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Tag: The Magnificent Zafar

The Magnificent Zafar – Part three

The Magnificent Zafar – Part Three
Jason Crow

It’s been seven hours and fifteen days since we had our fucking spree during the weekend. Yeah… I was keeping detailed track…. After that memorable weekend, Kevin and I went to school and our normal life had started again. We both had some slight difficulties adapting to our new school, but all in all, we were doing fine. We didn’t come anywhere near to having sex again in the last two weeks and I was feeling hornier by the hour.

About three days ago Kevin left the bathroom door unlocked during his shower, but the moment I wanted to walk in our mom came home and that plan had to be abandoned. Both our parents did their best to adjust their schedules to each other’s, so at least one of them was at home during our first weeks of school. Really nice and thoughtful, but not what we wanted at all!!

The moment it was my mom’s turn to drive, I went with her and Kevin to his water polo practice a few times, so I would at least see some nice bodies. It didn’t help me reducing the horniness of course. It did get me to see Logan though and make small talk with him during the drive to and from the swimming pool. It wasn’t just a nice body, but Logan was a really nice guy. He was a bit timid and afraid to do or say something wrong, but I blamed that on him losing his dad at a young age. I was almost feeling guilty for our plan of molesting him. Almost.

Today mom was working late at her office but our dad was working at home to compensate. He needed to get some work done and said he would be in the study if we needed him. I briefly considered going to mine or Kevin’s room to do some hanky-panky, but I found it too risky. Instead, we both found ourselves lounging on the couch, watching some rerun of The Big Bang Theory.

“I really want to fuck you Laura” Kevin softly said to me out of the blue and smiled at me.

“I really, really, REALLY want you to do that too!” I said. “But we can’t do that now”

“I know…” he trailed off.

“Oh! I almost forgot. How was your sleepover?” I asked.

It was Monday evening now and Kevin had a sleepover over at Logan’s house last Saturday to Sunday. He came back late in the afternoon on Sunday, so I didn’t have a chance to talk to him about this sooner.

“It was great! I even talked him into letting you hypnotize him.”

“Oh? How did you bring that to the table?”

“Well…..” He trailed off. “It sorta happened on its own” and he started blushing furiously.

“NOW you’ve got me curious!”

“I’m not sure if you want to hear this,” he said, as he moved in his seat and looked uncertain.

“Bullshit! I don’t care what you did, as long as you didn’t kill someone and you still want to fuck me” I said and laughed a bit.

“Oh.. Don’t worry about that. I want to fuck you all right! Oh, and we didn’t kill anyone, so don’t worry about that either” and now he smiled that sexy, wicked grin again which made my vagina moisten considerably.


“I arrived at Logan’s house at around 5 p.m.” He started. “His mom opened the door, smiled a really big smile, and let me in.”

“I’m SO glad Logan has found himself a friend,” she said and hugged me.

“It made me feel a bit uncomfortable, which she noticed. She shouted upstairs to inform Logan that I was there and then told me to go upstairs to Logan’s room to get myself installed.”

“When I came upstairs Logan was waiting for me. We bumped fists and showed me his room. And he has a great room I must say!”

“Oh? What’s so great about it?” I asked.

“He’s got his own PlayStation with a huge screen attached to it, A PC in the corner, a king-size bed, and a bathroom for himself in his room! And it’s a big room too! First, it was two separate rooms, but they merged them together.”

“I see. So he has an en suite bathroom?” I smiled.

“A what!?” Kevin asked with a puzzled look on his face.

“That’s what they call a bathroom in a bedroom,” I said, already laughing knowing how much it irritates Kevin when I do this.

“Yeah. Well. Whatever. Good for you… Wiseass….” Kevin smiled and went on with telling the events during the sleepover.

“I threw my bag in a corner and sat on his bed. Logan asked me if I wanted to play Fortnite with him. I would play on his PS and he would join the game from his computer. I said I would rather go and jump on their trampoline, so we went outside.”

“WHAT?!?! You didn’t play a computer game?” I pretended almost falling from the couch hearing this.

Now it was Kevin’s turn to laugh, which he did. He almost choked laughing so hard. Even our dad shouted for us to keep it down a notch.

“Of course not, silly! We played for about an hour, me beating him every time. He’s not real good at this I know now. We turned it off when his mom shouted the pizza was there, so we went downstairs and ate pizza with her while watching some funniest home video’s show. After we polished off the pizza and the show was over, we excused ourselves and went upstairs again. Logan offered to watch a movie on that huge screen of his, which was fine by me. We agreed on watching the new “It” movie. I guess we both didn’t want to wimp out on a scary movie…. Logan asked me to get everything ready because he’d promised his mom he’d take a shower today. So I started selecting the movie, put on my sweats, and got comfortable on his bed. Of course, I’ve seen him naked dozens of times at practice. But now, in this setting, I couldn’t help looking at him” Kevin started to blush as he said this.

I could see he was a bit ashamed of admitting this, so I decided to make it a little less awkward for him.

“Back home in Tampa I had the same experience with Nancy when she took a shower when we were studying at her place. I couldn’t take my eyes off her too. So yeah… I know what you mean.”

I could see Kevin lighting up on that remark, which was good. I wanted all the details of Logan. The more the better and this way maybe Kevin wouldn’t be holding back on me. I even briefly considered hypnotizing him and force him to tell the truth, but I didn’t want to break my promise to Kevin and only use it to spice things up between us.

“Logan came out of the shower and was still drying his hair when he saw me looking at his dick. I quickly asked him about the car crash that caused the scar on his hip. He said that he doesn’t remember a lot about it. He only remembers a fireman lifting him out of the car. It gave me an excuse for looking at his pelvic area and a reason to keep looking. I felt my dick chubbing up a bit, so I started looking him in the eyes and we both smiled at each other. Logan bent over at his closet to take a boxer short. I could barely restrain a giggle because his ass reminded me so much of my own.”

“That must be a real fine ass then!” I laughed.

“Yeah. It is… Thanks for filming mine, sis! It almost got me caught looking at another boy’s ass!” he said with mock sarcasm and he laughed too.

“Logan sat down next to me on the bed in his Jack & Jones boxers as we watched the movie. At one time during the movie, his mom came up with some snacks and drinks. She told us she was going to bed and asked us to keep the noise down a bit. She needed to work the next morning and would be back by noon. We assured her this wasn’t a problem, and that we’d probably sleep in. Logan turned down the volume a bit and we each said good night. It was a bit hot in his room and since Logan was only wearing his underwear, I decided to take off my sweats and chill in just my underwear too. Logan apparently didn’t mind, because it seemed like he barely looked at me. While I undressed he opened a bag of chips for us. It was lying in his lap with him munching it down. As I sat back down he said I could take some too. We took turns grabbing some chips. As the level of chips was going down, I accidentally bumped against Logan’s dick. At first, I didn’t realize it, but the second time, it was quite clear. Logan didn’t move or react in any way, but the fourth time I could feel his boned up dick through the bag.”

“Wow! Didn’t he say or do anything?” I asked.

“Nope. He just sat there watching the movie. The fifth time I was going in for the last crumbs and felt him up as much as I could and he still didn’t move. I looked at him with my peripheral vision and could see a slight blush, but that was it. I was having some mixed feelings about this. I didn’t want to be labeled as gay, but I was also really curious about another guy’s dick. Is that weird?”

“No! No, of course not. I’ve read somewhere that in their puberty everybody is a bit bi-curious. Heck! While you’re being so honest: I’m also curious about touching another girl’s tits and pussy and doing some stuff.” And I blushed a bit.

“Well… I guess I’m bi-curious too then. I mean… The whole experience with Brian back home to me was more… fun… I guess?? This was way more serious to me.”

“Yeah. I guess that makes sense.” I responded.

“Anyway… Because of all this touching, I had a full-blown boner myself and no more sweats to hide it. I casually placed my hand in my lap to cover it a little. But Logan just started licking his fingers clean and threw the bag on the ground. He offered me a can of Coke and opened one himself. I couldn’t help but look at his crotch. As I looked back up at his face, I saw him looking at mine. When our eyes met, he smiled and said something about Beverly, the only girl in the losers club, being hot. Just a moment ago she was sunbathing in her underwear. I guess he was kinda looking for an excuse too.”


“I focused on the movie, hoping my boner would go down, which eventually it did. I did notice Logan’s took a bit longer, but after a while, his tent was gone too. Almost near the end of the movie, I heard a beep next to me and moments later Logan was crawling over me to look at it. I felt his bare chest against mine and his hand brushed against my dick a few times by ‘accident’. It appeared Logan’s got an app or something because he giggled a bit. As he was getting back up he grabbed me again, which caused my boner to come back big time. Logan couldn’t have felt more than me chubbing up, but it was still a bit awkward. He sat back up next to me and now our bodies were touching because he made me look at his phone. He’d got a pretty hot little movie about a woman getting fucked by three men. After a few moments of this, the text ‘Airlocked’ appeared onscreen which caused Logan to laugh again.”

“Airlocked??” I asked.

“Yeah. Logan explained it to me. That’s when a girl gets every hole filled, so no air can go in or out. If you know what I mean.”

“Aha… Airlocked…. Gotta try that sometime” I laughed.

“It was a pretty hot little clip, so there we were again with our boners. We watched the movie again. A few minutes later, it was almost over and so were the drinks. My dick had gone down a bit but not completely soft and I could see Logan was in pretty much the same condition. We were now both watching the movie intensely and it was a pretty tense ending. After it was over we talked about Beverly, whom we both found quite hot. Logan then surprised me big time. And I mean really surprised me! Out of the blue, he asked me if I wanted to watch some porn and jerk off together because he was pretty worked up. Well… I was worked up too, but a bit afraid to admit it. But then again… I was also very interested in watching him beat off, but couldn’t say that of course. He started to say that it was normal to do this, not gay at all, and more of that stuff. So after just a tiny little convincing, I agreed.

Logan took the remote and switched his TV to his PC. With his phone, he opened up something and a few moments later a sunbathing girl was asking the pool boy, who was wearing some very short cut-off jeans if he could rub some sun lotion on her back. Pretty corny huh!? But hey, it worked for us. By the time the girl was naked, Logan took off his boxers and threw them across the room. I couldn’t take my eyes off of his stiff dick, but also figured I wouldn’t get away with this too long. So I quickly took off my boxers too and started stroking my dick. Logan scooted closer to me and draped his leg over mine. I didn’t mind a bit. It added a whole new level to the experience. As I was getting in a rhythm, I glanced over at Logan who was now openly looking at my dick, while stroking his own. He complimented me on my dick being so big. I only could say the same, because his dick looked almost the same.

He said I was probably right, but we could only find it out one way. So he brushed my hand away and took hold of my dick and urged me to do the same. Not wanting to miss out on this opportunity, I immediately took hold of his dick, which was indeed almost the same, but a little thinner. We lay like this for a few moments, both pretending to compare dicks, but it REALLY got me going. So I figured ‘what the hell’ and slowly started stroking Logan’s dick. He softly moaned and his hand slowly started to move up and down on my dick.”

“Wow! I would’ve loved seeing that!” I commented, squeezing my legs together trying to take off some pressure from my soaking wet pussy.

“Yeah… It was hot! It wasn’t long before Logan started to gasp and moan and after a few more strokes he grunted and his cum spurted all over his belly and my hand. I was close too and while he came, his hand moved faster on my dick causing me to shoot off too. My cum flew all over me and over his hand.

We both were panting and I started to feel a bit uneasy about the whole situation. I quickly let go of his now softening dick and I couldn’t look at Logan. I just wanted to get dressed and go to sleep as soon as I could. Logan didn’t seem to feel uneasy at all though. He just stated that this was great and that he needed this. He picked up a towel from under his bed, wiped himself clean, and handed the towel to me. As I wiped the cum off my chest, Logan got off the bed, went to his “EN SUITE” and drank a glass of water.

He came back and offered me a glass too. He stood there looking at me with his semi-hard dick pointing forward, but he didn’t seem to act be any different than when the day started.

He just kept making small talk like nothing had happened and got under the covers. The way he acted made me feel a lot less awkward, and I got under the covers too. We talked some more about the movie and I almost forgot we were both naked In bed under the same blanket.”

Kevin looked at me with a bit of a flushed face and with question marks in his eyes.

“Now… Do you still think this isn’t gay?” he asked.

“Nope. I don’t think so. I now wish that back home with Nancy, I would’ve had the balls to do something similar! It’s a great way to get off without all the hassle!”

“Well….” Kevin trailed off. “Just before we went to sleep, Logan said we should do this again sometime….”

“And you should!” I stated. “Do you know what we need to do too??”


“We need to find a way to get ME in the mix too”

“Right!” Kevin said very enthusiastically. “That would be totally awesome!”


I was turned-on thanks to the story Kevin was telling me, and I did notice he had a pretty obvious hard-on, so the memories of last weekend were affecting him too. Despite all this, he kept talking about last weekend.

“The next morning, it took me a little time to realize I wasn’t in my own bed. It was warm in Logan’s room and I think that’s the reason we kicked down the blanket during the night.

Most of the lower part of my body was still under the blanket, but Logan was lying completely exposed on his back. His morning wood was sticking up, which immediately reminded me of the events before we went to sleep.

I was also sporting some serious wood and seeing Logan lying this way, made me needing to adjust my boner and tug on it a little bit to get the edge off. My movements must’ve caused Logan to wake up because he stirred and slowly opened his eyes. He looked down and saw me adjusting my boner, which immediately brought a smile to his face.

He rolled on his side, took my dick in his hand, and slowly started wanking me. I couldn’t help but moan as his hand was massaging my dick and reached out to help him out too. But before I reached his dick, Logan shifted his body a bit. I figured to give me better access to his junk, but he started moving down. I immediately knew where this was going and I couldn’t, nor wanted to stop it. His head was inches above my dick and he opened his mouth.

Right at that moment, I heard the front door close and footsteps coming up the stairs. Logan quickly laid back down next to me and pulled up the sheet over our bodies. At that moment we heard a knock on the door asking his mom if we were up already. Logan said we were and we were just getting up. His mom opened the door just a crack and peek inside smiling at us. She urged us to get up so she could make waffles and we’d all have breakfast together.

We both said we’d like that a lot and we would get down as quickly as possible. She closed the door went back downstairs so Logan and I could get a shower. Logan smiled at me and said that this was a close call. I giggled too and stepped under the water with Logan following behind me. We quickly did our thing and our boners were going down in the process. Nothing more happened and we both didn’t talk about what we did and were going to do. I DID talk to him about your hypnotic powers by the way!”

“Really!? What did you say?” I asked curiously.

“At the breakfast table, his mom mentioned to him that his new magician’s book will be delivered the next day. At first, Logan responded evasively. I guess because he was afraid I might think it’s a bit nerdy.

But when I said you master a lot of magic tricks and that we even did a show together, his eyes lit up and the next thing I knew, he couldn’t stop talking about it. He’s curious about some of your tricks I mentioned, but most of all he wants to know about the hypnosis.”

“Cool! So he wants to know more?”

“Definitely! And his mom thinks it’s really good to exchange information with another magician. So I invited him over next Saturday when mom and dad are gone with dad’s office. Still need to talk about mom and dad if it’s okay with them, but I guess that that won’t be a problem. Do you?”

“No. I guess not. Mom likes Logan, and dad doesn’t care as long as we don’t throw a party”
“So,” Kevin continued, “I guess next Saturday we can test our first hypnosis victim” and started giggling like a little girl. I couldn’t help myself and started giggling too.

Dad walked past us to the kitchen and looked at us with a big question mark on his face, but said or asked nothing.

“I’m going upstairs and finger myself silly” I whispered in Kevin’s ear. “Your story was so fucking hot! Can’t wait till Saturday! If you need any help making this work, just let me know, okay?”
As I stood up, I pretended to fall over and squeezed his hard dick through his sweats making him moan softly. Then I went upstairs and indeed fingered myself silly. Two orgasms in a row to be exact, thinking about Kevin and Logan getting it on.


