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Tag: I Hate You (Page 2 of 3)

I Hate You! – Chapter 5

I Hate You! – Chapter 5

“So… Jessica has the hots for Mike but doesn’t want Michelle to know?” Jake asked with a puzzled look on his face, “And Michelle likes Joshua but doesn’t want Laura to know?”

“No, dummy! Michelle likes Joshua, and Jessica is into Zach!” I explained, not seeing the difficulty.

“But what about Michelle?”

I sighed deeply on purpose and said, “Michelle doesn’t want Annabel to know she’s interested in dating Zach!”

He paused for a second and said, “Girls are strange! How do you keep up with all this? It’s like some Mexican soap opera!”

“It isn’t THAT complicated…” I said, trying to play it down.

Our browsing session didn’t come up with any relevant results. Most of it was sci-fi stories of body snatchers and aliens. But when we thought we couldn’t find any more relevant info, we stumbled across an obscure website that showed some translated ancient Egyptian scrolls where the son and daughter of a pharaoh had switched places. The site didn’t look scientific and was more like a collection of clickbait articles, but it was the only one that seemed mildly relevant. But since our Mom had her roots in Turkey, this didn’t apply to us.

So now we were currently trying to get the other up to speed on all the social structures we had to deal with since it wasn’t likely we’d switch back anytime soon.

Jake’s part finished rather quickly. He had three close friends, and he explained who liked which girl. Which girls were considered hot and which were not. And a couple of juicy secrets I had to promise to keep to myself. But that was basically it.

But with me, I had to unravel the entire web for him, which was indeed far from easy. As I explained it to Jake, I realized he was right about the complexity. I had to repeat everything a few times, and Jake even made a point of writing it down and drawing lines between the people.

“You almost need to be a detective trying to catch some creepy serial killer for this. We need to create a wall with pictures and strings between them!” he laughed loudly after we were confident he got the complete picture.

I started laughing too when I envisioned that wall. As we were wrapping up, we heard the door open, and I said to Jake, “Now we just have to fool Mom during dinner.”

Mom had brought Chinese takeout, which we ate at the dinner table. During dinner, I was impressed at how well Jake played his role of being me. He only switched two names of my friends once, but Mom didn’t notice. I was a bit quieter, which was a little tricky, but Jake was always a bit more on the quiet side than me.

Because of the way Mom acted during dinner, I was getting more and more confident that we could pull it off in school. I mean… if we could fool Mom, we could probably fool everyone in our class, right?

We tried to act as normal as we could, minus the bickering. We cleaned the table and watched some tv together. Mom had to work early the next day, so she went to bed a little after nine. She smiled at both of us and said, “You’re really trying to make it work. I’m glad, you two!” and she gave each of us a firm hug.

“Night, Mom,” I said as she kissed me on my cheek.

After her bedroom door closed, Jake softly said, “That went better than expected…”

“It sure did!” I whispered back, “you’re a hell of an actor, you know that, right?”

“Thanks! But being in another body helps a lot to get into your role, you know?” Jake chuckled.

“You think we can pull it off tomorrow?” I asked with a worried voice.

“Yeah. Now I do,” Jake replied confidently, “but…”

He was silent for a moment, and the suspense was killing me. So I just had to ask, “But what?”

“We need to trust each other, you know?”

“I don’t get it…”

“We can do the other a lot of harm by saying or doing something stupid or irritating.”

“Like what?” I asked, but I started to realize what he was aiming at.

“Well… if I undress in the middle of the cafeteria, for example,” Jake giggled.

“That would be bad, yeah…” I smiled but winced at the idea.

“We need to promise each other not to make the other’s life miserable. I’m convinced we’ll turn back one time or the other, and I don’t want my life to be over by then because of some stupid fight.”

“Deal!” I said immediately and extended my hand to shake on it, which Jake did right away.

“And… uhm…” Jake trailed off.

“What?” I asked, a bit scared of what he had on his mind.

“Well… I follow CarelessKid and Joutchkov on YouTube to, you know… build some muscles. And I do a little workout every evening and morning. Can you, like… keep doing that to help me?”

