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Smoky Mountains – Chapter 15

Smoky Mountains
Jason Crow

Chapter 15 – A.W.A.
Day 5.

Ellie was sitting up reading her book as I opened my eyes. The sheet was pulled up a bit and covering her breasts. I guessed our talk yesterday didn’t cause her to be a bit less modest. Ah well.

“Morning,” I grumbled.

“Morning, sleepyhead,” Ellie smiled, putting her book away.

“What time is it?”

“Almost nine.”

My eyes kept drifting down Ellie’s chest. Her hard nipples were slightly visible as they tried to poke through the thin bedsheet. I thought back about the events of last night and figured we needed to talk about it. But not now. I had to think it through before talking to Ellie about it.

I did like to tease her a bit after last night’s groping session. So I pulled the sheet away and sat up. I could feel Ellie’s eyes roaming over my back as I got up on my feet. Instead of picking up my boxers and holding them in front of me, I just casually walked over to the door, carefully avoiding Ellie’s eyes. As I reached the door and opened it, I stopped and looked at her over my shoulder.

She looked flushed and didn’t know where to look. I needed to say or do something.

“Well…” I started, “since we both sleep in the buff, we’d better get used to this, don’t we?”

“Uh… Right. I mean… I know you’re right. I just didn’t expect it. You… um… look pretty good. Down there,” she said, blushing and diverting her eyes.

“Thanks! You hop in the shower after me again?” I asked, not wasting any more words on it.

Her eyes were glued to my butt and side-dick, and I could see her struggling to break free and look me in my eyes.

“Uh… Yes. If that’s okay?” she finally managed and looked into my eyes.

“Sure. Of course. I’ll make us some breakfast again after I’m done.”

I quickly went to the bathroom. The moment I burst in, I started laughing softly. That was a bit mean. But I liked getting back at her. It was all good fun, and no one would get hurt.

As we were cleaning up after breakfast, Ellie looked at me.

“You’re rechecking the lab, right?” she asked me.

“That’s right. There must be something in that computer that can help us.”

“I’ll start looking into a way of communicating. And the heat,” Ellie said as she left the room.

Her panty-clad ass was a feast to the eye, and I realized I would regret fixing the temperature down here. I took my mug of coffee, went into the lab, booted the computer, and was ready for another frustrating day.

But it wasn’t as frustrating as I expected. The fresh look and new approach made me look in places I didn’t even think of yesterday. I quickly found the folder I was looking for, and I couldn’t believe I missed it yesterday. I started browsing through all the documents and quickly learned this was a goldmine. Robert’s particular way of logging and writing stuff down proved to be quite enlightening to me.

There was a system. Of course there was a system! I learned there were three types of flasks. There was a more or less general drug that prevents people from getting sick. It was highly experimental and the way Robert described it, with only a few known but harmless side effects.

Then there was the stuff the army wanted to test. A shot that gave the patient extra muscle power and extreme stamina. There was a report of an untrained soldier that ran thirty miles straight without feeling tired. This drug needed a lot more testing, but the first results were encouraging and not lethal. None of the lab rats or test persons suffered from any severe side effects, but it was still too early to scale-up.

The third drug we had inside the chilling cabinet read, ‘can protect people from the unknown threats inside the earth.’ What? I had to reread it. Was this a drug that could’ve saved mankind? Or was this a coincidence?

I made some notes to remember which number was what in case of a computer or power error. As I was finishing up, I heard Ellie call me. I shut down the computer, gathered my notes, and walked over to Ellie.

“What’s up, Ellestar?” I asked as I entered the control room.

“SHIVR showed me how to use the ham radio,” she said with a bit of a frown.

“That’s great! Isn’t it?”

“I thought so too. But there’s mostly static, a message from the emergency broadcasting system that isn’t of any use, and this…”

Ellie pressed a button and out of the speakers above the control panel came a male voice.

“Greetings, fellow survivors. This recording is brought to you by the proud men and women of the A.W.A. community. During the last few days, God cleansed the world from Jews, negros, and faggots. He finally had the power and heart to do this. Unfortunately, in the process, he took some of our dearest friends too. But don’t worry. They didn’t die in vain but for a good cause. As we mourn over our loved ones, we’re also looking forward again. When the time is right, we’ll move out of our shelters up north and move into the city. We’ll build a new society, free from the scum and criminals that ruled the world before this kind act of God. Feel free to join us and help us built a better and whiter America on top of the ruins of the mess that the Jews and faggots left behind.”
I must’ve looked stupid standing there. I realized my mouth was open and I stood frozen to the ground. This needed to land.

“Well… At least we’re not alone on the earth,” I finally managed.

“Unbelievable, isn’t it?” Ellie said seriously. “The world as we know it is gone, and some white supremacist bunch of racists think they can take it over. All under the claim that God helped them. It makes me sad and angry, you know?”

I looked at her and felt incredibly proud of her view on all this. I already figured out she was smart, but she was even more intelligent than I gave her credit for by saying what she said.

“And they’re after you, Uncle Adam. Didn’t you hear it? Jews, negro’s, and faggots… God! I hate that word.”

“What word? Faggots?” I asked, not entirely sure what she meant.

“No. Well… that too. But Negro’s!”

“Yeah. Me too! I thought you meant faggots. I don’t necessarily hate that word. And besides, I’m used to people hating me for my sexual orientation, so I’m not too worried about that.”

“But these are idiots! Can’t you hear that?” Ellie asked in disbelief.

“Look, Ellie. I’ve been called much worse by much more dangerous people. These guys probably don’t stand a chance with what they’re planning. Only a few people will follow these morons. And if we don’t want to, they’ll never find us down here.”

That put Ellie visibly at ease. I gave her a small hug in an attempt to show her I wasn’t scared. Of course, I was scared a little. If these people were only half the men I figured they were, they would be massively dangerous. But they’d never get down here if we didn’t want to. And that was a very comforting idea.

“Okay. I guess you’re right, Uncle Adam. I’ll try to figure out who these guys are. SHIVR can help me with that. Oh… about SHIVR. She ran an extensive self-test and figured out what’s wrong with the climate system.”

“Oh? What is it? Can we fix it?”

“I don’t know. Here, she’ll show you. Assist me, SHIVR,” Ellie said.

Over the next few minutes, SHIVR showed me the location and schematics of the broken part. They called it the Flux Capacitor, which I found extremely funny but was lost on Ellie. The schematics didn’t look too complicated, and with the spare parts lying around in the supply room, it must be fixable. The bypass system could supply the shelter with cooler air, but the energy consumption was much higher. So it shut itself down automatically after two hours. Only the bedrooms would stay cool during the night, but just if the doors were closed.

I was impressed with the simple nature and quality of the system. It wasn’t over-engineered, and there were fail-safe systems installed too.

“I think I can fix it. I’ll start working on it right away. Otherwise, we’ll eventually end up walking around naked down here.”

“I wouldn’t mind, Uncle Adam. And besides, you started doing it already this morning,” she smiled.

“Yeah… uh… well… Let’s just fix it. We’ll see after that, okay?” I said, blushing.

“Sure. I’ll check with SHIVR what we can find about these A.W.A. guys.”

I started working on the Flux Capacitor. After about an hour or two, I fixed the problem. I thought. When I put the capacitor back in and switched it on, I heard it spin and almost immediately stop. The red light I saw when I first started, lid back up, and I heard SHIVR say through the speakers:

“Climate system malfunction. Please check the manual on how to fix this.”

She talked in the same tone as in some Sci-fi movie when the spaceship is about to blow up. I found it both humorous and annoying at the same time. Primarily annoying because my first attempt failed miserably. I considered myself a sound technician and should be able to fix such a minor problem.

As I walked back toward the control room, feeling a bit defeated, I smelled baked garlic and onions. When I rounded the corner near the kitchen, Ellie was standing there in her panties and tank top. She’d tied an apron in front of her and was cooking dinner. This lightened my mood considerably. I walked up to her and kissed her on the cheek from behind.

“It didn’t work, did it?” she asked.

“No. But I’ll give it another shot tomorrow. Can I help you?”

“This is almost done. If you set the table, we can eat.”

A few moments later, we were sitting at the kitchen table eating our dinner. I didn’t know what it was exactly. Ellie claimed it was her secret recipe, but it tasted amazingly well.

After dinner, Ellie explained what she’d found.

