High quality erotica. And more....

Month: January 2023 (Page 2 of 4)

Dear Jason – Chapter 9

Dear Jason – Chapter 9

“Jason!” I heard in the distance as the clouds of my dream started to vanish.

Moments later, I felt something brush against my cheek, and I heard another, “Jason?” but this time, it was closer and without the echo. I opened my eyes, and after a few seconds of blinking the sleep away, I focused on the small face in front of mine.

“Hey, sleepyhead!” James said cheerfully.

But the moment he said this, I realized I was lying naked on top of my bed. Of course, James had seen me in the shower before, so that wasn’t the biggest problem. But when I realized I was lying there with my morning wood on display, I quickly grabbed a piece of the blanket to cover up.

James hardly reacted to my sudden movement, but I did notice him glancing down quickly before smiling.

“You didn’t answer your doorbell, so I let myself in. Then, when I put my computer in the office, I heard you snore, so I came looking. And as you were lying there, I tried to wake you by coughing and clearing my throat. But you were out like a light, so I even had to rub your cheek,” he giggled.

I cleared my throat and was glad my boner was rapidly deflating. I tried to smile back at him but felt traces of a hangover welling up. So I said, “I guess I drank one glass too many last night. Sorry that you had to find me like this.”

“It’s okay. I don’t mind,” he said, smiling. And as he glanced down, he softly added, “you’ve got a pretty big one!”

I winced at his words and stammered, “Uhm… yeah… well… you weren’t supposed to see me like that. So please keep this between us, okay?” feeling my face and upper chest glow from embarrassment.

“Don’t worry! I once saw my Dad like that, and I didn’t tell anyone… oh. I uhh…”

I started laughing at that and knew he wouldn’t go blabbering this to his Mom or Dad. And if he did, I could explain, but James probably wouldn’t be allowed to hang over at my place anymore. As my head started working at full speed now, I realized my hangover was starting to grow heavier on me.

“I need a shower. And coffee,” I grumbled.

“I’ll make you some coffee. Just hop in the shower, and I’ll take care of that. We’ve got an awesome day ahead of us!” he chirped as he left my bedroom.

I smiled at his excitement but felt extremely stupid for drinking too much last night. I never intended for James to see me like this. Seeing me naked was one thing, but seeing me hard was just not done.

I loved having this happy and cheerful kid around me. And when I looked at him taking his shower, I loved what I saw! But I never intended on actually touching him or maybe even more! I just liked him too much to push him there. With Raf and Alec, it was different. I didn’t know them, they obviously needed help, and I didn’t force them in any way. But with James, it felt more like I needed to protect him. He clearly trusted me, and I didn’t want to betray that trust. I wasn’t a child molester, damnit! But the kid sure looked good! There was no denying in that.

So I quickly hopped into the shower, and sure enough, after I was rinsing my hair, James came in with the mug and sat on the toilet to talk to me. Judging by how he was acting, he wasn’t bothered at all by seeing me like that. As I dried off, I mimicked his move by slapping my dick from left to right, which caused both of us to giggle.

“I do that too! Feels funny,” James chuckled.

“Yeah… well… let’s eat, okay?” I smiled as I pulled up a fresh pair of boxers.

After I ate breakfast, during which James brought me up to speed about the game’s mechanics, we went upstairs. James was wearing a t-shirt and his running shorts again. The moment we entered the office, he took off his shirt. I kept stealing glances at his boyish chest as we hooked him up and connected him to my network.

As he sat down and booted his computer, I looked at him. He saw me looking, and I must’ve seemed all serious because he worriedly asked, “What’s wrong?”

“Look… about this morning. I shouldn’t have…” I stammered and took a deep breath, “you shouldn’t have seen me like that. I feel bad about it and don’t want you to feel weird about it.”

His worries vanished from his face immediately, and he simply said, “I honestly don’t care, Jason! I’ve been a nudist for years, remember? You see some weird shi… stuff when you’re there. Trust me!”

“Okay then. I just wanted to get this out of the way. If you’re cool, I’m cool!”

“We’re cool!” he said, turned toward his computer, and logged in.

After a few moments of silence, I just had to ask, “You miss it, don’t you?”

“Miss what?”

“Being a nudist,” I said without taking my eyes off his.

He thought for a few seconds and then nodded. He started fiddling with his finger and said softly, “I liked going to these resorts. I felt… free, I guess. Not just because I didn’t have to worry about getting my clothes dirty but because everyone I met had nothing to hide. You know what I mean?”

“I think I do,” I responded after pausing for a few seconds.

“And I don’t think it’s fair that Mom decided for us that we couldn’t do it anymore.”

“You know why she decided that?” I asked tentatively.

“Something stupid about Julia and me needing our own pace in our development or some shit like that!” he said, a bit mad, but turned red when he realized he used a swear word.

“It’s okay,” I smiled, “And tell you what. If you want to, you can do it when you’re over here. Just don’t tell anyone because I don’t think most people will understand.”

That immediately lid up his face. He looked questioningly at me to see if I meant it, but when he realized I was serious, he simply nodded.

“Don’t you think it’s weird?” he asked after a few moments of silence.

“I don’t think it’s weird, no. I get why people want to do this. It’s how we were born, but society decided we should wear clothes.”

“Then… why don’t we do it together?” he asked, his blush spreading all over his face and upper body.

This caught me a bit off-guard. I thought about it for a second and weighed the pros and cons. He’d seen me already, so that wasn’t an issue. And he wasn’t a blabbermouth, so there was not a lot of risk there, either. And if his parents somehow found out, I was sure I could talk my way out of this.

So, just like he did, I nodded. It took him a moment to register because he perked up after a few seconds and asked, “ Really?”

“Sure! I’ve never done it before, but it sounds like fun!”

“You’re SO cool, Jason!” he beamed but didn’t make a move.

I figured I might as well take the lead, so I lifted my shirt. Then, I got up from my chair and started unbuckling my pants. James was smiling, and as my boxers came into view, he stood up and dropped his running pants. Moments later, I dropped my boxers, and we looked at each other.

After a few seconds, when neither of us moved, we started giggling simultaneously. Then, James began to sway his hips, causing his penis to flop from left to right. After seeing him do this, I did the same.

“Let’s play a game!” I said after we were done giggling.

James’s face turned red, and right before his hands covered it, I noticed his penis was growing.

“I’m sorry,” he whispered and sat back down in his chair, still covering his boner.

It only took me a moment to realize what was wrong, and I wished I had paid more attention because getting an unobstructed view of his boner was still on my bucket list. But I didn’t want to force myself, so I just had to wait a little longer.

I wanted to put him at ease because he was obviously embarrassed, so I said with a big smile, “Don’t worry about it! This happens. Consider us even now,” I sat down and turned around to log in on my computer.

I could hear a sigh of relief beside me but didn’t hear his mouse or keyboard.

“Uhh… Jason?” he asked timidly.

I looked to my right and noticed his hands were still in his lap. I forced myself to look him in his eyes, and it was apparent he was struggling with something. He looked so cute and vulnerable at the same time.

“What is it? Something wrong with your computer?” I asked, knowing perfectly well it was something else.

“I… I uhm… I get a lot of stiffies lately, and I…” he said, looking at the floor.

“That’s perfectly normal at your age, Champ. It’s your body’s way of preparing for uhm… sex.”

“I know. I’ve read about it, and Mrs. Harris talked about it during health class. But… I heard boys talk about jacking off to get rid of these annoying stiffies…”

“That’s an excellent way of dealing with it,” I replied, realizing where this conversation was going and not surprised I was also boning up because of that.

“But I can’t figure out HOW!” he said, sounding mad and almost tearing up.

“Relax, Champ,” I said softly, placing my hand on his bare shoulder, “you’ll figure it out. All boys do.”

He was silent for a few seconds, turned his head to look at me, and with the cutest puppy eyes I ever saw, he asked, “can you help me, please?”

Not a single fiber in my body would deny such an opportunity! But I needed to make clear that this was a line we’d cross and that if James would talk about it, I’d be in serious trouble. So I pretended to think hard about it, acutely aware of my growing dick, which I’d obscured from view without being obvious.

The look on James’s face grew sour as he saw me think about it. And when I started talking, it didn’t get any better.

“Look… I really like you, but what you’re asking me isn’t a small thing. I could get into some serious trouble if someone finds out!”

“I know, but…” he tried.

I held up my hand to interrupt him and continued, “But I get that you’re not going to your Dad about this. I didn’t do that either when I was your age. The problem is that if you talk about this to anyone, and I mean anyone, I will go to jail.”

“I won’t tell anyone! I promise! I really promise!!” he said and the frown on his face started to vanish.

“Alright then. If we…” I started, but he got up and wrapped his arms around my neck the moment I said this.

I felt his stiff dick against my underarm and was tempted to touch it. But I knew better than to push this, so I placed my hands on his back and rubbed around. I briefly touched his ass and marveled at its softness.

We broke the hug, and he sat down in his chair, looking anxiously at me and not covering up his boner anymore. I couldn’t help myself and checked him out. A few strands of pubes at the base and approximately five inches of hard dick sticking up from his groin. His relatively big balls were hanging loose in his sack, and his cut, mushroom-shaped dickhead topped it all off nicely.

He looked magnificent sitting there, looking anxious to start and without any bashfulness or hesitation. We were sitting down, so no one could see what we were about to do. And the only place from where we could be seen was the boy’s room, who was sitting opposite to me. So despite the open curtains, I didn’t feel the need to go to another room.

James was eyeing my full-blown boner. However, I didn’t feel the need to cover up anymore since what we were about to do, required complete openness.

“So… jacking off… you uhm… you grab your, uhm… stiffie, or boner, loosely in your hand. Just wrap your fist around it and make sure not to grip it too firmly. Like this,” I said as I wrapped my hand around my throbbing member.

James mimicked my action and gripped his five inches in his hand. His glans was sticking out of the top, and his loose hanging balls jiggled in his sack as he did this.

“And then you move it up and down like this,” I said softly as I started jerking myself in front of a twelve-year-old boy for the very first time in my adult life.

“Ow!” James said as he moved his fist up.

“A little looser. Just enough to give it some friction. Remember, we’re trying to mimic a vagina here,” I said.

This last remark seemed to click on the internal light bulb. He started moving his fist up and down, his eyes flew open, and he looked excitedly at me.

“This feels awesome!”

“I know, right?” I chuckled as I started getting into it myself.

James started panting a bit, and after a while, he asked between his pants, “And now what? When do I stop?”

“When you keep going, eventually, you’ll start to feel a buildup in your belly. It’ll almost feel like you have to pee. But trust me, this isn’t pee!” I said, realizing I was panting myself.

James’s eyes were focused on my jacking fist, and I couldn’t blame him. I was almost constantly looking at the action in his lap myself. His balls were shaking in his sack, and his dickhead seemed fatter now, and it had gotten redder by the first stimulation it ever got.

“Ohh…” I moaned and had to force myself to hold back. I didn’t want to scare him by coming too soon.

“I… ah… ahh… I… it’s…” James panted, and I could see some panic in his eyes as he slowed down his fist.

“Keep… going!” I urged him on.

He looked me in my eyes, and I could see the panic slowly fading away. It was replaced with trust and curiosity. He picked up the pace, and I was treated with the most beautiful sight known to men. A young boy exploring his sexuality, completely naked and about to cum. If this was the last thing I ever saw, I’d die a happy man.

