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Chasing Colt – Chapter Twelve – A Cunning Plan

October 16, 2008

Chasing Colt – Chapter Twelve – A Cunning Plan
Alex Hawk

When Friday afternoon rolled around Tyler brought Angelo, Matthew and Tobey all over to visit. The five of us gathered together in the living room to watch a movie. The film for today was “Dude, Where’s My Car?”. We’d picked it for a very particular reason.

I brought in a bowl of popcorn and sat and listened while the boys talked with each other as the movie ran. Matthew was thirteen and played third base while twelve-year-old Tobey played second. He wasn’t quite as good as his brother, but he still managed to get the job done. Like all the other boys he had a pretty athletic body, but was a lot skinnier than the rest. Kind of geeky, really. Cute, though. Having him inside me would be pretty nice.

I actually was slightly hesitant about sex with Tobey. Tobey was only twelve, after all, and had only turned twelve a couple months ago. He was cute enough, but I’d never had sex with a boy so young before. I did get a little excited wondering about his penis, though. Did he have pubes yet? Did he make sperm yet? It would be interesting to find out!

As the movie played on it got to a part in the film where Jesse and Chester visited a strip club. It was, needless to say, a favorite part of the movie for most teenage boys, and the ones in this room were no real exception.

“Damn, that’s hot,” Angelo said, right on cue.

“Fuck yeah,” Matthew said, eyes fixed onto the screen.

“It’s gotta be really hard to dance like that,” Tyler put in.

I snorted. “It’s not all THAT hard.” And so the die was cast.

“Oh, yeah, right,” Angelo said. “Come on. It can’t be easy. I mean you gotta, like, you know… move and stuff…”

I rolled my eyes at Angelo. “It’s easy to do a striptease. All you gotta do is get naked to music. It’s not like it’s even remotely difficult.”

“I suppose you’ve done it yourself?” Angelo asked in a mocking tone.

“Actually, yes, I have.” I stuck my tongue out at him.

Tobey finally spoke up. “You have? Really?” I could tell the idea appealed to him.

“Yes, I have. I used to do it all the time for my last boyfriend.” This was a lie. Until Angelo came up with the idea I’d never done it even once. I’d practiced with him and Tyler since then.

Matthew’s eyes went wide. “You really have? That’s cool.”

“Yeah, sure you have, Amber.” Angelo made an exaggerated yawn.

“I’m serious!” I protested, feigning wounded pride. “I’m pretty good at it, too.”

“Prove it,” challenged Tyler.

“What?” I said, pretending to be surprised.

“Prove it. You say you can do a good striptease. So do it.”

“Yeah, do it!” said Angelo. “Come on, I bet you can’t.”

“I can so! What makes you think I wanna do it in front of you?”

“See? I knew you couldn’t.” Angelo stuck his tongue out at me.

“I could if I wanted to. And I would prove it, but I’m sure Tobey and Matthew wouldn’t want to see me doing that sort of stuff.”

Angelo rolled his eyes. “Yeah, I bet they’d hate it. What do you say, guys? You wanna see Amber do her striptease?”

“Sure!” Tobey said with enthusiasm.

“Uh… I guess it would be ok,” Matthew said, looking a little confused as to how exactly we’d gotten to this point.

“See? No excuses!” Angelo grinned widely. “Put up or shut up.”

I sighed. “I’ll need some music.”

“No problem!” piped up Tyler. He went over and put a CD on the player and started it going, grinning wildly as a certain song began playing.

“‘The Lapdance is Better When the Stripper is Crying’?” I asked, a little put-out. We’d never discussed what music would be playing. Maybe this had been an unwise notion.

“Just do it,” Tyler said with a grin.

I rolled my eyes and started in with my little striptease. Like I mentioned earlier, I hadn’t really done this much at all. I figured I could at least do it well enough to convince Matthew and Tobey that I knew what I was doing, though. Realistically I figured that as long as they got to see naked girlflesh they wouldn’t care about much else.

I began trying my best to move in time with the music. Something of a challenge, given the material. I tried my hardest, though, and soon my wiggling resulted in me removing my t-shirt, which promptly was tossed into the lap of Angelo.

“Yeah, baby!” he called out.

I kept dancing around and eventually worked my way out of my skirt, which was thrown to Matthew, who looked so pleased I thought he’d faint.

Now clad only in my panties and bra, I danced provocatively towards young Tobey, who had eyes as wide as pancakes (everyone says saucers, but these were bigger and more doe-like). When I was only inches from him, I teasingly removed my bra, setting it onto his head.

“You like what you see?” I purred at him.

Tobey was only able to nod mutely, my bra balancing on his noggin.


The song was winding down, so I danced around a little more and started teasing at removing my panties. Finally just as the last notes were playing I faced away from the boys, bent forward and slowly pulled my panties off, exposing my freshly shaved vagina to the young virgins, as well as to Angelo and Tyler.

“There,” I said, looking between my legs at the boys. “See? I told you.”

Tyler, Matthew and Tobey all looked duly impressed. Angelo made a great show of stifling a yawn. “Not bad,” he said dismissively.

“What!” I stood and faced him in mock rage. “Not bad? That’s the best you can manage?!”

“Lay down and I’ll show you the best I can manage.”

Tobey and Matthew both laughed nervously, but I said, “Ok. Put up or shut up!” and lay down on the floor.

Angelo shrugged. “You asked for it.” He stood up, unzipped his pants let them and his boxers fall to the floor. Then he got on top of me, poked around for a couple seconds and slid his very hard penis into my vagina.

“Aaaah… now THAT is more like it…” he said in tones of great satisfaction.

“Holy shit!” Matthew said. “You’re fucking her!”

“Yeah, I noticed,” Angelo said, giving me a couple thrusts.

“And this is the best you can manage?” I asked in a sweet tone of voice.

“Uh…” Angelo looked down at me.

“This ain’t much of much,” I said, waving a hand dismissively. “Anyone else in here could do better.”