“Look. A.W.A. apparently stands for ‘America White Again,’ which in itself is an awful name. But even without that name, these are horrible people. They’re preppers and are living in the woods for almost seven years now. They’re awaiting the ‘big cleanse,’ as they call it. To them, it’s The day that God gives the earth back to its rightful owners,” Ellie started.

“Holy shit! Really?”

“And that’s not all. They claim to be a group of over two hundred people, all armed to their teeth and living underground. Literally, that’s probably why they survived these bugs too. According to their manifesto, they’re really serious about this cleansing stuff. They’re a plain racist militia. I don’t have another word for it.”

“More than just a few idiots then, huh?” I said, trying to keep the mood a bit light.

“You should see the stuff their leader pulled. Domestic attacks, bombing a black church near Jackson, Mississippi. Burning down a gay bar and a Synagogue. The list is long. He’s serious, and now these bugs gave him the opportunity. I don’t think we should ignore it and stay safe down here and hope this will all blow over.”

“That serious, huh? We need to get in touch with Uncle Robert. He’s with the army. Maybe the army still has some structure and will be able to demolish these people.”

“I guess you’re right. I’ll try that again tomorrow.”

We cleaned up, each lost in our thoughts, and started watching another movie in the living room. During the movie, I constantly thought about bringing up last night’s events with Ellie. I couldn’t just say, “Ellie, you know that playing with a man’s dick when he sleeps is not very lady-like” or something stupid like it. I tried figuring it out all evening but just couldn’t find the right angle. By the time the movie finished, I was feeling tired and ready for bed. I figured I’d let this night play out, and if she tried it again, I’d say something about it.

“Some reading in bed and then sleep?” I offered.

“Good plan. I’m tired. I can’t stop thinking about these idiots. Maybe a good night’s sleep will help.”

After we cleaned and were in the bedroom, it was time to undress. I decided not to turn around this time and let Ellie have a look if she wanted. The moment she walked in, I dropped my boxers and pretended to look at my phone. Out of the corner of my eye, I could see Ellie checking me out. And I didn’t mind.

“You shave, Uncle Adam?” Ellie asked.

“Huh?” I said, pretended to be engrossed in my phone, and looked up. ”Sorry. Yes. I do. I like it a lot better without all the hairs down there.”

“You look nice,” she softly said.

“Thank you. You don’t mind, do you?”

“No, I don’t. Well… This morning it was a bit unexpected. But now… I guess I even like looking at you this way.” And she started blushing.

“Don’t worry. I don’t mind you looking. I like looking at you too, but you don’t have to if you don’t want to, you know? We’re not nudists or something,” I chuckled and crawled into the bed, trying to take away the tension.

Ellie surprised me by starting to take off her clothes without turning around. And she looked very nice indeed. Small, still growing breasts with small areolas, stiff, pointy nipples, a very tight belly, and a few strands of pubic hair showing off her puffy slit nicely.

“Since we’re apparently not too modest anymore,” she said, smiling shyly at me.

“You look amazing, Ellie,” I sincerely said. “You’ve got an amazing body!”

“No, I don’t. My boobs are too small, and I don’t have very much pubic hair yet,” she said a bit glumly.

“So?” I said. “You’re thirteen. It takes a little time, but you’ll definitely get there. And you’ve got bigger boobs than most girls your age. Heck, even bigger than some grown women. No need to worry there, Ellestar.”

That brought a huge smile to her face, and she stopped fiddling with her hand, started looking me in my eyes, and I saw a small glimmer in her eyes. Somehow I managed to say just the right thing to her.

“And I wouldn’t worry about your hair down there. Most men and women like it when there’s no hair, so you’ll probably end up shaving it anyway,” I pressed on.

“Like you,” she simply stated as she crawled into the bed and picked up her book.

“Like me,” I smiled, opening my book myself.

Ellie and I sat up against the headboard, just like we did the nights before. But this time, Ellie didn’t hold up the sheet to hide her breasts anymore. I was delighted she was feeling less shy now. But it still wasn’t the right moment to talk about last night. I was wondering if and how we were going to talk about it.
After about an hour or so, I closed my book and looked at Ellie. She was smiling and looked magnificent sitting there with her chest exposed.

“One sec,” she said. “Almost done with this chapter.”

“It’s funny, isn’t it?”

“Yeah. This part is,” she said, a bit distracted.

I never asked what she was reading. I cranked my neck to look at the book cover.

“Really? ‘Lord of the Flies’ is funny?”

“This part is,” she said without looking up.

Moments later, she folded the corner of the page, closed her book, and placed it on her nightstand.

“And it’s about barely dressed boys on a deserted island. That makes some of their actions really funny. And it’s fun to fantasize about them that way,” she chuckled. “I guess it’s right up your alley too! I mean… boys… on an island… clothing is optional…”

“Yeah, yeah… Make fun of your Uncle. Having a good time?” I laughed.

“Actually, yes!” and she started laughing loudly.

“Well… For what it’s worth… I watched the movie. And I liked that a lot,” I said as her laughter died down a bit. “I’ll start on the book when you finish it, okay?”

“Pervert,” Ellie snickered and punched me playfully on my shoulder.

“Look who’s talking!” I resorted.

We both laughed and giggled some more and eventually turned off the lights. Ellie crawled up against me the way she did the previous nights.

“Goodnight, Uncle Adam. I love you,” she whispered.

This took me by surprise. This wasn’t an obligatory ‘I love you,’ but a sincere, deep, and heartfelt expression of her love for me.

“I love you too, Ellestar! We’ll get through this together. I promise!”

“I know.”

I started settling in for the night but was determined to stay awake for a while to check what Ellie would do. It turned out I didn’t have to wait too long for it to start.

“Uncle Adam?” Ellie whispered.

I didn’t respond, and almost immediately, Ellie’s hand was under the sheet and inching her way toward my dick. The moment I felt her starting to move, I boned up. The moment Ellie’s hand touched my dick, it twitched, which caused Ellie to pull back a bit. Seconds later, after she noticed I didn’t move, her hand was gripping my dick again.

“Oh wow…” she whispered and was starting to move beside me, obviously masturbating.

I was getting pretty worked up by her actions. My mind was flying around and figuring out what to do. Let her go like last night? Tell her to stop? Take the lead? As I was thinking all this, her fingers were rubbing over the back of my glans, making it harder for me to act asleep. That’s when I decided to act.

“You know you need to finish what you start, right?” I suddenly said.

Ellie immediately pulled her hand back and almost jumped off the bed. She jumped up a couple of inches. I was sure of that.

“I… ehm…” she stammered. “I didn’t think… I was just…”

“Look, Ellie, you’re curious about a man’s… penis. I get that. And I don’t blame you. But it’s a decent thing to ask permission before you just start groping around.”

“I know. I’m SO sorry! I shouldn’t…” she started, and I could hear her starting to cry.

That broke my heart and was almost the exact opposite of what I was trying to accomplish. I turned over and started hugging her tightly.

“Shhh… I’m really not mad, Ellie. I’m sorry for startling you. Stop crying, please!” I whispered.

“You’re… not mad?” she asked between sniffs.

“No, silly! You were curious and… uhm… trying to.. uhm… scratch an itch?” I tried.

“You felt that too? Oh my god…” Ellie sighed, embarrassed.

At least she had stopped crying but didn’t look me in my eyes. I needed to say or do something to save the situation and the open relationship we had built so far.

“Look, Ellie. I was scratching my head about how I could… pleasure myself. If you know what I mean. I hate doing it standing up or sitting down. So I had to find a way to do it in bed. I was thinking about sleeping in or acting sick, but that just doesn’t work.”

Ellie started looking at me and had a very intrigued look on her face.

“You need it too?” she asked, clearly surprised.

“Oh yeah. Believe me, I do. I’m older than you but not dead, you know?” I chuckled.

“I never said that,” she giggled, “I just never thought about you needing it too.”

“So… What do you say?” I tried.

Ellie didn’t hesitate, moved toward me, and slipped her hand back under the sheet. Moments later, she gripped my dick and started rubbing it again. Now THAT was unexpected. I figured we’d do our thing side by side, but clearly, Ellie had different plans.

“Ohh…” I moaned as her hand started moving up and down on my dick, stroking it clumsily.

I could feel her movement starting too. And despite the clumsy jerking, the idea of her fingering herself added with the action earlier put me pretty close to the edge already.