The week crept by so slowly it almost hurt. I couldn’t wait until it was Saturday. But it seemed like time itself had slowed down. Kevin and I both had made some plans and then talked about these plans, chose the ones we liked best. Then we talked about it a bit more and fine-tuned them in a few places.

Kevin even urged me to use my power on him if the situation called for it. He also talked to our mom and dad about Logan coming over and they both came to me separately if I was okay with it. I found that extremely funny because I was the one who came up with the idea of getting Logan in the mix. But they couldn’t know that of course, so I tried to keep a straight face and tried to look apprehensive, but of course, agreed to let Logan sleep at our place.

So. After they both agreed with it, and they both thought it was a good idea, Kevin sent out an app to Logan to give the green light for the weekend. In almost under a microsecond Logan responded that it was fantastic news and that he would come over. So that was it. Our plan was in motion and now the preparations for the weekend could begin. Kevin and I made sure everything was set in the attic and that the podium was clean and ready to go.

I went to bed on Friday evening, afraid I couldn’t sleep. But after a nice and thorough masturbation session, sleep came quickly. I woke up around 10:30 on Saturday and immediately my thoughts went to the afternoon. Excited I got out of bed, took a shower, got dressed, and went downstairs. In the hallway, the suitcases of our mom and dad were already there.

They said they would leave around noon and wouldn’t be back until around four pm. on Sunday afternoon. This was almost exactly what we calculated as the best possible scenario, meaning this would give us plenty of room to fool around. As I was eating my breakfast

Kevin came down and I could see in his eyes that he was also psyched. After hearing all the do’s and don’ts from mom and dad and saying there was some money for pizza and stuff, they were on their way and we’d be having the house for more than a full day to ourselves.

After we were done waving goodbye we went inside and gave each other a firm hug. We started making out pretty hardcore and I could feel Kevin’s stiff dick pressing against me. After a few moments of this, I reluctantly broke the hug.

“We should be getting things ready. This needs to wait for later. Why don’t you get the hot tub ready, then I’ll start putting on my bikini.“ I said.

“OK… ”Kevin said, but he looked a bit disappointed. “I was hoping we could fool around a bit before Logan comes over.”

“Yeah, well… He’ll be here in less than half an hour. There won’t be a lot of time to fool around and we need to make sure everything is set for the rest of the day.”

“I know… You’re right. As always…” he trailed off.

I gave Kevin another hug, squeezed his softening dick through his pants again, which caused him to moan. Again… And then went upstairs to change. I made sure to wear my nice two-piece yellow bikini.

I wrapped a towel around me so it wouldn’t be too obvious that I was wearing a bikini. We agreed that I would be waiting in my room until Logan showed up. Luckily I didn’t have to wait that long before the doorbell rang. I heard Kevin and Logan talking downstairs and Logan shouting goodbye to his mom. Moments later I heard footsteps coming up the stairs. I waited a few moments and as they passed my room, I walked out. As I did this, I almost bumped into Logan.

“Oh hi, Logan!” I said, acting surprised.

“Hi Laura” Logan timidly answered and looking at the ground.

“Welcome to our humble home,” I said trying to make conversation. “I heard you’re spending the night with us?”

“Yeah. I do. Thanks for having me” he said, still not looking me directly in the eyes.

“Kevin said you wanted to talk to me about some of my magic tricks, right?”

“Oh yeah! I’d really like to exchange ideas and tricks! If that’s fine with you of course”.

That’s better. Bringing up the magic tricks sparked something in him and now he was acting more like the Logan I saw when he was with Kevin. He even started looking directly at me now. It also made me look at him.

“He sure is a hottie,” I thought to myself.

Right now he was wearing khaki-colored cargo pants and a black, long-sleeved shirt with some Iron Maiden print on it. The cargo pants were made of some soft fabric, which formed snugly around his front and back. I could see a nice bulge where his penis was. I made a mental note to also check his butt when he turned around.

“Hey! You know what? I said. “I was on my way to the hot tub to relax a bit. Why don’t you guys join me, so we can talk a bit about that stuff?”

“Oh… Uhmm… I didn’t bring my swimming trunks”

“No problem” Kevin chipped in. “You can wear one of my spare speedo’s”

“Okay. Great!” Logan said.

“All right. I’ll go ahead. See you guys downstairs.”

And Logan and Kevin were off to Kevin’s room. I took a quick peek at Logan’s butt and decided that these cargo pants were doing great things for his butt. Feeling my vagina moistening a bit more, I went downstairs to the tub. Kevin had already made all the arrangements, so I just had to lose my towel and get in.

I made sure to not put my towel within reach so I had to show my body to the boys when I got out to dry off. Another thing I made sure of, was making my bikini top wet. That way my nipples would get nicely hard when the boys walked in. I would only have to get my boobs out of the water and the cool breeze would do the rest. I know… Better be prepared!

So there I was. All set and ready to keep the wheels in motion. I couldn’t resist it, so I gave my already swollen clit a tiny rubdown. I didn’t want to cum, but the anticipation of what would be coming got me so worked up, I needed to flip the switch on my little button.

“No way man! Arthur Morgan is way cooler than Franklin Clinton!” I heard Kevin say.

I took my hand out of my bikini bottom and looked over to the door where the boys would be appearing soon. I made sure my boobs were out of the water, so my nipples were already hard and visible. The fact that my yellow bikini would become just slightly transparent, would probably help too. It wasn’t much, but if you looked hard enough, you could see a bit of my nipple and areola through my top.

The moment Kevin and Logan walked through the door, I could feel a shiver going through my body. Both of them were wearing speedo’s, which I’ve seen before of course, but the atmosphere was different now and so was the effect it was having on me.

They were quite clearly both lefties… Their speedos did nothing to hide that fact. But Logan was wearing one of Kevin’s old ones and…Oh boy! Where Kevin’s speedos were skimpy, the one Logan was wearing, was even skimpier!

With Kevin’s at least the top band of his speedo’s was clinging to his body. The actual fabric of the speedo’s begun lower. This was tight and left nothing to the imagination because his dickhead showed through. Again… Nothing I hadn’t seen before. But Logan’s junk was even more on display. The waistband didn’t have enough room to fully cling to his body.

About half of it was lying on top of his sideways pointing dick. And of course, his pubes were showing because there simply wasn’t enough room to hide them inside the speedos. But the way Logan acted, he seemed to be proud of his pubes and showing off, which I found a bit odd considering him being so timid around me. The elastic fabric was stretched to its limit, which also meant that a tiny hint of his sack was on display on both sides.

All of this took me a few milliseconds to see and digest. I also realized that making my boobs wet to show off my nipples wasn’t necessary. They popped up even more than they did already. Both boys used their hands holding both ends of the towels they were wearing around their necks and were chatting about some videogame stuff. I didn’t know if they did this on purpose, but this way I could take in their bodies quite nicely.

The moment Logan noticed me in the tub, he took his towel from his neck and kind of held it in front of his groin, while trying not to make it too obvious he was hiding his groin area. When they reached the pool they probably realized that this argument they were having about the game they were talking about, wasn’t any of my interest, so they agreed to disagree.

“How’s the water, Laura?” Kevin asked.

“It’s great! I’m totally relaxed” I smiled. “Good to see you could help Logan out”

“Yeah… We wouldn’t want him to walk around naked now, do we?” Kevin said with mock seriousness.

“No! We sure wouldn’t want that!” Logan said with a bit of a blush on his face.

“Well… Thanks to Kevin you don’t have to. Come on in guys!”

Kevin entered the tub first and just like we planned he sat on my right, which meant there was only one logical space left in the tub, which was beside me on my left. When Logan came in, it was obvious he was trying to not stare at my boobs. I quickly made eye contact with Kevin who saw it too and gave me a wink. I made sure my leg was touching Logan’s and I pushed my boobs forward a bit.

Kevin hung back and started to relax. He spread his legs and doing so, touching my leg. His whole body, including his bulge, was visible through the clear water of the tub. Maybe it was my imagination, but it looked like he was getting a boner. His dick seemed a bit bigger than when they arrived. Logan on the other hand seemed a bit tense. He was sitting up straight and had his hands in his lap.

“Maybe he’s sporting wood too.” I thought to myself.

Wanting to make Logan feel comfortable, I started chatting about a new trick I recently learned. As we chatted away, Logan quickly relaxed and felt more at ease. I did see him take a few glances at my boobs and figured these were good signs. To keep that momentum going, I made sure to dip ‘em underwater from time to time, so my top would stay slightly transparent and my nipples would remain hard. I wanted Logan to be at least a little worked up.

During our talk about the tricks, I also made sure to touch him every now and again on his shoulder or chest and of course a playful slap when he made a joke. A few things were a secret that I didn’t want Kevin to hear, so I whispered them in Logan’s ear. While doing that, I made sure my boobs were pressed against him.

If he had any more experience with girls, he would have known for sure I was seriously hitting on him, and looking down in the water, I saw only a glimpse of what looked like his boner, because almost all the time he had his hands in his lap, making sure I couldn’t see his stuff.

I did found out he did know a thing or two about magic tricks. He gave me a few pointers on some of my tricks and he was impressed with some of the stuff I did. Eventually, the topic of hypnotism came up. Logan wanted to know if I could teach him. I couldn’t teach him of course but offered him to be hypnotized.

“I’m sorry. But I can’t be hypnotized, Laura” Logan said, just like Kevin had done the first time “But if you want to try, I’m game!”

“Chill, dude” Kevin joined in. “I already told you she’s really good at it! I figured I couldn’t be hypnotized either, yet she managed. So I wouldn’t be too sure about that.”

“Well… We’ll just have to see then, don’t we?” I said. “Why don’t we try it out after we’re done here?”

“Okay… I’m done!” Kevin said, and just as we had talked about earlier and he stood up to make his point.

I looked at him and watching him standing there with his junk clearly visible through his speedo’s, made my spine tingle once again. God! I was SO attracted to him! Logan apparently wanted some action too and he mimicked Kevin. Seeing him in his skimpy speedo’s with even more of him visible than with Kevin, made me feel like I was a spoiled kid in a candy store.

Not wanting to miss out on anything, I also got off my butt and stood next to the boys. This made me realize that if my top was a bit transparent, so would my bottom. Up until now, I’ve only used this bikini to sunbathe. So there I was… Two pairs of eyes roaming my body. And instead of feeling exposed, I was feeling a big surge of power. This power was emphasized by seeing both boys chubbing up while they were looking at me.

“All right then. Let’s get dry, change, and head upstairs. It’s Hypno time!” I announced.

Both boys snapped out of their trance and looked at my face. I smiled and turned around to get out and grab my towel. Knowing fully well that this would show off my ass to the boys, I couldn’t suppress a smile on my face. I took my towel and started drying off.

I looked at Kevin still standing in the tub as he was obviously checking me out as much as possible judging by the way his eyes roamed over my body and saw his full-on boner on display. His speedos couldn’t hide this fact, considering the way a tiny bit of the top of his dick peeked above the waistband. He didn’t know this or didn’t care, which was both fine by me.

Logan however was doing his best to not look at me and concentrated on drying off. He climbed out of the tub and hid his groin once again. I guess he didn’t want to offend me in any way, but of course, the opposite was true. Logan and I stood side by side with Logan’s back turned to me. This way he was looking at Kevin. I could hear him clear his throat subtlety which involuntarily caused me to look over that way. I saw Kevin smiling and quickly put his hands in front of him, which caused Logan to giggle a bit. I pretended not to notice all of this and continued drying off.

When I was done, I threw my towel over my neck instead of wrapping it around my body like before as there was no more reason to hide my body. I was having the desired effect on them and it turned me on greatly knowing I was the source of that effect. As I started walking toward the house and they were starting to close the lid on the tub, I could hear both of them whispering at each other. I could barely hear what it was about, but slowing down my pace and concentrating on the sound, made it doable.

“Dude! Did you just bone up over your sister?”

“Duh… Yeah! Did you see her? You could practically see it all through her bikini! And by the way… You totally boned up too!”

“Yeah… I did. But she’s not my sister.”

“So what!? I don’t care… She’s hot!”

“Yeah. You’re right. If she was my sister, I’d totally do her…” And he started to giggle.

“Well… If we…”

At that moment I couldn’t hear what they were saying anymore. I went upstairs, got inside my room, and made sure the door was a little ajar. Last night Kevin and I moved my full-length mirror and placed it in a rather illogical place in my room, but this way they could see the reflection of me changing through the crack of my door in the mirror if I stood at the correct place.

It was a good thing we checked this last night otherwise, this couldn’t possibly have worked. By the time the boys came upstairs I already lost my bikini and put on my lace, almost see-through, thong I bought when I went shopping with my mom. I waited a few moments with putting on my, also see-through, bra. Hearing the muffled words coming from Kevin’s room was my cue. Kevin should have shown Logan by now that they could watch me change.

That’s when I stepped in the right position while putting on my bra. My tits were only covered by thin, see-through lace and my nipples were as hard as diamonds by now. I made a show of pretending to check out how I looked and made sure to turn around a few times, so both boys could drink in the sight. It took me a lot of willpower not to look back at them, though in my peripheral vision I could see their faces above each other, just like in some old cartoon. I was getting hornier by the minute being exposed like this but figured I couldn’t prolong it much longer.

A little reluctant I started putting on the rest of my clothes. I had one last trick up my sleeve doing this. I bent over to pick up my skirt. I had to turn my back toward the mirror doing this, which meant my complete backside was exposed to the boys. Maybe it was my imagination, but I could swear I heard some gasps coming from Kevin’s room. I slowly pulled up my short skirt and put on my sleeveless shirt I also wore at the last show. The only difference in my outfit was a shorter skirt. And the underwear of course, but no one could see that.


I was already upstairs and on stage and had turned on all the lights and stuff when the boys came upstairs. Logan’s eyes were as big as saucers as he looked around at my setup.

“Woah! This is totally awesome!! Is this all yours??”

“Yep! The previous owner left all this stuff in the attic. It’s amazing isn’t it??” I smiled.

“Amazing?!?! It’s great! Do you know how much this stuff costs?”

I laughed at how much he was impressed. I figured there was also a hint of jealousy in there, but he was too kind to show that. Kevin walked in behind Logan and was laughing too.

“Pretty neat huh!? I told ya!” and he playfully punched Logan’s shoulder.

“Hey!! Is that a vanishing cabinet?” He asked and walked over so quickly he stumbled over some stuff lying on the ground.

We both checked out the cabinet and I showed him how it worked. He wasn’t that shy kid anymore around here. That much was clear. I could see Kevin smiling at us and he took his phone out of his pants to check his messages or something. Logan and I checked out some more of the bigger tricks and tried some of the other stuff. I couldn’t help myself checking him out once and again. He’d put on the cargo pants and the Iron Maiden shirt he had on earlier, which gave me another great view of his backside and his package on the front.

“Okay, Logan. Why don’t you go and sit on the chair there?” I asked and pointed to the chair I’ve placed on the stage.

“Are you going to try to hypnotize me now?”

“Yup! And trust me. I’m not trying!” I smiled. “You know what?!? Kevin will film everything you do when you’re under. That way you’ll have proof it worked because you won’t remember anything from it. Is that okay?”

“That’s a great idea. Do it Kevin, but please use my phone”

“Why?” Kevin asked.

“Because when you make me do embarrassing stuff, I can delete it.”

“Don’t worry. We won’t let you do anything embarrassing or dangerous. Trust me!”

“Okay. I trust you. But still… Use my phone please” he smiled.

Logan unlocked his phone and gave it to Kevin. I couldn’t blame him. In the meantime, I took the pendant from my neck and showed it to Logan.

“Keep looking at it as I sway it in front of your face”

“Really!? Is it THAT corny??” Logan asked in disbelief.

“Trust me, dude… It’ll work” I heard Kevin say from behind me.

“Will you please step back a little Kevin? I need to concentrate here”

Kevin did as I asked him and stepped off the podium. I started swinging the pendant in front of Logan’s face and said some of the stuff you see on the T.V. when they hypnotize someone. I did see Logan was trying to do as I told him and he constantly kept his eyes on the pendant. After a few more moments I leaned forward and put my mouth next to his ear.