“What?! I don’t think so!” Angelo started fucking me good and fast, and was actually doing his best to make it a really good fuck. “How about THAT?” he grunted out.

“Not bad,” I conceded. “But not great. I bet even Tobey could do better than you.” I winked at the younger boy.

“Me?” Tobey squeaked.

“What? Fuck you! He could not!”

“Oh, yeah?” I looked over at Tobey again. “Hey, you wanna fuck me? See if you’re better than Angelo?”

“Uh…” Tobey was trapped with indecision.

“Come on, dude,” Tyler said, poking Tobey in the ribs. “She wants you to fuck her. Go for it.”

“But… I’ve never…”

“You’re a virgin?” I asked.


“Then I’m CERTAIN you’ll be better than this brat,” I said, pushing Angelo off me. Spreading my legs wide again I said to Tobey, “Come on, hero.”

“It’s cool, dude,” Tyler said. “She wants you. Go for it.”

Tobey stood up and very shyly moved towards me. “What do I do?” he whispered.

“Well, first, it would help if you took off your pants and underwear, then get between my legs.”

“Oh… ok…” Rather awkwardly Tobey unzipped his pants and reached took them and his boxers off, revealing his hard, preteen virgin penis. It was pretty small, and only had a couple wisps of hair on it. Not bad, though.

“Take off your shirt, too,” I said, as the young virgin got between my legs.

“Ok.” Tobey pulled off his shirt and was now basically naked. He actually looked really nice. I started to get a bit more enthusiastic about having him fuck me.
I reached down and took Tobey’s penis in my hand, pulling him down a little and lining him up with my vagina. “Alright. Just push it in.”

Swallowing nervously and trembling, Tobey gave a little push with his hips and smoothly and effortlessly his twelve-year-old virgin penis slid completely into my fifteen-year-old vagina. I’d deflowered yet another pretty boy!

“There we go,” I whispered, reaching up and running my fingers through his mousy brown hair. “That’s very nice… you’ve got a good one…”

“Thanks…” he managed to say.

“Oh, shit, Tobey!” Matthew said, looking down with envy at his naked little brother. “Wow, you’re really fucking her!”

“Yeah… I know…” he whispered, his lean, hairless, naked boy-body moving on top of me. He didn’t really know how to fuck, but that wasn’t the point anyhow. “Am I… doing ok…?”

“Oh, yes,” I said, cupping his firm little butt.

Silently Tobey continued to fuck me with short, sharp little rabbit thrusts. It felt good. Not great, but good. He wasn’t well-hung enough that he was going to give me an orgasm, but it still was pretty nice. Plus there was a good psychological element to it.

“Oooo… oh… I… oh, god… uh!” Tobey whimpered softly as his penis kicked around inside my vagina. I was pretty sure he wasn’t shooting any sperm into me, but obviously it felt pretty good for him anyhow.

As Tobey fell on top of me, mentally and physically drained, I ran my fingers through his hair and grinned up at the other boys.

“Better than you, Angelo.”

“What?! You lie!” Angelo said defensively.

I reached down and cupped Tobey’s bare ass again. “I’m a sucker for the cuties.”

Angelo scowled at me and cursed in Spanish. “Well, I gotta be better than someone! I’m sure better than Matthew here,” he said, poking the other boy.

“Me?” Matthew said, blinking in surprise.

“Yeah, you.”

“Get up,” I whispered to Tobey, who reluctantly moved. Then I said to Matthew, “Well, let’s see how good you are. Get naked and get over here.”

“Oh… you can’t be serious, right? I mean, this is all some sort of joke?” he asked.


“Yeah?” the young boy asked, blinking at me.

“Did that feel like a joke for you?”

“Hell, no,” he said, a cute little grin crossing his face.

“See?” I said to Matthew, laying back down and spreading my legs wide.

Matthew looked from Tyler to Angelo and back again. “Is she really serious?” he asked no one in particular.

Tyler rolled his eyes. “Dude. Go stick your dick in her or I’ll tell everyone on the team that you were too chicken to fuck a girl your little brother just lost his virginity to.”

That moved him. “Alright, alright.” He looked down at me and his naked brother. “Do I have to get all the way naked?”

“Yes, it’s better that way. In fact…” I looked at Tyler, who was still fully clothed, and Angelo, who was wearing only a t-shirt. “Why don’t you two get all the way naked, too?”

“Fine with me,” Angelo said, tossing his shirt aside. His hard penis was sticking straight out, ready to get back inside me. Tyler followed suit and was soon just as naked as the other boys.

I looked at Matthew. “Well?”

Being the only clothed person in the room seemed to have an effect. With a nervous laugh Matthew said, “Well, what the hell. You guys have all seen me in the showers.”

“Right,” said Angelo.

Very slowly, and blushing like hell, Matthew started undressing. I was pleasantly surprised as he pulled off his shirt. He had a really, really nice body! Easily the best on the team, aside from Colt, of course. Then down came the pants and finally the underwear and my eyes really bugged out of my head. Matthew’s penis was a good seven inches, at least! I was really taken aback.

“Holy shit!” Tyler said, looking down at first Matthew’s penis and then his own. “Dude, you’re fuckin’ huge!”

Angelo was a little more bold. He walked over to Matthew and, before the other boy could even react, took Matthew’s penis in his hand, examining it closely. “Fuck, yeah, man. You’re bigger than any of the rest of the team.”

“Rest of the team?” Matthew echoed.

“We can worry about this later,” I said, looking forward to having a nicely sized penis inside me once again. “Right now, I need to get fucked. Matthew, get down here!”

Moving slowly, Matthew dropped down to his knees, his eager penis ready for his first fuck. He stared down at my vagina and said, “So I just stick it in the hole, right?”

“Pretty much.”

He drew in a deep, ragged breath. “Ok.” Taking his erection in his hand, Matthew scooted forward until he was in the right place. Then he pushed gently, easily forward and very slowly sank his beautiful thirteen-year-old virgin penis into my fifteen-year-old vagina.