“Ahhh… This is good, Ellie. OHHHH” I moaned.

“Hmmm…” was her only reply.

Ellie was obviously focused on her two tasks and wasn’t in the mood for conversation. Her hand started moving faster, and I could feel her lower body move a lot too. As I was enjoying the good feelings, I felt Ellie’s body move. She put her leg over me, and a fraction later, I felt her warm and moist groin press against my leg. She started grinding her pelvis against my leg and was starting to moan.

“OHH… Uncle Adam…. This i… MMMHHHH” she groaned and kept pressing harder and grinding against my leg.

I could feel the damp spot on my leg, and her pussy felt surprisingly hot. Way hotter than I remembered it to be in my younger years.

“I’m… AHHHHH!!!” She groaned as her body stiffened and the grip of her hand on my dick increased.

That feeling of her contracting pussy and shaking body against mine was enough to push me over the edge too. I never came this sudden before. I usually had a pretty long buildup. But this orgasm came so sudden, it surprised me. And because of that, it was more potent and more intense than my regular orgasms.

It was a good thing I kicked the sheet down during our actions. Otherwise, we needed a new sheet. At least six spurts left my dick before it started dribbling out.
Ellie kissed me on my cheek as she kept holding my dick firmly in her hand and slowly milking the last drops out of it. We were both panting, and the heat of her pussy was still registering in my brain.

“I was… That was… I…” Ellie stammered.

“I know,” I managed between pants.

“I never felt anything like this. Thank you!” she whispered.

“You don’t say thank you during pillow-talk,” I giggled. “But you’re welcome. And thank you too. I didn’t expect you would do this.”

“You didn’t?” Ellie asked, surprised.

“No. I figured we’d masturbate side by side,” I softly said. “But this is way better!” I quickly added.

“Oh. I thought you wanted it this way,” Ellie said, still lying against me. “You sure made a mess of yourself.”

“I made a mess of myself?” I asked with a fake offense in my voice, “YOU were the one jerking me!”

Ellie started to giggle, and I could feel her body move against mine as she laughed. I reached down beside the bed and picked up my boxers. I didn’t want to get up, so I cleaned myself using my boxers and threw them back on the ground.

“There. NOW we can sleep.”

“Yeah. I’m pretty tired now. Thanks for not being an ass about this, Uncle Adam.”

“Thank YOU for giving me a comfortable way to relieve myself during these dreadful times.”

“You’re welcome,” Ellie giggled.

After that, we didn’t say anything and just enjoyed each other’s company and casually rubbing our hands over the other person’s body. It was nice and comforting this way. Eventually, we both drifted off to sleep.

End of Chapter fifteen

Copyright 2021 – Jason Crow
All rights reserved

tandem facere possimus

Smoky Mountains – Chapter 14

Smoky Mountains
Jason Crow

Chapter 14 – Changes
Day 4.

After another awful breakfast, Joel started fiddling with the ham radio, and I looked at what he was doing for lack of anything else to do. It didn’t appear to me Joel knew what he was doing. And considering the number of swearwords he mumbled, I knew I was right.

After half an hour, I was bored out of my mind and restlessly started wandering around in my room. After I did my forty push-ups and sit-ups as I usually did every morning before all this started, I was done. Joel was still messing around with the radio, and I didn’t feel like doing anything. As I laid there on my back, listening to the static coming from the radio, I heard a bark outside. It sounded like a gunshot in the deafening silence around us.

I immediately sat up straight and looked at Joel, who looked back at me with his eyes wide as saucers. We moved over to my bedroom window, and Joel pulled back a small corner of the curtain, so we both could look outside. The moment he did this, I realized it had been over a day since I looked out. There were bodies on the ground everywhere, but I chose not to look at them. In the middle of the street stood a big German shepherd. His tongue hung out of his mouth, and he looked around. All the while, his tail was wagging from left to right.

He sniffed around on the ground between the corpses before entering the house across the street through the open door. Our neighbor was lying in the door opening, but the dog stepped over him and entered the house.

“ Well… Thank god the bugs didn’t attack the animals,” Joel whispered.

“Yeah… I guess he’s desperately looking for food, don’t you think?” I whispered back.

“No. Not desperately, I think. A lot of doors are probably open, and there must be food everywhere. It’s just that the dog has to go look for it himself instead of the owner giving it to him. Dogs like this will manage. I doubt if Paris Hilton’s chihuahua will,” Joel said, chuckling softly.

“That chihuahua doesn’t have to go and look for food. It is going to be the food itself,” I added.

We kept looking at the door, and after about five minutes, the dog came back out and continued walking down the street. The dog acted a bit confused, but other than that, he seemed fine. We looked after it as it disappeared from our view.

“Have you seen the bodies?” Joel asked softly.

“No. I deliberately didn’t… Fuck!!” I exclaimed after I involuntarily looked at a body nearby.

What I saw was totally unexpected. It had been a little over three days since they were bitten by the bugs, and I expected them to still be recognizable. A body wouldn’t decompose quickly. Especially considering it was mid-November with the colder weather outside. But when I looked at the body lying just outside our yard, my blood ran cold.

The body was completely mummified. There’s no other way to describe it than that. The skin was pulled tightly over the bones. It was like looking at a horror movie where a person was cursed or something and aged instantly. The hairs were still on its head but were very thin. Teeth were showing because of the retracted skin on its face. It was terrible to look at, and I diverted my eyes quickly and sat back on the floor.

“Oh my god…” I whispered.

“I know. It looks awful,” Joel said.

“What the fuck happened, Joel?” I asked with panic in my voice.

“I don’t know! But it’s fucking creepy! That’s what it is!” he said, a little panicky himself.

He put the curtain back in place and turned around. I could see the fear in his eyes. But I could also see he was thinking of something. But I just had to do something, so I hugged him, and he immediately hugged me back. We sat like that for a few minutes before Joel gently broke the hug.

“You know,” he started, “this could be a good thing.”

“A good thing? How? These people look like fucking mummies!”

“I know. But at least they won’t start to decompose this way. What do you think that would smell like with billions of dead people? That stench would be in the atmosphere for years!”

It took me a moment, but eventually, I realized he was right. I couldn’t decide which was better or worse, but they were both bad options. That much was clear.

“Guess you’re right. But hey! We saw a living dog! That’s some good news, isn’t it?” I tried, mainly as an attempt to cheer myself up.

Joel started working on the radio again, and I started yet another solitaire game on my phone. Candy Crush had stopped working yesterday, so I figured I was limited to local games only. As I almost finished the first game, I noticed it started raining outside. I didn’t pay much attention to it, but it did linger in my head. Halfway through the third game, it suddenly occurred to me.

“Do you think these bugs can fly in the rain?” I asked Joel. “I mean… Mosquito’s can’t. Can they?”

“Good question,” Joel said, looking at me thoughtfully. “I think mosquitoes don’t die when it rains but considering their weight and build, I guess to them, a raindrop is like getting hit by a car to us. They just have to take shelter, and they’re good.”

I googled a bit, and Joel was about right. They can fly in the rain and won’t die. But usually, they take shelter. Some described it as fighting with a balloon. You can punch it hard, but because of its small weight, it just flies off. To the mosquito, it’s about the same. It has a strong exoskeleton and large wings, which causes the raindrop to ooze around it. The mosquito can usually escape it just before it hits the ground.

“I guess something similar is true for these bugs. That is a weakness in their design,” Joel smiled after I read the article to him.

“Can be. But I still don’t want to go outside with these freaks flying around. Rain or no rain.”

“Not right now, no.”

Joel went back to messing around with the radio as I finished the game on my phone. I was getting better and better at it, but after my sixth game, I started searching for something else to do.

“Sssshhh… thisssssss…. Broadcast…” came out of the radio.

Joel tweaked the big button a bit, and eventually, we heard it clearly.

“This is the U.S. government emergency broadcast system. There has been an attack on our country. We don’t know who or what caused it yet. We strongly advise you to close all your doors and windows and stay inside. There is no need for panic, but please stay indoors until ordered otherwise.”

After a pause and the usual beeps before the broadcast starts, the message was repeated.

“Well… that wasn’t much help,” I mumbled.

“Fuck. I doubt if there’s even a government or army left,” Joel said as he switched off the radio.

“Was that all you could find?” I asked.