“Brimba Zafara Memosal” I whispered and, just like with Kevin, nothing seemed to happen.

“Annnnddd. Sleep!” I said.

At that moment Logan fell forward on his knees and was out like a light. I couldn’t hold back a giggle and I could hear Kevin approaching me from behind.

“Did it work!?” he asked.

“Well… Duh…” I answered. “I told you it would”

“Awesome! Hey Logan! Stand up and take off your shirt!” he said.

But of course, nothing happened. Logan kept lying in his lap and didn’t even move.

“It’ll only work when I give him orders. Start recording Kevin”

Kevin held Logan’s phone in front of him and opened up the video app. He stepped aside so he could get me and Logan in one shot. I had thought about what would be wise to start with. And I didn’t think it would be a good idea to immediately let him take off his clothes.

“Okay, Logan. When you wake up you cannot speak English anymore. You can only bark like a dog. And you’ll only be able to stand on your left leg. If you understand this, please nod” I said quite clearly, so it could be heard on the video.

“Okay, Logan. Wake up and stand on your feet please”

Logan’s head went up, he looked around and stood up. He almost fell because he was indeed trying to do it by using his left leg only. After a few moments, he stood straight and looked me in the eyes.

“Can you tell us how you feel Logan?” I asked.

Logan looked at me and I could see he was thinking he was talking to me. But all we could hear was the sound of a dog barking. It was just as funny as when Kevin could only bray like a donkey.

I could hear Kevin laughing behind me. I let Logan finish his sentence and looked at him. I figured the tricks I first did with Kevin were as good as any, so I would do that again. Kevin didn’t remember anything and it would be funny as hell.

“Okay, Logan. Sit down please.” And he clumsily sat back down.

“Annndd…. Sleep!”

Logan fell over in his lap again. Kevin stopped filming and walked up to me.

“That was funny!” he laughed. “Now what?”

“I want to try one more thing and then we show the videos to him. Okay?”

Kevin walked back to his spot and held the phone in front of him again.

“Wait for one second Kevin. I want to tell him something I don’t want you to record”

“Oh!? Okay,” and he looked at me with a puzzled face.

“Okay, Logan. Listen carefully. In a few moments, I’ll tell you to wake up and I’ll give you a few assignments. But from now on, you will have a boner the entire time. Is that clear?”

He nodded again. I had no idea if the hypnosis was powerful enough to let him have a boner, but if it did, it would be a nice and subtle touch I figured.

“Wow! Will that work?” I heard Kevin say behind me.

“I don’t know. But if it will, I could get rich!” I giggled. “Now you can start recording, Kevin”

I heard the beep coming from the phone and Kevin gave me a thumbs up.

“Okay Logan, When I tell you to wake up, you can talk normally again, and both your legs work. There is one problem though. Your butt will be glued to the seat of the chair you’re sitting on. You also took off your clothes and put them on the ground at Kevin’s feet. When I say the word ‘Budweiser‘, the glue will dissolve and at that moment, you are no longer glued to the chair. Do you understand?” Another nod.

“Okay, Logan. You can wake up now.”

Logan sat back up and looked up at me with a smile.

“How are you feeling, Logan?” I asked while trying to take quick peeks at his crotch.

“Great! Thanks. Why do you ask?”

I wasn’t quite sure and maybe it was just my imagination, but it did seem like something was growing in his pants.

“I was wondering if you weren’t getting cold up here in the attic without your clothes on” I simply stated.

Logan quickly looked down and I could see the panic in his eyes as he looked back up at me. In a reflex, he immediately placed his hands in his lap and turned beet red. He tried to get up from his chair, but the imaginary glue held him in place. He tried this a few times and then looked at me with a pleading look on his face.

“Uhhhh… Can you please hand me my clothes, Laura?”

“Why don’t you get them yourself?”

“I can’t! There seems to be something wrong with this chair!”

The panic was pretty obvious in his voice. I could see Kevin giggling behind the phone, but was still recording everything.

“I’ll make the glue go away, so you can get them yourself. Is that okay?”

“Can you do that!?” He asked with relief in his voice. “That would be awesome!”


And immediately Logan got off the chair. The moment he stood, the erection in his pants was obvious, but he didn’t seem to notice.

“Wow! That was a great idea! That Pendant is damn powerful” I thought to myself.
Logan quickly walked over to Kevin to get his imaginary clothes, his boner tenting out his pants.

“And….. Sleep!” I said.

Immediately Logan stopped walking and stood still with his head hanging down like he was sleeping while standing up. I heard Kevin’s phone bleep, indicating his recording of Logan’s movements had stopped.

“That was funny!! And the boner thing sure worked..” Kevin said while looking at Logan’s crotch.

“It sure did. I didn’t expect it would though.” I honestly said while also eyeing Logan’s boner.

“Now what?”

“Well…. Of course, we let Logan see the video, but first I… ahem… The Magnificent Zafar… must say a few things to him.”

Kevin nodded. I stepped a little closer to Logan and as I did, I felt the tip of his boner pressing against my hip. This sparked a little tingle inside my pussy. I reluctantly moved a little, so he wasn’t touching me anymore.

“Okay Logan,” I said to him. “When I tell you that you can wake up again, you won’t remember anything from what happened during your time on stage. Your boner will remain hard as it is now, but you won’t notice it. Not on your body and not on the video or pictures. Nod if you understand.”

Logan nodded of course.

“A few minutes after you wake up, you start to feel hot. You’ll feel that your clothes are making you way too hot, but you can’t touch your clothes. Only Kevin or I can touch your clothes and take them off. Do you understand this?”

Another nod.

“When I say the word ‘balloon’ small, but powerful balloons are tied to your wrists, making them being pulled up by the power of these balloons. The word “untie” will release them from your wrists. When I say the word ‘Corndog’ you slowly get horny and hornier by the minute. You’ll eventually get as horny as you’ve ever been. Is this clear?”

He nodded again.

“Lastly, when I tell you to wake up, you won’t be able to lie. Only the truth can come from your mouth. When you are awake in a few moments you’ll feel normal and can make your own decisions as if you weren’t hypnotized. You’ll only respond to the trigger words if I, and I alone say them to you. Are all of those things clear??”

He nodded while still standing asleep.

“That was a lot of commands,” I said to Kevin. “I hope I didn’t overdo it.”
“It’ll be fine Laura. Don’t worry” he assured me. “But uh… The Corndog thing I get, but why the balloons?”

“Well… I figured if he wants to hide or needs to touch ‘something’” I said making air quotes, “He won’t be able to do that.” I responded

”Ah. I see. Have you imprinted a trigger phrase already?”

“Dammit!! No! I forgot.” I responded and feeling stupid. “I’m not sure if I should give him so many orders.”

“Well… I guess one more can’t hurt. Can it??”

“I don’t know. I’ve never given this many orders.”

“Then there’s only one way to find out” Kevin smiled.

“I guess you’re right. What should it be?”

“Well…. You use the Simpsons on me. So why not use ‘Aye Caramba!’ on Logan?” he said, looking a bit mischievous.

“Sure. Why not?? As long as it isn’t a sentence you regularly say, it shouldn’t be a problem. Okay. One moment.”

Kevin stood back fiddling with the phone as I imprinted yet another trigger phrase on Logan. Poor boy. All the while he just stood there with his head hanging and his boner proudly sticking forward. I wasn’t an expert on boy’s anatomy, but of course, I heard the ‘blue balls’ and ‘hurting boner’ stories from my friends back home. I wasn’t sure if this boner which was created by Zafar was the same as a regular boner, but if it was this could become a problem for Logan.

“Hey, Kevin?”

“Did it work?” he asked.

“Sure. Well… I guess so. I didn’t do anything different with you, so I guess it’ll work. But I was wondering..” I trailed off.


“Doesn’t a boner start to hurt after a while?”

“Uhhh” and he started to blush. “Sometimes it does and you need to… Relieve it if you know what I mean.”

“I do,” I said smiling. I found it cute that he still was a bit shy talking about this stuff with me, after everything we’d already done together.

“Well… When he wakes up he’ll probably tell because of the ‘truth serum’. Won’t he?” Kevin said.

“You’re right. Let’s wake him up and have some fun!!”

“All right!! I’ve got the video ready, so let’s go” Kevin said and I could see the same anticipation as I felt in his eyes.

“Okay, Logan. You can wake up now.”

At first, nothing happened and I started to feel a bit of panic boiling up. But after a few moments, his eyes opened and he blinked a few times. Then he looked up at me and slowly a smile spread across his face.

“It didn’t work. Did it?” he smiled but looked a tiny bit uncertain.

“Dude! You were WAY out of it!” Kevin said as he playfully hit Logan on his shoulder.


“Yup,” I said. “And we have the video to prove it.

“Right.” He said and Kevin handed him the phone.

We all looked at the video of Logan’s hypnosis and all laughed at the way he behaved. At the end of the video, his hard-on was really obvious and couldn’t be missed on the video, but Logan didn’t say a thing as if he didn’t see it. This for me was a good indication that the orders I gave him had worked.

“I must admit it, Laura. This is a great act! Especially the part where I’m glued to the chair. It seems so real!”

As Logan scrolled back to that part of the video, I could see little drops of sweat forming on his forehead. I glanced over at Kevin and saw him looking at this too and he smiled a knowing smile at me. This was going fantastic!

“You’re getting hot bro?” Kevin casually asked Logan.

“I am. I’m almost burning up. But I cannot roll up the sleeves of my shirt” Logan said while his hands seem to be being held back by an invisible force field.

“Here… Let me help” I offered and rolled up his sleeves.

“I don’t know what’s going on here, but this helps for now. Thank you, Laura!”

“You’re welcome” and we looked at the video again. Kevin and me just to kill some time.

A few moments after we looked back at the screen, Logan’s hands went to the bottom of his shirt. But his hands stopped just before he could touch his shirt. I could hear Logan curse under his breath.

“What’s wrong?” I asked as innocent I could.

“I don’t know,” he said a bit agitated. “It’s freakin’ hot in here and I can’t even lift my shirt to let some air under it”

“Shall I help?”

“Yes please!” Logan said with obvious relief in his voice.

I stood in front of Logan and took the hem of his shirt and started lifting it. I guess Logan didn’t expect this, but when he figured out my intentions, he looked relieved and lifted his arms to let me take off his shirt. I couldn’t help myself anymore and casually let my hands glide over his six-pack.

“You poor thing! You’re all sweaty” I said with mock pity.

“I know. Did you turn op the heat in here?”

I could hear Kevin giggle beside me and he said: ”Why don’t you take his pants off too Laura? That way he can cool off even better.”

This was a moment that would make or break the evening. I looked into Logan’s eyes and tried to read his reaction. He doubted a few moments but after that, I could see the determination in his eyes. At that moment I could swear I could read his mind, but of course, even the Magnificent Zafar couldn’t have that much power. But I sure felt something at that moment.

Looking back at it I’m pretty sure if Logan realized he had a boner, he would’ve never let me take off his pants. But hey! He didn’t know he had one! So my hand started working on his belt, next came his button, and lastly the zipper. As I worked on his zipper, I could feel the heat from his boner behind it and felt its hardness beneath the fabric. It was pretty hot undressing him and opening up his pants. All the while Logan smiled at me thankfully.

After I was done with the zipper and his checkered Jack & Jones boxers came into view, I could feel myself getting soaked. I didn’t think it would be this big of a turn on for me, undressing a boy. I skinned off his pants and as they went down his legs, I squatted in front of him.

This of course brought me at eye level with his boner and it looked magnificent up close, hidden only by a thin layer of cotton. His dickhead was clearly visible through the fabric, but I could also see he hadn’t leaked any precum yet which I found interesting. All of this took just a few moments and as his pants reached his feet, Logan stepped out of them and I stood back up.

“Ahhh… That’s much better.” Logan said. Still oblivious of his boner which was obscenely stretching the fabric of his underwear.

I looked him in his eyes and near his hip, I put my finger in the waistband of his boxers.

“Aren’t these hot too??” I asked with a bit of a husky voice.

“Well…. Yeah. They are. They feel like they’re on fire! But I can’t take these off now. Can I?” He laughed.

“Why not?” I heard Kevin ask behind me.

This obviously took a moment to sink in. Logan looked at Kevin with his mouth slightly open as he was forming the right words in his head.

“Then you’ll both see me naked!!” Logan said to us as if we were stupid.

“So? Laura sees me naked all the time. So she’s used to seeing a boy naked. No biggie. Right sis?”

“Right. I don’t mind really.”

This seemed to make it even more difficult for Logan, but this time he didn’t respond at all. He just looked at us.

“Look Logan, if you’re hot, you’re hot. And if taking this of help, I don’t see why not to take it off. If you feel too shy, Keven will take ‘em off and I’ll look the other way. But as far as I can see now, you’ve got nothing to be embarrassed about.” And I smiled my sweetest sincere smile at Logan to make him feel as comfortable as possible.

Logan looked at us with a bit of disbelief in his eyes. But I could see he was also seriously thinking about it.

“Wait… You let her see you naked?” Logan said as if it just sunk in.

“Sure! Why not?” Kevin responded.

“I like seeing him naked and he doesn’t mind. So yeah… Why not??”

“I guess you’re right… I think..” he answered doubtfully.

“Hey Logan, will it help if I get naked?” Kevin offered.

That took both Logan and me by surprise. We hadn’t discussed this, but I liked the way this was going. Seeing two of these gorgeous bodies in their full glory… So I wasn’t going to argue with Kevin.

“That way you won’t be the only one and you’ve both seen me naked already, so I don’t mind,” Kevin continued and already kicked off his shoes.

Kevin didn’t give Logan much time to think. He was already taking off his shirt and tossing it aside. He started opening his pants and looked at me with a wicked smile. I looked at Logan and he was watching Kevin’s every move very closely.

We both watched silently while Kevin stepped out of his pants and hooked his thumbs in the waistband of his boxers. He looked me straight in my eyes and slowly, but steadily slipped off his underwear. In my peripheral vision, I could see he wasn’t hard yet. I couldn’t resist and looked at his dick. He wasn’t hard. I’d seen that correct. But he wasn’t soft either. I couldn’t blame him though. I was getting wetter myself. I looked over at Logan and he was openly staring at Kevin’s dick.

“So. Now let’s help you out, Logan.” Kevin said and walked over to Logan.

“I’ll turn around,” I said, trying to make our odds as best as possible, and did just that.

I heard some ruffling behind me and a few moments later Logan sighed.

“Thanks, Kevin! I don’t know what’s going on, but this helps a lot! It’s like a ring of fire is lifted from my hips. You can turn around now Laura”

I turned around and was greeted by Kevin’s semi-boner and Logan with his hands in front of his privates. Kevin was smiling broadly and Logan did look relieved. I hadn’t realized it had this big of an impact on him. I made a mental note to be more careful with this kind of action in the future.

“So. Now what?” Logan asked.

“I can do another trick if you guys want,” I said casually, not trying to emphasize the fact that I had two naked thirteen-year-olds in front of me.

“I’d like that,” Logan said.

“Me too. But why don’t you get comfy too?” Kevin said with that infamous wicked grin.

This was something we did talk about when we were planning all of this. If I was in my bra and panties, things would probably go a bit easier for us.

“Nah. I don’t think Logan would like that.” I said, trying to be serious

”Oh… I don’t mind Laura” he said as casually as he could. But I could hear the excitement in his voice.

“Okay then. I’ll take off my shirt and skirt. But you both have to promise to pay attention to the tricks I perform!”

“Of course we will,” Kevin said for the both of them.

“After that, we’ll go and eat something guys. I’m getting hungry. Do you want a corndog too Logan?” I asked.

I looked him in the eyes as I said this, and at the word ‘Corndog’ I could see him blink and something changed in the way he looked. But that was all. We’ve also reached the point of no return as the most important trigger word was said now. I was quite horned up now and considering the two naked boys before me, decided it was time.

“Yeah! I love corndogs!”


I climbed back on stage and as I kept my eyes on Logan to check out if, and how fast the effect was, I slowly unbuttoned my blouse. I tried to make it a little sensual for the boys.