“Oh… oh, god… I… oooooo…” Matthew gave a couple awkward thrusts, and then grunted as his penis pulsed inside me as he filled my vagina up with his teenage sperm.

To say that I was a tad disappointed would be an understatement. Here I was, all ready to get a good, hard fuck, and what happens? Matthew cums within ten seconds of being inside me. I sighed. Oh, well. There’d be plenty of other times.

“Dude! Matthew, did you just cum?” Tyler asked in tones of amazement.

Gasping a little, Matthew managed only to nod.

“Jesus, man! The first time I fucked her, at least I managed to last a little longer than that! Here, move over,” he said, walking over and smacking Matthew’s bare butt.

“What?” Matthew asked stupidly.

“Move, so that I can fuck her.”

“But… she’s your sister…?” Matthew said as he moved aside.

“So?” Tyler positioned himself between my legs and sank his penis into me. “Aaaah… that doesn’t mean we can’t fuck.”

While both Tobey and Matthew looked on in amazement, Tyler started fucking me for all he was worth. I thought back to his first time, and how awkward he’d been. Now, though, he’d gotten to the point where he was one of the best lays I’d ever had!

Pretty soon Tyler’s sperm joined Matthew’s inside my vagina. Moments later Angelo got on top of me and added his sperm to the mix.

The rest of the afternoon was spent in pleasant fucking. It was all kept mostly straight, aside from an occasional bit of fondling between Tyler and Angelo. It was, over all, a very nice, relaxing way to spend my day.

I couldn’t keep out of the back of my mind, though, the fact that there was only one more boy to go. Just Ezra. After him, I’d have Colt. It had been a long, very interesting trip, but frankly I was more than ready for it to be over.


Copyright 2004 by Alex Hawk, all rights reserved. 2004 AD, please. Not BC. And none of that CE or BCE bullshit either!

Chasing Colt – Chapter Thirteen – Better Than Ezra

October 16, 2008

Chasing Colt – Chapter Thirteen – Better Than Ezra
Alex Hawk

The light at the end of the tunnel was approaching, I thought to myself as Spencer, Ezra and I all walked towards Spencer’s house. The official story was that Spencer and I were boyfriend-girlfriend and Ezra was being invited to Spencer’s place to check out his latest acquisition; Fable, a wonderful little game on the XBox. It wasn’t my kind of game, but it was pretty decent, I suppose. It also had one little feature that figured large in my plans to have sex with Ezra, the last boy I had to fuck before I finally got my hands on cute little Colt! I couldn’t wait!

I eyed Ezra as we walked. Like most of the boys I’d fucked recently, he was in pretty damn good shape, what with all the baseball. He had blond hair that was a little too long and hung in front of his blue eyes sometimes. It made him look kind of cute, really.

When we got to Spencer’s house we headed up to his bedroom. This was, naturally, where his X-Box was located. His bed was there, too, of course, but Ezra didn’t know that was going to wind up mattering at all.

The plan Spencer and I had concocted for Ezra’s devirginizing was a simple one. It was basically an adaptation of the plan I’d used with Tyler. We’d start making out and eventually wind up fucking and Ezra would get a chance to join in. Pretty simple. Not really creative, but frankly, I was getting tired of thinking of elaborate ways to fuck young boys.

I sat on Spencer’s bed and watched as he spent some time playing Fable, showing Ezra how to play and all that. Finally after about twenty minutes he turned the game over to Ezra, ostensibly because he was bored, but really because he wanted to come fuck me.

Ezra sat down and started to play while Spencer joined me on the bed. He spent a little time coaching Ezra, telling him what to do and how to play. Then he and I started making out with each other. We kissed and hugged and touched a little and then Spencer tossed his shirt onto the floor, part of it landing on Ezra.

“Sorry, man,” Spencer said as he went back to kissing me.

Ezra looked back at us and blushed a little. “It’s ok,” he muttered before turning back around to the TV.

Spencer wiggled his eyebrows at me and we went back to the kissing. After another five minutes or so of making out, I took off my t-shirt and bra and threw them both onto the floor, not hitting Ezra, but landing them near him. He looked down at the clothes and then briefly back at me. I had made sure that I was sitting up so that he had a nice view of my bare breasts. He blushed again and turned around.

“Uh… do you guys want me to leave or something?” he asked quietly.

“No, it’s ok, Ezra. Just play the game. We don’t mind,” Spencer replied and then went back to kissing me.

“Well… if you’re sure…” Ezra said. I saw him out of the corner of my eye as he turned his head to sneak a look at my breasts again. The boy’s mind was definitely headed in the right direction!

Spencer started nibbling and sucking at my nipples, which turned me on even more. I let out a little whimper and through half-closed eyes saw Ezra take a peek again. This was really good! Plus Spencer was turning out to be a pretty decent lover, which helped.

I reached out and unzipped Spencer’s jeans, reaching inside them and his boxers to stroke his very hard penis. He grinned as I did so.

“You just love that part of me, huh?” he asked a little softly, but loud enough for Ezra to hear.

I giggled and whispered, “Get naked, ok?”


Spencer quickly got out of his jeans and underwear, tossing them onto the floor near the rest of the clothes. Ezra looked up and saw my naked upper body and Spencer’s entirely naked body as Spencer started sucking on my breasts again. Through my half-closed eyes I watched as Ezra rubbed a little at the bulge in his jeans before turning his attention back to Fable.

I began fondling Spencer’s penis again, stroking it softly as he sucked on my breasts. Eventually I tired of that, and pushed him gently onto his back, where I knelt down next to him and started giving him a blowjob.

“Ah… yeah, that’s what I like…” he said, putting his hands on the back of my head.

I peeked over at Ezra who turned to look at me blowing Spencer. He watched for a good several seconds before turning back to the game. Good! We were making some seriously nice progress here! I’d have that boy’s virginity within the hour!

As I blew Spencer, I started unzipping and unbuttoning my own pants. Soon I was pulling them and my panties down. Once they were to my knees, I pulled off Spencer’s penis, tossed my clothes onto the floor and went back to sucking, making sure that my backside was now facing Ezra.