I saw his body stiffen, and his eyes flew open. A loud groan came from his throat, and he threw his head back between his shoulder blades. I saw his belly muscles tighten, and a hint of a six-pack was showing. In his fist, he held his hard cock firmly at the base, and I saw it kicking in his hand. A heartbeat later, a tiny spurt of clear liquid shot from his dickhead. It didn’t have the force to shoot, so it kind of dribbled down over his fist. After that, a big drop of the same clear liquid oozed out of his dick, accumulating on his piss slit.

I immediately wanted to lick it but knew this was a horrible idea. But the sight of this hot boy’s very first orgasm was all it took for me. I managed a soft, “ohh… me too…” before I felt my balls pull up to empty their load onto my belly.

After I was done cumming, I wanted to look at this naked boy with his hard, cum covered dick again. So I opened my eyes and drank in the sight in front of me. Feeling my orgasm die down, combined with looking at him, made me feel all warm inside.

After a moment of glancing at his incredible body, I managed to look at his face. I needed to size him up to determine what he thought about all this. When I saw his face, he looked wide-eyed at my chest and balls, his mouth slightly open.

“You okay?” I asked.

James blinked a few times and managed to look into my eyes. The moment he did, a huge grin spread across his face, and he nodded excitedly.

“You were right! This feels great!”

“It does. Doesn’t it?” I said.

It wasn’t the most tantalizing conversation, but it was clear we both needed a moment to recover. James looked down at his fist and let go of his softening dick. A small drop hung from its tip and looked so fucking hot I needed to look away.

James looked intrigued at the small glob of his cum on his hand. He examined it briefly and then looked at my chest and dick.

“Yours is different,” he simply stated.

“I know. Yours ‘ll be more like mine eventually. It’ll take a bit of time.”

What he did next didn’t really surprise me. He stuck out his tongue and licked a bit of his cum from his hand. Of course, everyone was curious about their own cum, and James was no different. So I smiled at him and asked, “And? What do you think?”

He looked thoughtfully at me and shrugged. But, what he did next, caught me completely off-guard, and before I could react to it, he had scooped up a glob of cum from my chest and stuck it in his mouth.

“Yours is… thicker and saltier,” he said and acted as if it was completely normal to taste another guy’s cum.

I longed for a taste of his watery cum, and considering how laid-back he was about all this, I asked, “Can I taste yours too?”

James looked down at his still-hard dick and scooped up the glob on his piss slit. He extended his finger, and I took it in my mouth without a second thought, and before I could chicken out.

The moment his watery cum hit my tastebuds, a tingle went down my spine. It was actually sweet! A tiny bit slimy, but that was a good thing because this way, the taste lasted longer on my tongue.

“Nice!” I said, causing James to beam with pride.

“Thank you so much for showing me!” he said after a few moments where we were both lost in our thoughts.

“Of course! But remember…” I started.

“I know! Don’t worry. But…” he trailed off.

“But what?”

“What about handjobs, blowjobs, sex, anal, sixty-nine, doggy-style, reverse cowgirl…” he blabbered, looking all excited.

“Whoah! Relax!” I laughed, “what about that?”

“I heard my teammates say these things. Can you help me with these too?”

“I uhh…” I stammered, inwardly shouting with joy.

Those puppy eyes were back, and a soft “Please?” sounded like a singing angel to my ears.

“I’ll think about it, okay? But first, I’m going to clean up. And you promised to show me how this game works,” I replied, not wanting to be too eager and maybe scare him off.

“Okay,” he softly said, clearly disappointed.

“Hey, I’m not saying I won’t help. Just not right now, so shortly after we had our orgasms.”

That seemed to do it. He smiled at me, and we walked over to my bathroom, where I grabbed my damp towel from my morning shower to clean off the spunk on my body. James felt the need to do the same, even though hardly any was left on his body. But his semi-hard dick sticking out from his body looked so adorable that I didn’t mind him joining me.

After this, we headed downstairs to grab more coffee for me and a coke for James. It felt a bit weird walking around naked, but because of the bushes in my front yard, no one could see us from the street, and my backyard was surrounded by a privacy fence, so we were fine.

I had that fence installed when I bought this house, so our pool was shielded from view. But I neglected the pool for a while, and after Karen left, I made a note to myself to get it back up and running. Skinny dipping was one of my favorite ways of swimming, and being with James this way convinced me it was okay to walk around in the buff.

James kept talking about the upcoming season of Apex, and much of what he said didn’t make any sense to me. But the subject had changed, which I liked because we got more and more friends this way, and we didn’t focus on sex or being naked together anymore.

I played the tutorial and, after that, a few more games where James helped me out. After a round or five, he said I was ready, and he joined on his own computer. I wasn’t a natural, but I didn’t suck ass, either. After another few games, we went downstairs for drinks and lunch.

I looked at him as he ate his sandwiches and smiled warmly at him, feeling a lot of affection for this magnificent kid. Then, out of the blue, he asked, “Can we have a sleepover tonight? I mean… that’s what friends do, right?”

I pretended to think about it. Then, after a few moments, I shrugged and said, “If your Mom’s okay with it, I don’t see why not.”

“Yes!” James exclaimed excitedly.

“But I don’t have a spare bed anymore. So we’ll have to sleep in the king-size together. If you don’t mind that…”

“Of course not!” he said, even more excited, and added, “I’ll text Mom.”

“You already talked about this with her, didn’t you?”

James nodded without taking his fingers and eyes from his phone. Of course, I knew this, but I wanted to act like I was never in his room. Maybe I overdid it, but I needed to be sure.

After his phone beeped, he looked at it and gave me a huge grin, accompanied by a thumbs-up.

“Well then… we have to decide what we eat and what we do this evening.”

“I’d like some pizza if that’s okay. And maybe watch a movie together?”

“Pizza and a movie it is!” I smiled, and the grin on James’s face got even wider.

After we went upstairs for another round of games, James sat behind his computer and said, “Do you think my Dad can monitor my internet traffic?”

I smiled inwardly at this question. He wanted to read some stories. Great! So I smiled at him and answered honestly, “I don’t think so, no. You’re Dad is awesome in a lot of things, but IT and the internet aren’t one of these.”

“So I…” he trailed off.

“Yes. I think it’s safe to watch porn,” I chuckled.

“Or read porn,” he answered timidly.

“That too, yes.”

“Someone gave some tips about a few sites. And since I like to read, I’m quite curious about these,” he said and had already put a lot of thought into it.

“Fair enough. You can also do it here if that makes you feel safer.”

“I… I… I’ll probably get hard when I read some of that stuff,” he whispered, his face suddenly beet red again.

“I don’t care! And you know how to deal with that now,” I chuckled as I nudged him in his side.

“Cool. You’re the best! You know that, right?” James beamed.

“I’ve got my moments,” I smiled and asked, “Do you want some privacy? I can go downstairs if you want me to.”

“Not for me. And I think it’s probably better if you’re around when I’ve got questions.”

That sneaky bastard! I couldn’t suppress a giggle, but James didn’t seem to notice. I looked at him knowingly and just smiled. Then, I saw him opening his web browser, and as he typed the URL, I figured I might as well answer some emails.

I kept stealing glances, and sure enough. After a short while, his dick was sticking up from his groin, and he was too focused on his screen to even notice me looking. I felt my own dick grow hard, so I quickly focused on my email again, hoping he wouldn’t notice.

But after a minute or two, my heart stopped when I heard James ask, surprised, “Holy smokes! Are you also a writer of this stuff?”

Shit! How could I miss this!? Fuck! I was so focused on James wanting to see porn that I forgot to do something about my own website. I deliberately told him about Lubrican and storiesonline because I don’t publish there. But he found my site through Nifty… damnit!

Now I needed to think and act quickly. Should I be honest? Tell him this wasn’t me? Maybe see it as an opportunity to do more? I opted for honesty, so I said with a burning face from embarrassment, “Uhm… yeah… it’s… I… I wrote that, yeah.”

It couldn’t be missed that James was on my site and was about to read ‘Indian Summer.’ He smiled broadly at me and whispered mischievously, “I knew you were cool as fuck!”

He usually didn’t swear, but I guess the excitement got the better of him. Although he didn’t seem to mind and even considered it cool, I felt the need to explain myself. So I talked about how I liked Alex Hawk’s stories and how much I hated it when he quit. I explained my site initially was just a tribute, but how completing his final, unfinished story triggered something and started my writing career.

As he started reading my story, I felt a feeling of pride wash over me. This was precisely the reason why I started writing. It gave everyone, especially young boys, a way to read stories containing taboos from a different angle, and then they could form an opinion of their own about the subject. And, seeing how he grew hard, it provided an excellent way to get off.

As he absentmindedly toyed with his hard dick, he looked up from his screen and looked at me. I could see the horniness in his eyes.

“This really happened to you?” he asked, his hand still on his cock.

“Most of it, yes. I was never in a commune, and my Mom died only a few years ago. But during my first-ever orgasm, I sprayed over my best friend’s face, yes. And we did play war and Indians. So a lot of it is actually true, but I changed some of it just a little bit to help the story.”

“Oh wow!” James simply said. And after reading a little further, he shyly asked, “Can we try that?”

I didn’t know exactly what he wanted to try but hearing these words caused my hard cock to twitch violently nevertheless. I glanced at his crotch, where his hand was slowly stroking his dick. The funny thing was that he wasn’t jacking it, just toying with it. So I asked, “What do you wanna try?”

“Well… uhm… jacking you off. And maybe you jerking me?” he softly said, his eyes now locked on my hard cock.

“Sure! Just remember what we talked about earlier.”

Before I could finish my sentence, he rolled toward me in his chair and reached out his hand. He hesitated just slightly before touching my dick. Then, his soft fingers caused a forceful twitch of my cock, and he quickly pulled back.

“I’m sorry. It just feels good,” I softly said, putting him at ease.

He nodded without taking his eyes off my dick and went for it again. This time, he didn’t pull back when I twitched, and he wrapped his fingers around my shaft. His fingertips barely touched as they did this, and he whispered, “It’s thick! And warm…”

He wasn’t saying this to anyone in particular, and he slowly started moving his hand up and down. I sat back in my chair and made sure I was comfortable. This was James’s first sexual experience with another person, and I wanted him to have all the time he needed.

He started out a little clumsily, but after a few minutes, he was getting the hang of it more and more. I moaned softly to let him know he was doing a good job, and he looked excitedly into my eyes.

“This is hot!” he whispered hoarsely.

I could only nod because looking down at this hot, naked boy with his hand wrapped around my rigid cock, was almost too much visual stimulation for me.

As he kept jerking me, he scooted even closer. And, moments later, I felt it when other hand started toying with my balls. He kind of petted them, and after I urged him on with another moan, his fingers began exploring my sack and balls more thoroughly.

I could hardly believe it, but I was feeling my orgasm well up inside already. I didn’t think this was possible with such an inexperienced boy tugging away. Still, I figured that the sight between my legs, combined with all the nude flesh I saw already and the eagerness from James, was all accumulating to this undeniably fast-approaching orgasm.

“Ohh… I’m… look out,” I managed.

I expected James to pull back and let go for me to finish myself. But instead, he quickened the pace and looked intensely at my throbbing cock.

“I’m cummm…” I managed as a final warning.