Looking at Kevin I saw sensuality for him wasn’t necessary at all. He was hard as a board already. Of course, he knew what was coming now and it was a good encouragement for me to continue.

I turned around, so my back was to the boys, and slipped off my blouse. I put my hands over my boobs and turned around. I licked my lips and slowly moved down my hands to the waistband of my skirt. The moment my hands were out of the way of my bra and my stiff nipples that were poking through the lace material came into view, I heard both boys suck in a breath.

I felt a bit exposed with my nipples on display like this, but my pussy obviously felt something else. The lace in my panties was almost see-through, but with the wetness I had produced already, I figured they must be completely transparent by now.

Well… It wouldn’t be long before the three of us found out, as I was slowly but steadily sliding down my skirt. The moment the waistband of my panties became visible, I turned around again. I continued sliding down my skirt and bending over slightly. I wasn’t going to do a stripper move with my pussy fully on display from behind with me bending over, but I did want the boys to take a good look at my ass.

And when I looked over my shoulder to check them out, I could see they both were indeed checking my ass out. I could also see Logan wasn’t that strict or concentrated about his hands anymore. The tip of his dick wasn’t covered anymore and it looked magnificent to me. Too bad it was so far away now.

The moment my skirt was enough past my hips and I didn’t feel resistance anymore, I let my skirt fall to the ground. I put one hand on my hip, and let the other play with my right nipple, and turned around, just to hear another gasp. This time only from Logan. Kevin smiled a sly grin and his eyes were switching between my body and Logan’s almost completely exposed dick.

“What’s up Logan?” I seductively asked

“I can totally see your pussy! It’s amazing” he answered without hesitation. This of course was the honesty speaking.

“Do you think you can keep your eyes on the trick I’m performing?” I asked with a laugh.

“Huh!? What? Euh… Yeah. Sure… Of course. I’ll try….” Logan stammered.

Both Kevin and I laughed at that reaction and I started performing my trick. Not too difficult, but apparently something Logan hadn’t seen before. Kevin was dividing his attention between my body, Logan’s dick, and my magic trick, although the trick understandably didn’t seem to have his interest.

Logan’s hands sometimes drifted away from his dick, but when he realized he was on display, they quickly went back. This was irritating me a bit because I still didn’t have a good look at him fully naked. I also didn’t know yet if the corndog trick worked and, if yes, how well it worked. So I decided to play the ‘balloon’ card on him.

“Okay, Kevin. Take Logan’s wrists.” I said and I could see in his eyes that Kevin knew what was coming.

Kevin took a few steps toward Logan, his erection obscenely bobbing up and down as he moved. He stepped in front of Logan, giving me once more a nice view of his very fine ass.

“I’ve got them, Laura,” Kevin said.

“Tie a balloon to each of his wrists and step aside.”

“Done,” Kevin said a second later and stepped aside.

A few seconds later Logan’s arms slowly, but steadily started moving upward, causing him to blush.

“Wait! This way you’ll see my boner!” Logan said with a bit of panic in his voice.

“So what!? We’re naked. Well… I am and Laura is almost naked at least. You can see it all. Don’t worry man. No biggie” Kevin assured Logan as his arms gradually were going up.

“No worries Logan! It’s nothing I haven’t seen before and you have absolutely nothing to be ashamed of! I mean…. The ‘No biggie’ part isn’t true…” I smiled, also trying to get him at ease.

I climbed off the stage and walked toward the boys. I exaggerated the swaying of my hips a bit in an attempt to look sexier. As I approached both boys I could see their eyes were roaming my body. This made me feel even more tingly inside. I never felt this desired in my life and by now my pussy was so uncontrollably wet, I heard a soft squish sound at each step I took.

I stood in front of Logan and by now his arms were almost completely up. I openly looked him over from top to bottom and back. His dick was indeed almost as big as Kevin’s, but a tiny bit thinner. A big drop of precum had formed on the tip of his dick and I felt an almost uncontrollable urge to lick it off, but I managed because I didn’t want to freak him out. Just yet…

“Nice…” I said and looked over at Kevin who now was also openly checking out Logan’s body.

“He IS nice, isn’t he!? Told ya he was…” Kevin said and smiled.

“You guys talked about me?”

“Of course we did,” Kevin said. “I really liked what we did at the sleepover and talked about it with Laura. She was intrigued and wanted to take a good look at you.”

“Oh… Okay…” Logan said a bit confused.

“Didn’t you like what we did?” Kevin asked and stepped a bit closer which made the tip of his boner touch the side of Logan’s hip. A moan escaped from Logan’s mouth.

“What’s up?” Kevin asked with a sly grin on his face.

“I’m getting really horny by all of this” Logan said, not able to lie of course.

“Oh? Why is that?” I asked innocently.

“There’s a beautiful and almost naked beautiful girl in front of me and my best friend is grinding his dick against me. What do you think?”

I didn’t know sarcasm was an option with the truth ‘spell’ I cast, but obviously, it was. So why not pay him back a bit for being sarcastic.

“What do you think boys? Should I get comfy too?” I asked.

“Yeah. You should” Kevin answered and took a tiny step back so his dick was no longer touching Logan.

“Absolutely!” Logan answered enthusiastically at the same time.

Without making too much of a show or fuss about it, I unclasped my bra and let it fall. I heard Logan moan again as I started working on my panties. I stepped out of my panties, naked as the day I was born, and stepped over to Kevin. Not wanting to hold back anymore, I kissed him as hardcore as one can kiss. My hand went down to his dick and I gave it a few strokes, which caused Kevin to moan in my mouth and his right hand started kneading my left tit.

“Wow! Guys! What are you doing? You’re brother and sister!” Logan said.

I stopped kissing Kevin, but my hand didn’t leave his dick. I looked at Logan and shrugged.

“So what? We both like each other a lot and have great sex. I don’t mind that he’s my brother”

“Neither do I” Kevin moaned.

I looked at Logan and the lust in his eyes was so obvious, I felt a bit sorry for him. He moaned again when I licked Kevin’s ear and let my thumb rub over his glans, spreading the precum. I started jacking Kevin more deliberately now and his body couldn’t stop squirming under my massaging hand. I kept looking for Logan’s reaction while masturbating my little brother.

There seemed to be a steady flow of precum oozing from his dick and he was breathing in short gasps. The poor boy was horny as fuck! In the meantime, I could sense that Kevin was getting close to cumming. He was almost fucking my fist by now.

“Ohh… Laura… I’m getting close“ Kevin moaned.

At that moment I let go of his dick. Just like that. No harm in teasing a bit I figured. He’ll cum plenty of times throughout the weekend, and postponing it now will only make it better for him. I stepped back and looked at both boys. It took a moment for Kevin to realize it wasn’t just a pause and his eyes flew open and they looked at me begging for more. Damn!!! I was getting so turned on by having such control over both the hot boys, it wasn’t even funny anymore.

“How’s it going, Logan?” I asked a bit concerned. His breathing was ragged and the puddle of precum at his feet grew by the minute. I was feeling sorry for him.

“I’m sooooo horny…. But I can’t touch my dick and jack off because of these stupid balloons!”

“Maybe Kevin can help you..” I suggested.

“Would you do that for me?” he begged almost tearing up.

“Of course dude! If you don’t mind Laura watching us..” Kevin said with a smirk.

“I’m so horny, I’ll probably put it in a meat grinder to get me off” he smiled. “Not an actual meat grinder of course! That would be… AAAHHHH!!!”

While Logan was blabbering about the meat grinder to me, Kevin had stepped behind Logan, took Logan’s dick in his hand, pressed his body against him, and slowly started jerking off his buddy.

I stood a bit sideways of them and I could see Kevin was rubbing his own dick upward in the crack of Logan’s butt. Logan laid his head back on Kevin’s left shoulder and closed his eyes. Kevin’s other hand went to Logan’s balls and started toying with them. This was one of the most erotic sights I ever saw. I made a mental picture of it, just in case if I died of Alzheimer this would be the last thing I’d remember.

After a minute or so, Logan moaned heavily and he turned his head toward Kevin. He used his right arm, which was still in the air, to direct Kevin’s face toward his own and stuck out his tongue. Kevin caught on quickly and they went at it for all they were worth.

I couldn’t help myself anymore and stepped in front of Logan to get the best seat in the house. I knelt in front of them to get at eye level with his dick. I don’t know why, but I really, really wanted his cum to splatter all over me. I sat on my knees, spread my legs, and started working on my clit. The moment I touched it, I felt like I was on the verge of cumming. This was amazing. I didn’t want to cum yet, so I made just small circles around it. All the while my pussy was contracting a tiny bit, just like it did the first time Kevin and I had sex.

“MMMHH….” I heard above me. Kevin was going slow on Logan’s dick. Slow but deliberate.

“Ahhh!! I’m cumming!!!” Logan moaned and I could see his body tense and Kevin’s grip on Logan’s balls increase…

“Yeah! Here it comes!!!” I could hear myself think.

Moments later I saw spurt after spurt come out of Logan’s dick. The first landed on my cheek and the second on my chin. The rest landed on my tits. It wasn’t like a fire hose or something, but I never saw Kevin produce this much cum.

I was nicely covered in it and started spreading it out on my tits. With my other hand I scooped up a big glob on my middle finger and I inserted it in one swift motion inside me. And that was it…. I came! And I came hard again. Not as good as the first time with Kevin, but definitely a top three cum of all time!! Wow! There must be some sort of connection between me and the one hypnotized because my orgasms were never this intense before.

When I opened my eyes, I could see both boys looking at my cum covered body. Logan still had his arms in the air, but he looked a lot more relieved than before.

“You’re okay now, Logan?” I smiled.

“Yeah! I really needed that. Thanks, bro!” and he kissed Kevin passionately again.

Kevin didn’t seem to mind at all and kissed him back. I could see his lower body grinding against Logan and realized he must be in desperate need of relief too.

“Step aside a bit, Logan,” I said and he looked down at me. I gestured toward Kevin.

Logan immediately caught on and moved a bit. They didn’t stop kissing though. I moved forward a bit and took my brother’s rock hard dick in my mouth. I could hear him moan in Logan’s mouth as my tongue moved over and under his glans.

As I was working on Kevin’s dick, Logan moved around a bit so he could kiss Kevin a bit better. As he moved his dick hit me on my cheek. I liked it and so did Logan, because he deliberately rubbed his still dripping dick against my cheek. This was such a turn on for me! I started fingering while sucking off my brother and at the same time getting my face-slapped with another dick.

I opened my mouth a bit further and with my free hand, I directed Logan’s dick in my mouth too. This way I had two dicks in my mouth and both boys started fucking my face a bit. Unfortunately, this didn’t work too well, so I let Kevin slip from my mouth and directed my attention to Logan again.

“Ohhhh… YEAH! This is fucking awesome!” he groaned. “I never had a blowjob before..”

I figured that the hypnosis was still working and that he’d already be up for seconds. My free hand was holding Kevin’s dick and I could sense he was close. I wanted a second and third load of cum on my body and right now I would do all it took to get what I wanted.

I let Logan’s dick pop in and out the back of my throat, which caused him to moan each time it happened. I felt his dick grow fatter in my mouth and quickly switched to Kevin. I did the same with him, although it was a bit harder to do, with his dick being a bit fatter. It took a bit more effort, but I managed.

After switching a few times and the moans getting louder, I felt my own orgasm approaching again. I had Kevin’s dick in my mouth and I could feel the cum coming in at the base. I quickly drew my face back and put my mouth on Logan’s dick as I let the streams of hot cum spurt over me. Kevin came all over the left side of my face and boob.

“MMHHGHHH!!!” I heard. They were still Frenching, so their moans were muffled.

I held on to my brother’s dick, feeling it still twitching in my hand as Logan’s dick grew fat in my mouth. I couldn’t read him as well I could read Kevin yet, but it didn’t take a genius to guess what was going on. I let it slip from my mouth and now my right side was getting coated with cum. This triggered my second orgasm in a few minutes and was almost just as intense as the previous one.

I fell back on the ground and panted almost uncontrollably as I lay on my back. Kevin and Logan still stood there supporting each other and panting heavily.

“Wow…” Logan timidly said. “This was… wow…”

I noticed through my half-closed eyes, that his hands were still up in the air.

“You can untie the balloons now, Kevin,” I said. “I guess he doesn’t feel the need to hide anything anymore”

Kevin giggled at that remark and pretended to untie Logan’s wrists. The moment this was done, Logan sunk to his knees and looked me over.

“Thank you!” he said as he looked real serious at me.

“You don’t need to say thanks after sex. It isn’t that nice to hear.. Makes me feel like a cheap hooker”

“I don’t want to thank you for the sex, but I want to thank you for making me realize I’m not gay, but bi!”

“Oh…” I said, not knowing how to respond properly. “You’re welcome?”

“After the sleepover with Kevin, I was convinced I was gay. I had such a great time with him, that I figured this was it. But now I saw you naked and you sucked me off, and I realize I like sex. Period. No matter who’s doing it with me.”

“Dude! I totally hear you!” Kevin said and sat down next to Logan, his dick still dripping.

“I was afraid to enjoy doing it with you because I didn’t want to be gay… You know what I mean?? I’ve got nothing against gays or being gay, don’t get me wrong! But…” Kevin trailed off.

“I get it, boys. I really do! Don’t worry about it.” I said, getting my breath back and feeling the drops of cum slide down my body.

I looked at Kevin and I saw him checking out me and Logan.

“My sister really needs to wash our cum off her body” he chuckled. “Shall we help her get a nice and clean under a hot shower?”

“One second,” I said. We need to do one thing first. “Okay Logan, sleep!”

And with that, his head hung forward on his body as he sat on his knees. His still hard dick pointing upward with a drop of cum dangling from it.

“When you wake up, you’re no longer uncontrollably horny. Just what your own body tells you. You no longer have to tell the truth and your dick will behave normally again too. You can wear clothes without anything wrong with it. You are fully awake and remember everything from the moment you woke the last time. Just nod if this is clear.”

Logan nodded.

“You’ll also are no longer under our hypnosis. But… When Kevin or I say the words ‘Aye Caramba!’, you’ll be under our control again. Is this also clear?” another nod. “Okay Logan, you can wake up now.”

Logan’s head got up and after he opened his eyes, he blinked a few times.

“Sure! Let’s get in the shower” Logan smiled as if nothing had happened.

“No!” I sternly said. “First we need to get one other thing done. We need to address the elephant in the room.”

“What Elephant?” Logan asked with a bit of uncertainty in his voice.

“I need you to fuck me”

“What?? Really?” Logan’s eyes were large and full of disbelief, but also lust and eagerness.

“Really… And for a few reasons… First: You just came twice, so you’ll last longer. Better for both of us you know??” And he started smiling again.

“Second: I really, really, really like you and your hot body. And third: Kevin is here to help you and maybe spice things up.” This made Kevin giggle and Logan blush.

“And lastly: I find it fucking hot to be covered in all this cum! I can only imagine what it must be like to get fucked now. So yeah… We must fuck. NOW!”

As I was already lying on my back, all I had to do was spread my legs. Which I of course did. I used both hands to spread open my pussy, showing everything I had.

“That’s where you’re supposed to put it,” I said and I could see his dick was still at full mast. Impressive!

Logan looked over at Kevin with a nervous look on his face. He scooted forward on his knees so his dick was close to my pussy. I looked at Kevin, who was hard again. I didn’t blame him. He must be getting turned on by all of this too. And this was it. We planned everything to get to this point.

“Here dude… Let me help. I’ve done this before” Kevin reassured Logan.

Kevin sat on his knees behind him. He looked over Logan’s shoulder and took Logan’s dick in his hand. He pointed it toward my pussy and slowly pushed Logan’s hips forward with his own. The moment his dickhead touched my opening, we both let out an involuntary moan. Kevin let go of Logan’s dick and sat aside.

“That’s it dude. Just push forward and you’re no longer a virgin”.

Kevin moved a bit forward on his knees, so he was sitting near my face.