“He looking?” I whispered after a couple moments.

“Oh, he was,” Spencer said. “He got a gooooood long look.”


After sucking Spencer’s penis for a few more moments, I got up and laid down next to him on top of the blankets, masturbating him. As I did that, Spencer reached between my legs and slowly worked a finger into my vagina. We sat there like this, playing with each other and watching Ezra, for a little while, waiting for him to turn and sneak a look.

Ezra finally did, turning his head just enough to glimpse us. Then turning very quickly back to the TV.

I let out a little laugh. “Ezra?”

“Yeah, Amber?” he asked, eyes still looking at the TV.

“Pause the game for a moment.”

“Ok.” Ezra did, but kept looking at it.

“Now turn around and take a look. It’s ok. I don’t mind.”

Very slowly Ezra turned his head and looked over at the two of us sitting on the bed masturbating each other. His eyes roamed all over my body, finally landing at the place between my legs where Spencer’s finger vanished into my teenage vagina.

“What do you think?” I asked him.

“You… you really look nice…” Ezra said, sounding a little strained.

“Glad you think so,” I replied, smiling sweetly.

“Yeah, but you ain’t seen nothing yet,” Spencer said. He pulled his finger out of me and then said, “How about a little doggie?”

“Alright.” I got up on all fours, making sure that I was facing Ezra, my body only a short distance from him, and waited as Spencer got behind me. I let out a little gasp of pleasure as he gently pushed his naked teenage penis deep into my vagina, and then let out some more joyful sounds as he started slowly fucking me.

“Oh, god,” Ezra whispered. “You guys are really Doing It?”

“Yeah…” I jerked my head backwards a little. “Go see.”

Ezra licked his lips and looked very uncertain. Finally he crawled over and looked at the spot where Spencer’s penis was entering my vagina. Spencer pulled back really far so that Ezra could get a good look and then slowly pushed back inside me.

“Wow,” Ezra whispered.

“You’re still… a virgin… aren’t you, Ezra?” I said, a little out of breath. Spencer had gotten quite good at the whole sex thing over the last little while.


“Do you… want a turn…?” I asked, looking into his eyes.

Ezra blushed and I saw something in his eyes, desire warring with something else. Finally he reluctantly shook his head and said, “I gotta wait until I get married…”

THAT surprised me a little. I knew Ezra’s family was kind of religious, but I didn’t know that Ezra himself was. Before I could formulate a reply, Spencer gave one of his own.

“Dude… you gotta stick it in her… just for a bit… it’s sooooo fucking great in here…”

“Yeah, but I have to wait until I’m married,” Ezra whispered.

“Come on, Ezra…” Spencer said. “You won’t believe how great it is… Turn over, Amber.” He slowly withdrew his penis from me and I rolled over onto my back. Spencer pointed between my spread legs and said, “Stick a finger in there. You can at least see what that feels like.”

Ezra looked at me. I nodded and said, “Go ahead. That certainly doesn’t count as sex.”

Hand shaking a little Ezra reached out and, with Spencer guiding him, slid a finger into my vagina, his eyes going wide as he felt the velvety smooth sensation of having a part of him inside of a girl for the very first time.

“Now just imagine how great that feels on your dick,” Spencer whispered in a voice of temptation.

“Yeah…” Ezra said.

“All you gotta do is this,” he said, moving forward and lowering himself on top of me. Ezra started to pull his finger out of me, but Spencer said, “No, leave it in.”

“Uh… ok.”

Spencer lined up and slid his penis into my vagina, joining Ezra’s finger, and basically trapping the other boy inside. Spencer grinned and started slowly fucking me, turning to look down at Ezra’s wide-eyed face.

“See? Don’t you wish your dick was where mine is?”

“Uh… yeah, but… I gotta wait until I’m married,” he repeated, sounding a little less convinced than he had before.

“Well, Ezra…” I said slowly. “A blowjob wouldn’t count as sex. If you wanna take your dick out, I’d love to suck you off while Spencer fucks me.”

Ezra looked taken aback by the offer. “Really?” was what he managed to say.

“Really.” I patted a space on the bed next to me.

Spencer said, “Come on, man. If you’re not going to fuck her, you might as well at least get a blowjob out of it.”

Moving like he was in a dream, Ezra got up onto the bed, reaching down to unbutton his jeans as he did so. Hands shaking, he then reached inside his underwear to pull out his very hard, very virgin penis. It looked nice. Probably a little under five inches.

I took Ezra’s penis in my hand, stroking it slowly. “You have a really nice penis, Ezra.”

“Thank you,” he whispered.

“I’d love to have you fuck me.”

“Yeah… but… I gotta wait…”

“I know.” With that I pulled him close, opened my mouth wide and slipped it down around his naked young penis. I worked the shaft and head with my tongue, stroking him as I blew him and making sure to apply just a very gentle suction, enough to really get him going.

“Oh… wow… that feels good…” Ezra whispered.

“Fucking feels about a billion times better,” Spencer replied, continuing to screw me.

“Yeah? Cool…”

“Let me have a little of that, Amber,” Spencer said, leaning his face down.

I pulled my mouth off Ezra’s penis and watched as Spencer put his on it. Ezra opened his mouth in surprise and seemed about to say something, but as Spencer started blowing him, the expression of surprise turned to one of extreme pleasure. Spencer apparently gave pretty damn good head.

Very good head, apparently. As I looked up at Ezra’s face, I could see his orgasm approaching and from the pace of Spencer’s penis thrusting around inside my vagina, it would be a close bet to see who wound up cumming first.

As it happened, it was Ezra, who barely managed to whimper, “Oh… Spence, I’m cumming!” before he got this look of total orgasmic bliss on his face. Spencer kept his mouth on Ezra’s penis as the other boy climaxed, swallowing Ezra’s sperm as he did so.

While he was swallowing Ezra’s boycum, Spencer’s penis began twitching inside my vagina and I felt a wonderful liquid warmth as Spencer’s sperm flooded into my body, going off on its pointless search for an egg.