“Uhm… sure! If you tell me what to do, I don’t see why not,” I smiled.

“Of course! Thanks,” Jake said, seemingly relieved.

I paused momentarily and remembered how nice his body started to look. So I softly said, “It’s starting to show, you know?”

“What is?”

“Your muscles. I noticed it before in the mirror. And my friends talked about it, but I didn’t want to see it back then. But you look… you know… pretty good.”

He started blushing and smiled uncomfortably but didn’t say anything. Instead, he selected a new episode of a series we followed, and we started watching it, lost in our own thoughts.

After the show was over, we decided to head upstairs. We had a big day ahead of us, so we needed to rest.

I almost went into my own room. But although Mom hardly ever came up here, we figured staying in the correct bedroom was probably best. As I entered Jake’s room, I asked, “What do you want me to do?”

“Take off your shirt and shorts. I always do this in my undies. And then…”

He talked me through some of the exercises. After I didn’t get it right away, he also undressed and showed me how they should be done in his bra and panties. We giggled a lot over my clumsiness with some of them, and Jake forgot he wasn’t himself a couple of times, which was also extremely fun to watch.

Jake stood next to me in front of my mirror to see if there was any progression, which I thought was highly unlikely after one workout session. But I’d let him have it. When I checked out my now sweaty body, I had to admit to him that the muscle definition made it look like a professional underwear model! I still wonder why I didn’t see it before. And I’d never admit it publicly, but Jake was easily one of the hottest boys in my class.

After we were silent for a few minutes, Jake softly said, “I’m glad we’re, like, talking again. I missed this, you know?”

I was deeply touched by his honesty. I hugged him tightly and said, “I know! I missed you too!”

We hugged for a few moments, but it never started to feel awkward. I liked the feeling of my boobs against my chest and instinctively pressed my groin against Jake’s. This only caused us to hug tighter.

“We’re gonna nail it tomorrow, Sis!” Jake said as we broke the hug.

I laughed and said, “Yeah! We’re totally going to OWN this!”

“Night!” Jake said, smiling, and walked toward my room.

I felt tired and decided to call it a night. After I crawled under the covers and let today’s events roam through my head, my hand absentmindedly ended on my dick. I didn’t mean for it to happen. It just did.

But when I realized what was pressing against my palm, I felt it starting to grow. A little voice inside my head urged me on to find out what it really felt like. Up until now, I only touched it when it was more or less soft. But now… I might even…

Before I finished that thought, I lifted my butt from the mattress and pulled my boxers halfway past my upper legs. It was almost as if my now freed boner thanked me for this.

I didn’t linger and wrapped my hand around it. The moment I did this, a shiver went down my spine, and I marveled at how firm and rigid it was but also soft and tender to the touch. I loved it!

“Jerk it!” that voice inside my head screamed. And it kept on shouting. “Jack off! Shoot sperm!”

I didn’t need much encouragement, and I was curious as hell about how boys masturbated. I’ve seen pics and clips in health class and online, so I knew the basic mechanics. But the moment my fist started sliding up and down, and I felt my dickhead slide through my fingers, I knew I loved handling a cock. I knew then and there that I wasn’t a lesbian.

It took me a few moments to get into the rhythm, but as I found the right grip level and speed, I realized I was on the right track and in no mood to stop. My other hand started searching for my balls, and as I started toying with them, my level of arousal grew higher by the second.

I heard myself panting, and an involuntary moan escaped my lips. Tingles started in the back of my head, slowly spreading over my body like a warm blanket. Oh boy! This was just as good, or maybe even slightly better, than fingering myself.

Before I knew it, my belly muscles tightened, and all the tingles I had felt earlier shot into my balls at once. The tingle shot into my dick moments later, and I heard myself grunt deeply. I was cumming!

But I never realized that boys’ orgasms are a lot messier than girls. I had just enough sanity left to kick down the blanket. As I felt the pressure grow, I gripped my dick firmly and tried to hold back the stuff that was about to come out like I would hold back my pee, but this didn’t work.

As the first glob of cum landed on my chest, just below my chin, I felt fantastic! I was shooting sperm! The next three shots didn’t get that far, but they felt the same. This orgasm wasn’t as stretched and fuzzy as my own, but extremely powerful and intense. I loved both!