The moment my balls pulled up and I felt my cum travel up my shaft, James was pointing my cock straight up. As the first spurt tried to defy gravity and shot out straight up, the second spurt attempted to catch the first. I had to close my eyes at this point, but I heard my cum splatter on my chair and the floor. Only a few drops landed on my belly but judging by the sounds, a few others landed on other body parts.

As my orgasm started to die down, James kept pumping my dick. I gently placed my hand on his wrist and smiled at him. He immediately caught on and stopped his movement. A huge grin was plastered across his face, and I realized his hand and wrist were covered in my cum.

“You were awesome, but it’s a bit too sensitive now,” I panted.

“You sure shoot a lot,” he giggled as he looked at his cum-covered hand.

“I know. But usually, I don’t shoot this much. You’re a quick learner, Champ!” I smiled.

He was beaming with pride, and I could see his cock twitch in his lap. Usually, my horniness dropped to below zero after I came, but seeing this young, anxious and sexy boy, with my cum dripping from his hand, kept my arousal at its peak.

He licked my cum from his hand now, which was also sexy as fuck. I grabbed my towel to wipe the few drops from my body and handed it to James. He stopped licking and wiped himself clean.

I didn’t want him to overthink this, so I reached out and whispered, “Your turn.”

He sat on his chair and leaned back to give me better access, and his whole body radiated a relaxed form of trust. When I touched his young penis, I felt myself return to my younger years when things were simpler and less complicated. Then, when my fingers wrapped around his thin shaft and I started jerking him, a shiver shot through his body, and I could see goosebumps all over.

He had closed his eyes, and I wanted to make him feel as good as I possibly could. So I kept stroking him at a slow pace as I eased myself from my chair and sat on my knees in front of him. Then, before he realized what was going on, I opened my mouth and let the blunt-ish tip of his dick slide between my lips.

“Aaahh!!” James moaned above me, and his hands immediately dropped onto my head.

I savored the taste of this boydick in my mouth and slowly inched my way down over his boner, caressing every inch he had with my tongue.

“Ohhh… you’re… I’m…” he stammered incoherently.

I knew he was experiencing all sorts of new feelings, and I wanted them to last. The feeling of giving him his first-ever blowjob and realizing he’d remember me by doing this for the rest of his life gave me a sense of pride and responsibility to do this right.

So I used every trick in the book I knew. I sucked, lapped, caressed, kissed, and even softly scraped my teeth over this fabulous tube of flesh in my mouth. But sucking a boy this young didn’t need every trick. He’d cum quickly no matter what. Despite knowing this, I made absolutely sure that he’d experience every feeling there was about to feel when getting blown. The only thing I didn’t do, was stimulate his ass. I toyed with his somewhat big balls but was careful to stay away from his pink rosebud.

Way too soon, I felt him squirm in his chair. His moans turned into soft whimpers, and as his hips started gyrating, I felt this dick grow even stiffer. He didn’t warn me, which was fine by me. He probably didn’t know exactly what he was feeling, and I was dying to taste the sweet drops of his second cum.

As his balls pulled up and his cock fattened, the sound of a high-pitched grunt filled the room. A heartbeat later, I felt the spurts land against the back of my throat, and two smaller spurts landed on my tongue. He came harder and more than his first time. A small dribble came from his piss slit, which I lapped up eagerly with the tip of my tongue.

As the small amount of cum swirled through my mouth, I lapped over the underside of his cock once more and let it slip from my mouth. I was still hard from blowing this boy, but as I sat back and saw him sitting there in the afterglow of his first blowjob, with his semi-hard dick in his lap, another wave of horniness washed over me.

James still had his eyes closed and was still panting heavily when I chuckled, “Are you okay?”

He blinked a few times before actually opening his eyes, and it took him a second to find my eyes. But when he did, he smiled broadly, almost jumped from his chair, and slammed his body into mine for an extremely firm and extremely naked hug.

His arms were still around my neck, and his softening dick was pressed against my hard-on when he looked me in my eyes and sincerely said, “Thank you!”

“You don’t have to say that after sex, you know?” I chuckled.

“I wanted to ask you if you would do this to me. But I didn’t know how. But now I do!” he said, still excited and avoiding my comment.

“You can ask me anything, Champ! As long as you keep your mouth shut to other people!”

“You’re the best!” he said and firmly hugged me again.

James acted like it was the most normal thing for a grown man to suck off a twelve-year-old boy, which comforted me a lot. I didn’t feel any regret about doing this. It was something I had expected the guilt to hit me hard, but it didn’t happen once. I guess James’s open attitude toward it all was to blame for that. After we were done, we played a lot more Apex games, and each time, I got a little better at it.

But after a few dozen games, we both got tired of it. So we decided to go downstairs, order pizza, and watch a couple of movies.

I threw on my bathrobe when the pizza guy rang the doorbell and ditched it again the moment I came back into the living room, where a naked boy was waiting. I couldn’t get used to that idea, so I kept reminding myself about its awesomeness.

We ate pizza, drank soda, and genuinely had a good time together. After we finished watching the latest Minions movie together, James looked a bit shyly at me and asked, “Do you have more… intimate movies?”

“You mean porn?” I chuckled.

“More like… uhm… special movies with kids my age?” he asked softly, emphasizing ‘special.’

“I hate child pornography,” I started.

“I don’t mean porn,” he said, a bit annoyed about my ignorance.

“Ah! I think I know what you mean!” I said, suddenly realizing what he meant.

So I grabbed the remote and started scrolling through my special section. We started with ‘Les Diables’, which contained a couple of nude scenes of a fourteen-year-old girl and a few with her younger brother. James wasn’t bothered about it being subtitled because his mother watched many foreign movies herself.

This movie had a bit of an incest theme in it. The brother feels the deep, primal need to protect his autistic sister from all dangers thrown at them after losing their parents. But at some point, he starts feeling sexual urges that he doesn’t want to feel for her. It’s a pretty dark movie, but James was engrossed in it for the entire length.

I figured a boy his age wasn’t into these kinds of stories and preferred to be entertained by the big blockbuster-type movies with lots of action, explosions, and CGI. But the opposite was true. I guess his parents did a great job showing him there’s more to a good movie than just big explosions.

After the movie was finished, he looked at me with a blank expression. I had noticed that he got hard during the nude scenes but didn’t mention it. Finally, he cleared his throat and said, “That was… interesting. I actually feel sad for them.”

“Yeah. I know. It isn’t exactly a happy ending. The latest Thor movie, then?” I asked, trying to lighten the mood.


“Because that’s more fun?”

“I’d actually like these types of movies. Especially when there are naked girls in them,” he chuckled.

I laughed at that and wanted to plant a seed for maybe more. So I proposed ‘Cement Garden’ as the next movie. After he learned what it was about and I said it had naked girls in it, he gave me a thumbs up. We refilled our drinks, grabbed a bag of chips, and as I sat back on the couch, he cuddled up against me.

“You don’t mind, do you?” he asked as he laid his head against my shoulder.

“Not at all!” I answered as I wrapped my arm around his slender body and savored his soft skin under my fingers.

During the movie, he laid his hand on my upper leg and slowly moved it up until it rested on my thigh. I didn’t think he did this deliberately, and I managed to stay soft, despite the little hand lying so close to my dick.

This movie was a bit tedious, but the last twenty minutes or so were extremely interesting. The brother and sister ended up naked in bed together and started having sex. James’s dick stood proudly from his groin during these scenes, and he did not attempt to hide it.

After the movie was over, I figured it was time to go to bed. James agreed and yawned loudly to prove my point. But when I exited the movie and the overview of the entire list I had on there showed on tv, he asked, “What kind of movie is the Genesis Children?”

“It isn’t much of a movie, to be honest. It’s got some weird flashback structure nobody understands, and a story is barely there,”

“But…” James said in the silence that followed.

“But it’s got lots of boys running around. Naked.”

“Can we watch some of that?” James asked with a crimson red face.

I decided not to press and ask for the reason why, so I said, “Okay. But I’ll skip the opening and go straight to the nude bits, okay?”

“Sure!” he said excitedly.

So we watched about half an hour of naked boys running around on a beach. James didn’t get hard again, which surprised me at first. But then again, he’s seen many naked people before in his life, which isn’t something that turns him on. It’s the sexual act that does it for him.

I flipped off the TV when the priest started talking again. James got up, and I let my eyes roam over his fantastic backside again, never growing tired of seeing it. We cleaned and went upstairs.

“I didn’t bring my toothbrush,” he smiled as he skipped the bathroom.

“Skipping it once won’t rot your teeth all at once,” I chuckled as we entered my bedroom.

James walked around the bed to the other side, lifted the thin sheet, and got in. Right before he stepped in, I noticed his semi-hard dick flopping around. It wasn’t difficult to imagine what he had on his mind.

It was warm inside the bedroom, and all we needed was a light sheet to sleep under. After I crawled in and covered my lower body with the sheet, I looked at James’s smiling face.

“This is so cool!” he said, smiling broadly.

“Glad you’re enjoying yourself,” I laughed.

After a few seconds of lying side by side and looking at the ceiling, James asked softly, “Jason?”

“What’s up, Champ?” I asked without looking at him, but expecting something that had to do with having sex with me, one way or the other

“Is it bad for a brother and sister to have… you know… sex?”

Oh boy! The seed I had planted was undoubtedly growing! I didn’t expect results this quickly, but I was thrilled to hear it was on his mind!

“What do you mean?” I asked, barely able to keep from grinning widely.

“Well… in that cement movie, they had sex. And they seemed to enjoy it. And in your stories, you also write a lot about it. But I heard that it’s bad and illegal.”

“Listen up,” I said seriously as I turned to my side and looked him in his face, “when a brother and sister have a baby together, there’s a bigger chance for it to have some birth defects. But there’s also a bigger chance for it to have all the good bits in an enhanced version.”

“Huh!?” he responded, and obviously didn’t quite understand what I was saying.

“Partly because of the risk of birth defects, it is illegal in most states. But…” I continued after a dramatic pause, “us doing these things together is also illegal. It’s what people call a taboo.”

“But why is this illegal?” James asked, still confused.

“Because there’s a high risk of an adult forcing a kid to do things they don’t want to.”

“But I want to do this with you! Is it still illegal then?”


“That sucks ass!” he sternly said.

“Big time!” I added, steering away from the potential fun of actually sucking ass.

“But what about brothers and sisters? As long as none of them is an adult…”

“It’s basically the same as with us. I don’t see anything wrong with it as long as everyone involved is okay with it. The great thing about having sex with your sister is that you have a nice way to experiment. Neither of you is romantically involved, so no hearts are broken, and everyone is expanding their experience, which benefits everyone in the future.”

“I see,” James whispered after a pause, clearly needing to digest this.

“You’re asking for a friend?” I chuckled.

“Huh!? Oh… uhm…” he smiled shyly and started blushing that cute blush again.

“It’s okay, Champ! I’m just kidding. Julia is a cute girl,” I said, brushing a hair out of his face.

“Yeah… she is…” he trailed off.

“I had sex with my older brother when I was your age,” I confessed.

“You did!?”

“Swear to God! And he sure taught me some valuable lessons when we did.”

“So you’re really okay with this?” James asked and smiled again.

“I really am. Again, don’t tell your parents. They’re probably not as open-minded about this as I am,” I laughed.

“So you don’t think it’s weird that I get hard over her, wanting to know what she looks like naked now, and dying to know how it feels to stick my willie inside her?”

“It’s a bit specific,” I laughed, “but no. I think it’s perfectly normal, and you two should try it. I bet she’s just as curious as you are about everything.”