“For now. I spent a lot of time trying to figure that piece of shit out. But I think I’ve got it now. I’ll check for more later, but right now, I’m fed up with it. Next, I’ll try sending something too. Maybe someone will hear that. Wanna play another game of Risk?” he smiled weakly.

“Yes! Please! I’m bored out of my mind,” I said with noticeable relief in my voice.

The following five and a half hours flew by. I did notice Joel taking glances down my tank top, which I found surprisingly exciting. I didn’t bother with underwear this morning, so I knew that he would get a good look down my top when I bent over. Halfway through the game, I started sitting Indian-style, which meant that Joel could look up my short sweat shorts. The small, barely hearable gasp from Joel gave me the assurance he could see my pussy.

I really enjoyed teasing him like this, and judging by the lump in his pants, Joel was okay with it too. He wasn’t OK with losing, though. I put my arms in the air the moment I won, exposing most of my belly in the process.

“See!” Joel exclaimed, “You deliberately distracted me!”

“What do you mean?” I asked innocently.

“I could practically see your boobs when you moved the pieces on the board. It was way more than just a bit of cleavage. That’s pretty distracting, you know?”

“I’m sorry, Joel. I didn’t realize I distracted you,” I said, smiling my wickedest smile.

“Sure… Well, congrats, sis!” he said, extending his hand for me to shake it.

I shook his hand and wondered why he didn’t mention looking up my shorts. Ah well… I won. That’s all that mattered. We ate our dinner in silence together, after which Joel went to search for more broadcasts with the radio.

After I cleaned up, I turned around and walked to the door. Through the transparent sheet we had hung in front of the door opening, I looked longingly into the living room. More space to move around, the television, a shower down the hall. Oh god! A nice, relaxing shower! I sighed deeply as I stood there.

I was about to turn back around when I noticed something. On the ground were four or five black little dots I didn’t notice earlier. Maybe the light coming in through the living room window cast a different shadow because now I could see it clearly.

I kneeled down to take a closer look. I flipped on the flashlight on my phone and immediately realized what I was looking at. These were the bugs! The best way to describe them is like flying ticks. A small body with massive jaws that were too big for the body. Their wings were tiny and looked like wings from a ladybug but without the dots.

“Joel?” I softly said.

“What?” he asked, a bit annoyed.

“I think you want to see this.”

With a loud sigh, he stood up and came over to me. He kneeled beside me and looked at where my flashlight was pointing. His annoyance vanished, and he looked intrigued.

“Are these…” he whispered.

“I think so. They look dead, don’t you think?”

Joel looked around, got up, and took my ruler from my desk. Next, he got on his knees again and slid the ruler over the ground. He moved it under the plastic sheet toward the bugs.

“What are you doing!” I asked, a bit panicked.

“Don’t worry. The gap I create this way is too small for them. I just want to check if they’re alive.”

He inched the ruler toward the nearest bug, and I realized we were both holding our breaths. The moment he hit the bug, I felt my heart trying to beat itself out of my chest. The ruler hit the bug, and nothing happened. It didn’t fly away, no big beak with large teeth trying to bite the ruler like in a cartoon. Nothing. It just rolled on its back, and that was it.

Joel tested this on three more bugs that were within reach, and the same thing happened. The fourth and fifth were out of reach, and we didn’t feel comfortable enough yet to open the flap, but we assumed the result would be the same anyway.

“They’re dead,” Joel said, king of obviousland.

“No shit!” I laughed. “That’s good news, right?”

“I think so. I don’t know if all of them are dead, but this is a good start!”

I high-fived Joel, and we both had big smiles on our faces. First the dog and now this. I was feeling a bit better after the events of today.

“Are you done with the radio for today?” I asked.

“I guess…”

“And uhm… Does that illegal streaming service you installed still work?” I asked carefully.

“One sec…” Joel said, checking his phone. “Yup. Wanna watch something?”

“Well… I wouldn’t mind watching a movie with you. Even on a small screen like your phone.”

“I’d like that a lot too,” Joel said, blushing.

“Why are you blushing?”

“I was just thinking… You know… In bed… Without…”

Joel got redder by the minute as he was trying to explain himself. I liked how his shyness prevented him from talking freely. I obviously knew what he wanted. Heck! I wanted it too. A lot! But I wanted to hear him say it.

“Without?” I asked teasingly.

“Well… You know. Like we sleep now. Like… Naked?” He finally managed.

“Oh, that! Sure.” I said, acting like it’s the most normal thing in the world.

I hesitated a slight second. But up until now, seducing Joel meant an intense orgasm. So my hesitation was gone before I knew it. And because of the way Joel reacted to my body, shyness wasn’t an issue anymore either. So I dropped my sweats, lifted my top, and stood gloriously naked in front of my brother for him to look at my body.

“We’ll watch it in bed, okay?” I said, smiling at my brother’s probing eyes.

“Oh… Okay…” Joel said hesitantly. “You look fucking amazing, Mia!”

And just like that, his shyness was gone. He must’ve figured out how much I liked showing myself and looking at him. I looked him in his eyes and smiled seductively.

“Well… Thank you. So do you. Let’s cuddle and watch that movie, okay?”

I got in bed, and before I could take a good look at Joel as he undressed, he was in behind me. I guessed he didn’t want me to see his boner. Maybe he didn’t want to offend me by getting hard over me. I don’t know, and it was fine with me. I’d probably see it anyway later tonight.

Joel sat up against the wall and stuck the selfie stick between the mattress and the wooden side of the bed, so we could both look at it without needing to hold it. I lay on my side and curled up a bit, so my head was lying on Joel’s chest, just below his ribcage. I could feel his muscles under my face and could see his flawless skin up close.

We had the blanket over our lower bodies, so we were still warm enough. Joel laid his hand on my side and caressed my side and back as we watched the movie. I could hear Joel’s heart beating as we laid there, which was hugely comforting. During the film, Joel regularly shifted to the point some pubic hairs were peeking out from under the blanket. I could clearly see the base of his incredible dick from where I was lying.

This was too distracting for me, and all I could think of was my big brother’s dick. I felt an incredible urge to touch it. I laid my hand just below my face and above his pubes. His abs felt magnificent under my fingers, but right now, I had another goal. Joel didn’t move, which was a good sign. He just kept rubbing me over my back.

After a few minutes, I couldn’t resist any longer. In one swift move, I slid my hand down his belly, over his pubes, and wrapped my hand around his soft dick.

“Ohhhh…” Joel moaned, but he didn’t stop me.

At last! I had my hand around the piece of flesh I longed for for days now. I felt it growing stiff in my hand, and within seconds it was as hard as it felt against my butt this morning. The hardness of it surprised me, but I didn’t expect it to feel as soft as it did at the same time. I was fascinated by it!

I let my hand glide up and down over it, hearing Joel moan as I did this. It felt like nothing I ever felt before, and I was hooked! With my hand holding my brother’s dick at the base, I moved it around to examine it closely. My face was close enough to see all the details clearly, and I could almost kiss it. And, judging by his moans, Joel probably wouldn’t mind.

“Ohh… Mia… What are you doing?” Joel whispered between his moans.

“After looking at you last night, I wanted to try it too and figure out what it feels like,” I whispered back, my eyes never leaving this glorious tube of flesh in front of my eyes.

“But…” Joel tried but was silenced immediately as I started moving my fist up and down over his dick.

I wanted to make my brother cum. I was determined to make him feel as good as I possibly could. And I wanted to watch up close how the cum flew out of his dick. That was all I wanted right now. The feeling of the soft skin around the rock-hard shaft. The big spongy dickhead. The way his dick thickened at the base. The way Joel reacted when I rubbed over that little nub at the top back of his dick. Just where the glans seemed to come together and where it was connected to the shaft. All of it was new, hot as fuck, and gave me a constant tingle inside my soaking pussy.

My hand moved over Joel’s dick in a steady motion. This morning I’d watched how Joel did it and was mimicking it the best I could. I looked intensely at his cock and could see some precum oozing out of the slit on top of his glans. I had to fight the urge to lick it off and instead smeared it over his glans, making it slippier by the minute. As I started doing this, Joel’s moans increased significantly. Good! I was on the right track.

“Ohhhh… Mia… It… hmmm,” was all he could get out of his mouth right now.