I lay there panting and tried to feel as much as there was to feel about this orgasm. But as I noticed the cum started to slide down, I scooped up a big glob with my finger and stuck it in my mouth without any hesitation.

Its sweet and salty taste surprised me at first, but I was immediately hooked. This tasted fucking awesome! It probably had something to do with the naughtiness of it all and the fact that it was my brother’s cum, but I didn’t care! I scooped it all up and made sure to taste every glob the best I could.

After there was no more, the dried traces of cum on my body felt sticky, and I wanted to clean myself. So I got up, pulled up my boxers but let my dick hang over them, and went to the bathroom. I cleaned myself with a damp towel and ensured my pubes were also nice and clean.

As I left the bathroom, I heard a low grunt coming from my bedroom and smiled broadly.

“Great minds think alike,” I mumbled as I closed my bedroom door and crawled into bed.

Copyright 2023 – Jason Crow
All rights reserved

Inventio sexus est an interesting modus vivendi

I Hate You! – Chapter 4

I Hate You! – Chapter 4

“Yeah. We’re sorry,” Jake said after he and Mom listened to my monologue about the situation and how we were burying the hatchet.

Mom looked at both of us to size up the situation, shrugged, and said, “I heard this promise before. Seeing is believing.”

I checked out Jake’s reaction as she continued with whatever she was doing. He didn’t show much emotion, so I guessed he felt the same as me about it. A good thing was at least that Mom hadn’t noticed the switch we made. I was a bit scared that she’d immediately notice. Because that’s what moms allegedly notice right away. Another myth busted.

We gathered our breakfast at the table, and I was immediately annoyed. Jake was stocking up on carbs, something I avoided like the plague to stay in shape. But I couldn’t say anything about it with Mom around. I ate my usual fruit and protein shake, causing Jake to look funny at me.

“You really take this making-up seriously, don’t you?” Mom said as she walked by and looked quizzically at us.

I mumbled a soft “Yeah,” and Jake just nodded his head. Mom rolled her eyes, sat at the table, and said, “Look. I need you two to get along. You don’t have to be besties, but at least get along. Because after I’m gone, your brother or sister is all you’ve got. I don’t have any, but I sure wish I did.”

“You’re right, Mom,” Jake said, “we talked about it, and we really wanna stop fighting. It’s difficult enough as it is, right?”

Damn! That really sounded like something I could say! That little twerp was a hell of an actor. I simply nodded when I saw Mom started to smile.

“Good! I really hope you make it work this time. I’m off to Darlene for the rest of the day. You two can manage today without tearing down the house?” Mom said as she stood up.

“Can I use the computer in the study today?” I asked, “I need to do some research for school.”

Mom had taken our laptops during one of our previous fights, and we’d get them back when we could behave again. So, besides my telephone, the central iMac in our study was my only access to a decent computer screen.

“Yeah. Me too,” Jake added.

“Alright. You can,” Mom said mischievously, “you two can work out a schedule together and show me you get along.”

I glanced at Jake, and he simply shrugged. But when our eyes met, we both knew we’d have the opportunity to start searching for what had happened. So I smiled at Mom and said, “Of course! We’ll work it out together, right, Sis?”

Jake didn’t respond immediately, but after a few moments, he realized I was talking to him. He caught on and said, “No problem. Promise!”

Jake and I did the dishes together and made sure that Mom noticed how hard we tried to be kind to each other. I deliberately overdid it a little, so she wouldn’t get suspicious.

“I’ll be back at around five, okay?” Mom said as she kissed us on our cheeks.

“Say hi to Darlene for us,” Jake said.

“Bye, Mom!” I said, and moments later, the door closed, and we were alone.

Jake looked at me questioningly and asked, “What assignment did I miss?”

I was tempted to make something up, but I managed to refrain from it at the very last second. Instead, I decided to keep it light and said, “You didn’t. I just wanna try and figure out what happened to us. Although peeking this way is easier, I want my body back. Especially with you munching down all these carbs!”