“I didn’t think of that…” he whispered and went quiet for a few seconds.

As I looked at him as he contemplated all this, I felt a lot of affection for him. He trusted me completely, and I’d never betray that trust. But deep inside, I felt super excited about all this and needed to find a way to somehow be a part of it.

“Can I try giving you a blowjob?” James asked out of the blue.

A boy’s mind sure can fly from left to right in a millisecond. I thought he was still trying to process everything we talked about, but he was clearly past that station already.

When I looked into his pleading puppy eyes, I knew I couldn’t say no, nor did I want to. So I simply nodded and said, “Of course you can! Do you need any pointers?”

James was already pulling down the sheet and exposing my throbbing hard-on. He grabbed it by the base and said, “I just suck it, right?”

“You can do anything you like. Suck, lick, blow, anything. Just look out with your teeth. They might hurt a little. And just sucking isn’t enough. You also have to use your tongue and lips.”

“Okay, I get it,” he said softly as he examined my dick from up close, “and what do I do when you… you know… shoot?”

“That’s up to you, Champ. You decide what to do. There’s no right or wrong in that. I’ll warn you when it comes.”

I actually saw him shrug before he pointed my dick toward his mouth and opened it. The moment his lips touched my dickhead, a tingle shot through my spine. Then, when his lips went further down, I felt his tongue lap over the tip of my dick, causing me to moan involuntarily.

“It doesn’t taste bad at all!” James said excitedly, lifting his face from my cock just long enough to say this.

He eagerly went down on me again, with an enthusiasm I’d never experienced while I was being sucked. Not even in my younger years with Pete and the other kids who sucked me off.

He was going at it for real and did everything I told him and did to him earlier. Pretty soon, he swallowed more than he could handle and gagged.

“Easy, Champ! You don’t have to put it in your throat. You’re doing more than fine without that,” I said, trying to steer him away from another deep-throating effort. He wasn’t ready for that yet, nor was it needed for a good time.

After I said this, he took a more laid-back approach to sucking me off. It wasn’t a race to orgasm anymore, and he actually listened to how I responded to his actions and learned from that. This was remarkable for a kid his age!

But I had to be honest with myself. Despite his enthusiasm and eagerness to please, it would take ages for me to cum this way. I needed some extra stimulation, so I asked him to turn his body around. Clearly, he didn’t want to take my dick out of his mouth, so I guided him on what I meant.

The moment I saw his hard cock dangling in front of my face, a familiar surge went through my body, and my balls tingled. But when my lips wrapped themselves around his sweet and spongy dickhead and a moan resonated on my hard cock, I knew this was the right call.

I started slobbering on this fabulous piece of flesh that I just couldn’t get enough of, and the moans on my dick and the squirming body on top of mine got me in the zone pretty quickly.

James was getting better and better at sucking me off, and the added stimulation of his sweet cock in my mouth made me realize I was approaching that fabulous peak right before my orgasm rather quickly. So, as a mild distraction, I started toying with his balls.

My other hand cupped the cheek of his adorable ass, and I started kneading it softly. I loved the feeling of the soft skin that covered his tight ass so much that my other hand left his balls and grabbed the other cheek. As I massaged his ass and my fingers got closer to his hole, his moans on my cock increased in both intensity and pitch. I wasn’t sure if this wonderful boy was ready for anal sex yet, but I figured it wouldn’t hurt to test the water.

My index finger started searching for his entrance, and the moment I touched it, his teeth scraped against my shaft. It didn’t hurt and was, in fact, a very erotic feeling because he obviously couldn’t keep his head together anymore due to all the new feelings his body was experiencing.

But when his teeth left my shaft and he started doubling his efforts, I realized again how close I was. I lifted my mouth from his dick just barely long enough to warn him. He didn’t flinch or move. He just kept going, which was my confirmation he was determined to swallow my load.

As I felt a sense of pride and anticipation wash over me, I started inserting the first knuckle of my index finger. It slipped in easily, and his reaction was instant!

I was looking at his balls, and they pulled up so fast and tight against his body that it almost had to hurt. His dick thickened in my mouth, and as it thickened further, the first spurt landed in the back of my throat. It was immediately followed by a second spurt. I started moving my finger out of him a little bit, amazed by the force of his sphincter, and a third, although smaller, spurt landed on my tongue.

The texture and sweetness of it, along with his hot moans and squirming body on top of mine, were so amazing that it pushed me over without warning. I moaned deep and loud, but the sounds were muffled by the twelve-year-old dribbling cock in my mouth. Every fiber in my lower body was focused on that sucking young mouth on my cock, trying to swallow everything I fed him. I couldn’t see it, but I felt I was spurting more cum than I had ever shot, as far as I could remember.

I did hear a cough, and I felt some of my cum ooze down my shaft. It was clearly too much for my young lover, but he was doing everything he could to swallow.

After my orgasm died down, I felt James starting to lick my cock clean. I was sensitive down there, but his tongue and mouth were now on my shaft and no longer on my over-sensitive dickhead. I did the same with my tongue and avoided his dickhead, while making tiny circles with my index finger that was still inside his hot ass.

After a few moments of this afterglow, I reluctantly let his dick slip from my mouth and pulled my finger out of his ass. James also stopped licking and turned his body around to face me. When I looked at his face, I started to giggle. Around his mouth, there were a lot of traces of my cum. He looked even hotter like this, but I pointed it out when he looked questioningly at me, and he licked his face clean. After this, he cuddled up to me and let out a deep, satisfied sigh.

“A blowjob feels so amazing!” he said to no one in particular.

“Yeah. It does,” I whispered, still panting slightly.

“I can’t wait for what real sex feels like,” he softly said.

“Believe it or not, it feels even better!” I chuckled.

“Wow. But I also wanna keep doing this!” he chuckled excitedly.

“I hear you!”


“What is it, Champ?”

“When you put your finger… you know…” he whispered.

“Yeah?” I asked in the following silence.

“That felt SO good! Does that mean… that… you know… that I’m gay?”

I could hardly suppress a giggle, but he was so open and vulnerable at that moment that I would’ve hated myself forever if I had laughed. So instead, I managed to keep a straight face and said, “No. It doesn’t. But it also doesn’t mean you’re not gay! It just means you enjoy anal stimulation. That’s all, really!”

He looked up at me with his adorable puppy eyes, and I could see him relax because of what I had just said. And as if we didn’t talk about it, he moved on to the next subject and said, while blushing a bit, “You sure shoot a lot of stuff!”

“Yeah, I did. But only because you did such an awesome job!” I said and ruffled his hair, and pulled him closer to me.

“I liked doing that. It’s great knowing you make the other feel good,” he said as he hugged me.

As I felt this soft dick press against my leg and his heartbeat resonate through my body, I knew I was starting to fall for this kid. I didn’t want to, but I just couldn’t help myself. As I started caressing his back, occasionally rubbing his ass, I noticed he got quiet.

After a few more minutes of lying like this, I heard his breathing deepen and felt butterflies shoot through me when I realized he was asleep. He felt safe and protected with me and trusted me blindly on his journey of sexual discovery. This realization brought a tear to my eye and made me feel all fuzzy inside.

Copyright 2023 – Jason Crow
All rights reserved

hoc est cum bona incipiunt fieri

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Dear Jason – Chapter 8

Dear Jason – Chapter 8

It was an intense week at work. Our corporate office charged Fred, and a full-blown investigation was launched. It turned out that I did my job well. Every single piece of evidence pointed to him. I later learned they even used our internal CCTV footage to check if no one else had entered his office. Something Fred obviously claimed.

There was a lot of chaos, and everyone was required to come to the office instead of working from home. I didn’t like it all that much, but it did give me plenty of time to work on my side project. I copied a few lesser-known websites, hosted them on a private server, and adjusted a few things on them. Of course, one could call it fake news, but I didn’t care about that at all. Since I had complete control over James’s computer, this was highly usable for the things I had in mind.

The mandatory working at the office was a bit of a bummer because I lost my direct view of James this way. But I always had his webcam I could use, and I sure got some excellent footage from it.

I replayed one clip the camera recorded over and over again. It was the first clip where I saw James entirely naked for the very first time. He was in his room, obviously, and about to change into his swimming trunks. He was playing some music from what I learned by looking it up, Lil’ Nas X, and dancing to the beat. Then, after he ditched his shirt and shorts, he made some pretty decent dance moves in just his underwear.

But during a short break in the music, he unceremoniously dropped his boxers. He was facing the camera as he did this, and as he stood up straight, I saw him in all his glory for the first time. He wasn’t fat or skinny. He had just the right proportions for a twelve-and-a-half-year-old boy.

His almost three-and-a-half-inch dick was cut and had a very traditional mushroom-shaped head on it. It wasn’t pointy or blunt. It was like how you’d see it in a sex-ed drawing. This boy was as average as they can be, and I fucking loved it!

Thanks to the high-res camera, I could zoom in quite extensively, and I could see he had just a few strands of pubes above his cute-looking dick. His sack was completely hairless, and his relatively big balls filled it out quite nicely.

The music started again, and his dick swayed from left to right as he moved to the beat. James began to giggle at that, exaggerated the swinging, and even did a few full three-sixties. After the music was done, he turned around to grab his swimming shorts, and as I got another good look at his perfect ass, I was completely hooked.

I jerked off multiple times while looking at this gorgeous boy, and the urgency to do more snowballed in my head. But I needed this to be a mutual thing. With Raf and Alec, I more or less forced myself on them. I got away with it, it was awesome, and they probably didn’t feel that way about it, but it didn’t feel right to keep doing it this way.

My first opportunity to plant the seed I planned came Friday evening. I came home from the office feeling tired. But when James walked over, looking a bit sad, I was immediately on full attention.

“Wazzup, champ?” I asked as he approached me.

Something looked off because his whole body language showed he was down. His shoulders were hanging, and he looked at the ground. And it almost looked like he was dragging himself toward me.

“I… uhm… my keyboard is broken,” he said, almost tearing up.

“Oh,” I replied, expecting something much worse.

“Yeah… I was playing Apex, and when I got shot while I was in second place, I lost it, and then I turned my chair, and it accidentally fell to the floor, and then it…” and a tear flowed down his cheek, making my heart melt.

“I see,” was all I could come up with, not trusting my voice completely.

“Mom said I needed to tell you, and I should pay for it myself, and…”

He started crying in front of me for real now, and I hugged him in an attempt to calm him down.

“Don’t worry about it, Champ. I’ve got lots of spare keyboards lying around.”

“You do? But I didn’t see any,” he softly said.

“That’s because they’re in a box in the attic. I don’t need that many keyboards when I’ve got a wireless one, you see?”

“Right!” he said, suddenly smiling brightly.

“And I’ll tell your Mom they break easily, so you’re off the hook there. Tell you what. Why don’t you come over tomorrow morning, bring your computer and we’ll play some games together at my place? You’ll have to teach me how this Apex thing works, okay?”

“Awesome! And thank you!” he said, hugging me tightly.

“Just look under that rock over there,” I said, pointing, “and grab the spare key to let yourself in, okay? Maybe I’m outside or something, and that way, you don’t have to wait with your heavy computer. And I trust you,” I added, smiling warmly.

“Wow! Thanks! I won’t tell anyone where it is. Promise!” he said excitedly.

“See you tomorrow at, let’s say, nine-thirty?” I laughed.