“This is probably the best seat in the house,” Kevin said and looked at where our bodies were going to merge.

“You sure about this?” Logan asked as he looked at me.

“Go for it! Fuck me…”

He needed no more encouraging and his virgin, thirteen-year-old dick slowly started entering me. He was about halfway now and sparks were already flying before my eyes. Logan’s dick was a bit thinner than my little brother’s, but his cockhead was more pronounced, which made up for being thinner. I could feel it in every part of my pussy where it passed.

“Ohhhhh… This is… Ahhh..” Logan started to say.

“You don’t have to talk dude, just enjoy it!” Kevin said. “Why don’t you make out with her? Trust me! That adds a whole new level to it!”

And with that Logan’s body came forward and he laid himself on top of me. He held himself up on his elbows and looked me in the eyes. That was a look of total bliss and insecurity. I put my left hand on his left butt cheek and my right hand on his hip, feeling his scar below it. His dick still moved forward. Slow but steady he was entering me.

“Lay down….” I hoarsely said.

“I don’t want to crush you…. Mmmmhh”

“oohhh… Don’t worry about that. Mmm… I want to feel your body on me… You won’t crush me.. Ahhh”

I felt the base of his dick pressing against my clit. The strands of his pubic hair tickling me in a very nice way. This was of course the first time someone with pubes fucked me. Then and there I decided I like it better the way it looks without hair, but it feels better with it.

Now that Logan was done pushing himself in my pussy, his mind was available for other things. He looked me in the eyes again, pressed his lips against me, and laid himself completely on me. The pressure of his whole body on me and the pressure on my tits and sensitive nipples made me tingle all over again. I could feel the sticky cum spreading between our bodies adding another level to the whole experience. I wrapped my legs around him to feel even more of him. I could feel his heart racing in his chest.

“Ohhh… Fuck me, Logan! Start moving and fuck me!”

Logan started Frenching me for all he was worth and I returned the heat. A little later, he could no longer hold back and started moving. The moment his dick started moving out of my pussy, fireworks went off in my brain. I couldn’t think of anything better in the world than being fucked. All too soon he moved back in again, just like when my brother and I first started to fuck. He too was probably afraid to slip out. Ah well… He’d probably figure it out soon.

“Ohhh…” Logan moaned.

“Aaahh… Yesss…” I replied. Not that much of a conversation, but as my brain was going offline, this was more than enough.

Logan moved from my mouth to lick me in my neck. The speed of his fucking didn’t increase, which I found surprisingly nice. The fucking was slow but deliberate and he went a tiny bit further out each time until he was almost completely out of me. He didn’t slip out though, which was quite an achievement for a first-timer.

“Fucking hot!” I heard Kevin say beside me.

I almost forgot he was there too. I looked him in the eyes and he smiled at me. We both figured this whole scheme out and now it was happening. And it was going even better than we both imagined. I saw Kevin’s eyes drift off to Logan’s ass and realized that must be an awesome thing to behold.

This made my eyes drift to my little brother’s dick. It stood proud and stiff in his lap. I involuntarily licked my lips looking at it. My right hand left Logan’s hip and moved on to Kevin’s dick. Being fucked by Logan was absolutely amazing, but I liked my brother’s dick better. I caressed it with my hand causing Kevin to groan. Logan’s lips left my neck and looked over at Kevin, still keeping up a steady rhythm pumping in and out of me.

“Grhmmm… Come here…” Logan grunted.

“What?” I heard Kevin say in the distance. I was so into the fucking and caressing my brother’s dick, not everything was being registered.

“Your dick…”

“Dude… Just enjoy your first fuck man. You don’t need to please me. I’ll fuck her later. Don’t worry!”

“Shut up… I want it in my mouth!”

Wow! This was getting more exciting by the minute. I was getting nicely fucked while covered in cum, and now I could also watch a hot guy sucking of my hot brother… I would’ve believed it if someone told me I died and gone to heaven.

Kevin moved beside me, got on his knees, and scooted closer. I looked up and saw the underside of Kevin’s dick in front of Logan’s face. His balls were practically touching my cheek. Logan stopped moving and took Kevin’s dick in his mouth, causing both Kevin and me to moan. Logan opened his mouth and his tongue licked all over and under Kevin’s cockhead.

“Ohhh… Nice dude!! Ahh. Yeah”

Logan took Kevin’s dick back in his mouth and moved his face toward me. A moment later Kevin’s dick was pressed between our faces and both our mouths on each side of it. Logan moved again and we both started licking Kevin’s dick, our tongues touching every now and then. This was sooooo hot… Every now and then Kevin flexed his hips, so he was face fucking our mashed faces. The three of us were moaning quite loudly by now.

I was getting impressed with Logan’s stamina. The fact that he came twice already probably helped a lot. A few moments after I thought about this, he increased the power. Not the speed of his movements. He just started slapping harder against me.

This triggered my clit even more and that immediately did it for me. I came. Oh god, how I came. I almost screamed, but my brother’s dick on my mouth muffled the sound a bit. My pussy contracted sharply around Logan’s dick and kept contracting because Logan just went on with his steady motion. This boy had some talent! I don’t know how long this went on. I must’ve cum at least a dozen times before Logan grunted loudly and pushed in me with one last, powerful thrust.

“Aahhhhh!!!” He screamed.

The look on his face was priceless! I could get used to seeing boys losing their virginity. I felt his dick kicking inside me and his sperm coating my insides. Kevin was close too, but because Logan and I were too busy coming, he took his dick in his own hand and jacked it furiously. I never saw it from this angle. And because he was jacking it this hard, his balls hit me in the face a few times. This initiated another cum for me. This was probably thirteen or fourteen by now. I lost track.

“AHH…. Yeahhh..” Kevin moaned as he came.

The cum flew out of his dick, this time coating Logan’s face. The moment he realized what was going on he opened his mouth and tried to catch the rest. A few drops of cum started dripping down already, falling on my face. Logan put his mouth over Kevin’s dick to lick him clean. I’ll never forget this picture on display before my eyes.

Logan had stopped moving and my orgasms had stopped by now. I was still tingling and every now and then my pussy contracted, but the big ones were over. I was panting heavily and so were the boys. Kevin sat back on his heels and Logan looked me in my eyes. He moved forward to kiss me again. As we kissed, I could taste my brother’s sperm in his mouth. After a few minutes of making out, I felt his softening dick leave my body.

“I’m sorry,” Logan said. I can’t keep it hard anymore.

I laughed at his apology. And I kissed him on his cum covered cheek.

“That’ll do pig… That’ll do…” I laughed and so did Logan. He rolled off me and laid himself down beside me.

“This was fucking amazing!” he sighed.

“It was, wasn’t it?” Kevin added.

I looked at the three of us seeing a lot of cum covered body parts.

“Now it is time for that shower,” I announced. “That’ll give you guys time to recover and me a chance to clean up. Because we’re not done yet!”

“We’re not?” Logan asked with surprise in his voice.

“Well… You are! From now it’s just me!” Kevin said.

I punched him playfully on his shoulder. I then stuck out both arms, sneaked one under Logan’s head, and pulled him to me. Kevin caught on and laid his head on my other arm.

Both boys snuggled up against me. Logan draped his leg over me and I felt his soft dick against my hip. Kevin started toying with my right nipple. It felt really nice to be cuddling up with both boys in this post-orgasmic afterglow. We laid quiet like this for a few minutes just enjoying each other’s company.

“You’re really sticky, Laura!” Kevin giggled.

“I know! Let’s get wet, shall we?”

And with that, we got up and went to our bathroom. In the shower we soaped each other up quite well and touched everything there was to touch. Logan even got hard a few times, a good indication he was getting ready for the next rounds.

We didn’t fuck in the shower though. But after the shower during our pizza, Kevin couldn’t hold back anymore. During this fuck on the couch, I sucked off Logan to get him nice and hard again and as Kevin fucked me, Logan and he frenched pretty hardcore which was another extremely erotic sight.

The entire night we were having sex one way or the other. Not always leading to orgasms, just nice and uninhibited sex. Logan and Kevin’s apprehension from doing things to each other was also gone, which was a nice thing to see. Both heartwarming as sexy as fuck.

Kevin fucked Logan in the ass one time, but they both weren’t too much into that. Sucking, jacking, and kissing was their thing. The butt fucking just didn’t do it for them. But hey, I didn’t mind! That meant there was more for me!

Logan of course wanted to know how Kevin I started it and why we didn’t find it weird, being brother and sister. We explained the basics of our first encounter but obviously left out the Magnificent Zafar -bit. And after we explained our vision on the incest subject and that we were both in it for the sex, not the love, he understood and praised us for being this open-minded about it all.

We didn’t sleep too much that night. We, of course, slept in one bed and each time one of us woke up, he or she started sucking, kissing, fucking, or something else. I didn’t mind one bit and at about 10 am we got up and cleaned the house. In the shower, we went at it one last time and after that, Logan went home. I was sore for three days after that. I never felt this worn out in my life. Even up until now.

I’m 45 by now and thinking back fondly of these days. The relationship between me and Kevin lasted a few years. By the time he was seventeen, he got himself a nice girlfriend whom he married and still lives with today. The night before he got married, he slept at our house and we fucked one last time.

I got married too, but unfortunately, that didn’t last. My ex gave me two amazing kids, so I still got a nice result from it. The kids, my son 12, and my daughter fifteen by now live with me in a nice home and are genuinely nice persons.

And The Magnificent Zafar?? Well… I used it a few more times after the escapades with Kevin and Logan. One time in college I was bi-curious and used it on my roommate. I liked that a lot, but after a few months, I realized I was more into guys than girls. Ah well… After I moved here, the pendulum and magic stuff ended up in my attic and I never used it again.

Until yesterday that is when my twelve-year-old son showed me a box containing a pendulum he found in the attic and wanting to know all about it….

The End.

Copyright 2020 – Jason Crow
All rights reserved

Alright. I feel that this is a nice completion for the series. It’s a bit of a ‘they all lived happily ever after..’ -ending with a little twist to keep my options open.
I really hope you like it guys, because it was a real burden to write a three part story for me. I’ve learned my lesson…

Well… As always, If you like it drop me an e-mail at jasoncrowwriter@hotmail.com. All comments, good or bad, will be read and responded to if possible. Or, even better, leave your comment on the site (I prefer the site, because everyone can read and respond to that) https://jasoncrow.eu.

And to keep up Alex’ tradition:
tandem super hoc onus

The Magnificent Zafar – Part two

The Magnificent Zafar – Part Two
Jason Crow

“I could stay awake just to hear you breathing,” I thought.

I had woke up in the middle of the night and now was listening to Kevin sleep. I didn’t know what woke me, but I was still laying cuddled up against him as the thoughts of the wonderful evening entered my mind again. Also, I was feeling a little bit of guilt about hypnotizing him and making him do things he wouldn’t normally do.

I didn’t feel any guilt about the sex though. So yeah… I was torn between my thoughts. I figured that since we were now having great sex and were both enjoying it I should tell Kevin about the hypnotism. If he got mad at me, so be it, but I figured the chance of that happening wasn’t that big.

After I took this decision in my mind,  I tried to sleep again. Feeling Kevin’s heartbeat made me feel really comfortable and protected so I figured sleep would come again soon. My mind however had something else in store for me. It kept wondering about what Kevin had said about him and Brian getting it on. I couldn’t get the picture out of my mind of scrawny Brian lying naked on top of Kevin, both with each other’s dicks in their mouths. Although Brian was scrawny and not 100% my type, the thought did something for me. The idea of boys sucking off each other was quite of a turn-on for me I noticed, and with Kevin in that picture, it added a whole extra level to my arousal.

Damn! My pussy was wet again and I absentmindedly started rubbing it against Kevin’s leg. He stirred a bit but was still sound asleep. I was horny enough to go at it again and figured Kevin wouldn’t mind it one bit either.

My hand went looking for his dick and soon had found Kevin’s flaccid member. I realized this was the first time I had touched his dick while it wasn’t hard and I liked that too. I was getting a real cock addiction, I thought and giggled at that. I started toying a bit with his dick, feeling every inch of it. Pretty soon it started getting hard again and Kevin stirred.

“Mrgplf..” He said slowly opening his eyes, looking a bit disoriented.

I didn’t want him to think too much so I immediately crawled down under the blanket and took his amazing dick in my mouth. I swirled my tongue around its head, savoring the taste of our sex from the evening. I was getting hornier by the minute and feeling his dick hardening in my mouth added greatly to that feeling.

“Ohhhh… Laura….” I heard Kevin moan.

I kicked the blankets away so I could breathe and get more space to move around. The thought of Brian and Kevin shot through my head again, making me turn my body around, putting my pussy near his face. Kevin quickly caught on and started eating me out. We simultaneously turned on our sides to be more comfortable.

As I was slurping on Kevin’s dick with my lips moving up and down on his shaft and my tongue working the underside of his glans, I felt my pussy explode under Kevin’s magnificent tongue. I wasn’t going for a quick orgasm with Kevin. I loved his dick in my mouth and wanted this feeling to last long and as good as possible. The way Kevin was eating me out I figured he had pretty much the same idea as me, his tongue lapping slowly over my entire pussy and not just focusing on my clit. From time to time, though, he sucked my clit in his mouth and flicked his tongue over it. This felt absolutely amazing, but the next moment he was working his tongue slowly inside my pussy. All the time he moved in a slow but steady motion, with his hand also massaging my butt and his fingers near my pussy, but never touching it. Just the thought of his fingers so near my pussy was adding to the whole ‘let’s go slow’ experience. We hadn’t discussed this, it just happened.

As I was moving my mouth up and down his hard shaft I gently scraped my teeth over his shaft, careful to not touch his glans as I did that. I figured he liked this because when I did this he moaned hungrily in my pussy. By now I was so horny I would put my hand in a meat grinder if it got me off and the way Kevin was squirming made me think he was feeling pretty much the same, but we both still didn’t increase the pace. I guessed we had been oralizing each other for twenty minutes now and I had been on the verge of cumming for some ten minutes. It was fabulous!

Kevin’s escapades with another boy entered my mind again and I decided to test him. I was now moving up and down in a steady rhythm and moved my hand from his balls to his butt. My index finger slowly moved between his butt cheeks, seeking his anus. I felt Kevin’s body tense below me and his moaning in my pussy increased. My finger found its goal and I pushed my first knuckle in his anus.

I felt Kevin’s body freeze and then his dick got even bigger in my mouth. Moments later blast after blast filled my mouth!

I almost choked on his cum but swallowed everything he was feeding me. His moaning had almost become screams on my pussy which, combined with his semen in my mouth, pushed me over the edge. My legs clamped tight around his head so his mouth couldn’t move away. As my juices started flowing, Kevin’s tongue was lapping its way around my sensitive lips, licking my pussy clean.

I relaxed my legs a little and let Kevin’s now softening dick slip from my mouth. My left hand was holding on to it, not wanting to let go. Kevin was panting heavily and so was I. This was another great cum and we were pretty good at timing it so now we came together. I pulled my finger out of his ass and turned around. I kissed him hard on his mouth and as my tongue entered his mouth I could taste a pleasant mix of my juices and Kevin’s sperm.

“That’s a nice way to wake up,” Kevin giggled, still panting.

“I’m sorry,” I said in mock apology.

“Don’t be!”

We both lay on our backs, my head on Kevin’s shoulder. He draped his arm over me and was toying with my breast and still stiff nipple. I liked it but started feeling tired again.

“It’s almost four ‘o clock,” I said. “We need to sleep some more, don’t you think?”

“I was sleeping until you woke me,” Kevin laughed. “But yeah, you’re right. I’m still tired and your actions sure wear me out!”

“If it’s such an effort I won’t bother you again,” I sternly said.

“Oh no!! It isn’t an effort. I’m just not used to it,” Kevin quickly replied.

“I know, Silly! I’m just teasing. I’m tired too. Let’s sleep some more,” I yawned and closed my eyes.

Kevin let his hand lay on my tit but stopped moving it. He kissed me on my head and wished me goodnight. I slowly felt myself drift off again, feeling safe in my brother’s arms.