“Oh. Right!” he said, clearly feeling stupid. And after a few moments, “What do you mean with these carbs?”

“I’ll get fat eating all the shit you put in your mouth this morning!” I said and tried to smile.

“Fat? You’re not fat! Not in a long shot! You look fucking amazing. Trust me, I know now,” he chuckled.

“But…” I tried but was interrupted by Jake.

“I eat the same stuff, and I’m not fat! You need carbs for your muscles and other important parts of your body. And trust me, boys don’t like skinny girls. There need to be curves. And you’ve got them in all the right places.”

Jake blushed a little after saying that, and I knew he was serious about it. And he did have a point. His body looked almost perfect. But wasn’t there a difference between boys and girls on that part?

“But all my friends do this. And I read online about…”

“Stop it. Just because your friends do it doesn’t make it right. And there’s just as many articles online about why you should eat carbs! You just need to make sure to exercise enough. But you’ve got that covered!”

I didn’t have anything to say about that. Deep down, I knew he was right. So I looked him in the eyes and asked, “You really think I look good?” and blinked like an anime girl.

Jake started laughing and grabbed his boobs again. He jiggled them and said, “You’re the hottest girl in class. And these make you look even better. Trust me!”

We were quiet for a few moments when I realized how honest and open we were to each other now. And there was still that one important question on my mind. And I decided to just drop it on the table. So I looked at Jake and asked, “Why do you keep calling me slut and skank and a tease? It hurts, you know?”

The look on Jake’s face changed immediately. It wasn’t anger, but close to it. It was more between disappointment and anger.

He sucked a deep breath, waited a moment, and said, “Because you sucked and fucked Brian on your first date. And you let Steve touch your boobs during homecoming. I thought you were smarter than that. I felt so angry and disappointed after hearing this. I mean… my own sister. The funny girl that I used to play with when she was younger. Talk about feeling hurt!”

This struck me like lightning! I knew a few rumors were going around, but I never realized they were about me, let alone about me being an easy tramp.

I felt tears of anger and injustice of it all well up. And as a tear rolled down my cheek, I whispered softly, “You never asked me.”

“What do you mean?” Jake asked with a stunned look on his face.

“You never asked me about what happened,” I kept on whispering and fighting back the tears.

“Why would I? Brian and Steve were pretty clear in the locker room about what happened!”

“You wanna know what happened? During our ‘date,’ Brian wouldn’t take no for an answer and tried to grab one of my boobs. So I grabbed him by the balls and told him to fuck off. That was it!””

Tears were streaming down my cheeks as I told this. Jake’s eyes were wide, and his face was flushed.

“I figured that would be the end, and we haven’t talked since. And Steve? We went to get hot dogs together during homecoming. That was all,” I said.

Jake was quiet for a few moments. His face was filled with anger, and he softly asked, “Why didn’t you tell me?”

“Tell you what? That Brian assaulted me? It would’ve only got you in trouble, and to me, it was the end of it. And tell you that I ain’t a slut? You never even gave me a chance!”

“Fuck, Kate! I’m SO sorry! I never… I’m such an idiot!” Jake said and started crying himself.

He quickly wiped his tears and came over to hug me. In my ear, he whispered, “I’m gonna fuck that Brian up so hard, his ass will be on backward. I promise! We’re gonna make sure everyone knows he’s a liar and a molesting asshole!”

“Don’t. I don’t want any trouble over this. That pencil dick isn’t worth it!”

We sat there hugging for a bit longer. Eventually, Jake got up, looked at me, and kissed me tenderly on my cheek. “I’m really sorry! It just never occurred to me he’d be lying. I was too shocked about it.”

“It’s okay, I guess. Just talk to me next time.”

“I promise. And now that I’m you, I’m going to embarrass the hell out of that jackass!” Jake said, smiling broadly, “Oh! And you’re right. He IS a pencil dick!”

“I didn’t feel much in his pants, so it was a wild guess. So I guessed right?”

“You sure did! He’s even smaller than Danny,” Jake chuckled.

Danny was in our class and skipped a grade, so he was over a year younger than Brian. The thought of this boyish dick between his legs lightened my mood considerably.