“Great! Bye Jason!”

And with that, he ran back home. I loved feeling him pressed against me. It wasn’t anything sexual. It was just genuinely nice to feel him express his affection for me. And I would’ve loved to have him over tonight, but I already had other plans.

By now, I have learned the schedule of James and his family. Friday evening, they always made a point of eating dinner together. I knew it was a risk, but I wanted to try being inside James’s room for an evening.

As I disrobed in my bedroom, I felt anxious about what I was about to do. I inserted the voice changer in my mouth and pressed the pads together.

As I watched myself disappear in the mirror, I still felt a thrill of excitement shoot through me. I double-checked if the voice changer was invisible, and as I tried it, I was pleased with the results.

I was planning on talking to James later on. But for obvious reasons, I didn’t want him to recognize my voice. So after searching online for a while, I found a small device I could put in the back of my mouth, and it lowered my voice a couple of octaves. It used a microphone and a small speaker to change it. It didn’t sound creepy or scary, but you couldn’t make out my voice anymore. I tried using a different accent and a low voice, but it just didn’t work. This little device did.

As I walked across the street, the anxiety I had felt earlier faded away a little. By now, I felt confident enough to go inside their house and remain unnoticed. And although it still felt a little weird to walk around naked, I was slowly starting to get used to this.

I walked around the back and squeezed myself through the small opening in their gate. I could see the whole family sitting at the dinner table through the window. So far, so good. The back door was open, and I didn’t have to wait long for them to be distracted so I could sneak inside.

“Mr. Whiskers!” Julia exclaimed, “don’t leave that in here!”

I glanced over and saw their cat had dropped a small mouse in their living room and sat proudly beside it. Bill quickly got up, picked up the mouse, and threw it in the trashcan outside. This gave me more than enough opportunity to sneak upstairs.

The moment I got upstairs, I noticed both Julia’s and James’s bedroom doors were open. I never saw Julia’s room from the inside, so I decided to do a quick recon.

It was basically a mirror of James’s room. Even her bed was in the same place as her brother’s. Other than that, it was a typical girl’s room with lots of pink and a few posters of pop stars against the wall. I only recognized Harry Styles, but I figured the others were probably also famous.

Julia was a little sloppier than her brother, though. I noticed a small bra thrown over a chair and a pair of white cotton panties on the floor beneath it. The panties were white with small red dots on them. I resisted the urge to sniff them and quickly went into their bathroom.

They seemed to have made some sort of agreement together because all of the girl’s stuff was on the left side of the bathroom, and the boy’s stuff was clearly on the right. I smiled inwardly at the difference between these twins.

A few moments after I entered James’s room, the door opened, and he came barging in, shouting, “Okay, Mom! I’ll do it after Julia’s done!”

He clicked on his PC that was in the corner of his room, and as it booted, he took off his shirt. Of course, I was used to seeing him topless, but it was still an incredibly lovely sight to look at. Especially when he dropped his shorts and was standing there in his green army-camouflaged boxers. It showed off his magnificent ass perfectly. But I also realized that with an ass looking this good, even a paper bag would do it justice.

He walked over to the window and looked across the street to see if I was home. After he realized I wasn’t there, he shrugged and sat in front of his PC, put his headphones on his head, and started his game.

I was lingering in the corner, waiting for the right moment to start talking to James. He was utterly engrossed in his game, and I could hear some sounds in the hallway. So I just had to wait a little longer.

I almost got a heart attack when the bathroom door suddenly closed. Next, I heard the sounds of it being locked from the inside, and moments later, the shower started. Now that it was clear what was happening, my heartbeat dropped back to normal.

James didn’t move a muscle and was still playing his game, seemingly undisturbed. But when his bedroom door opened and his Mom came in, he looked up from his computer. A second later, his screen turned red, and James mumbled something under his breath.

“What’s wrong?” his mother asked.

“I lost, thanks to you,” he said disappointedly.

“Don’t be silly! Just play another game,” she said as she walked toward the window and looked outside.

“I’m sorry. But I was so close!” James said as he stood up to pick up his clothes and stopped them in the net hanging on the wall.

“Do you want the whole street to see you in your undies?” Ellis asked as she started closing the curtains.

“Only Jason can see me. And seems to me that he’s cool with it. Besides, it’s not like I’m naked,” James said as he sat back down on his chair.

“Guess you’re right. And Jason is a nice guy, indeed. Guess he starts seeing you as his surrogate son,” she chuckled and looked at his screen.

“Yeah. He’s really nice and likes having me over. He even told me where his spare key is. And he’s way cooler than most adults I know,” James said without looking up from his screen.

Ellis giggled softly at that but managed to hide it from her son and asked, “You’re going over there tomorrow?”

“Yeah. He asked me if I could show him how this game works. And he said he needs help with moving some of his furniture.”

“That’s great, honey! I think he likes having some company over after his messy divorce. And the two of you seem to hit it off.”

“Yeah. I like him. And not just because he helps me out with my computer,” James said, and as he looked up from his PC, he smiled warmly at his mother, and I saw a twinkle in his eyes. “Can I have a sleepover with him?”

“Haha! He’s a grown man. I don’t think he’s into sleepovers anymore!”

“But can I ask him? He’s got a really cool setup in his office, and that way, we can play games all night! And it isn’t a school day on Sunday, so…” James said, hyped up all of a sudden.

“Tell you what. You can ask him, but if he says no, don’t push! Okay? And make sure you don’t overstay your welcome because this might push him off,” Ellis said a bit sternly.

“YESS!!” James said and hugged his mother.“ I promise I’ll ask him, and I won’t push. Thanks, Mom!”

“Just have fun! And if you stay the night, you can come and grab some fresh clothes. It’s just across the street, remember?” she chuckled as she nudged him in his side.

“Uhh… it isn’t cool to go out during a sleepover, Mom! And I can put on some fresh underwear the next day. That won’t kill anyone.”

“Well… you do what you do. Just make sure to be nice to Jason. And don’t forget your shower, mister!” she said as she left his room.

James balled his fist and whispered a soft “yes!” before he continued his game.

It was a no-brainer for me to allow James to spend the night when he’d asked me. But after moving my office, I only had one real bed left in my house and one mattress on the floor in another room. So I needed a way to find out if he was okay with sleeping in my bed with me. I didn’t expect him to have a problem with it, but it might look weird if he told his parents about it.

I noticed the shower had turned off and made a note to myself to hide in their bathroom next time to see how Julia looked. James seemed oblivious, but when his bathroom door unlocked and opened a second later, he glanced at the door, and so did I.

Julia walked into her brother’s bedroom wearing nothing but a towel around her hair and an almost too-fluffy and small towel around her torso. She looked smoking hot like this. Her tanned body was still damp, and her long, shapely legs were almost completely visible because the towel was just barely long enough to hide her pussy.

As my eyes roamed up over her body, they paused on her breasts. Almost the entire top half of her boobs was showing, and the towel just managed to cover her nipples. Her lovely shoulders and long neck were still damp, and she smiled as she looked at her brother.

I glanced quickly at James, almost feeling sad for no longer looking at this young girl’s body, and I couldn’t suppress a smile either. His eyes were wide, and his mouth was slightly open. Apparently, this was the first time she had come into his room like this. Or maybe this was the first time he actually noticed. But either way, it hit him hard. And also quite literally.

As my eyes went down to his crotch, I saw a small tent forming. And it kept growing rapidly.

“You’re up,” Julia said sweetly as she walked over toward his brother and looked at his screen.

James cleared his throat and casually placed one of his hands in his lap. “I’ll go in a second,” he croaked.

“Can you ask Jason tomorrow when he’s able to help me with my PC?” Julia asked, seemingly oblivious about how sexy she looked.

“I…” James stammered and cleared his throat again, “yeah. I’ll make sure I’ll ask him.”

“Great. Thanks!” she chirped and turned around to return to her room.

James’s eyes grew even wider as he looked at his sister’s backside. The towel wasn’t long enough to completely cover her back. This meant that more than half of the bottom of her pert ass was showing. I felt myself grow to full mast instantly as I looked at her walking away.

A few seconds later, we heard music coming from her room, and I heard James exhale. He released a soft “damn!” and saw his shoulders relax. This was it! This was my opportunity to put my plan into action.

“That was interesting,” I said while standing a little behind James.

The moment I said this, he almost jumped from his chair. He turned around and started looking around his room frantically. I got a good look at his still-tented boxers as he did this.

“Who… who’s there?” he stammered.

“Relax, James. I’m your inner guide. Or the voice of reason. Some call it conscience,” I said, impressed by how good my voice changer did its work.

“But.. I’m… you…” he stammered, looking directly at me, but looking right through me.

“I’m here to help you get through puberty. I won’t be here all the time, and I’ll only be here for a few months, maybe a year.”

“I… I never heard of such a thing. Or read anything online about it,” he softly said, clearly feeling less scared. His boner was gone now, but his bulge was still prominent, and he looked hot standing there.

“Yeah. I know. But would you post online that you hear voices?”

“Uhh…” he responded thoughtfully.

“That’s what I mean. There are some articles online and why I’m here is still a mystery to science. But hey! Why not make the most of it, right?”

“I guess… What do I call you?” James asked as he sat down.

“Well… Jiminy Cricket is taken,” I chuckled, causing James to giggle too.

“How about John?”

“That’s a bit generic, isn’t it?” I asked, but honestly didn’t care.

“That’s why it’s so good!” James smiled, “John is one of the most common names, so if I call you, it won’t be too obvious, right?”

“Then John it is!”

“But uhh… why are you here now?” he asked as he fiddled with his mouse.

“I don’t know. I guess your hormones are starting to work. And I don’t blame them with a pretty girl like that in your room.”

“She’s my sister!” he said, acting offended.

“I know. But you got hard seeing her. I don’t blame you, but it is what it is.”

“I didn’t want… it wasn’t… she..” James stammered with his face and upper half of his chest turning beat red.

“Don’t sweat it! She’s a girl, she’s hot, and she was practically naked. So it’s only normal to get hard. And just so you know, all your secrets are safe with me. You’re the only one I can talk to.”

James thought about it for a few seconds. Practically seeing the wheels inside his head turn was adorable to watch.

“We used to go to nudist resorts in the past. I saw lots of girls and women naked. It never bothered me. And we often walked naked around the house. I never thought of Julia as…”

I laughed inward at his epiphany. So I helped him out by saying, “And that’s probably why your Mom stopped this whole nudist thing…”

“I guess that makes sense. And I get it now,” he said softly, “but… why do I get so many boners lately? It’s very uncomfortable and awkward sometimes.”

This was good. He started to believe what I said and already trusted me on such a delicate subject. So I said, “You get boners, also called erections, to prepare your body for reproduction.”

“You mean…” he said after my dramatic pause and a few seconds of thinking about it.

“I mean sex, yes.”

“Oh… but I don’t have a girlfriend yet.”

“I know. But your body doesn’t care about that. That’s why it’s good to masturbate. It’s like having sex, but you do it to yourself,” I said, knowing this would put the gears inside his head in overdrive.

“But… I don’t know how. I read about it online, but I’m afraid I’ll break my willie or something,” he said, blushing brightly.

Now it was my turn to spin up the gears inside my head. This was a great opportunity I shouldn’t let go to waste. So I said, “I can’t show you, but you can always ask your Dad. Or another male you trust.”