Even though my eyes were still closed, the light was making me disorientated. For a moment I had no clue where I was and what was happening; I was lying on my back, naked, but felt a nice warm glow over me. I opened my eyes and blinked and it soon came back to me that I was in my parent’s bedroom. When we went to bed we didn’t close the curtains so now the sun was streaming into the room. I looked to my left and saw Kevin lying on his belly, facing me, with a big smile on his face.

“Good morning sis,” he whispered.

“Morning,” I grumbled, obviously not completely awake yet.

As my eyes got used to the light I could see Kevin’s naked backside. If I didn’t know any better it was his butt that was glowing and illuminating the room. It had such a nice glow over it. I needed to tear my eyes away from his behind.

The temperature in the room was pleasant because of the sun and the house’s heating, so a blanket wasn’t necessary. Apparently, I had already noticed this while sleeping because right now the blanket was only draped half-ish across my legs, like one of those old oil paintings where the church had ordered painters to display the men and women in more decent poses by painting a white cloth over their crotches. This, of course, meant that I was nearly completely exposed. I stretched and looked at Kevin who was looking at my boobs with a huge grin on his face.

“I can get used to this,” he said.

“To what?”

“Watching you wake up like this. I’ve never seen anything more beautiful!”

“You’re being silly.”

“No! I mean it! You look so amazing in this light, naked and sleeping… and slowly waking up of course”

He crawled over to me and hugged me so, of course, I hugged him back. His dick was hard for a change and I felt him pressing it against my thigh. He turned on his side, moving in close beside me, and his hand started playing with my left nipple. I liked it a lot but also felt guilty about how it all came to this.

“I need to tell you something, Kevin,” I said seriously.

“What is it?” He looked concerned.

“You remember the itchy clothes from last night?”

“Of course. It was freaking annoying!”

“I know. Do you also remember me hypnotizing you?”

“Ehhh… Yes… But that didn’t work remember? Why do you ask?”

“Well…. I must tell you the truth, Kevin. The hypnotism DID work. I implanted the itchy clothes in your head so I could see you naked. I really wanted to see you naked. But now I’m really sorry, you know? I shouldn’t have tricked you to do this.”

I felt tears welling up in my eyes but managed to keep myself from crying. Kevin was quiet and looked at me with a bit of a puzzled look on his face.

“Really!?!? I can see you’re serious, so I believe you. But I remember absolutely nothing. Not one thing,” he said.

“It’s true. And I’m sorry!”

“Don’t be!” he quickly said, “I’m really glad you did it. I wanted to see you naked too and didn’t have a clue on how to make that work.”

“You’re not mad at me?”

“No! Of course not, dummy. You let me see you naked and had sex with me! What do you think!?” he giggled.

“But I tricked you!”

“So what? You didn’t hurt me,” and added with a laugh “You didn’t, right?”

“Of course not,” and I laughed too.

“But I still doubt it though. Can you prove it?”

I thought for a minute. How could I prove something he didn’t remember? At that moment my phone beeped, indicating a new app came in.

“How about this: I’ll make you do something and I’ll film it with my phone so you can see it.”

“Good idea!”

“I’ll make you do…”

“Don’t tell me!” he interrupted me, “Just do what you want to do. I don’t want to know it yet.”

“Okay, Kevin. Eat my shorts” No response, of course. “And sleep!”

He went limp on the bed, still lying half on top of me. I felt his now soft dick lying on my leg and was tempted to do something with that but I had already something else in mind.

“When I say you can wake up you’ll start to walk around like a zombie, not knowing where to go or what to do. You will just walk around.”

I wiggled myself out from under his body, took my phone, and opened the camera app. I pressed record and aimed it at my little brother.

“Okay, Kevin. Wake up.”

He blinked and his body twitched. He slowly looked around and clumsily got on his feet. He stretched his arms out in front of him and started walking around like a zombie. It was more of a penguin wiggle than a walk which caused his dick to sway from left to right. I was almost getting hypnotized myself while I was looking at his swinging dick, Kevin had reached the wall and looked like he didn’t know what to do. He hesitated a moment and then turned around. I focused my phone on his butt as he walked toward the other wall. When he reached that wall he turned around again, which caused me to film his swaying dick up close. All I could see in my display now was his swaying dick. As Kevin reached the wall again and turned around once more, I decided it was enough.

“Okay, Kevin. Stop!” I ordered, and he stopped immediately.

I made sure I had his whole body in my display and said, “Now Kevin. You’re no longer a zombie. Make your dick hard for me.”

He immediately took his dick in his hand and started to stroke it. Watching it slowly get hard as he was beginning to stroke it was extremely erotic and I had it all on camera. If for some weird reason this whole thing stopped I still had this to get off on. I was so focused on that thought that I hadn’t noticed his breathing started to get heavy. He was now jacking himself off in earnest. I was tempted to let him go on but figured that wasn’t fair.

“Okay, Kevin. Stop and lie down on the bed.”

He stopped jerking but was obviously still aroused. I stopped filming as he walked over to the bed and lay down on his belly. I got on the bed beside him.

“Okay, Kevin. Wake up” I ordered.

“I told you, it didn’t work,” he said, again.

“Yeah right…” I said and I opened up my video.

I laid my phone between us, so we could both watch it.

“Look,” I said.

The clip started playing and Kevin watched in silence.

“I honestly don’t remember one thing about that,” he said, as the clip came to an end. “But you’re right, though.”

“About what?”

“I DO have a nice butt,” starting to giggle, “and… Euh… Is it weird to get turned on by watching yourself beat off?” he added.

“I don’t know. But I do know that I get turned on about it,” I laughed.

“Do you mind if I finish?” he quietly asked and turned on his back. I could see he was still as hard as a board.

“If you don’t mind me doing the same…”

We were now lying in a sort of 69 position, with our heads close to each other’s genitals, which gave me a nice close-up of his dick. I spread my legs and slipped a finger in my pussy. Kevin looked at that and started jerking again. We were now both looking at the other masturbating. Even though we did a lot more last night, I was really turned on by our actions. We were both doing something extremely private, right in front of each other. My thumb was rubbing over my clit and my fingers were probing my insides as I watched Kevin’s fist move faster and faster up and down on his dick. We weren’t even trying to postpone our orgasms, just trying to get off as fast as possible. By now both our breathing had increased severely and I was getting real close to cumming.

“Ahhhhh… Here I go,” I heard Kevin moan and a few moments later his sperm flew out of his dick.

The first spurt landed on his chest but the second one splashed on his face. I didn’t know he could shoot this far and it triggered my own orgasm. Its intensity wasn’t anywhere close to my orgasm from last night, but it was still pretty decent. I heard myself moan as it washed over me.

“Ohh… I really needed that,” Kevin said, still breathing hard.

“I didn’t” I laughed. “But I liked it a lot. You look SO hot when you come!”

“I didn’t think I ever came this often in such a short amount of time. My dick is even a bit sore now”

“Well, then we’ll have to take it easy now, okay?” I said, as I turned around and licked a bit of his cum from his cheek.

“That tickles!” he said and wiped the rest of his face.

“I still need to un-hypnotize you, Kevin,” I said, a bit more serious.

“Well….” Kevin hesitated.


“What if you don’t do that just yet? I kind of dig the idea that you can control me completely, and I totally trust you to not take advantage of that, like making me do your chores and stuff”

“Really??” I was surprised by this.

“Yeah. really. Until now this whole hypnosis thing only did amazing things for me. And, as I said… I trust you.”

“Well… yeah. Of course, you can trust me! So we leave it like this then?”

“For now we do” and he gave me the cutest smile. “Maybe you’ll think of other great things we can do together”

Wow. I was totally blown away by this. This was the last thing I expected but he was right, he could trust me and I could think of a lot of other great things to do together. On a whim, I gave Kevin a big hug and was immediately covered in his sperm too.

“Let’s take a shower, shall we?”

“Good idea, sis!”

We got up and quickly went to the bathroom, so Kevin’s sperm wouldn’t be dripping on the floor. Kevin got in the shower first and I followed quickly. I watched as his sperm washed off our bodies and looked at Kevin while he was soaping up. The soap and water were running from his body which was looking like a stream of piss coming from his dick. I was feeling so in love with him and his body right now. I took the sponge and started washing him and paid special attention to his abs and patch where his pubes should be. When I was done he turned around and took my time and did his back, paying special attention to his butt. After this was all done, he washed me too and took special care of my boobs, which was nice. When we were done washing each other Kevin took his razor and wanted to start shaving his pubes.

“Mind if I do it?” I asked.

“No… not at all. But please be careful. I don’t want you to cut off my dick,” he laughed.

“Don’t worry. I shave myself too, you know, and I don’t want to lose your dick either!”

I got in real close and carefully shaved above his dick. As I was being so close to his dick and touching him there, he got hard again and I could see he was indeed a bit sore. The underside of his dick was all red. Since all the hair he had down there was above his dick I finished the shave pretty quick and got up again. I pressed my body against him and gave him an intense kiss while pressing myself even harder against him.

“Why do you shave down there?” Kevin asked. “I know I don’t want people seeing my pubes when I’m swimming, but why do you it?”

“I’ve had a few hairs growing in which gave me some nasty inflammations down there. I asked mom and she said she had that a lot too. She started shaving her pubes and her problem was gone. She advised me to do the same, so I started shaving and she was right.”

“Okay. That makes sense too. Let’s get dry, shall we?”

We got out and dried ourselves. I was the first one out, so also the first one dry. I took some body lotion from the cabinet and put some on my hand. I walked over to Kevin, took his now semi-hard dick in my hand, and started to apply the body lotion.

“Ohhhh… That’s nice” he moaned and his dick was fully erect in a millisecond.

I stroked him a little more and then wiped my hand on the towel.

“There. This way you won’t be sore anymore when it’s absorbed and we can fuck again”

He laughed and squeezed my butt as we walked out of the shower to go and eat some breakfast.


We were both in the kitchen doing what we’d normally do when we ate breakfast, the only major difference was that we were both stark naked. We didn’t talk about it or anything, we just both walked downstairs chatting and not bothering with clothes. We sat opposite to each other at the breakfast table. Kevin had made himself a PB and jelly sandwich and I had made myself some yogurt with muesli and honey. As we sat there, Kevin couldn’t take his eyes off my breasts. I decided to tease him a bit and purposely let a drop of yogurt fall on my left boob. Kevin snapped out of it and looked me in the eye.

“Oops…” I said.

Kevin lent forward over the table and licked the yogurt from my breast. He made sure it was all clean and I felt sparks shooting through my pussy as he paid special attention to my nipple. After everything was clean he sat back with a sly grin on his face.

“Thank you,” I smiled, looked him straight in the eyes, and let another drop of yogurt fall on my other breast.

“Oh no… I’m soooo clumsy.”

Kevin wasted no time and started licking my other breast clean. I couldn’t hold back a moan as he nibbled a bit on my nipple.

“There… All clean again” he said as he sat back in his seat again.

“Thanks,” I said, feeling my face glow.

“Woops…” Kevin said. “Now I’m being clumsy” and he stood up.

I could see that a large drop of jelly had dropped on his belly and had slid down to the base of his half-hard dick. I crawled over the table, lay down on my belly, and started licking up the jelly from his belly, going down to his dick. I made sure his dick was clean by giving him a short blowjob. I slipped my tongue under his glans which caused Kevin to moan. I decided that this was enough and turned on to my back. I took my spoon from the bowl and smeared more yogurt on my tits and made a trace toward my pussy. Kevin smiled and walked over to the other side of the table, moved the seat out of the way, and surprised me by slipping his dick inside me in one smooth motion.

“Ohhhh..” I involuntarily moaned.

“There!” he proudly said. “This way the yogurt can’t get inside of you.”

I didn’t expect this, but I was getting pretty turned on by this sexy use of food. And having my little brother inside me once more helped a lot too. Kevin bent down and started to lick my tits clean. As he did this, his dick moved slowly inside me, sending sparks to my brain again. His action with his mouth on my tits and nipples added a lot to the experience too. As he started to move his tongue down my body to clean my belly too, I felt his dick slowly but steadily starting to leave my body. I was pretty turned on by now and didn’t want all this to stop, so I wrapped my legs around him and pulled him back in. Kevin smiled at me and apparently got the idea. He stood up straight and started moving in and out of me. The height of his crotch was aligned perfectly with our kitchen table, so he could move in and out of me perfectly and do so with real strength. He started getting into a rhythm and I could hear our kitchen table squeaking. Each time he moved, the base of his dick rubbed against my clit. I was getting into a nice rhythm myself too.  Then, all of a sudden, Kevin stopped moving.

“Turn over” he hoarsely commanded and he pulled out.

Without any hesitation, I got off the table and turned around, laying my upper body on the table. I spread my legs and lifted my ass a little. This way I was presenting myself to my brother. He stepped in closer and slipped back in without problems. Both his hands cupped my breasts as he went back at it again. We were fucking for some time now and I loved every minute of it. Kevin was fucking me quite hard now and the slapping of our bodies and our mutual moans were getting louder and louder.

“Ohhhh… I’m getting close Laura!” he practically shouted.

“Do it!! Shoot!” I panted.


I felt his dick twitching and once again filling me up with his cum. This time I didn’t cum, but everything still felt awesome. Kevin laid across my back, his hands still on my tits and panting hard.

“Wow,” he simply said. “I think I can get used to this”

“Me too” I giggled, feeling his dick softening and slowly slipping out.

Kevin stood up and took a kitchen towel. I turned around, lying on my back again, watching him, and getting my breath back. He wiped his dick clean with the towel. After that he poured some water on a bit of the towel and cleaned my belly, wiping the last bit of yogurt from it. He started wiping the cum leaking from my pussy, and I took over. I wiped myself clean and threw the towel in a corner. When I looked at Kevin, I could see a bit of worry on his face. I hugged him and he hugged me back.

“What’s wrong, Kevin?”

“I really, really, really like what we’re doing…”

“But…” I added in the silence that followed.

“I don’t want to get you pregnant. That would most definitely mean the end of all of this”

I felt a bit relieved. I was a little worried there was some serious problem he needed to talk about.

“Don’t worry about that!” I comforted him. “I’ve been on the pill for about two years now”

“Oh?! Really?” he perked up.

“Yeah. I’ve had really bad cramps during my period. My mom went to the doctor with me, and he prescribed the pill. Now I hardly have my period and no bad cramps anymore. If I want to have a baby, I’ll have to plan it now”

“Oh… I didn’t know that. It’s a relief though. I thought about this last night but didn’t know how to talk about this. I didn’t want to spoil the great sex we have, you know?”

“I know. But you’ll have to do something awful to spoil the great sex we have” I laughed.

Kevin gave me a nice kiss and we broke the hug.

“How much time do we have left before mom and dad come home?” Kevin asked.

I looked at the clock on the wall. It was still early, almost eleven ‘o clock.

“Mom said they’d be home at around six. So we have a few hours left, but not too long. I’m guessing they wouldn’t  like seeing us like this too much”

“No! I guess not” Kevin laughed.

“Want to chill in the hot tub with me?”


One of the great advantages of this new house was all the luxury we now had. We had an outside hot tub, a swimming pool, all enclosed by a big fence, so we had our privacy. In the basement, we had a large sauna with showers, a relaxation room, and some other great stuff. Kevin opened the door, walked outside and I walked behind him. I took two big towels from the towel rack by the door and walked to the tub. I still couldn’t take my eyes of Kevin’s ass as it moved before me.

“I’m sure he can make good money with it,” I thought and pictured some of these jobs in my head.

Kevin pulled the cover from the tub and got in. As he settled in, I got in, giving him a good frontal view of my nude body. I was still a bit aroused by our actions on the kitchen table but was ready to chill in the tub.

We chilled for about half an hour making small talk and just enjoying each other’s company when Kevin asked

“How does the hypnosis trick you do work exactly?”

I explained to him about the pendant and the corresponding spell and how I was skeptical at first. I also explained the things I read online and that this pendant must have some sort of magic in it because normally hypnotism doesn’t work this way. I also told him about the trigger phrase and how that works. All the time he was listening closely and nodding now and then.