“I’m glad we had this talk,” I said to Jake, “we’re good now?”

“Duh! I feel so stupid for believing that piece of shit over you! Yeah. Of course! We’re good!” he smiled and kissed me on my forehead, which was a bit awkward but oddly touching.

After he stood up and I checked out my ass in these short, tight jeans, feeling pleased with how I looked, I said, “Let’s try to find out what happened to us, okay?”

We went into the study and browsed the internet for the next few hours.

Copyright 2023 – Jason Crow
All rights reserved

Aliquantum tardioris starter est, sed post hoc interest

I Hate You! – Chapter 3

I Hate You! – Chapter 3

“So… how do we do this?” Jake asked as we entered my room.

I was still dressed in just Jake’s multi-colored boxers but didn’t feel the need to get dressed. I enjoyed the feeling of walking around topless, something I hadn’t done in a while.

“Let’s wear this,” I said as I handed him my short jeans and a shirt, “You’re used to wearing that. Well… not that short, but you know what I mean… And you need a bra. Obviously,” I said as I checked out my firm B, almost C-cup breasts that were loose inside my tank top and couldn’t be missed this way.

“I just take off the top?” Jake asked with a questioning and insecure look on his face.

I figured he’d already checked out my boobs by now. But apparently, he’d only felt and cupped them yet. I was oddly touched by this, and I didn’t feel any apprehension for my brother to see my boobs. He’d see them anyway, so why not with me around? So I said, “Yeah. Take it off. I’ll show you how to put on a bra.”

Jake hesitated momentarily, but I could see in his eyes that he didn’t want to miss this opportunity. So he grabbed the bottom of my top, pulled it over his head, and exposed my wobbly fourteen-year-old breasts. And I realized by seeing them like this that they looked pretty damned impressive. Full and firm with upward pointing, perfectly proportioned nipples. They were close to a C-cup but nowhere near sagging and still proudly defying gravity.

It wasn’t erotic or anything. I was just using my first opportunity to look at my boobs from a different angle. I’ll probably miss these the most if we never switch back.

“Like what you see?” Jake chuckled.

“Huh!?” I asked but immediately noticed the tightness in my underwear again.

I looked down, and sure enough, I had another boner! I was getting a bit annoyed about it, so I asked, “What the fuck, Jake? Why does this keep happening?”

He just shrugged and said, “Dunno. I get them all the time. I can only guess that you like what you see…”

I thought about it briefly and said, “Maybe. But… maybe it’s YOUR body that likes what it sees…”

“What do you mean?”

“I like my boobs, but not like… you know,” I smiled as I looked down, “But I can imagine that you’re more… interested?”

Jake started blushing, and after a few seconds, he simply nodded and said, “Guess so. They look awesome…”

He said that last bit very softly, and I saw him struggling. I decided not to dwell on it, but I was extremely intrigued by his reaction. A plan formed quickly. I liked looking at myself like this and wanted to see how my recently bought bra and thong combination looked on me. And I could tease Jake some more by doing so.

So I opened my drawer and reached into the back of it. I fished out my red, laced bra and thong, and held them in front of me. “Take off my… your panties too and wear this,” I said, seeing the awkwardness oozing from his face.

“But that’s a… thong! Won’t it wedge between my cheeks?” he asked, obviously trying to find a way out of this.

“Don’t be a wuss! They’re comfortable enough. Trust me!”

Jake was always a bit of a manly boy. He hated doing everything that was even remotely gay. He wasn’t a caveman but wasn’t very open-minded, either. I figured it had everything to do with not having a male role model in his life, but seeing him act all manly was a bit annoying at times. This thong clearly qualified as not masculine.

“Does Mom know you have this?” he kept trying, but then I noticed something clicked inside his head as he figured out he’d be naked.

“She doesn’t have to know everything. Does she know about your browser history?” I smiled.

This caused him to smile too, and he started taking off his panties. As he stood straight, I could see myself in all its glory. And I noticed Jake had his eyes glued to the full-length mirror and was blushing furiously. Inside my underwear, my boner was twitching and throbbing, which actually felt pretty nice.