Once both boys were done cumming, Spencer slid his mouth off Ezra’s penis and leaned down to give me a tender French kiss. I savored the taste of both Spencer’s mouth and Ezra’s sperm as I kissed him back. Then Spencer pulled out of me and laid on the bed by my side.

“That was fucking hot,” he said with a grin.

Ezra fell back a little, his penis still twitching. “You… you sucked my…”

“Yes. Yes, I did. And I did a DAMN good job, too.” Spencer had a look of extreme satisfaction on his face.

“But… but… you’re gay?”

I reached out and put a hand on Ezra’s bare leg. “You saw Spencer fucking me, right?”

“Yeah, of course.”

“Well, then he’s not gay, is he? He sucked your dick, but that was just for fun. You liked it, he liked it, everyone had a good time, right?”

“Well, yeah…”

“So who cares?” I said, leaning up to give Ezra a gentle kiss on the mouth.

He blinked but didn’t kiss me back. He just said, “This is all too much.”

Spencer laughed. “You think is too much? Just wait until you hear about some of what’s been happening lately.”

“What do you mean?”

“I mean me, Tyler, Bryce, Storm and Angelo all taking turns fucking Amber here. In between times we fooled around with each other.”

Ezra was stunned. “Bryce? Tyler? But one is gay and the other’s your brother!” he said in shocked tones, looking down at me.

“Obviously not as gay as you thought, huh?” I said, choosing to ignore the bit about Tyler.

“Well… I guess not…” Ezra seemed terribly confused.

“Here, you need to relax a little,” I said. “Take off your shirt and lay down on your stomach. I’ll give you a massage.”

“You want me to be naked?” he squeaked.

I laughed. “Both of us are naked. You’re mostly naked. So?”

Ezra considered this. “Well… ok.” Slowly he pulled off his t-shirt, revealing a nicely well-developed teenage body. Now naked he rolled over onto his stomach and waited for me.

Spencer was smart enough to sit back and be quiet as I straddled Ezra’s butt and began massaging him. He was in fact QUITE tense, and thankfully I gave great massages. I felt his body start to relax under my hands.

“So how long has all this… you know… stuff… been going on?” Ezra asked, looking over at Spencer.

“You mean me and the rest of the team fucking Amber?”


Spencer shrugged. “Not too long.”

“Has everyone done it?” Ezra asked in a tone I couldn’t quite figure out.

“Everyone except you and Colt,” Spencer replied.


“It’s wicked fun, and it’s not like it’s a big deal, just getting laid,” Spencer said, trying to sound as blase as possible.

Ezra grunted but didn’t say anything. I moved my hands down off his shoulders and back and down towards his butt, massaging it gently before I worked my way down his legs, paying close attention to his thighs. Finally I worked on his feet and hands and then said, “Ok, boyo, turn over so that I can work on your chest.”

To his credit, Ezra didn’t argue at all. He simply rolled over onto his back, his stiff penis pointing up towards his head.

“Damn, you got a good dick, Ezra,” Spencer said, staring at the other boy’s erection.

“Really?” Ezra said, leaning up a little to look at his own penis.

“Oh, yes,” I said, giving it a couple strokes. “Very nice indeed.”

“Thanks,” he said after swallowing hard.

I straddled Ezra at the waist once more, making sure that his hard penis was rubbing up against my very wet vagina. Once comfy I started massaging him once more, working on his wonderful bare chest, neck, face and shoulders.

“You’re really good at that,” he whispered.

“Thanks.” I wiggled my vagina against his virgin penis. “I’m good at other things, too.”

“I bet…” Ezra said, a little out of breath.

Spencer was sitting next to us both, masturbating while he watched me give Ezra his massage. He saw Ezra looking at his penis and said, “You wanna jerk me a little?”

“Oh… uh… I’m not gay, Spence.”

Spencer rolled his eyes. “Dude, I know that. But it’s cool jerking another guy. Give it a try.”

Ezra put his hand out and wrapped it around Spencer’s penis, giving it a couple gentle strokes. “Yeah, that is kinda cool,” he said.

“See? Spencer knows all.”

“God,” I replied, rolling my eyes. “You’re turning into Angelo there, Captain Ego.”

Spencer snorted. “I should hope not.”

“You wanna feel something really nice?” I asked, looking down at Ezra as he continued to masturbate Spencer.

“Ok,” he said shyly.

I lifted my body up and took Ezra’s penis in my hand. I began rubbing it up and down against my vagina, from the clit down to the entrance, enjoying the sensation of a young boy’s erection rubbing on the most pleasurable part of my body.

“Ooooh…” Ezra moaned. “Oh, that does feel good…”

Now was the moment. “You wanna feel something even better?”

“Ok…” was that somewhat distracted reply.

Grinning and looking down at the young boy, I held his thirteen-year-old virgin penis straight up and slowly settled my very wet fifteen-year-old vagina down around it, taking him completely inside me. I smiled widely at Ezra’s startled look.

“Amber…? But… but I… didn’t want… oh, god,” he whispered.

I lowered my vagina all the way down, taking all of Ezra’s penis into me. “You wanted to wait until you were married?”



“I…” Ezra swallowed. “I have no idea…”

Grinning, Spencer said, “Feels really sweet in there, doesn’t it?” as Ezra continued to masturbate him.


I began riding Ezra, sliding up and down his naked teenage penis, caressing him gently with my vagina, trying to maximize his pleasure. I knew he’d probably cum fairly soon, but I wanted to delay it as long as possible and make it feel amazing for him in the meantime.

“Oh, god… I can’t believe… I’m really… having sex…” Ezra gasped out.

“You are…” I said with a grin.

Spencer leaned his face down and planted a tender kiss on Ezra’s mouth. To my surprise Ezra didn’t pull away. Instead I felt his penis kick inside me as he put his free hand on the back of Spencer’s head and started kissing back.