“What is my trigger phrase?”

“I can’t tell, you dummy,” I laughed, “Then you’ll be under again.”

“oh… Yeah… right. Are there any rules about it?”

“No, No rules. Just don’t make it something you say very often”

“How did you come up with mine?”

“Well, the phrase is something that I saw on the Simpsons”

“The cartoon?”

“Yeah. And I figured it was as good as any”

“Ay caramba!” he laughed.

“No. That’s not it” I smiled.

“I want to see you do it sometime. Do you think that’s a possibility?”

“I guess… But I don’t want to do mom or dad or something”

“No. That would come in handy though… But no, I don’t think that’s a good idea…”

As I was figuring out for myself how to bring to the table that I would like to do this to Logan, I noticed in the water that Kevin was getting hard again. He saw me looking and smiled. Since I was still feeling horny, I wasted no time and straddled his waist. I looked him in the eyes, took his dick in my hand to line him up, and impaled myself on him once more. I just sat there with his dick inside me and smiled at him.

“Now… Tell me… What were you thinking about?” and I started massaging his dick with my cunt muscles.

“Ohhh….” He moaned. Well…. I was thinking about all the opportunities you have when you have someone under you ahhh…. control”

I started moving my pelvis real slow. We weren’t fucking, but just having a real good time.

“Do you have anyone special in mind?”

“oooohhhh… No..” he lied.

I squeezed my muscles as hard as I could now and another moan came from his mouth.

“Are you sure?” I teased.

“Well… There’s only one person I can think of right now, as I don’t know a lot of people here yet.”

“You mean Logan, right?” and he looked at me with a surprised look on his face.

“Euhh… Yeah. Is it weird to do this with a guy?”

“No. At least I don’t think it is. And besides, I would like to do that with Logan too. He’s really cute!”

I said that last thing a little bit too enthusiastic because Kevin looked a tiny bit disappointed.

“Not as cute as my baby brother, of course,” I teased him and moved a bit more up and down on his dick.

“Well… I think he’s cute too,” he timidly said.

This took me a bit off guard. My little brother, who currently had his dick inside me and fucked my brains out quite well, was admitting he liked boys. Well, at least one boy. Of course, he sucked and was sucked by Brian, but I figured that that was just boys being curious.

“Then our victim is determined,” I said.

I kept moving slowly but firmly, rubbing my clit against him. As we talked about our options and forged our plan we kept going. At one point I came and I came hard, but Kevin wasn’t near an orgasm and we were still planning, so we kept going at it slowly. Almost the same thing as last night happened to me. I kept hanging on the brink of an orgasm. Sometimes I was really close to cumming, sometimes I felt tingles throughout my body, but all the time my cunt was spasming around Kevin’s dick. After a while of this, we had our plan in our heads and Kevin started to fuck me real good now. He was licking and nibbling on my nipples and fucking me with long, slow strokes. His dick went almost entirely out of me and then back in one smooth motion. This was much different from the previous times, where it was more short and fast moves.

“Ohh… Keep doing that!!” I moaned as I came for the third or fourth time.

“Grmphhh…” Kevin said and I could see the focus in his eyes. He was trying to hold back as long as possible.

I was almost losing my mind by now. I was feeling soooo good as another orgasm washed over me.

“Fuck me, Kevin! Ohhh… Fuck me! Fuck me! Fuck me!” and I clamped my nails in his back.

“AAHHHHHH!!” Kevin moaned and I felt his dick growing and starting to twitch inside me. A moment later I felt his sperm shooting in me, which pushed me to another orgasm. I hadn’t kept track, but I guess I came about six times in the hot tub during our slow fucking session. And now we were totally spent. I was lying on top of Kevin, panting hard and so was he. His dick softened and slipped out, along with some of his sperm.

“We’re getting good at this, aren’t we?” Kevin panted.

“Yeah, we are. I wish we found out about this a few years earlier.” I said and got off his lap to sit beside him.

I saw some of his sperm floating in the water which looked kind of funny.

“We need to get dressed, don’t we?” Kevin asked after a while.

“Yeah, we do. And we need to clean up after ourselves. I can see your sperm floating in the tub and I guess mom and dad would ask a lot of questions if they find their bed and the kitchen messed up the way they are.”

Kevin gave me a big kiss on my cheek and we hugged some more. Then he got up from the tub, which put me at eye level with his dick. God! I loved his dick! He turned around to get out, which of course put me at eye level with his butt. God! I loved his butt!! I giggled after thinking those thoughts and Kevin asked me what was wrong.

“Nothing! I just thought to myself how much I like your body”

“Oh… Well… I like your body a lot too” he said and looked at my boobs again.

“Let’s get dressed and clean the stuff before we get distracted again!”

We both got out, dressed, and spent about an hour or so

to clean up all the evidence of our sex-filled weekend. We were about halfway into a movie when our parents came home. They didn’t suspect a thing. But now I couldn’t wait to start our plans with Logan…

END Part Two

Copyright 2020 – Jason Crow
All rights reserved

Well…. This is a struggle! I’ve lost everything after their nightly session, so everything after the wake up needed to be rewritten. As I said earlier this being a two piece story… Well… I want to get this part out in the open, so I can start with the Logan part of the story. As someone commented: “You’ve climbed on a big horse!” He was right. I need to keep my stories in line. This way they are becoming way too big. After the loss of my work, I couldn’t bring myself to write again, but I’m getting back in the saddle and want to finish it now. So I’m hoping the last part will be finished soon. In the meantime… Have fun with this one!

factum est proelium

The Magnificent Zafar – Part one

The Magnificent Zafar – Part One
Jason Crow

It was a cold and wet December day when I was lying on my bed in my room. We just moved halfway across the country to this new home in Seattle. I was used to the beaches and heat in Tampa, but due to the promotion my dad had made, we had to move to this cold and wet wasteland. Some promotion! I was completely bummed out by this and had already decided I wasn’t going to accept this without a fight. Last week I turned fifteen, and only had a Skype session to see my old friends from Florida. The rest of the day I had to spend with my parents and little brother. Yay… All in all, you can say that I was in a very dark place in my head.
I had just cleared out my boxes and placed everything in my closet, so my little brother wouldn’t tease me with using my bra as a slingshot or something, just like he did last year. And it wasn’t like I had more things to do. Now I was lying on my bed wallowing in self-pity, as I received an app from a friend in Tampa. Apparently, she got laid and wanted to share that with me. She sent me a selfie of her and her friend making out.
Both bare-chested, so I guessed they either just did it or were going at it. Maybe both. The picture didn’t show any forbidden flesh, but it did leave little to the imagination too. And above all, it didn’t add to my mood. I was feeling left out and completely disconnected from my old friends. I had not met anyone here I liked and was completely dependent on my parents and little brother for human interaction. At my farewell party, things had gotten really out of control. Some douche-bag had brought booze to the party, and a few guys drank themselves totally over the top. Some guy threw up all over our bathroom and another guy passed out on our front lawn. It wasn’t a pretty sight when my parents got home as you probably can imagine. I still don’t know who had brought the booze, but my parents sure gave me hell about it. Now I was still grounded until after the holidays when I would go to my new school for the first time. So now I was alone, lonely, and couldn’t even go to the mall or something to check out some cute boys. I was almost at the point of crying my eyes out, but also felt I needed to get up and do something. Otherwise, I would die alone and miserable. Yeah, I know. I real dark place…
I stood up, straightened my clothes, and took a deep breath. I wouldn’t let anyone get the better of me! My room was cleaned up already, so my mom couldn’t bug me about that. If a girl can’t go out, she’ll find something else to do. I didn’t want to face my mother, because she would give me some shit again so I went up to the attic. Since we moved in, I still hadn’t been to the attic. My dad had put some boxes up there, containing stuff that we would probably never need again, but that was all. The attic was somehow an area where I figured I would be safe to be by myself and maybe find something in these boxes that would be of interest one way or the other. That would at least get my mind of everything.

I quietly crept up the stairs to the attic, so mom wouldn’t know I was up there. I closed the door behind me and clicked on the light. A single light bulb, hanging on a single wire from the ceiling, slowly started to glow. A few moments later it burned bright enough to bring light to the entire attic. I didn’t realize we had such a big attic. It was huge! Right beside the stairs, my dad had stacked our boxes. But when I looked around in the attic, I saw an awful lot of stuff standing around. And also a lot of interesting stuff. I started looking around In boxes, an old closet, and even an old army duffle bag. I put some chairs around a table, so I could place the more interesting stuff on there.

After I investigated most of the attic, I found out that the previous owner probably had served in the army. He (or she) also had an interest in magic tricks. I found a decent amount of card tricks, rope tricks, and even a straitjacket with some handcuffs. They all came with an explanation on how to perform these tricks. I tried some of these tricks and found out I was actually quite talented with magic tricks. I also realized it was already late and that I best go back to my room, so my mom wouldn’t get suspicious.


A few days went by with me practicing the magic tricks. My mood had lightened significantly and my mom had noticed it, which in turn caused her to stop bugging me about the farewell party. I was still grounded, but we were on speaking terms again. I even showed my little brother Kevin my first card trick. It was a really simple trick, but my brother was stunned. This gave me some confidence to continue practicing in the attic and me explaining everything to my mom and dad. They of course didn’t mind me going to the attic to entertain myself and even forbid my brother to go upstairs and bug me or study the same tricks.
This all gave me a lot of privacy and time flew by with my new found hobby.

Between all this practice, I continued to check out everything that was stashed in the attic. I found a working record player with loads of old records, so I could listen to some old music. There were a small electrical heater and even a real comfortable recliner. With all this stuff I had created a cozy place for myself in the attic and was really starting to enjoy our new house. I also found some sort of large case-like closet that was rigged so it could be used as a vanishing cabinet. But one of the best things I found was a complete, portable podium. I could build a podium with a maximum of about 150 square feet, but because it was modular, it could also be smaller. It had curtains and everything. It was perfect to start a career in magic!

Among all the card tricks and the other illusions, I also found a small box hidden in the vanishing cabinet. On the box, it read: “Zafar pendulum – Use carefully!!” At first, I didn’t pay any attention to it because of all the other stuff. But the “Use carefully!!” bit did get my attention. So I opened it and saw a small, gold pendulum on a gold chain in the box. Under the box, there was an old, yellow-stained document.


Now you can use the power of the magic Pendulum created by The Magnificent Zafar.
It’s breathtaking powers most certainly shall make you a big star!
Its movement will mesmerize your subject
To the things you ask, they will not object
Swing the pendulum before their face
In their memory, there remains no trace
Say the words “Brimba Zafara Memosal”
And they will be at your disposal
Use it carefully and use it wise
Before you know it, your star will rise!

The Magnificent Zafar

Okay…. Weird… I took the pendulum out of the little box and examined it. It didn’t look like much, more like a really cheap necklace you can buy at some second-hand store. The document sure looks promising, but also a little unlikely. I decided to give it a try at the little show I planned to give to my parents and brother later this week.

I continued practicing my tricks, so I wouldn’t look too much a fool. I wasn’t nervous or anything, but had enough drive to want to do it right. The few moments I was given access to our computer, which was a lot more than when I had just been grounded, I checked websites about hypnosis. The general consensus was that hypnosis as you see it in the movies is impossible. When people are put under hypnosis, they will always keep a form of consciousness that prevents them from doing things they normally wouldn’t do. There are also a lot of therapeutic types of hypnosis to help people cope with traumas in their lives, or to help remember stuff. I also read a lot of good tips on how to create a good show and, maybe the best tip of all, imprint a trigger phrase. With that trigger phrase, you can bring people back under hypnosis by just saying that sentence. I found it all a little hard to believe and was really skeptical. But hey… if it works it’ll look great in the show, and otherwise I could always blame the subject for not being receptive to hypnosis.

Then, on a Wednesday evening after dinner, we all gathered in the attic. I had been putting up stuff all day to show off my capabilities as best as possible. My mom, dad, and brother sat down on the seats as I climbed on stage. On the computer I had created an opening tune with loud music and a dark voice saying:

“Welcome everyone!! Be amazed by the Magnificent Zafar!!”

And then some bombastic music and loud bangs. I pressed the button to open the curtains and there I was. I didn’t see any harm in borrowing the cool stage name, so from now on, I was the Magnificent Zafar. I decided not to wear the cape and top hat I found. That was too old-fashioned in my opinion. I opted for a short skirt and a tank top. That way it was obvious that I didn’t hide anything in my sleeves. The tricks were a big success! My parents were flabbergasted by my performance and almost didn’t believe I did what I had done. Neither did my little brother, but he was a little bit skeptical and made some comments during my performance. So when the time came to do my hypnosis part of the act, he was my ‘victim’.

Kevin is my little brother, but we’re only separated by thirteen months, so he isn’t thát little anymore. He’ll turn thirteen next month and is really good at swimming. He doesn’t bug me that much anymore and we can get along pretty good for a brother and sister.

“Please, sit down on this chair Kevin,” I said with the friendliest voice I had.

“Okay…” He said a little reserved. “I don’t think you’ll be able to hypnotize me, Laura”

“We’ll see Kevin” I smiled.

Kevin said down on the chair I had placed on the stage. I made a little show with some hand movements and made sure he sat comfortably. I started wearing the pendulum as a necklace, so I lifted it over my head and made a little show with it. I started swinging it slowly before his eyes.

“You’re getting sleepy….. Picture yourself in a large open meadow… You feel yourself softly floating away from that meadow…… Just listen to my voice… Everything is starting to fade away and you can only hear my voice…”

I decided this was enough. I must admit he was doing his best to follow my directions. I didn’t expect that.

“Brimba Zafara Memosal!” I said.

That’s when I saw something happening in my brother’s eyes. The seemed more, I don’t know, focused in some way.”

“Annnnnd… Sleep!” I said.

Kevin went completely limp and was bent over forward, lying on his upper legs with his head hanging down low. Wow…. Did it actually work!?!? Or was this little maggot just playing me? I needed to figure out if it was real or not without making too much of a fool out of him in front of our parents.

“When I say Stand up please, You will stand on your feet, but you cannot talk anymore. You can only bray like a donkey”

I found that a nice idea. Not too much, but maybe enough for him to stop pretending.

“Okay Kevin, Stand up please,” I said, and he immediately stood up.

“Please young man. Tell me your name” I said

Kevin looked me straight in the eyes and he didn’t look asleep. Not anything like a zombie or robot or something as you would expect from watching T.V. shows. I figured he was still right awake with us. So a was a bit surprised when he actually started braying. He didn’t look surprised or anything from the stuff coming out of his mouth. That could still mean two things. My parents started laughing after his answer, but I still wasn’t convinced.

“Please sit down, Kevin,” I said.

Once he sat down I commanded him to sleep again and once again he hung forward over his legs with his head down. I was struggling for a way to find out if it was real or not, without taking it too far in front of our parents.

“When I snap my fingers, you will wake up. You won’t bray like a donkey anymore and are able to talk normally again. You’ll realize the seat is covered in glue, and you won’t be able to stand up. And to make matters worse, I took off your clothes, and now you’re completely naked in front of us all”.

I didn’t know if that would do it, but at least it would be fun! So I snapped my fingers and Kevin sat back up again, looking wide awake.

“How are you feeling Kevin?”

“Good! Thank you. I’m a bit cold though” he said.

“I don’t blame you,” I said. “You should have put on your clothes.”

Kevin looked down and turned beet red! He couldn’t possibly fake this. He quickly put his hands in his lap.

“Where are my clothes!?!?” he asked with a little panic in his voice.

“Right there where you left them,” I said and pointed to a table on stage.

Kevin tried to get up with his hands still in his lap, but couldn’t get up. He tried it in different ways, but whatever he tried, his butt kept stuck on the chair. It was really funny looking at him, trying to get to the table. My mom and dad were laughing really loud and my dad had tears flowing down his cheeks because of all this laughing.

“Can you please give me my clothes, Laura??” he practically begged me.

“Sleep!” and he was hanging over his legs again.

