out, you can go.”

“Of course. Uhm… Where are the keys to the house?”

“I put them on the coffee table in the living room. You know the alarm code, right?”

“I do. I guess I’ll just have to wait then.”

“Want me to go with you?” Ellie asked.

“Nah. It’ll only be a few minutes. I can handle it.”

Ellie’s mood surprised me. Usually, she acted like a spoiled brat. But since she woke up after the first night at our place, she changed completely. I liked this version of Ellie a lot better than the previous one.

“What’s that light?” Ryan asked with his mouth full.

I looked over to where Ryan pointed and noticed a small red light blinking in an irregular pattern. I couldn’t place it. It wasn’t an alarm or something because it was too small for that, and it would’ve blinked more regularly.

“I don’t know,” I said.

“Is it an alarm?” Ryan asked.

“Nah. Don’t think so,” I said.

“A countdown, maybe?” Ryan tried.

“Hmm. Looks like morse-code,” Ellie said casually.

I let that sink in and looked at the light for a few moments. I figured Ellie was right.

“Huh. What do you know? I think you’re right!” Ryan said.

“Do any of you know morse-code?” I asked. “I know I don’t.”

“In class last week, we had an assignment about communication through the ages. I downloaded an app back then to include some morse in my paper. Give me a sec.”

Ellie opened her phone, and I took a pencil and a piece of paper. A few minutes later, we had:


“Uhm…” Ryan said, looking at what I wrote down.

“It spells Check Channel 999,” I said, suddenly seeing the correct sequence.

We went to the living room, flipped on the TV, and switched to channel 999. On TV a woman appeared, who started talking to us. It was an explanatory video about the systems that were available in the shelter. There was an advanced video surveillance system with both inside and outside cameras. An advanced climate control system reused the air. It wasn’t directly connected to the outside world in case of a gas or nuclear event. The advanced communication system could also use morse-code, satellite, internet data, and every other protocol known to men. This was all available from the control room.

“Just say ‘Assist me SHIVR,’” the woman on the TV said, “and the system will listen and respond to your requests.”

SHIVR appeared to be the SHelter Interactive Voice Response system. A variation on Alexa, Assistant, and SIRI.

“If your voice was added to the list of people that can control the shelter, you’d be able to operate everything down here with your voice,” the woman on TV continued.

I guessed Robert fixed this part, but I needed to check it out. I decided to finish this video before I tried. Right now, the floorplan was showing, and it was apparent we were now living in only thirty to forty percent of this facility. There was a control room, an extensive laboratory, and a crops room where fresh vegetables could be grown. This was all really impressive stuff.

“This concludes this informational video. If you still have questions, feel free to ask SHIVR. You can rewatch this instruction at any time by switching to this channel.”

We were now looking at a field of wavy grass that could’ve come straight from the commercial for a funeral insurance company. I switched off the TV and looked at the kids.

“Well?” Ellie said.

“Well, what?” I asked.

“Don’t you wanna test SHIVR?” Ryan chipped in.

“Assist me, SHIVR,” I said and considering the anticipation on both their faces not a moment too soon.

“Hello, Adam. How can I help you?” a warm woman’s voice said that appeared to come out of nowhere.

“Uhm. Turn off the lights?” I asked.

The moment I said it, we were in complete darkness.

“There you go,” the voice said. “Anything else?”

“Turn them back on, please,” I said, and a moment later, we were able to look at each other again.

“No problem.”

“Am I on the list of people that can operate everything?”

“Yes, Adam, you are. Dr. Wilkes made sure you are.”

“Great! And the people that are with me?”

“They are allowed to operate all the basic functions, such as the lights, temperature, kitchen, that sort of stuff. If you want, I can print the entire list of options.”

“No. Thank you. We’ll figure this out. Can you show me the control room, please?” I asked.

“Of course, Adam. I’ll open the door, and you just have to follow the lights.”

I heard a door open in the distance and saw a few lights burn brighter in the hallway.

“Well. Let’s check it out, shall we?” I said, getting up from the couch.

We walked over to the control room, which was behind a hidden door in the hallway. If you didn’t know it was there, you couldn’t see it. It was pretty well hidden, I had to admit. Once we were in the room, we saw a wall with screens to our left with a big control panel in front of it, almost like a direction room for a big TV show you see on TV sometimes.

On the monitors, the entire outside was visible. I never saw cameras when I was in our forest, so they were pretty well hidden.

“Wow,” Ryan and Ellie said almost simultaneously as they watched the screens.