I started rubbing my clitoris as I watched the two boys kissing. I really did like seeing attractive boys getting it on with each other. I couldn’t wait until I could have a nice little orgy with all the boys I’d currently fucked plus Colt.

The fact that I had no more boys to go through and could now go straight onto Colt was very stimulating to me, as was the show in front of me and the feeling of Ezra’s penis inside my vagina. I began moving faster and faster and then stifled a howl of delight as my orgasm overtook me, spreading out from between my legs to go out all over my entire body.

The feeling of me cumming must’ve been the last straw for Ezra. He moaned around Spencer’s mouth and his young penis began spasming inside me, adding his load of sperm to that already deposited by Spencer. His first orgasm inside a girl. The look of pure bliss on his face must’ve been nice. Made me wish Spencer wasn’t blocking the view.

When Ezra was done cumming, Spencer lifted his head up and grinned at the other boy.

“You liked it?”

“Yeah…” Ezra replied, his still semi-hard penis twitching a little inside my vagina.

Spencer looked at me. He gestured between my legs. “Mind if I finish up?”

“No problem,” I said. I pulled off Ezra, his penis flopping against his body with a wet slapping sound. Then I laid on my back and spread my legs, waiting for Spencer.

Spencer wasted no time at all. He got on top of me and I watched as he guided his penis into my vagina. As he sunk in all the way, he said, “Oh, god, I love fucking you when someone’s already cum inside you…”

“Thanks,” I whispered, reaching up to cup Spencer’s butt as he began fucking me.

“Oh, god I love this… I love fucking you… oh, god, this is sweet…” He was back into blabbermouth mode.

“Yeah… fuck me good, Spencer,” I said, hugging him tight against me. I’d learned that saying things back was a good way to speed him up.

“Oh, yeah… oh… oh, god, yeah… oh… fuck… god, I love fucking… oh… oh, god, I’m gonna cum… oh… oh, god… oh, here it comes… here comes my sperm…. oh, god… GOD!” Spencer gritted his teeth and held himself against me as his penis pulsed inside my vagina, firing off yet another blast of teenage sperm to that two that were already in there.

Once Spencer was done cumming, the three of us laid there on his bed, getting our breath back and basking in the afterglow. After about ten minutes Ezra shyly asked if he could fuck me again, this time with him on top. By the time all was said and done, each by had fucked me five times. I was amazed that I could walk out of there.

Still, on the walk home, despite the vague pain in my hips, I wasn’t thinking at all about how much I’d enjoyed being fucked by Spencer and Ezra. Or how much I’d loved having sex with Tyler, Bryce, Angelo, Storm, Matthew or Tobey. All that my mind could focus on was the fact that soon I’d finally get the tremendous joy of taking the virginity of pretty young Colt.

The end was in sight.


Copyright 2004 by Alex Hawk.

Chasing Colt – Chapter Fourteen – Catching Colt

October 16, 2008

Chasing Colt – Chapter Fourteen – Catching Colt
Alex Hawk

Almost a month had gone past since I’d taken the virginity of Ezra. Now I had only Colt to do. I hadn’t done it with him yet because I wanted to make sure that I had everything set up just so. I mean, it was because of him, and my interest in him, that I’d started on this whole mission to begin with. So I wanted to make sure the culmination was at least as good as the journey had been.

So I guess it was somewhat serendipitous that I ran into him at the mall one day.

I hadn’t expected to, certainly. I was just browsing around in Hot Topic when Colt came walking into the store, heading over towards a display of SpongeBob clothing.

My heart skipped a beat as I looked at my lovely, desirable boy. Oh, he was sweet. I tried my best to figure out what I should do, how I should approach him, and then fate took away my choices by having him look up and see me.

“Oh, hey, Amber. How are you?”

“I’m fine,” I said after an instant. “How are you?”

“Doin’ good. Just came to look at some stuff.”

“Cool.” I looked at the display. “You like SpongeBob?”

Colt grinned shyly. “A little.”

“Well, what were you going to buy?”

He held up a pair of SpongeBob boxers. “These, I think.”

“Very nice. I’m sure they’ll look really cute on you.” And later on my bedroom floor, I added silently.

I followed Colt up to the cashier where he paid for his new undies. Then we went out into the mall itself and I said, “So what are you up to now?”

“Not much.”

“You wanna go get some food?”


We walked over to the food court and hit Tommie’s. I bought him a nice chilli-cheeseburger, fries and a drink and bought something similar for myself. As we ate we talked. It was very nice getting to actually speak with this boy I’d been fixated on for so very long.

After we were done eating, Colt said, “Well, I gotta get going home.”

“Ok. Mind if I tag along? I don’t have anything really going on today.”

I saw him hesitate a little, but then he shrugged and said, “Sure.”

We went out and waited for the bus, continuing to chat about everything and nothing. We kept at it as we rode to Colt’s house. It wasn’t far from mine, on the same bus route, even, which made things easier for me later.

Once we got to Colt’s house we went on inside. His parents weren’t home. They’d headed out of town for the day and wouldn’t be back until pretty late at night. I saw many, many possibilities here.

“You want something to drink? Coke, Diet Coke, milk, water?” he asked, heading into the kitchen.

“I could use a Coke.”

“Ok.” Colt dug around in the fridge and pulled out a Coke for each of us. We walked into the living room and he turned on the TV to Fuse. We got comfy on the couch and began watching videos.

Throughout all this my mind was spinning, trying to figure out what tactic to use here. I didn’t want to scare the boy off, of course. I had to take things gradually. This was going to be very, very special for us both.

Finally after almost an hour of being at Colt’s house, I hit on an idea. Casually I said, “So you like those new boxers you bought?”

“Yeah, they’re cool.”

“When you gonna put them on?”

Colt shrugged. “I dunno. Later, I guess.”

With feigned shyness, I said, “How about putting them on right now?” I made myself blush and said, “I’d love to see what you look like in them.”

“Really?” Colt asked, blushing himself. He looked very, very pretty when he turned all crimson. “Uh…”

“Please?” I sat up a little, better to display my “assets” to Colt and said, “I’d really like to see them on you.”