I slowed down the pace and slid my hand down to grab his balls and play with these a bit. I hadn’t touched them yet. Of course, I knew these were highly sensitive, so I gently let my hand and fingers caress them, examining their size and texture at the same time. His dick pointed toward his navel now, mere inches away from my face. I noticed the color of his dick was the same as the rest of his skin, a light chocolatey brown, much like my own skin color.

But my quest wasn’t over yet. So I very slowly inched my hand back up his dick, alternating between squeezing it and letting it loose a bit as I moved up. As I reached the top, I again smeared the precum over the tip and started jacking him again.

“AHH! OHHH… Mia, this is MMMMM…” Joel moaned. “Look ou…. Cumming soo… OOOHHHH…”

“Cum for me, Joel! Shoot it!” I heard myself moan.

I never talked this dirty. But then again, I’ve never been in such a situation before. I didn’t think what to do when Joel came. Where I was lying with my head now was in the middle of the blast zone. But I wanted to see how he came. I wanted to taste his sweet, salty cum again, I…

Joel’s dick grew fatter, and I felt his belly muscles tense under my cheek. I didn’t have any more time to figure it out. I opened my mouth wide, and as I felt the cum shoot through his dick under my fingers, I aimed it at my mouth. The first spurt missed me and flew over my head, and I felt it landing behind my head and some of it in my hair. But the next spurts all landed inside and around my mouth. From my nose to my cheek, I was covered in cum, and on my tongue, I felt the same thing I tasted this morning, only warm this time.

Seeing Joel’s dick spurt made me almost cum. Without touching myself! I felt that tingle between my legs as if I was about to orgasm. Seeing Joel’s spurts go down to a dribble, I slid my hand between my legs. The moment my finger hit my clit, I knew it would only take a second to cum too. So I rubbed it again and let my brother’s cum swirl through my mouth. The feeling of tasting something so personal, private, and kinky, combined with my rubbing finger, pushed me over the edge.

I spasmed while still lying on Joel’s belly. He must’ve noticed what was going on as his hand moved from my back to my front, where he softly started pinching my nipple. I didn’t cum for a second time because I was still cumming. But the added stimulation caused some sort of secondary wave on top of my already intense orgasm.

I never came this hard or long before, and as I came down from it, I swallowed Joel’s load. Another tingle ran over my spine, but it wasn’t enough for a second orgasm. I didn’t need one either. This was great already! I turned my head to look at Joel, and he looked down at me, still panting heavily.

The moment he saw my face, he started laughing. I must’ve looked like some cheap porn slut after the money shot, and I started laughing too when I realized this. To emphasize the effect, I licked my lips clean with my tongue and tried getting as much of his cum in my mouth as I could. The added bonus was that I learned I liked Joel’s cum. A lot!

Joel started caressing my hair, and we stopped laughing. With his free hand, he took the towel off the ground and handed it to me. I wiped my face clean, and while I was at it, cleaned Joel’s belly too. I hesitated just slightly, but his dickhead needed cleaning too, so I cleaned it also and dropped the towel back on the floor.

“That was…” Joel started.

“Shh… Let’s just enjoy lying like this,” I whispered, and Joel stopped talking.

The phone was still playing the movie, and Joel quickly took the selfie-stick, removed his phone, and shut it off. There wasn’t much light coming from that small screen, but feeling the complete darkness wash over us, was very relaxing. We laid there quietly for a few minutes, and I felt myself dozing off.

“Let’s get comfy, so we can sleep. Alright?” I heard Joel whisper.

Joel slid down and was lying on his back now. He extended his arm, and I nestled myself in the curve between his neck and shoulder, also lying on my back. We both laid near the edge of the bed, but it fitted and felt really cozy. Joel bent his arm, and his hand was resting directly on my boob, which felt nice. I draped my right hand over his body, down his belly, and touched his junk against my hand. I cupped his balls and felt extremely happy like this. If I’d die now, I’d die a happy girl.

Joel’s hand was massaging my boob openly as I yawned. I just had to feel it again and awkwardly slipped my hand upward a bit and held my brother’s soft dick in my hand for a few seconds. I felt it harden a little bit but couldn’t keep this up for long and cupped his balls again, glad I could openly touch him now.

Joel kissed me on my head, and I felt myself drift off, slipping into a dreamless sleep.

End of Chapter fourteen

Copyright 2021 – Jason Crow
All rights reserved

ego supellectilem dedit mihi bene conbiberant

Smoky Mountains – Chapter 13

Smoky Mountains
Jason Crow

Chapter 13 – Waking up
Day 4.

I felt Joel’s naked body spooned behind me. His muscular chest pressed against my back and his soft dick lying against my butt with his pubes tickling me every now and then was amazing. Joel’s hand was draped over my chest, and his hand rested just below my breasts.

I LOVED waking up like this. Finally, I could feel my brother’s body against me in all its glory. By the way he was breathing deeply, I figured he was still fast asleep. Considering the lights outside, it must’ve been around eight.

I didn’t want to wake up yet. The way we were lying was way too nice. The thought about last night with Joel’s sperm arcing out of his dick filled my mind, and I was instantly horny.

I tried not to move too much and gently moved Joel’s hand up a bit and let it rest on my right breast. His hand draped itself naturally over the globe of my breast, almost cupping it, and I felt my nipple harden instantly.

It was hard to suppress a big sigh and the guilt I felt earlier lingered a bit. But soon enough, I realized again that I shouldn’t feel guilty. The situation wasn’t going to change in any way, and being so close to my twin brother, only made us stronger.

Lying there thinking about this, I figured I’d never fall asleep again. But just lying here with Joel was good enough. But after a short while, I was awakened from my light doze by something. I opened my eyes and immediately realized what was going on. We didn’t move, and Joel’s hand was still lying on my boob.

But the reason why I was awakened put a smile on my face. A big smile. I felt Joel’s dick stir a bit, and moments later, it was hardening against my back in the rhythm of his heartbeat. Joel’s breathing had become shallower, and I figured he was waking up.

Feeling his naked boner pressed against my back made me instantly awake. I moved my butt a tiny bit to get a better feel of this fantastic piece of flesh. The moment I did this, I felt Joel’s hand tentatively squeezing my breast. I guessed he was sizing it up and trying to figure out what he was holding. He also involuntarily ground his dick against my back.

The smile on my face got even bigger by all of this. Feeling Joel wake up like this, his erection against my back, and his hand on my boob was an incredible experience. I noticed he was squeezing my breast again and suddenly moved his hand down as if he was stung by a bee. He must’ve thought he did this during the night and didn’t want me to notice. But I would have none of that. I took his hand and placed it back on my breast.

“This is nice,” I whispered softly.

Joel froze, and I could hear him swallow audibly. His dick twitched against my back, and he held his hand perfectly still.

“O… Okay,” he whispered back.

I realized I needed to take the edge of the situation and turned my head a bit in an attempt to look at Joel.

“Did you sleep okay?” I tried.

“Huh? Oh. Yes. I slept great.”

“Good. Me too. I was out like a light. I usually sleep naked, so it was nice to do it again. I guess that helped me a lot,” I chuckled.

“You do? Ehm… Me too. So it’s a good thing we did what we did then. Isn’t it?”

“It is. I’m glad we did. And not only so we can sleep in the buff…”

“Huh? What do you mean?” Joel asked, a bit confused.

“Well… For starters, it’s great to wake up like this. I mean… In your arms with you pressed against me,” I said and pressed my butt a bit firmer against my brother’s boner. “I really like feeling your WHOLE body pressed against me.”

“I’m sorry, Mia. I always have this in the morning,” Joel said, obviously embarrassed.

“Don’t be, silly! I know boys have morning wood. But I like the way it feels. It’s… I don’t know… hot, I guess?”

“Yeah… Well… This is pretty hot too,” Joel said and squeezed my breast firmly and massaged it a bit.

“Hmmm…” I purred, “and that’s the second thing I like about this. We can openly masturbate now without having to be all careful about it.”

“It WAS pretty hot watching you last night, Mia,” Joel whispered in my ear. “Wanna do it again?”

“Sure!” I said enthusiastically, not feeling the need anymore to hold back.

I didn’t like the fact that Joel let go of my breast. But the prospect of what we were about to do, made up for that. Moments later, we both laid on our backs, and Joel pushed the blanket down to expose our naked bodies. My eyes immediately went to my brother’s dick again and, just like last time, felt an incredible urge to touch it. But I just wasn’t sure how Joel would take it.