I just knew he wouldn’t go to his Dad with this. I knew I didn’t want to do this during my own puberty. Dads are asexual creatures at that age. They can’t possibly know how this works. And if they do, they’ll probably make a big fuss out of it.

“My Dad?” he responded, clearly repulsed by the idea. And after a short pause, “Maybe Jason can help me,” which was music to my ears.

“I think you can trust him. And he mentioned that he used to be a nudist too, so he’ll probably understand what you’re going through. And I guess he might not even care if you want to try that stuff over at his place,” I said, laying it on a bit thick.

“You think so?” James said as his eyes lit up, “Mom said I shouldn’t impose myself on him, so…”

“You can always ask, right? If he says no, just let it be. If he says yes, you’re good. Simple as that.”

“But what if Mom finds out?”

Damn! This kid sure overthinks his stuff! I thought for a second and said, “Just ask Jason not to tell your Mom if he says yes. He’ll probably understand.”

“You’re right,” he said after a few seconds.

“I think it’s time for your shower now,” I said, smiling.

James just nodded and, without any hesitation, dropped his boxers. Seeing his cute dick and ass up close in real life was even better than being able to zoom, pause and rewind. Of course, I write about it in my stories, but I never knew kids at that age could actually ooze sexiness the way he did.

He grabbed a towel from his closet and walked over to the bathroom. Right before he entered, I said, “Why don’t you leave both doors open this time? Maybe your sister wants to take a peek at you.”

“Uhh… why would she want to see me?” he asked with confusion all over his face.

“Why do YOU want to see her? She’s probably just as curious about you as you are about her. And maybe she’ll return the favor…”

That seemed to trigger something. He shrugged, and I could see his cute dick chubb up a little as I joined him in the bathroom. I sat down on the toilet as James did his thing. Seeing him take a shower wasn’t sexual at all, but I felt privileged to be able to watch him.

In the corner of my eye, I kept looking at Julia’s door. And sure enough, after a few minutes, as James was washing his hair, she peeked inside. She looked at her brother’s body, and I saw her eyes roam all over him, and they stayed focused on his dick for a while. This was working out better than expected.

When James turned off the water, Julia’s head disappeared, and I got another eyeful of his tight ass. As he started drying his back, he swayed his hips so firmly that his dick slapped left and right against his body. Of course, all boys and men did this occasionally, but his adorable giggle as he did this made me laugh softly too.

When we got back inside James’s room, and he started searching through his drawer for a fresh pair of boxers, I said, “I didn’t mention this, but I’m not always around. I come and go unannounced. Even I don’t know when I’m there and when I’m not, so don’t be surprised if I’m suddenly gone.”

“That’s okay,” he said without any visible emotion as he pulled up his boxers, “I think I’ll go online and look for more info on you. Is that okay with you?”

This was precisely what I wanted! I already rigged his computer for this, so I said, “Of course I am! The more you know about me, the better. And I’m not sure if you know it, but there are a few sites online with good stories about boys your age who are also curious about sex and girls. There’s Lubrican, Nifty, storiesonline, and a few others. You just have to find the right story. Maybe read some of that too?”

“Oh. I… I don’t know. I think my Dad is monitoring the internet feed, so I’m not sure if it’s a good idea. I’m not in the mood for ‘the talk’ with him,” he smiled as he made air quotes saying this.

“I get it. It’s up to you. Maybe ask Jason if he knows a way around it? I just…” I said, figuring it was enough now and wanting to end our first get-together dramatically.

James looked confused and asked, “John?” Then, after a few moments, he did it again but shrugged after he didn’t hear me talking anymore.

James grabbed his short pajama bottoms, put them on, and pulled a t-shirt over his head. I made sure to linger near his bedroom door, so I could get out with the first opportunity I got.

That opportunity came sooner than expected because James opened the door and went downstairs after he pulled down his shirt. As I approached the stairs, I saw their cat walk up. He looked me straight into my eyes, walked up to me, and started rubbing his side against my leg. This was creepy. I didn’t know if animals, or maybe just cats could see me. His coat looked funny with dents in it where my leg was, so I knew now I needed to make sure to stay away from him. Otherwise, he might give away my presence.

After I got rid of the cat and reached the bottom of the stairs, I easily sneaked out of the house and was in my living room before anyone could see me. I got dressed, waited for the invisibility to wear off, and made sure to put the key under the rock I pointed out to James.

I poured myself a nice, big glass of whiskey, which I quickly gulped down. I poured myself another one, feeling pleased with how things were going. Sat behind my computer and checked what James was doing. And sure enough, he was currently browsing the websites I copied and filled with fake articles about hearing voices during puberty.

On his webcam, I kept an eye on him, and it was clear that the more he read about it, the more relaxed he scrolled through the remaining sites. He even scrolled around quickly on the Nifty website, scanning the young friends and incest section. But he only opened one story, which wasn’t a very good one. It was about two adults and was very poorly written. This wasn’t lost on James, and he quickly closed his browser window when he heard his Mom come upstairs.

After she told him it was time for bed, he shut down his computer and went to bed. Maybe it was the alcohol, but the feeling of victory about all this swept through me. I celebrated by drinking another glass and felt myself getting slightly drunk after that.

I undressed and crawled into bed, looking forward to another day. Tomorrow, I’d probably be in bed together with James because I’d let him have that sleepover he wanted without even thinking twice about it.

The image of James in just his underwear, lying next to me, filled my head. And even though I wasn’t planning on doing anything sexual with him, I got hard and jerked myself to a quick orgasm, with images of his dick flopping from left to right in the shower, and his tented boxers, pushing me over the edge.

Copyright 2023 – Jason Crow
All rights reserved

semina sunt quaedam grata futura

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Dear Jason – Chapter 7

Dear Jason – Chapter 7

Undressing in the bathroom at work felt a bit weird at first. After I was done and had pressed the patches together, I lifted one of the ceiling plates and put my clothes up there so they were out of sight.

Walking toward Fred’s office was a bit challenging. I almost bumped into co-workers twice, and I had to wait a few minutes outside his office before his door opened. Finally, I sneaked inside and sat down on the floor in one of the corners. I listened to a few conversations he had with my colleagues, and most of the time, Fred behaved as such an asshole that the other person was dumbfounded. Two female colleagues even started crying at his bluntness.

He surprised me even more when he came on to one of my female colleagues, Maria. She was the best-looking woman in our office and had one of the best IT skills in our department to show for. But it was just embarrassing to see how he kept hitting on her and how she kept trying to politely turn him down.

I watched all the interviews he had with my colleagues with disbelief. This guy just didn’t know who was on his team and, more importantly, who was valuable and who wasn’t. And on top of that, during his call with his supervisor, he managed to make it sound like he had everything under control. Convincingly.

This guy wasn’t an asshole. He was a giant pain in the ass and a threat to our company. I needed to do something about that, and after I looked over his shoulder and memorized his password, I immediately started my campaign on him.

The moment he left, I logged in under his account, and I downloaded some grungy porn. The kind of porn with fake rape and molestation in it. This way, our firewall would definitely send out some alarms to the internal IT department.

Next, I quickly scanned his entire computer and noticed he had some really shady stuff in there. I installed the same spyware as with James from my private server a moment later. It was convenient that I knew how to bypass our virus and malware scanners. After visiting a few more compromising URLs, I logged out and waited next to his door to leave.

The moment it opened, I sneaked out and went back to the toilet to change. During my interview with Fred a little later, I was so confident about getting rid of him that I actually managed to visibly annoy him a few times.

During the rest of the day, I had two main objectives. First, I needed to find a way to make my invisibility count. There needed to be a way that I could see some naked boys or girls. And if I could find a way to do more, it would be even better, and I could probably find some inspiration for more stories.

So I spent the rest of the morning looking for options. There appeared to be a small-scale foster home at the edge of town. An elderly couple started it because they couldn’t have kids of their own and wanted to help unfortunate boys. They kept it low-profile since they feared the neighborhood might complain.

The kids lived there for various reasons. Some have had trouble with the law in the past, some had parents with addictions, and some were orphans. They housed about ten kids in there, ranged ten to eighteen.

I read a newspaper article from a few years ago, and they seemed to have a nice setup in there. The boys slept in pairs of two, so they could keep an eye on each other. They always ate dinner together and did everything they could to make it feel like home. According to some of the boys they interviewed, they managed.

My second objective of the day was ensuring that the prick was fired. The moment Maria came in crying during our break, and we learned that Fred had fired her, it was game on! I knew it was risky, but I opened the spyware tools on my home PC through a couple of VPNs. This didn’t help in performance, but it made it virtually impossible to be traced that way.

Now that I knew his password, I had almost unlimited access to every resource he had. The background scan of his documents was finished, and I noticed something odd. He had two versions of the quarterly report. One had ‘original’ in its name, and another ‘cleaned.’ It wasn’t my area of expertise, but it didn’t take a genius to see he tampered with the numbers. And judging by how he called the documents the way he did, he wasn’t a genius.

I also found out that he had a personal spending account with an eighty-thousand-dollar spending limit on it. So I purchased about fifty-thousand dollars in Bitcoins and immediately transferred these around to some other wallets. After converting them to Ether and some other currencies, I send it all to another wallet where it would be safe for the time being.

Just a few internet searches under his account on how to trade in Bitcoin left, and he was doomed. I knew the corporate office had a zero-tolerance policy on stealing, and this would most definitely qualify as such. If this wasn’t enough, I’d always have the two spreadsheets left that were currently waiting as a draft in his mailbox to be sent to a few randomly selected colleagues of mine.

I felt extremely satisfied after finally getting some payback on this douchebag. I made sure to hide all traces of the spyware, so he could never blame it on that, and shut down my computer. It was already late when I left the office and decided to celebrate.

So after eating some drive-through on my way home, I drove straight to the foster home. I didn’t know what to expect, but the prospect of ten boys in five different bedrooms was more than enough to get me interested. Looking back, I felt a bit overconfident, but at the time, I figured I was good. The good thing was that I knew the house from all the pics I saw online.

I parked the car out of sight and pressed the patches together. Then, after I disrobed, I walked over to the house. Two kids, I guessed them to be around ten or eleven, were sitting on the swing in the garden, chatting with each other. I walked around the house and entered it through the back door.

I sneaked through every room on the ground floor and saw four boys, about fourteen to sixteen years old, lounging in front of the TV. In the kitchen, two older boys were helping the woman with cleaning up the kitchen. Dinner was clearly just done, and I noticed a schedule on the wall where cleaning duty was divided.

I crept up the stairs and saw all bedroom doors were closed except one. The moment I walked toward that door to take a peek inside, another door opened, and a kid walked into the hallway with a towel wrapped around his waist. I recognized him immediately. This was the kid I saw peeing at the skate park!

He walked toward the open door, and as he entered the room, I sneaked in right behind him. The room wasn’t big, but two beds and two desks fitted in comfortably, leaving enough room for a closet. The two beds were each against the outer wall and separated by about five feet of walking space between the beds. On one of them, a boy about the same age as the one who just entered the room lay there reading in his underwear.

The moment the boy closed and locked the door behind him, a feeling of panic washed over me. I was trapped! But when I realized I could always sneak out at night, that feeling quickly vanished. The only thing I needed to do was stay awake.

Being trapped in the same room as two barely dressed boys quickly sucked up all my attention. The boy with the towel around his waist had that skater look nailed down! Even now, his shaggy hair, tanned skin, and laidback attitude clearly defined this style.