I saw him look uncertain. Finally he said, “Alright. I’ll be right back.”

As Colt jetted upstairs, I reached down and rubbed at the crotch of my jeans. I was really, really horny at this point. I couldn’t wait until he got back!

Thankfully I didn’t have to wait too long. After only a few moments Colt came walking into the room wearing nothing but a t-shirt and the boxers. They did indeed look very cute on him! I felt a little moistness between my legs as I looked at my ideal boy in his underwear.

“Very nice,” I said with a little smile. “They really cute on you.”

“Thanks, Amber.”

Reaching out, I put my hands on Colt’s hips and pulled him closer. “You really look very cute.”

“Thank you,” he whispered. I felt him trembling a little.

I ran my fingers along the waistband of the boxers and then slowly pulled them down enough to let Colt’s very hard penis pop up into view. He drew in a sharp breath as I wrapped a hand around it and gave it a couple gentle strokes.

“Very nice,” I whispered.


Opening up my mouth, I slipped it down around my dream boy’s teenage penis, starting a slow, gentle sucking, licking and stroking movement. Something I knew would make Colt feel very, very good. I let out a quiet sigh of deep satisfaction, happy to finally be getting to do something with him.

“Oh… oh, Amber…” Colt whispered, placing his hands on my head.

As I sucked on Colt’s penis I of two minds on what to do next. Should I just blow him until he came in my mouth and then take him to bed, or should I get him right close to cumming and then just stop, hauling him to bed right then? Choices, choices…

At last I made up my mind. I pulled my mouth off Colt’s penis and said, “Let’s go up to your bedroom, ok?”

Mutely, Colt nodded.

I stood up, taking him by his hand, and led him upstairs to his bedroom. As soon as I shut the door, I turned to face him and, looking him in the eyes, started to undress. Once I was naked I moved towards him and gave him a gentle kiss on the lips.

“Relax,” I whispered, aware that Colt’s whole body was trembling.

“Ok…” he whispered back.

I ran a hand down his cheek. “I’ve wanted this for a long time…”

“You have?”

“Oh, yes.” I kissed Colt again and placed a hand on his chest, gently pushing him down onto his bed. Once he was lying down, I straddled his waist, massasing his upper body as I continued to kiss him tenderly.

“Are… are we gonna…?” Colt trailed off, unable to bring himself to finish the sentence.

I smiled down at my young lover. “Oh, yes. We are. If you want to.”

“Oh, god, yes, Amber… I’ve wanted to… you know… with you… for so long…”

This surprised me a little. I smiled again and kissed him. “You know what?”


“I’ve wanted you for a long time, too.”

“You have?”

“Yeah.” Reaching down, I took hold of his young penis and began stroking it slowly. “Someday I’ll have to tell you what I’ve been doing while waiting.”

“Cool…” he said quietly, his eyes fixing on the space between my legs.

I figured there wasn’t much point in waiting anymore. I lifted my body, lined up Colt, and then very slowly lowered my fifteen-year-old vagina down around his very nice thirteen-year-old virgin penis, taking him all the way inside me in one easy, smooth motion.

“Oh… god…” Colt murmured as he lost his virginity to me. “Oh, that’s sooooo nice…”

“Yeah…” I raised and lowered myself, riding him in an unhurried fashion. It was absolutely heavenly having him inside me like this. I couldn’t believe I was finally getting laid by the boy of my dreams! It had taken a long time, and I’d gone through a lot of other boys to get to him, but here I was, at long last!

I figured that Colt probably wouldn’t last too long, given that this was his first time fucking a girl, but I was pleasantly surprised. I spent a good five minutes riding his hot young body before he began to moan and squirm under me. I was in total bliss as his penis began pulsing inside my vagina, his sperm blasting deep into me.

Once Colt was done cumming, I rolled off him, his somewhat hard penis slipping out of my vagina. I laid down next to him and gave him a little kiss.

“How was that?”

“It was… oh, wow, Amber… that was sooooo awesome… thank you.” He kissed me.

“I’m glad you liked it.”

“Does this mean… that I’m your boyfriend now?” Colt asked with a little blush.

“Yes, it does. If you want to be.”

“Oh, yes!”

“Good.” I kissed him again. This led into a ten minute session of kissing between us two. Soon Colt’s penis was throbbing against my thigh. I reached down and began stroking it again.



“Can we… do it again?” Colt blushed.

“Of course. You wanna be on top this time?”

“Yes, please.”

“Ok.” I moved onto my back and spread my legs wide. “Get on.”

Colt awkwardly got on top of me. I reached between our bodies and lined him up. Once he was in place, he pushed forward and his penis slowly entered my vagina once more. The look of happy pleasure on his face was an amazing one.

Once Colt was inside me, I wrapped my arms around him, holding him tight. He started kissing me as he thrust with his hips. I let my hands drift down to his perfect, tight little ass, cupping it while he fucked, savoring the sensation of his muscles moving under the skin.

I was in heaven. I was making love to the most amazing boy I’d ever met. It had been a long, long trip to get him to where he was now. Bryce, Tyler, Spencer, Storm, Angelo, Matthew, Tobey and Ezra. All those boys. None more perfect than Colt.

We made love to each other all day long. Over the course of the next week I ended up having both Tyler and Bryce join in on the fun. Watching Bryce fuck Colt while Colt fucked me was a very sweet thing. But eventually it just got to the point where I had sex with no one but Colt. We were a couple now, after all.

For those of you who are curious about what happened to everyone, well… nothing really much, except that Bryce and Spencer started dating each other. Tyler managed to get Rain pregnant. She gave birth to a happy, healthy baby boy.

As for the other boys… Angelo finally managed to get it on with Annabell Morgan, the girl Bryce once described as the most beautiful in the school. Matthew and Tobey’s family moved away. Storm and Ezra kept dating various girls, leading non-exceptional lives, though I understand they occasionally fooled around with Bryce and Spencer.