We didn’t start right away. Instead, we just looked at each other’s bodies. I noticed Joel’s erection bobbing a bit with each heartbeat, which was fascinating to me. My pussy was tingling and dripping wet from looking at Joel’s dick and feeling his hand on my boob. So I just had to start. I couldn’t hold it back any longer. I figured Joel would follow soon after me.

But as I slipped my hand between my legs and kept focusing on his dick, he didn’t take it in his hand. Instead, he just kept his eyes between my legs where my hand was working its magic. I didn’t mind this. I had a perfect view of his erection, and the idea of being watched turned me on intensely. So I quickly got in the zone.

“Eh… Mia?” Joel asked.

“Hmmm?” I responded, slowing down my fingers a bit.

“Uhm… do you mind if… uh… I um… take a closer look?” he stammered.

“Huh? What do you mean?” I asked, a bit confused, and stopped masturbating completely.

“Well… It’s just that… I can’t see too much from here. I mean… With me, it’s quite obvious what I’m doing. But with you…” Joel trailed off, and he had the cutest and pleading look in his eyes I’ve ever seen.

“Ah! Is that what you mean. Uhm… Sure. I don’t mind you looking,” I said casually but felt myself getting even wetter at the prospect of Joel’s face so close to my pussy.

Joel started smiling, got up on his knees, and scooted over, so he sat beside my hips. I noticed his boner bouncing in front of him as he moved on the bed. His eyes were glued to my crotch as he settled in, resting his butt on the heels of his feet. His hardon was sticking up proudly from his groin.

With Joel in place, I decided to give him a good show. I spread my legs widely, so my right knee was touching Joel, and my other one was against the wall. With my right hand, I opened up my labia. Joel bent over a bit, and I could feel his breath on my soaking wet pussy.

“See this?” I asked Joel, “this is my clit, and it’s the best spot on my body.”

“Oh wow,” he whispered.

“And this…” I said as I slipped my middle finger in, “is where the dick needs to go in AAAHHH.”

“Oh my god,” Joel said, sat up a bit, immediately took his dick in his hand, and started jacking it furiously.

“It’s all glistening. That’s because you’re… wet ohhh… isn’t it?” Joel asked with an incredibly horny look on his face.

“Ahhh. Yeah. This is… oohhh… so hot. No one… hmmm… ever watched me do this. But OOOHHH… I like it,” I moaned as I took my finger out and started rubbing around my pussy.

“This is fucking awesome… ohh…” Joel panted as I watched his hand flying up and down on his dick. “AHHH I’m gonna cum soon! You?”

“It’s just… I’m… ahhh… yeah. Any hmmm time NOW!!” I said a bit too loud as I felt my pussy started to spasm, and my orgasm took control.

I was lost in my pleasure and had to close my eyes. But a moment later, I felt something on my belly and quickly looked down. Joel still sat on his knees, his head was thrown back between his shoulders, his hard dick in his hand, and I could see four more spurts flying out of his dick. The sperm splashed all over my lower body and hand as I was still rubbing softly to prolong my orgasm.

But the moment I realized I was being coated in my brother’s cum, I came again. Not as hard as the first time, but I definitely came a second time.

I was returning to earth as I felt Joel drop back into the bed beside me. I noticed we were both panting heavily. I for sure wasn’t able to speak yet and had to get my breath back after two orgasms in under a minute.

Joel surprised me by putting his arm over my chest as he moved over and cuddled up to me.

“I’m… That’s… wow…” he stammered.

I could only nod and still had my eyes closed to let the good feelings last as long as I could.

“Did you like it?” Joel asked carefully.

Now my eyes flew open, and I looked at my brother. I couldn’t resist and kissed him hard on his mouth.

“I fucking LOVED it!!” I said loudly after breaking the kiss.

“Sssh,” Joel hissed. “Not too loud, remember?”

“I’m sorry. But it’s just that… wow! You know?”

“I know. This was sexy as fuck,” he giggled.

“I am a bit sticky, though,” I said, looking down at the mess Joel made.

Now it was my chance to feel my brother’s cum, so I scooped up a bit and held it between my fingers near my face. I examined it, sniffed it, and licked some of my fingers.

Joel looked at me wide-eyed as I did this. I exaggeratedly tasted it and then smiled at him. Brandi said it tastes good. Now I know.


“And what?”

“Does it taste good?”

“Yeah. Not bad,” I honestly replied.

It wouldn’t be on my favorite foods list, but it was okay. A bit salty and sweet at the same time. Joel then surprised me by scooping up some of my belly and putting it in his mouth.

“You’re right. Not too bad,” he smiled.

“Sure… Are you saying you’ve never tasted your own cum? I’m not buying that, mister,” I laughed.

“Of course I did. It’s just been a while, and I thought I’d get you to laugh when I did. Mission accomplished.”

We both started laughing and were totally at ease with being completely naked together. Joel got up and handed me a towel, and started peeing into the sink.
I cleaned myself and sat up straight on the edge of the bed, not bothering to get dressed yet. My eyes were glued to Joel’s firm butt as he had to tense the muscles to get the job done properly. He had to stand on his toes a little in order to aim into the sink, which caused this muscle tension. I loved it!

I wasn’t quite sure if I should get dressed or not, but since Joel started putting on his clothes, I decided to join him.

End of Chapter thirteen

Copyright 2021 – Jason Crow
All rights reserved

a cattus est ex lapides sacculi

Smoky Mountains – Chapter 12

Smoky Mountains
Jason Crow

Chapter 12 – Task time
Day 4.

I opened my eyes and was greeted by a pair of young breasts with hard nipples. I had to blink a few times to make sure it was real. They were almost boy-like nipples on two small globes of flesh. Her breasts were way past the puffy nipple stage but still needed to grow. To me, this was the breast size I liked best.

Then I realized that I was looking at Ellie lying in bed beside me. During the night, the sheet came down, and now she was lying there almost completely naked. By chance, the sheet still covered most of her vagina, but I could see a few strands of pubic hair peeking out from under the sheet.

I realized I was getting hard from looking at her. This was just too weird. Maybe Robert was right, and I was bi since I found it quite challenging to look away. Ellie was still asleep and looked amazing lying there. She looked a lot like Ryan, with a few differences, of course. They were unmistakably siblings. That much was clear. I gave my dick a few tugs in an attempt to get the pressure off a bit.

Ellie started moving, and I looked at her face and saw her eyes began to blink. She needed a moment to realize where she was but started smiling at me when she saw me looking at her.

“Good morning,” she softly said and stretched.

Immediately after she started stretching, she turned to her belly and looked at me flushed.

“I’m sorry, Uncle Adam,” she whispered.

It took me a second to understand what happened. Ellie must’ve realized she was lying there almost entirely naked and felt the need to cover herself.

“Why are you sorry?” I asked, noticing again how much her ass looked like Ryan’s.

“I don’t mean to offend you.”

“You’re not offending me, Ellie. Not in any way.”

“I’m not? I figured you wouldn’t like to see your niece’s nude body,” she looked serious but still blushing.

“I really don’t mind. In fact, I actually like looking at you,” I replied, now blushing myself.

Ellie, still lying on her belly, scooted over and hugged me. I felt her perky breasts pressing against my chest as I hugged her back.

“I’m glad you don’t mind. Our mom… My mom would never allow me to sleep like this, let alone in the same bed with my Uncle. So thank you,” she said, and I could see her eyes tearing up.

“You’re welcome? I guess?” I replied with a typical schoolgirl tone of voice, trying to divert the attention and avoiding the difficult subject of Ryan’s death.

Ellie stopped hugging me, turned to her back, and pulled up the sheet. She looked at the ceiling and sighed.

“I’ll go and take a shower and make us some breakfast, okay?” I said, reaching on the floor for my boxers.

“Okay. Just call me when you’re done, and I’ll hop into the shower after you.”

“Sure thing,” I said.

I hesitated a second if I should put on my boxers. I decided not to make too big of a fuss about being naked, so I took my boxers, held them in front of my groin, and stood up. I wasn’t sure if I was ready to show Ellie my penis or if she was ready for it yet. So I made sure to keep my boxers firmly pressed against my penis and balls and walked out of the bedroom.

“Cute butt,” Ellie giggled as I walked by.