As he sat down on one of the beds, he looked at his roommate, and so did I. The boy looked slightly younger than the skater boy and was lying on his belly. His purple and black boxer briefs hugged his boyish ass nicely, and I felt myself chub up at the sight of these two boys.

“You okay, Raf?” skater boy asked.

Raf looked up from his book and smiled half-heartedly at the other boy. “Yeah. I guess. But ever since Lucas learned he’s moving out, he’s been such a pain, you know?”

“Yeah. But you shouldn’t let him pick on you. Stand up for yourself!”

“Easy for you to say. You’re tough! I’m still a little boy! Look at me!” he said and got up to prove his point.

He was indeed a bit underdeveloped and on the skinny side. But my eyes immediately went to his boxers, which was filled out way more than I anticipated.

“You do need to work out for some muscles. But you’re barely thirteen, Dude! Cut yourself some slack! And he’ll be gone in a week…”

“I know. But he won’t pick on you…”

“You know what? Come to the park with me tomorrow, and I’ll teach you some stuff.”

“Really? Thanks!” Raf said, clearly lighting up at that idea.

“And…” skater boy said softly, “I bet you’ve got a bigger dick than Lucas!”

That caused both boys to start giggling. And after a few moments, skater boy lunged at Raf, and they started roughhousing on the bed. Before long, skater boy’s towel came off, and I was looking at his naked ass with his semi-hard dick dangling between his legs. I gasped at that sight, and both boys stopped for a moment.

They looked around to see where the noise came from but shrugged simultaneously and continued wrestling. Skater boy was sitting on Raf’s legs, right beneath his boxer-covered balls. Skater boy’s balls must be touching Raf’s, but neither boy seemed to care.

They both looked thoughtfully at each other when Raf softly asked, “Wanna do it again?”

Skater boy blushed but nodded, and I immediately saw his dick grow hard. He looked at the door, got up, and walked toward the door with his bobbing boner leading the way. I could barely step aside in time, and he missed me by a hair.

After he checked if the door was locked properly, he turned around and started grinning. “Wanna do me first this time?” he asked, smiling wickedly.

Raf just nodded, and skater boy lay down on the other bed, his boner sticking up proudly. I guessed it to be a little under five inches. He was uncut and had a small but dense patch of black pubes and completely hairless balls.

Raf got off his bed, and I quickly glanced at his tented boxers. He got on his knees next to skater boy’s bed and extended his hand. Without hesitation, his fingers wrapped around his roommate’s hard dick, and he massaged it gently.

“Ohhh… that’s it, Raf!” he moaned as Raf gently started jacking.

“You’re already leaking some of your stuff,” Raf whispered.

“Yeah. I was thinking about… hmmm… this in the shower. So I’m already a little worked up, I aaahhh… guess.”

“Will you still shoot it?” Raf asked anxiously, his eyes focused on the hard cock in front of his face.

By now, I was also leaking precum badly, and I noticed a drop had landed on the end of skater boy’s bed. The moment it left my body, it was visible, so I needed to be really careful here. I couldn’t Jack myself to orgasm here, or I’d blow more than just my load. So instead, I scooped up the drops that formed on my tip and put them in my mouth. I figured this was the only way to keep myself hidden. It was undeniably a big turn-on. Licking up my cum while watching one of my fantasies unfold in front of my eyes.

“Ahhh… oohhh…” came from the bed, and by now, Raf was really working his friend’s cock.

Raf’s eyes were locked on the tip of skater boy’s cock, beaming with anticipation as his hand kept going faster and faster. I felt SO privileged to be able to watch this intimate act, and it was so fucking hot watching these two boys getting it on that I had a difficult time keeping myself together.

“Ohhh… oohhh… ooohhhh! Aaahhhh!” skater boy suddenly moaned.

He lifted his ass from the bed, and I saw three spurts of almost clear cum leave his pulsing dick. Raf’s eyes were wide, and a huge grin was plastered on his face. Skater boy lay there panting and smiled down at his roommate.

“Awesome, Raf!” he whispered.

“You shot more stuff than last time!” Raf said excitedly.

“Yeah…you also did better than last time!” skater boy smiled.

After he took a small hand towel from underneath his bed and cleaned up the drops on his tight belly, skater boy said, “Your turn!”

Raf got to his feet and judging by the way he was tenting his boxers, this boy was seriously packing! He pulled down his boxers without much of a show, causing his massive boner to slap against his belly. I was right. This boy was huge! Judging from this distance, his boner was just as big as mine at almost seven inches. But on his small frame, it was almost freakishly big.

I’m not at all into big dicks on boys, and I could only remember one boy coming close to him. He was in my junior gym class, and every boy in my class looked up to him and respected him because of the monster between his legs.

I hadn’t seen that boy in gym class hard, and I didn’t see Raf soft yet, so the comparison was difficult. But that he was in the top one percent of the world was clear.

Raf lay on his back on his own bed and smiled at skater boy as he said, “I’m so glad you learned how to do this! This is awesome!”

“Me too!” skater boy said as he got close and looked at the massive dick in front of him.

The moment he wrapped his fingers around the throbbing cut cock, Raf moaned softly, “ooohhh… yeah!”

“You’ll leave every locker room you walk in as the alpha male! Dude!” skater boy said in awe as he was slowly starting to jerk his friend.

“Oohhhh… what’s that?”

“Every guy in there wants to be you and will treat you with respect.”

“Tell that to… aaahhh… Lucas,” Raf moaned as he closed his eyes.

“I don’t have to! Just show him your willie.”

“Ooohhhh…” was all that Raf replied.

“You really like it when I do this, don’t you?” skater boy whispered and smiled wickedly as he used both hands to pleasure both Raf’s shaft and balls simultaneously.

Being a fly on the wall as these young boys explored their bodies was magnificent. It brought back some fond memories of my time with Pete in the woods. But I wanted more. I just didn’t know how yet. If I said something, I might scare them. And if I touched them out of the blue, they’d probably be even more scared.

Because of my growing horniness, I probably wasn’t thinking entirely rationally. But an idea popped into my head, and I immediately figured it was a good idea. I noticed the key was still in the door, so I could always run, and being invisible would give me enough edge to get out without getting caught.

As I walked over to the two desks near the door, I looked back at the two boys and just went for it. I threw some of the papers on their desks in the air and spun their two chairs around.

“Whoooo!” I said, mimicking Robin Williams’s Ghost coming from Aladdin’s lamp.

“What’s that?” Raf asked with skater boy’s hands still holding his junk.

“I… Dunno! I…” he stammered.

“Oh. I’m sorry, guys,” I said with the most pleasant voice I had in me, “I didn’t mean to scare you, but with me being here, I assume you need some help?”

“Who… who are you?” skater boy said, covering himself up and looking a bit frightened.

“Me? Oh. Right. You’re new to this, of course. When you die, you become a ghost for a while. And I’m one of the few thousand ghosts at the moment to help out where needed.”

“What do you mean?” Raf asked, clearly interested, not bothering to cover up, and sounding a lot less scared than his roommate.

“Look. When I was young, I did some… stuff with my friend. Kinda like you two are doing now,” I started.

Raf looked at skater boy, and both boys blushed. By now, Raf’s boner had started to deflate, and I learned I was right. He was as big as the boy I remembered from gym class, if not bigger. So it was now official he was the biggest boy I’d ever seen, but he was damn close to my former classmate.

“We’re just… uhm…” skater boy stammered.

“Don’t worry! Almost all boys do this! No need to feel ashamed or anything. It’s just that… well… there’s more. I didn’t want to try this when I was younger, so my job was to show three sets of boys how to do it properly after I died. After I’ve done this, I’m allowed to… you know… move on. I’ve only got one pair left.”

The two of them looked at each other, and Raf asked, “Wh… what do you need us to do?”

“First of all, it’s not an assignment or something. You both have to do it out of your free will. Otherwise, it won’t count. Second, I can show you what I mean and then teach you how to do it. After that, I’m free and won’t bother you again. But trust me, it’ll be worth it. You’ll love it!”

“Does it mean… uhm… sex?” Raf asked, clearly interested and already chubbing up again.

“It only involves blowjobs and handjobs. But I noticed you already worked the handjob part out for yourself. You two can have sex, and I’m willing to help you with that, but my mission focus is on blowjobs. Do you know what a blowjob is?”

Raf shook his head, but skater boy didn’t and nodded a little. However, he didn’t look too confident either, so I decided to ask him.

“Tell me what you know, blondie.”

“It’s Alec. And he’s Rafael. Or Raf. I… it’s where you take ‘it’ in your mouth and nibble on it, right?”

“Almost. It’s one of the best feelings in the world. Almost as good as sex with a girl. But since there are no girls around here, it’s the next best thing. And the two of you can do it whenever you want. And you do take the penis in your mouth, yes. But instead of nibbling on it, you lick and suck it.”

“But… I pee from there!” Raf blurted out.

“I know. And you also clean it after that. I promise you it won’t taste like piss! And giving your friend such good feelings will also feel amazing to you.”

“I did hear some boy talk about it at the skate park. He said he was getting it from his girlfriend,” Alec said to Raf, “and he was all excited about it.”

“Tell you what. I’ll do it to both of you, and then you’ll tell me what you think, okay?”

The boys looked at each other and shrugged. Next, they started giggling and just nodded.

“Alright. Lie down on your bed and close your eyes, Alec. I’ll do you first, and then I’ll do Raf. There’s one thing… just… don’t be alarmed when you see your friend’s dick disappear. That’s only because of my ghost form. Can’t help it.”

They nodded and didn’t seem bothered anymore. Alec did as I told, and before I knew it, I felt like I had really died and gone to heaven. A young boy, thirteen-years-old, was lying on this bed, completely naked, awaiting my mouth around his rigid cock.

His naked, barely thirteen-year-old friend, hung like a horse and equally naked, looked eagerly at his friend, so he could learn how to suck cock from me. Pretty mind-blowing. I made a mental note to send a big thank you to JD for this.

“It’s real easy. You need to open your mouth, take him in and just make sure your teeth are out of the way. Like this,” I said as I felt a thrill of excitement shoot through me when I grabbed Alec’s semi-hard dick in my hand.

I opened my mouth and wrapped my lips around his shaft. I looked down at his black pubes and saw his dick was gone where my lips were around him.

“Wow!” Raf said beside me and bumped against my shoulder as he came in for a closer look.

Thankfully, he didn’t seem bothered by it and just seemed to accept the fact that I was there. I let my tongue slide over the underside of Alec’s dick, and he quickly started to grow hard with each heartbeat.

“Ooohhh!” he moaned.

“Is it good?” Raf asked, eager and excited, looking at his friend’s face.

“Ohh… yeah…” Alec kept moaning.

Feeling a hard young cock in my mouth sure brought back some memories of my younger years. Alec wasn’t cut like Pete was, but this wasn’t the first uncut cock I sucked. So I knew what to do. I gently pulled back Alec’s foreskin as my tongue kept lapping away. As my tongue lapped over his piss slit, Alec lifted his ass from the bed and pushed hard into my mouth.

I felt the sweet, clear precum hit my tastebuds and reluctantly pulled back. I needed Raf to be in too. So when Alec’s dick left my mouth, and his saliva-covered boner lay on his belly, he opened his eyes and looked pleadingly at no one in particular. He was so horny by now and couldn’t do anything with it.

“Okay, Rafael. Your turn,” I said, eying the almost seven-inch boner poking out from his groin.