For Colt and myself… we kept dating throughout the next few years. When I was eighteen and he was sixteen, he got me pregnant. I gave birth to twins, a boy and a girl. Two years later, when he was out of high school and I was in college, we got married. Things have been really great between us. This story may not have started with “Once Upon a Time”, but at least I can end it with:

And they lived happily ever after…


Copyright 2005 by Alex Hawk. All violators will be extermined. Exterminate! EXTERMINATE! *zap, zap, zap*

Chasing Colt – Chapter One – Discovery

October 16, 2008

Chasing Colt – Chapter One – Discovery
Alex Hawk

Life was royally suck-ass when you were a fifteen-year-old girl and pretty much always horny. I hadn’t been laid in more than three months now, and I was starting to get really twitchy. That was when I thought about chasing after Colt.

Colt, short for Colton, was a thirteen-year-old boy who played on the same baseball team as my brother, Tyler. I’d seen him playing a time or two, and had always thought he was a pretty cute little boy. About 5′5, nicely muscled, brown hair, blue eyes. One of the boys on the baseball team, Bryce was his name, was a friend of mine, and he was gay, so I had him check out Colt in the showers. Accord to my informant he was even decently hung for a boy his age! I would definitely be having Colt fuck me. Hell, I’d let just about any boy on the team, except Tyler, fuck me, but Colt was the one I wanted right now.

I loved sex. Absolutely. Loved. Sex. Having a boy’s penis inside me was one of the best, most wonderful things in my life. Each boy was different. Some were big, some were… well, not. Some came fast, some took their time. Some were virgins when I got to them, a few weren’t. I didn’t care, though. All I cared about was how wonderful it was to feel a boy in me.

I’d lost my virginity back when I was twelve to an older boy, and since then I hadn’t looked back. Eleven boys had fucked me so far, most of who were virgins when I first got to them. If I had my way, Colt would be the next one.

The plan was to find a chance where I could get Colt alone and have my way with him. That chance would hopefully happen at some point during the upcoming weekend, when he was going to be spending two nights at our house.

The first night passed very uneventfully. Colt and Tyler spent most of the night hanging around up in Tyler’s bedroom, and I wasn’t about to try and get Colt to fuck me in the same room as my brother. That would just be too many different kinds of creepy. The next morning I knew that our parents would be leaving really, really early to drive out of town.

I awoke early to the sounds of people trying very hard not to make any noise. It was strange how sometimes that seemed louder than people who weren’t making so much of an effort. I looked at the clock. It was just a little after eight in the morning. I knew our parents had left at about seven or so, so this mean that it must be Tyler and/or Colt who were not making the noise.

Sure enough, as I strained my ears a little I heard the sound of Tyler whispering, “Shh! Stop making so much noise, Colt! You’ll wake up Amber.”

“Sorry,” Colt hissed.

I wondered why the boys were trying to be so quiet. I heard them leave the hallway and moments later heard the sound of the sliding-glass door out back open up. Cautiously I rolled out of bed and lifted up the blinds on my window just a crack, just enough to see the backyard and swimming pool.

There were the boys. They were both wearing towels and giggling a little bit. As I watched they both were saying things to each other and then, to my real surprise, they both dropped the towels revealing that each of them were completely naked.

Well now, I thought to myself as my hand moved down between my legs. I slept only in my panties, so it was an easy matter to slip a finger up inside them and start rubbing at my vagina as I looked at Colt’s nude body. From what I saw, it was everything I’d hoped for!

The boys both dove into the water and started paddling around. I thought hard about the idea of going down there and joining them, but as before the idea of having my brother around was just a little off-putting to me. Instead I simply sat there and fingered myself while I watched Colt having fun.

What I really wanted to see, of course, was Colt’s penis. This chance came when I saw him and Tyler both getting up out of the water and walking over to some towels by the side of the pool. Not only did I get to see Colt’s penis, but also I saw that, to my surprise, it was actually somewhat hard! Casting a glimpse over at Tyler, I saw that he was a little hard, too, and actually seemed slightly bigger than Colt.

None of what I’d seen so far, mind you, prepared me for what I now saw as Colt laid down on one of the towels and Tyler got on top of him in the sixty-nine position. My eyes went very, very wide as I saw each boy slip his mouth around the other boy’s penis and start sucking away.

I was stunned, to be sure. I had no clue AT ALL that anything like this was going on. From the way they were doing it, it was pretty obvious this wasn’t the first time, either. Suddenly I had a fair idea of why Colt stayed over at our house so much.

I didn’t think either boy was gay. I knew they both talked about girls a lot and I’d seen each of them checking out girls from time to time. I also knew, especially from Bryce, that lots of straight boys play around with each other, especially when they’re only thirteen and even more so when both are still virgins. After all, you have to get off somehow.

Colt and Tyler sucked each other for a good five minutes or so, and then Tyler lifted his mouth of Colt’s penis and said something. Colt nodded and Tyler got off him. I guessed they’d stopped because one or the other of them as about to cum and they didn’t want to blast into each other’s mouths. I could understand that.

Lying side-by-side, the boys started jerking each other off rapidly. My guess about them being close was soon revealed to be accurate, as Colt’s body tensed up under Tyler’s hand and his sperm started firing out of his penis. Moments later my brother’s body tensed as well and he started cumming, too, several good, hard spurts of sperm landing all over his naked body.

All this time my fingers had been moving all over my vaginal area and now I felt my own orgasm claiming me. The feelings of intense pleasure started at my vagina and spread out all over my body, soon leaving me with the blissful feeling of post-orgasmic delight.

Down by the pool the boys had let go of each other and had gotten back into the water to clean up. They were only in the pool for a few moments before they got out, dried off and then came back inside. I heard them creeping quietly up to Tyler’s bedroom and eventually heard the door shut. I got back into my bed and laid there thinking about everything I’d seen and trying to figure out how this might force me to alter my plans a little.


Copyright 2004 by Alex Hawk. All characters and events depicted are fictional. Any similarity to real people or events is entirely unlikely.

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