“Don’t…” Jake started and cleared his throat, “don’t you have hairs everywhere yet?”

“I do. But I shave. I don’t like how it feels with hair around my lips. Just the small patch above it is enough for me,” I said, feeling quite proud of my appearance.

Before all this, I was insecure about my body. I always found something that wasn’t just right. But seeing myself like this shined a whole new light on that insecurity. I looked great! That much was true, and there was no denying in that!

“You look amazing, Kay!” Jake whispered.

“Thank you!” I said, surprised by his honesty, and gave him a hug.

I felt his boobs press against my chest and my boner pressed against his pubic bone. If the situation wasn’t this weird already, this hug sure would’ve done the trick.

So I quickly let go and handed him my thong. He pulled it up and looked a bit surprised when he was done.

“This isn’t as bad as I thought it would be!” he smiled, a bit surprised.

“Told ya!” I laughed and handed him my bra.

After some explanation and a few attempts, he managed to close the bra himself. And he looked absolutely smoking in the red bra and thong. I feared it would look cheap or trashy, but the opposite was true.

After he was done putting on his t-shirt and jeans, my boner had gone down almost completely, but a dark spot was visible in front of my underwear.

“Is that…” I asked tentatively.

Jake blushed and said, “Precum, yeah…”

“Oh wow…”

“Yeah… I know… You need a clean pair. Let’s go to my room,” Jake said, sounding embarrassed, and opened the door.

He didn’t seem to be too upset, which was good. I didn’t want to make too much of a fuzz about this, and Jake behaved way less like… Jake than I expected, so I followed him.

When we entered my room, he asked, “Uhm… you’re not getting like… your period any time soon, are you?”

I laughed at the awkwardness and asked, “No. Had mine last week. Why?”

“I feel a bit funny, that’s all.”

“You’ll get used to it,” I smiled, “girls feel funny all the time about everything!”

This caused him to laugh, and he opened his drawer to grab a fresh pair of boxers. He motioned for me to drop mine, which I did after positioning myself in front of his mirror. He got to see it all, so why wouldn’t I?

When the small pubic bush came into view, and more and more of his dick appeared, I realized I wanted to see my brother’s naked body. I still don’t know why, but this thought didn’t bother me at all at the time. I already established that his upper body was nicely proportioned, and his developing muscles were really easy on the eye.

The moment my boxers hit the floor, and I could look at my brother’s body in all its glory, I couldn’t help myself. He looked fabulous! More than that, actually. His dick looked to be about four inches, and his balls were visible in his loose and hairless sack. The cut glans was reddish and a bit blunt but looked big on his shaft.

It was actually the first real-life dick I ever saw in my life. Of course, I’ve seen plenty online and in porn, but seeing one for real was different. And what was even better was that I just had to look down and see it better and from a different angle.

“Uhm… Kay? What’s the girl’s version of a boner?” Jake giggled sheepishly and with a flushed face.

I looked at him to size him up and said, “Uhm… I don’t know… it’s, uhm… sensitive nipples? Butterflies in your stomach? A bit of moist… uhh… wetness in your… you know…” I stammered and looked at his crotch, feeling awkward about the subject.

“Then I think I’ve got a boner from looking at my own naked body,” he chuckled.

I felt relieved that he thought it was funny, which made me feel a lot less stressed about it all. So I also started giggling and replied, “Feels weird, right? Being turned on by your own body?”

“Yeah… but what a fine-looking body it is…” he said with a straight face.

I looked at him to size him up, and the moment our eyes met, we burst into laughter. I liked how his penis jiggled as I moved my body, and it looked cool from this angle.

And then, a thought popped into my head as Jake held out a fresh pair of boxers for me to wear. I didn’t feel much apprehension anymore, so I asked, “I can pee standing up now! And I think I need to pee…”

“Uhm… yeah… you can,” Jake said with a puzzled face.

“I wanna try that! Can you help me?”

“Sure,” he shrugged, apparently not getting my excitement.

We headed over to the bathroom. I was still naked, but we weren’t worried about getting caught. Mom never got up here unless we were making way too much noise. She slept downstairs, and once a week, she checked if we cleaned our rooms. Thursdays was laundry and bathroom cleaning day. But other than that, she hardly came up here.