Raf didn’t waste any time and lay next to Alec. The bed was wide enough for the two of them, and seeing both of them lying there… oh boy. I almost came without touching myself.

“You’ll love it, Raf!” Alec said as he propped up on his elbows to look down at his friend’s crotch.

My face was now inches away from Raf’s boner, and it was actually the first time I got a good, close-up look at it. It was big. Almost too big for him. I thought he was still completely hairless, but seeing it this close, also revealed some tiny hairs at the base of his dick. He was cut, and the pointy glans was still pinkish. Not red, almost purple like with a grown dick. This distinguished it from a grown man’s cock, and to be honest, it made my mouth water.

I opened my mouth, and the moment my lips brushed his glans, Raf started moaning. I could only fit a little over three-quarters in my mouth, but I made sure to make it count. I used everything I learned in my life to make him feel as good as I could. And I loved it. But when I heard a soft, “uhm… can I try?” coming from Alec’s mouth, I knew I should let him.

“Of course!” I said, letting Raf’s cock slide out a little reluctantly.

“You sure it doesn’t taste like piss?” Alec asked with his friend’s cock in his hand and his mouth inches away from it.

“I promise,” I said, gripping my dick at this more than erotic sight in front of me.

Alec lowered his mouth over his friend’s big dick, and I could see the slight apprehension on his face make place for enthusiasm. He didn’t need any direction from me. He even used his free hand to toy with Raf’s balls.

But when I noticed another drop of precum on Alec’s dick, I couldn’t resist, licked it off, and closed my mouth around it again.

Both boys were moaning heavily by now, and as I really started to get into sucking off alec, my hand started moving on its own on my own cock. It was clear that both boys were close to cumming, and the boiling in my balls grew by the second. I was still on my knees beside the bed and realized I was going to shoot. But I was still clear enough to recognize that if I aimed it correctly, it would land on the carpet under the bed, and no one would notice until they needed to clean there.

Alec was basically fucking my face now, and I loved it. I saw his little balls move as he did this and could hardly keep my eyes from it. But seeing Alec’s mouth around Raf’s in-and-out sliding cock, made me realize I really helped these kids out. They would suck each other off multiple times a day. That much was sure.

I felt Alec’s cock thicken in my mouth, and his balls pulled up in his sack. The moans of both boys became even louder, and when Alec’s first shot of cum hit the back of my throat, I heard a muffled scream.

The taste of his sweet, watery cum was exquisite. It reminded me of Pete’s cum, but sweeter, and maybe it tasted even better than Pete’s.

In the corner of my eye, I saw Raf’s butt had left the mattress, and he pushed hard into Alec’s mouth. But Alec didn’t flinch or anything. He took his friend’s cock like a pro. Judging by the pulsing of that monster, Raf was also coming. And that did it. I felt four of five spurts leave my cock, and they landed under Alec’s bed.

It was an incredible experience cumming with a thirteen-year-old cock in my mouth that just released a few drops of young cum. And seeing a boy’s mouth around his friend’s cock, only added to that. I won’t say it was my best cum ever, but it sure as hell was hot as fuck to cum like this.

But I also knew I shouldn’t overstay my welcome here. So after I came down from my orgasm, I stood up and looked at the panting boys on the bed.

“You did great!” I said, causing both boys to snap out of their post-orgasmic trance.

“It was awesome!” Raf panted.

“One last tip before I… move on,” I said a bit dramatically, “if you lie head to toe to each other, you can suck and be sucked at the same time.”

Both Raf and Alec looked at each other as if the secret of the universe had just been revealed to them. It was clear they understood what I meant.

“Thank you, ghost,” Raf sincerely said, “I hope you can move on now.”

“Yeah. Thanks,” Alec added, still panting a bit

“You’re welcome. Maybe we’ll see each other again sometime,” I said.

I hadn’t thought about my exit. But I decided to just turn the key and leave through the door. If they were clear enough to say something about it, I’d be out of there before they knew. But as I closed the door, both boys only had eyes for each other and didn’t seem to think it was odd that I left through the door.

After I left the house and entered my car, I felt grateful and even a bit emotional about this fantastic experience. Never in my life would I’ve thought I’d be able to do something like this, and now I had sucked two young boys and even drank some of their cum.

It hit me hard, but now I knew my next mission was to get into James’s pants. And maybe, just maybe, after that, I could even include his sister. I did need to figure out a way to do this, but a plan was already brewing.

Copyright 2023 – Jason Crow
All rights reserved

est tandem aliqua actio

Here’s the download link to this chapter’s audio file: Link

But I recommend downloading the complete audio file (.m4a, .m4b or .MP3) for the best experience. There’s also an eBook in both the ePub and PDF format available for download here.
Click here to go to the Audio book/eBook page

Dear Jason – Chapter 6

Dear Jason – Chapter 6

I was awake but still in bed when the doorbell rang. I looked at the alarm clock and saw it was half an hour later than yesterday. I smiled at myself, got up, and went downstairs. As I expected, James was standing there, almost bouncing with excitement. I hadn’t bothered with clothes and opened the door in my boxers.

“Morning, James,” I smiled and let him in, noticing that he wore the same clothes as yesterday.

“Hi, Jason! Still too early?” he asked as he looked me over.

“A little, yeah. I didn’t have my shower or coffee yet,” I smiled, rubbing my eyes.

“I’ll make you some coffee so you can take your shower!” he said excitedly and rushed into the kitchen.

I shrugged and went upstairs. I wasn’t sure what to do with the bathroom door. I could lock it, which would create a clear boundary. But if I’d leave it slightly open, James could decide for himself what he wanted to do. I wouldn’t mind him seeing me naked. Heck! That would even enhance my chances of seeing him naked! I chubbed up a little at that idea, so I left the door ajar, dropped my boxers, and took my shower.

And sure enough, after a few minutes, James came in, carrying a mug of coffee. He sat down on the toilet seat, chatting away like it was the most normal thing in the world.

I grabbed my towel, and this time, I made no effort to hide myself from him. It was nice and warm, I was still a little chubbed by seeing him and from showing off, so I felt like I had nothing to hide.

James kept talking as I dried myself and glanced at my flopping dick a few times, but he did not comment about it. I brushed my teeth and did my regular routine naked. If he didn’t have a problem with it, I sure as hell didn’t. But after I stretched it enough, I went to my room with James still on my heels, grabbed a fresh pair of boxers, and got dressed. I also picked the same outfit as yesterday, and after I pulled down my shirt, I was ready to face the day.

James pulled off his shirt the moment we entered my office and sat down on the spare office chair again. We started working on tweaking his system and installing all kinds of software. I had an extensive collection, and he was thrilled when I showed him Adobe Premiere Pro was an option.

Seeing him work on his computer in just his short track pants hit me hard. This was also the first time it actually got me hard too. This boy was sexy as fuck! I needed to find a way for him to keep coming over.

After we installed Apex Legends and it booted for the first time, James almost shouted, “It’s so fast!”

I could only laugh at that, and as he squirmed in his chair to show me how it worked, I got an idea.

“How about we build a game computer for me? I’ve got more than enough spare parts for a new one. I don’t wanna use my work computer for games, but by building a new one, we can play online together.”

“Yeah! That’s awesome!” he said and made the chair do a total 360. “We can even use hand signals next to our headsets, and no one will know,” he smiled and pointed to his room on the other side of the street.

After another fun day next to this barely dressed boy, we shut down his computer, disconnected it, and crossed the street with it. When we entered the kitchen, the smell of home-cooked chicken filled my nose.

“Hi, Honey! Hi Jason,” Ellis said excitedly.

“Hi, Mom,” James cheerfully said, “we finished my computer!”

“That’s great, Honey,” his mother smiled.

“Is it okay to set it up in my room now?”

“Sure. Dinner is ready in half an hour.”

“Come on, Jason!” James said, and he was halfway up the stairs before I knew it.

I shrugged apologetically at Ellis, and she just smiled and waved for me to follow her son. As I walked up the stairs, I came to the conclusion that James’s verbal house tour was pretty accurate. And when I entered his room, it almost felt like I’d been there before. I quickly glanced across the street but immediately felt at ease. Even if you knew the camera was there, you couldn’t see it. No way!

As we were connecting all the cables, the door to the bathroom opened, and Julia joined us. James already told me they shared a bathroom together. James found the term ‘Jack and Jill bathroom’ stupid. He said that they just shared a bathroom together. And that, in their case, it’s a James and Julia bathroom. So he kept calling it that way.

“Jason gave me an almost new computer!” James said excitedly to his twin sister.

“Really? That’s freakin’ awesome!” she said, looking at me in disbelief.

“Yeah! Apex boots in under ten seconds now!”


Julia clearly wasn’t mocking him. She apparently was into video games as much as her brother.

“You’re so lucky, Pep!” she said.

Since they were young, their parents called the two of them salt and pepper. The names stuck, and James became pepper, whereas Julia was salt.

“Maybe we can build her one too?” James asked cautiously.

“Maybe. I’ll put all the spare parts I can find together over the coming week. I’ve also got some stuff at the office. Next weekend, we’ll check it out, okay?”

“Told you he’s a great guy!” James said to his sister, who nodded and smiled at me.

Before Ellis called that dinner was ready, I ensured his webcam was in the best possible angle. They thought nothing of it, but I was pretty sure I got the whole room covered by now. When he closed the curtains, I’d lose a bit, but otherwise, there was no way to hide from my spying eyes.

Dinner was great, and Bill and Ellis thanked me plenty of times for helping their kids out with their computers. Bill was a construction worker with his own building company and knew nothing about that ‘techy stuff,’ as he called it. And Ellis was an artist who sculpted small statues. There was a fascinating statue in the corner of the room that I had noticed earlier, but I figured it was inappropriate to ask about.

But when she picked it up to show me, I could only compliment her on her skills. She sculpted her kids when they were about seven years old. They were both naked and with their backs against each other.

“It’s amazing, Ellis!” I sincerely said.

“Thank you! As you can see, I created this in our nudist period, as I call it.”

“Yeah…James told me about that,” I said a bit evasively.

“I think they’re too old now for us to keep going on with it. And still too young to make a conscious decision about it. So we go to more… regular resorts these days for our holidays.”

“I see,” I said, “and I think I understand.”

“At least we had the chance to teach them that everyone is unique and that nudity is okay,” Bill added.

I didn’t know how to respond to that, but Ellis came to the rescue and asked me if I wanted some coffee. I gave the small sculpture a final look, handed it to Ellis, and said, “Thank you, but I need to go. I’m off to an early start tomorrow. Next weekend, we’ll start working on Julia’s computer. How about if I light up the grill, and you come over to my place for a change?”

They would have nothing of that. I helped them with the computers, and they provided dinner. And it would be another hot weekend, so we could also take a refreshing dip in the pool.

After I entered my office, I quickly closed the curtains. I gave both my camera and the spy software a quick checkup and saw that everything was fine. Tomorrow would be a day at the office. Usually, I didn’t look forward to that, but I had some great ideas about how to mess up the life of my asshole manager Fred with my newfound skills.

Copyright 2023 – Jason Crow
All rights reserved

id est conjunctio tempore

Here’s the download link to this chapter’s audio file: Link

But I recommend downloading the complete audio file (.m4a, .m4b or .MP3) for the best experience. There’s also an eBook in both the ePub and PDF format available for download here.
Click here to go to the Audio book/eBook page

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