I looked over my shoulder with mock annoyance. But I couldn’t keep a straight face for long.

“You’re not the first one telling me that, girlfriend!” I responded with an overly gay accent.

After we ate our breakfast, we each went out working on our separate tasks. It was still hot as hell, so we were both dressed the same as we were yesterday. I started by asking SHIVR to give Ellie the same permissions as I had. She was responsible enough, and since we’d be down here for possibly a long time, she might as well have all the controls too. And the possibility that I might die also was probably the best reason to elevate her permissions.

I tried calling Ellie’s mom two more times but immediately was sent to her voicemail. I noticed my previous messages were still unread in WhatsApp, so I didn’t bother sending new ones.

I clicked on the TV, and now the TV option wasn’t greyed-out anymore. I opened it, and the live TV option was launched. As I checked the channels, I was getting even more worried about our situation. Most channels were sending out static or the standard ‘we are experiencing technical difficulties’ screen.

That wasn’t a big surprise. But there were three news channels still broadcasting live, and what I saw there was pretty disturbing.

The picture was as if it was a regular broadcast. The clock in the corner, the scrolling headlines at the bottom, and the desks’ typical background. The significant difference was the anchormen lying on the desk or hanging back in the chair. If I didn’t know any better, they fell asleep behind the desk.

It was a very creepy sight to see. There wasn’t any movement, but still, you’d expect the broadcast to continue at any moment. But after a few minutes, it became painfully clear this wouldn’t happen.

I surfed all available channels, and besides these news channels, there was a lot of static. Not a single channel was broadcasting an emergency broadcast, as one would expect.

The eeriest thing on TV was the standard cartoon channels. They obviously had some automated system because I saw one channel with a Road Runner episode. Another one was airing Tom and Jerry.

After I was sure the TV wouldn’t help us, I switched it off, made myself a fresh cup of coffee, and walked over to the crops room.

With the help of SHIVR, I got a good picture of this room and how we were supposed to use it. There were special lights in the room, and the temperature-controlled air had added water and a hint of fertilizer in it. SHIVR could also manage the automated irrigation and nutrition system if she was informed about which plant was growing in which spot of the room.

The seeds for the plants were located in a separate fridge-like cabinet. And SHIVR had detailed instructions for us on how to extract new seeds from the plants that grew from them in order to keep sufficient sources for future needs.

So I figured if we’d let SHIVR handle the crop growth and check how it’s going every other day. The door needed to remain closed as much as possible. So not going in there too much was for the best.

I entered the hallway and looked through the lab window, wondering what I would find in there. I finished my coffee, put the mug on the floor, and went into the lab.

The lab itself was… a lab. Considering its location, it was terrific. It had all the things needed in such a lab. And I’ve seen my fair shares of labs from the inside, so I was pretty impressed.

I turned on the computer and waited for it to finish booting. As I waited, I looked around. All the standard equipment was here. There was one thing that caught my attention. The cooler in the corner was buzzing. I knew this brand of coolers. This buzzing meant it was cooling at around its maximum capacity. Through its glass door, I could see around fifty ampules of some sort. I didn’t know what it was yet but was hoping Robert’s computer would tell me.

His password was easy to guess by me, and after I spent hours browsing and scanning through his files, I wasn’t much wiser than when I started. I was getting more and more frustrated as I sat there trying to find answers.

The formula in these ampules was still unknown, and there wasn’t a label or something on it to give me a clue. Only numbers 238 through 287 were printed on them, but no reference to these numbers could be found.

The searching on the computer got the better of me, and I suddenly felt furious and alone. Why didn’t Robert leave me any info on how to find answers? Or even what was down here. Did I even know Robert? I mean… considering everything that was going on down here? I knew his work for the government implied that he had to keep secrets for me, but this was straight-out ridiculous.

I checked my watch and suddenly realized how hungry I was. This wasn’t strange, considering it was past six already. Ellie and I saw each other briefly when we made lunch. Well… I was done making my lunch when Ellie walked in. She was obviously engrossed in her task, so we hardly spoke a word.

I turned off everything and went to the control room, expecting to find Ellie there. The door was open, but Ellie wasn’t there. There was a notebook lying on the table with a lot of notes in it. That girl had been busy.

I wasn’t worried, but I was curious where Ellie was. The moment I turned around to go look for her, she walked out of the kitchen, carrying a big glass of water. As the door opened, Ellie looked at me and smiled.

“You’re hungry too?” I asked.

“I am. I was wrapping things up when I realized how late it was.”

“I’ll start working on dinner. You wrap up here, okay?”

I started working in the kitchen, and after a few minutes, Ellie joined me. I noticed she looked a bit hyped.

“How did you do today?” I asked as we sat down at the table.

“Fantastic! I think I know everything there is to know about this shelter. SHIVR talked me through pretty much everything. SHIVR is more like Jarvis than Alexa or Siri, you know?”

“I noticed this myself in the crops room. I didn’t think of it that way, but I guess you’re right. But good to hear you’ve learned about the shelter.”

“Yeah. SHIVR even helped me blurring out Ryan’s body on the external video feeds. That way, we can view the outside footage without the constant possibility of suddenly looking at Ryan’s body.”

That was a very clever thing Ellie had done. I didn’t want to mention it, but in a week or two, Ryan’s body wouldn’t be something we wanted to see. It’s not like we wanted to look at it now, but after the decomposing kicks in… I felt a shiver going down my spine at the mere idea.

“That is an excellent thing you’ve done, Ellie. We’ll bury him when there’s an opportunity, but this is a safe way to deal with it until then. I’m impressed.”

Ellie started to blush. I guessed she wasn’t used to getting compliments. But I was genuinely impressed by how well she handled this.

“Thank you, Uncle Adam. But there’s more. A lot more.”

As we ate our dinner, Ellie explained a lot of stuff she’d asked SHIVR to do and the things she found out doing it.

“Look. According to everything we, well actually SHIVR, found online, the entire world is overrun by something. If you look around online, there is a massive pool of data available. I mean… Facebook, and Twitter, of course. But also video and satellite footage, millions of communication channels you can easily listen in on. We added all up, and we’re not entirely sure yet, but it appears to be some kind of bug that came out of the hole in the ground.”

“A bug?” I asked, surprised. “I figured it was something in the air.”

“A bug IS something in the air,” Ellie giggled. “But I know what you mean.”

“Yeah… Well… Uhm… It’s just..” now it was my turn to blush.

“Just kidding, Uncle Adam. Together, SHIVR and I reconstructed pretty much the whole cycle up until now. At first, it was that hole in Brazil. We saw that on tv.”

“Right,” I added. “We figured out it had something to do with all this. But what was it?”

“Well,” Ellie continued, “before the hole ‘did’ anything, there was a second hole near Beijing. But the Chinese government kept it hidden from the news as long as they could. And we were too focused on our side of the pond to notice.”

Ellie took a bite to eat and a sip from her glass before she continued. I was getting more and more curious about what she found out.

“After, or at the same time as China, we still don’t know that for sure, a third hole appeared near Johannesburg. This hole was about half the size of the other two but still quite significant. But by the time that third hole appeared, all eyes went to Brazil because of the smoke.” Ellie said and made air quotes at the word smoke.

“It wasn’t smoke?” I asked, surprised.

I realized I’d stopped eating and had to force myself to continue.

“No. It wasn’t. Looking back, it was pretty obvious it couldn’t be smoke. The tectonic plates over there were way too thick to let magma or something like it through. No. They were bugs. Literally billions of little, flying bugs. They swarmed out into every direction, which was another indication that it wasn’t smoke.”

“Fuck! Really?” I said in disbelief.

Ellie smiled at me, knowing how good of a job she did and because I never swear in front of them.

“Really. And that’s when the shit hit the fan. One bite of these tiny bugs, and you’re done. You don’t stand a chance. They spread so fast that the news stations couldn’t keep up. We guess that only the military knew it and was able to respond. But only a very tiny part of the military was saved because many dead soldiers are lying around we saw on satellite and video footage.”

Ellie took a dramatic pause, allowing both of us to finish our meal in silence.

“And then? What happened next?”

“The other holes did the same. Bugs came flying out, killing everyone they bit. The whole planet was overrun by them in less than eight hours. Eight hours! No government plan or prepper was prepared for this. Not the speed and definitely not the threat itself.” Ellie said sadly.