I enjoyed the feeling of the swaying dick in front of me as I opened the door. I was surprised at how easy it was to walk around in the buff. I figured it must be because of the fact that I wasn’t in my own body. Because if I was myself, I’d never even consider doing this. I loved lounging naked in my room. Alone. But now that I did it with my brother around, I had to admit that it felt awesome!

It wasn’t that I was disconnected from my body or anything. It was just that it somehow didn’t bother me. It didn’t even feel weird when Jake was openly examining my own naked body in the mirror. It was a bit difficult to pinpoint, but it seemed like parts of us had merged into one or something. I couldn’t explain it, but my swaying dick was the reason for this realization and epiphany.

“I never knew I had such a tight, round ass,” Jake said with amusement in his voice as he walked behind me.

“I guess we found at least one advantage of our… situation,” I giggled.

We entered the bathroom, and I stepped in front of the toilet. I pushed my hips forward a bit and asked, “And now I just let it go?”

“No. You… uhm… need to grab ‘it’ and aim. You don’t want to miss the bowl and piss off Mom,” he replied.

I was fascinated by all of this, so I grabbed ‘my’ dick and marveled at how good it felt in my fingers. This was actually the first time I consciously held it and wasn’t freaking out as I did. It was thicker and firmer than I expected before all this. And it was also way more flexible. I could point it at just about anything.

But I didn’t want to make it too awkward for Jake, and I really wanted to know how it felt to pee like this, so I relaxed my bladder and felt the liquid start flowing through my dick. A heartbeat later, the stream of piss left my dick and splattered into the toilet bowl. I was amazed by how all of it felt. The flow of liquid inside my dick, the ability to spray just about everywhere by just pointing my dick toward it, and the relief it gave me at the same time. I never knew pissing could be this different between boys and girls.

As the force of my stream died down, and only drops came out of the tip, I asked Jake, “And now what? Do I need to wipe it or something?”

“Just shake off the drops.”

I started shaking my dick a couple of times, and as I squeezed it to push out the last drops, I felt it grow a little in my hand.

“Just shake it, don’t jack it!” Jake giggled beside me as he looked down.

“What do you mean?”

“Just shake it a bit. Don’t overdo it. When you pee with other guys around you, you don’t wanna bone up or make them think you’re spanking it.”

“Ah. I see. And now what?” I asked as I flushed the toilet.

“Here,” Jake said and handed me his boxers, “we need to go and eat now, okay? Otherwise, Mom could get suspicious.”

“You’re right. Let’s do this!”

I pulled up the boxers and immediately realized why men always cup their junk after that. After my dick settled inside the fabric of my boxers, I dressed in shorts and a plain white t-shirt, Jake’s favorite outfit, and we went downstairs.

Copyright 2023 – Jason Crow
All rights reserved

Sunt tardius incipiens ad adepto

I Hate You!

Today, I released my latest story ‘I Hate You!’ The premise isn’t exactly original, but I really like how it turned out with the little twists and turns I added. I won’t reveal the premise here, but I’m sure you’ll recognize it when you read the story.

It’s a nine-chapter story, but a little warning is in order here. I was focused on keeping it short and tidy. But as always, I didn’t manage. It turned out as a small novella at 25K words. The first couple of chapters is plot-only. If you’re just here for a quick ‘pipe-cleaning session,’ I recommend waiting for the last four chapters. But if you’re into a little build-up and interested to see how a story develops: Have fun!

Another (again!? Yes, again!) big shout-out to E-o-F!! He helped me out with some ideas and always manages to fish out the typos. Thanks again, Ed!

And also a thank you to Randall Stanhope! He’s good at pointing out some flaws; this one did have a few. Thanks, Randall!!

But this time, I also had some help from Levi Holland. He was kind enough to read through it and gave me many general tips and pointers. These didn’t all make it into the story, but they will help me become a better writer in general. So, also, a big shout-out to Levi!

Thanks, guys! This all helps a lot!

Anywho… Enjoy the new story! If you can’t find it in the menu, here’s the link.

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