There was a big center screen with smaller monitors around it. The lower half of the monitors was reserved for inside footage. Every room, including the bedrooms, had a camera. Only the bathroom didn’t have one for obvious reasons. I looked at the control panel, and there were like a gazillion buttons, switches, sliders, and all sorts of other stuff I needed to figure out.

“Doesn’t seem like anything is going on outside,” Ryan said.

He was right. There was no wild animal or a horde of zombies walking around. The only noticeable thing was the green circles around text lines next to the top left monitor. The texts were ‘Outside Air quality,’ ‘Outside Radiation Level,’ ‘Outside Noise Level,’ and a few others like these.

“I guess you’re right,” I responded.

“Why is that button red?” Ellie asked and pointed to the control panel.

There was a label, ‘Coms,’ and the button below it was indeed red. Before I could react, Ryan pressed it, and it turned green. We were silent for a few moments, but nothing seemed to happen. Until I heard a familiar ping beside me.

“Yay! Wifi!!” Ellie chirped. “And no code on it!”

“I’ll go and get my inhaler first. Is that okay?” Ryan asked. “You can watch me on the monitors, so you’ll know I’m fine.”

“Okay, sport. But be real quick, okay? We still don’t know exactly what’s going on outside.”

“I will. Be right back.”

“Assist me, SHIVR,” I said and asked her to set the temperature at a comfortable level of seventy-one degrees.

I got up to get my phone from the bedroom, and the moment I opened the door, Ryan walked out wearing his clothes.

“Do you know how the elevator and the airlock works?”

“Of course. I’m already eleven, you know?” he answered and acted as if he was offended by my question.

I took my phone and walked back to the control room. The moment I walked back into the room, I could see Ryan enter the airlock. I joined the wireless network and sat on the chair in front of the panel. I looked over at Ellie, who was completely engrossed in her phone. I did notice she had a worried look on her face.

A few moments after my phone was connected, a tsunami of beeps and buzzes from new messages was launched. In the corner of my eye, I could see Ryan going up in the elevator. I’d received a lot of Facebook messages and even more WhatsApp messages. And I missed thirty-five voice calls.

“STOP!!!” Ellie suddenly screamed beside me.

“Whoah! What’s with you?” I asked.

“There is something terribly wrong outside!” She glanced at the monitor where Ryan was just exiting the elevator.

Ellie got up, ran into the hallway and toward the airlock.

“RYAN!!!!” She screamed.

But because of the airlock, he couldn’t hear her. I ran after her and grabbed her by the shoulders.

“What is it, Ellie?” and I could see the tears in her eyes.

“People are dying, Uncle Adam! I looked at a lot of videos online. Everybody who is outside starts to scream, and then they fall to the ground. DEAD!” she said between sobs and started crying her eyes out.

“I need to get him,” I said and opened the door to the airlock.

“NO! You can’t! Then you’ll die too! Look!”

Ellie showed me her phone. A video of a guy walking over to someone that just fell to the ground was playing. After a few seconds, the guy did the same. And another guy. This was starting to freak me out.

“Oh my god!” I said. “Quick! Back to the control room. Maybe there are some speakers outside, so we can call out to Ryan.”

We ran back, and both frantically started looking on the control panel. In the meantime, we could see Ryan running toward the house.

“Assist me, SHIVR. Is there a way to contact Ryan outside?”

“One moment, please,” the voice said. “Okay. You can talk into the microphone, and everybody in the forest and on the lawn can hear you.”

“RYAN! GET BACK!!!” Ellie screamed into the microphone, not wasting any time.

I could see Ryan stop running on the monitor. He hesitated a second and turned around.

“QUICK!!” Ellie said, a little less panicked now.

To our great relief, Ryan sprinted back toward the elevator. I glanced over at Ellie, who looked at me with a hopeful face, despite the tears rolling down her cheeks. I was feeling confident he’d make it back to the elevator. When I thought he was safe, Ryan stopped and started screaming from the top of his lungs, just like the people in the videos. A second later, he dropped to the ground and stopped moving.

“Oh no,” I whispered, feeling my stomach turn.

“NO!!!” Ellie screamed and threw herself at me.

“I have to check on him,” I said to no one in particular.

“You can’t! Please don’t!” Ellie cried.

“But…” I couldn’t say much more and started crying too, knowing Ellie was right.

Ryan had died.

End of Chapter eight

Copyright 2021 – Jason Crow
All rights reserved

Did I just kill off this cute package of joy and happiness? I’m sorry guys! I hated to do this, but in my opinion the story needed this. Just keep on reading and maybe it makes sense then.

moriendum est

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