“I guess not. They were ready for terrorists and alien invasions and nukes. But not a tiny killing bug. Any idea where it’s from? Is it alien? Or a failed experiment of some sort?”

“No. We’re not sure. There isn’t any hint of alien or science-lab origin to be found. If I had to bet, I’d say it’s Mother Earth cleaning up our mess. But that’s a bit philosophical. I admit. But I just can’t find any other explanation.”

I was stunned. Both by what Ellie said and mostly how well she did her research.

“You know what the worst part is?” she asked.


“There are a few dozen other shelters like this. They are all able to connect…” Ellie inhaled deeply, “none of them are responding.”

“Shit…” I whispered, totally blown away.

“There are still a few signs of life on the planet. Some people hid from the bugs. Some accidentally and some deliberately. So we’re not entirely alone. But all these people can be counted on one hand if you ask me.”

“Thank god! We need to find a way to reach them.”

“We tried posting stuff on Facebook and the other socials, but none of them are accepting new posts. I guess you’re right about their fail-safe mechanisms.”

“So you didn’t reach anyone yet?”

“No. I honestly wouldn’t know how we can do that. But I’m also very worn down by all the work today, so I figured we’d look for something together when we had a good night’s sleep,” Ellie yawned.

“I guess you’re right. Wanna check if we can find some series or movie on the TV?” I proposed.

“Okay. I’d like that. Maybe it gets my mind of this shitty mess. But I also wanna read my book some more. It’s a nice story so far, and I’m curious how it unfolds.”

“No problem. Tell you what. Since you’re tired and did an amazing job, I’ll clean up here. In the meantime, you check the TV for something interesting. How’s that?”

“Great! And thank you!” Ellie said, gave me a quick hug, and was off to the living room.

Her boyish ass showed off nicely in that pair of red panties. The look of her ass as she left the kitchen sent my mind back to this morning, and I could feel myself stiffening at the thought alone. So I quickly started cleaning up to get myself focused on something else than that pretty naked girl’s body.

We watched some lame-ass anime she found, but we turned it off about halfway through the movie because we both didn’t like the story. The fanservice was also completely over the top, with big-breasted girls in too tiny bikinis.

“Well… That was bad,” Ellie chuckled.

“Yes. Yes, it was.”

“You only say that because you’re gay and don’t like to look at women,” Ellie continued.

“I think you’re wrong on that part, Ellie. I’m not the typical gay man you think I am. I DO like to look at women. I like the way they look and find breasts very interesting. I just find it difficult to connect with women on a romantic level. I did have sex with a few women in the past, and I actually liked it. Not as much as sex with Uncle Robert, but it was still pretty good!”

“Really? I didn’t know that. But I guess it makes sense,” Ellie said more seriously now.

“But I still miss the penis between their legs,” I stated with a straight face.

Ellie looked a bit puzzled, but as soon as she saw the corners of my mouth move up, we both lost it and started laughing.

A few minutes later, we were both in bed. Naked and reading. As we went to bed, we each turned around as the other undressed. We didn’t talk about it. It just happened. There was also a glass of whiskey on our nightstands, but we both agreed this was the last night we did this. We needed to keep an eye on our supplies, which also included the good stuff. It was still unclear how long we’d be down here, so being careful was the sensible thing to do.

“Uncle Adam?” Ellie asked as I was putting my book Away.

“What is it, Ellestar?”

“I know we agreed to stay on our sides of the bed. But… uh… I did like the way we cuddled last night. It felt… safe?”

I looked at her and her puppy eyes. I knew it was a bit inappropriate for a middle-aged man to cuddle up naked with his equally naked niece. But so was jerking off an eleven-year-old boy. Besides, she asked for it. And what harm could it do anyway?

“Sure, Ellestar. And you’re right. It did feel nice. Less… I don’t know… alone.” I said, extending my arm.

Ellie took the hint and snuggled up against me. I felt one of her breasts pressing against my chest and did my best to ignore it, so I wouldn’t get hard. THAT would be awkward for sure!

“Good night, Uncle Adam. Sweet dreams,” Ellie said and kissed me on my cheek and cuddled back into her spot on my side.


I dozed off quickly into a dreamless sleep. But I woke up after I felt movement beside me and figured it was Ellie returning to her side of the bed.
As I settled for more sleep, I noticed Ellie’s hand lying very low on my belly and close to my dick. And Ellie was still cuddled up against me. I wasn’t sure, but her body appeared to be pressed even more against me.

I also realized I was fully erect, which happened more often during the night, of course. But with Ellie’s hand so close to it, I was a bit anxious that she might bump into it or something.

I lay completely still, hoping my erection would go away. That’s when I noticed Ellie’s hand inching down toward my dick.

“Uncle Adam?” she whispered softly.

I was incredibly struggling internally. I needed to let her know I was awake. But I was very curious about what she had in mind with her hand. And I was suddenly extremely horny with the thought of her touching my dick.

I figured I’d act asleep and find out what she was up to. If it was enough, I’d act like waking up and give her the time to get in her original position. That evil voice inside my head had won again.

“Good,” Ellie softly whispered, and her hand inched down further.

I noticed I was holding my breath and forced myself to act as if I was asleep. So I slowly let out my breath and pretended to breathe in and out deeply.
I really had to focus, though, at the moment her hand reached my dick. She touched my dickhead first, of course, and slid further down to feel my shaft.

“Oh, wow!” Ellie whispered again.

Her hand began fondling around, judging my shape and size. She even cupped my balls and moaned softly. As her hand moved back up again, I noticed rhythmic movement beside me. It took me a second, but I realized she was masturbating while fondling my dick.

This had to stop. But it felt way too good to feel her hand on me, so I decided to let her have her orgasm. And the moment the thought of her orgasm hit me like a ton of bricks, she stopped. She lifted her hand and just stopped.

Now I was confused. Did she come? Did she suddenly realize I was awake? As I laid there contemplating and figuring out my next move, I felt the sheet move a little.

Moments later, I felt her hand on my belly, near my dick again. She’d sneaked her hand under the sheet to get a better feel. And the moment she touched my leaking glans, I was glad she did.

“Oh… Better,” I heard her whisper as her movement increased.

She started groping and feeling everywhere. If I wasn’t awake, I’m sure her actions would’ve woken me up. Also, was her masturbation more and more noticeable now as the whole bed moved.

“Ohhh… mmmmhh…” she moaned softly.

She wasn’t jacking me or trying to get me off. This was just for her own pleasure, which probably turned me on even more.

“AH! AH! AHHH!!!” She moaned a lot louder, and her whole body stiffened.

Her grip on my dick was firm but considering the fact that she was cumming beside me, not unpleasant. It was challenging to keep lying still and acting asleep. I was turned on by all of this beyond belief.

She was panting hard and still had her hand on my dick. She was gently petting it like a dog from bottom to top.

“Damn. It’s big,” she whispered between pants.

She laid there for a few minutes, petting my dick and getting her breath back. Until she gave it one last pet, moved her hand out from under the sheet, and turned on her side, facing away from me. A few minutes later, I heard her breathing deepen and realized she was sleeping.

I felt I couldn’t sleep. Not even if I had a horse tranquilizer. I was so worked up and filled with adrenaline that I had to do something about it. So I snuck out of bed, held my boxers in front of my groin again, just in case, and went to the bathroom.

I looked at myself in the mirror and noticed how flushed I was. My dick was still rock hard. I sat down on the toilet and went for it. It only took me about ten strokes before I felt I was cumming. I aimed my dick down and let out a loud grunt as my sperm splashed into the water.

After coming down from my orgasm, I let the events sink in. Why didn’t I stop her? Was it the booze? Was I a perv? I did something similar to her brother. So was I a perv? Or did I just miss the sex with Robert? But then again… I didn’t give her any hints or signs in this direction. SHE was the curious one. SHE was the one who did this.

I couldn’t figure it out. But I did know I liked it. And I did like how she looked. And she was a funny and intelligent girl. So should I talk about it? Should I ignore it?
Eventually, I decided to sleep on it. I couldn’t do anything about it now, and maybe it would all be clearer in the morning. So I flushed, sneaked back into the bedroom, and carefully slid back in bed. Ellie didn’t move, which was good for now.

Despite what I expected, sleep came quickly.

End of Chapter twelve

Copyright 2021 – Jason Crow
All rights reserved

i habere aliquid quod

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