My mom and dad were still laughing. I walked over to Kevin and whispered in his ear:

“When I wake you up, later on, you will wake up. But when I, and only I, say the words ‘Kevin, Eat my shorts!’, you will be under the control of The Magnificent Zafar again and will do anything I say. Do you understand?” Kevin nodded his head as a sign he understood me.

“You’ll also say to our mom and dad, that you just played along with me if they ask you if you were really hypnotized. Is that also clear?” He nodded again.

I walked to the front of the stage and quite theatrically with a lot of hand movements and low voices woke him out of his hypnosis.

“When I ask you to wake up, you won’t remember anything about this. You’ll think the hypnosis didn’t work. You are wearing your clothes and the chair is normal again.”

I looked over my shoulder at my parents. They looked at us with still a big smile on their faces, but also anticipating the moment I would wake Kevin. I gave them a wink and said:

“Okay, Kevin.. Wake up!”.

Kevin blinked once and looked at me with a smile.

“I told you it wouldn’t work, Laura!” he said. And my parents laughed at that.

“It was absolutely amazing sweetheart!” My dad said.

“Yes! It was wonderful! I really liked your tricks, Laura! And Kevin, you should be an actor!” my mom added.

“Thanks!” Kevin and I said simultaneously.

By now I was pretty convinced the pendulum had some sort of magic in it. Or Kevin was as good an actor as my mom said, but I really doubted that. Ah well…. It was a great show and maybe I had gained some hypnotic powers. I didn’t know what to do with that anyway. We all cleaned up together and that was the end of it. My dad encouraged me to do more with it and maybe give another show at my new school. I wasn’t too keen about doing that yet, but maybe I would. He said that he would look around for some open podium night or something and maybe someone at his work would know some gigs. I thanked him and said I would keep practicing.


A few days went by and I was still proud of myself and the show I had given. My dad found someone at his work, who found me a gig at a birthday party. It turned out to be the party of the kid from one of the owners of the company. I said I would consider this, but my dad really wanted me to do it, so he urged me a bit. I still practiced a lot in the attic to learn new stuff and to keep my current tricks under control. I had found a hobby I really liked doing.

Right now it was Friday evening and my parents went out to a party at one of their friends. They finally thought we were old enough not needing a babysitter, so Kevin and I were home alone. We got along pretty well for a brother and sister, so there weren’t any problems. The only thing mom had ‘asked’ us, was to each take a shower and clean our rooms. I had done both things already and was lounging on the couch watching a movie. Kevin was running around the house like an idiot, doing something. Something stupid probably. Mom hadn’t put me in charge or anything, but considering I was the oldest, even though we were separated by only thirteen months, I figured I had to at least tell him he still had to do his chores. So I had already told him twice to clean up his room and take a shower, but he still didn’t listen.

It had gone a bit to the back of my mind with all the practicing and the new gig, but I could try my trigger phrase. This realization hit me like lightning. Why didn’t I think of this sooner? Maybe, no probably, it wouldn’t work, but hey! It was at least worth a try right!?

“Kevin, Eat my shorts!” I said.

I saw him blink once and saw a tiny hiccup in his movements, but otherwise, he went on doing the things he did.

“Damn! It doesn’t work.” I thought.

But then I realized I hadn’t given him any orders yet.

“Come over here, Kevin”

He stopped immediately with what he was doing and walked over to the couch. Wow!

“Go clean up your room like mom asked you to and then come back here, okay?”

“Okay,” and he was off to his room.

This was great! Even if he was still faking it, which I doubted by now, I at least got him to do his chores. I pressed play and went back to the movie I was watching. I was really into it when I felt I was being watched. I looked up and out of the corner of my eye, I saw a figure standing there.

”Motherfucker!!!” I shouted, a bit scared.

It appeared to be Kevin standing there, just looking at me.

“How long are you standing there??” I asked.

“Eleven minutes and twenty-three seconds,” he said looking me straight in the eyes.

“Wow… That’s pretty exact… Mom said we needed to take a shower too. So quickly get your ass in the shower and get clean.” I said and looked back at the TV.

I heard some ruffling behind me and looked back at Kevin to see what he was doing. Apparently, he had taken off his shirt and sweatpants and had his thumbs already in the waistband of his light blue boxer briefs.

“Wowwww!! Stop!!” I shouted. I didn’t want to see my brother naked!

And just like one of those robots in Westworld, he stopped moving entirely. I looked him in his eyes and they looked blank. That’s when I finally realized that I did it! I had hypnotic powers!!! I couldn’t hold back a little shout of victory. That didn’t bother Kevin. He still stood there frozen with his thumbs in the waistband. I looked him over and I noticed for the first time that my little brother had a really fine body. He was getting some abs on his belly and nice muscles in his arms. I looked at his bulge which was fairly big and could also clearly see the outline of his dickhead through the fabric of his boxers. It did make me curious and I felt my vagina moisten a bit. I considered a moment to let Kevin continue but felt I couldn’t do that to him. Jeez… I had moral issues! That was a first!

“Kevin, take off your underwear in the bathroom please, and then take your shower. When you’re done, put on some fresh underwear and come back over here.”

Kevin took his thumbs out of his boxers and walked away. I guessed to the bathroom. I checked out his ass as he walked away. And that sure was a nice ass I thought. I saw its muscles move under his boxers, moving away from me. I looked at the TV again, but my mind kept drifting off to his body, and specifically his penis. Up until now, I had never considered my brother as a male, just a pesky little brother. But now I couldn’t get his fine body out of my mind… I heard the water running and was considering my next move. I decided to wait until he was out of the shower and wake him up. I could always try something later on. I figured I needed to think this through, so I wouldn’t screw things up.

A few moments later I heard Kevin turn off the water, so I paused the movie I wasn’t watching anymore. I looked at the door waiting for Kevin to return. And then he walked in wearing nothing but a tight pair of bright red boxer briefs. Again I couldn’t take my eyes off the bulge in his briefs. It sure looked pretty big to me, but I had nothing but the internet to compare it with. Kevin walked over to the couch and just stood there watching me.

“Okay Kevin, put your clothes on,” I said with a little regret and he started putting on his clothes.

“When I snap my fingers you’ll wake up again and remember you took a shower and cleaned up your room, but you’ll think you changed your clothes in the bathroom. And again, when I, and only I, say ‘Kevin, Eat my shorts!’, you’ll be under my control again.”

I snapped my fingers and Kevin blinked. He acted completely normal again and sat down next to me.

“What are you watching?” he asked, obviously not remembering anything.

“The Crimes of Grindelwald”, but I’m turning it off and go to bed if you don’t mind.

“Go ahead! I think I’ll turn in in a few moments too. Goodnight.”


I went to my room, took off my clothes, and got in bed. My mind kept drifting back to Kevin’s body and my hand found its way between my legs. I couldn’t help it. My pussy was already sopping wet and I quickly found my clitoris and rubbed it fast and hard. I also came really fast and hard, a picture of the underwear-clad body of my little brother in my mind. It was one of the best orgasms I’ve ever had. Easily top three! I fell asleep quickly after that and dreamt all night about my brother. This was getting a bit disturbing….


A few days went by. I kept thinking about Kevin but figured it would get out of my system pretty soon if I didn’t act on it. Still being grounded didn’t help. Also Kevin, just like me, didn’t have a lot of friends in the neighborhood yet, so he was at home a lot too. At least he had his water polo practice to have some distraction from our situation at home. All I could do was keep focusing on my magic tricks to take my mind off things and try to keep getting better at it.

Every night in bed, I couldn’t help getting myself off, thinking about Kevin. I did wonder several times why I had stopped him taking off his underwear. I guess it was some sort of natural reflex to stop him. At that moment I didn’t want to see him naked, but seeing him standing there almost naked, woke something in me. He was a man. With a dick. Not just a brother who’s sole purpose was to bug me. During these days there was no real chance of putting him under again. My mom or dad was always at home because of all the preparations that needed to be done for us to start at our new school. I still wasn’t sure if I even wanted to put him under again and let him become naked before me. There were also times, mostly at bedtime, I didn’t doubt it and needed to see him naked. I was getting pretty fucked up by all of this.

I was still grounded for five more days, but my mom was getting a little less strict about these rules. She asked me if I wanted to go with her to take Kevin to water polo practice. My first reaction was to say no, but when I thought about it just a little longer and thinking about maybe seeing some hot bodies in their speedos and maybe, just maybe, take my mind of Kevin’s body, I was happy to go.

Kevin was pretty good at water polo. Back home he was the best of his league and one of the main reasons to move to this area and not the one closer to my dad’s work was because of their excellent water polo team. Kevin was placed in a team that varied from thirteen to fifteen years old. That would probably mean that I should see some nice eye candy.

When we arrived, Kevin went to the dressing rooms and my mom and I took a spot on the stands beside the pool. I purposely acted a little uninterested but kept my eyes wide open. Currently, the younger team was having their practice session. I guessed they were ranged from eleven to thirteen and were all pretty much young boys. One thing I learned then and there, is that playing water polo does great things to a boy’s body. They were all nicely built and some already showed some muscle on their tight bodies. Their packages were still pretty small though.

“It’s a nice place, don’t you think?” my mom asked, trying to make small talk. I decided not to be a bitch.

“Yes. I like it, mom. I think Kevin will like it too”

“I think so too.” I think she said that last thing more to herself than to me.

“There he is,” I said and instantly felt my vagina moisten at the sight of him in his speedo’s. Maybe this wasn’t such a good idea after all.

The boys in his team were indeed easy on the eye. This was Kevin’s fourth or fifth practice and he apparently made some friends. He was chatting with a nice boy about the same age as him, with an almost equally nice body. Kevin’s bulge was a little bit more prominent than the other boy’s, but the other boy had a little more developed chest. All in all, they made it difficult for me to keep sitting still on these benches. I was getting wetter by the minute.

I pretended to be surfing on my phone but was secretly taking pictures of these boys. My mom had a book with her and had started to read in it, so it gave me enough opportunities to take some good pictures. After about half an hour of practice, I excused myself and went to the bathroom. I lifted my skirt, pulled down my soaked panties, and sat on the toilet. As I browsed through the pictures, I fingered myself to a quick orgasm. I couldn’t help myself, but the picture of Kevin with his friend pushed me over the edge. They were both awesome to look at in their speedo’s.

I decided to leave my soaked panties off and just pull down my skirt. I carried a little handbag like almost every girl my age does and stuffed my panties in there. I went back to the stands and kept feasting my eyes while pretending to look at my phone. My mom was still reading her book and seemed oblivious to the spectacle before her eyes. Not wearing panties and the tight bodies before me kept me horny, but I couldn’t do anything about it.

After practice was over, mom and I waited in the hallway outside the locker room making small talk again. After a little while, Kevin came out with the cute boy beside him.

“Mom, this is Logan,” Kevin said.

“Hi, Logan. Nice to meet you.” My mom said.

“Nice to meet you too,” he said.

“Logan lives in our neighborhood” Kevin stated.

“My mom is waiting in the car,” he said to Kevin.

We all went outside and talked to Logan’s mom. It turned out they lived just three blocks away from us. My mom and Logan’s mom talked a bit and appeared to hit it off pretty good. They swapped phone numbers and even made arrangements to make a schedule to take turns taking the boys to practice. Kevin and Logan talked about some of the tactics they learned during practice which left me feeling a little left out. Currently, both boys were wearing sweats that hid their bodies, so I couldn’t lust after that either. Moments later my mom said goodbye to Logan’s mom. Logan and Kevin bumped shoulders and also said goodbye.

In the car, my mom said she was glad Kevin found a friend close by and that his mom was such a nice lady. Kevin and I both sat in the back and looked out the window. I was still horny as fuck and right then and there decided I would tease Kevin a bit. I moved my butt around a bit so my skirt would ride up a little and I made my legs point his way a bit. I figured that this way Kevin could look up my skirt and could see the folds of my freshly shaved bold pussy if the light was right, which depended on the direction we were driving. It wasn’t very comfortable sitting this way, but it would be a nice distraction. I pretend to still be looking out of the window and after a few minutes, I could hear a little gasp beside me. Yes! It worked. I kept looking out of the window, acting like I didn’t know what was going on. I even shifted a little more, so I would be exposed even more.

I sat like this for a few more miles and trying to look in my peripheral vision for Kevin’s reaction. I couldn’t see it the way I wanted, so I turned my head slightly and looked at him. He had his eyes right between my legs and hadn’t noticed that I looked his way. That gave me the opportunity to quickly check him out. He was currently sporting a pretty obvious erection. I could clearly see it tenting out his sweatpants. I opened my legs a bit showing even more of my dripping wet vagina and kept eyeing his boner from the corner of my eyes. I pretended to be looking out of the front window, so I wouldn’t be busted looking at him. After a little while, we were close to our home and I decided that it was enough. I closed my legs and sat up. I looked over at Kevin who had snapped out of his trance. I forced myself to blush, and then quickly adjusted my skirt. I glanced down at his boner, which caused Kevin to blush and cover it up with his hands.

“I’m sorry” I whispered.

“Don’t be. I didn’t see anything” he lied.

I smiled at him and kissed him on his cheek.

“You’re a great brother”

Kevin blushed again and smiled back, relaxing a bit. I guessed this was the first real-life vagina he had ever seen. It sure made me horny as hell and I was feeling naughty and also felt some form of triumph for giving him an erection. I tried looking at it, but he still covered it with his hands. I started talking to our mom to take the edge of the situation. Kevin relaxed a bit more and dropped his hands. He didn’t have an erection anymore, but his dick was still a clearly visible bulge in his sweatpants. When we arrived home, Kevin and I got out and walked to the front door. On a whim, I gave Kevin a big hug and he hugged me back.

“Glad to see you two are getting along so well,” my mom said and went inside.

Kevin and I let each other go and we too went inside. Our mom started making diner as Kevin and I went to our rooms where I, and I guess Kevin too, got myself off to a quick orgasm.


Two days later I was getting a bit nervous. That evening I would be performing before an audience of about twenty people. My dad had arranged a gig for me at the birthday party of the son of one of his co-workers. I would get 50 bucks for it, so it would be worth the trouble. Kevin even offered to help me. After the event in the car yesterday, he was much nicer to me and also hugged me a lot more. I didn’t mind one bit. I was feeling no objections for lusting after my brother. Seeing him standing there in his underwear had somehow opened the gates of lust with me. I was still a virgin and guessed so was Kevin. I was determined to be devirginized as soon as possible. If Kevin was the one to lose it to, so be it, but Logan was a serious candidate too. Up until ‘the underwear incident’ I never even thought about looking at younger boys, but now I couldn’t take my eyes of these two.

Kevin sure helped me out at the gig. He operated the curtain, handed me stuff, and put it away. All in all the gig was a great success. And we were a great team. As we were putting our stuff away and loading it in our dad’s car, his co-worker came to pay me. He was so impressed, he even doubled the 50 bucks! I thanked him a lot and said it was my pleasure to perform for them. I gave Kevin 50 bucks, a big hug, and thanked him a lot for his help. He gave me a good, firm hug back and said he was glad to help and that these 50 dollars weren’t necessary. I urged him to keep it because he earned them.

Dad came in and helped us put the last things in the car. He was beaming with pride and kept complimenting me. He also said he talked with a lot of people and maybe had some more gigs we could perform at.

“I’m going to need a manager this way!” I laughed.

“Then I’ll be your P.A.” Kevin chimed in.

Back home, after we put everything away, I thanked Kevin again for his great help. He in his turn said he was super proud of his big sister. I never thought about that, but thanked him a lot for his honesty. We both agreed that the next evening we would order pizza and watch a movie or two we both liked, because that Friday night, our mom and dad had some big event at my mom’s new work and would be staying the night there. Being so close to each other now, we both wanted to make it a cozy night for both of us. And on Monday we’d both be starting at our new school, so it would also probably be our last chance to relax like this for a while.

Later that night in my bed I was considering my options with Kevin. I really liked him as a person, but also really liked his body. Would it be right to take advantage of him using my hypnotic powers? After a lot of thinking, I decided I wouldn’t let him fuck me or anything, but I desperately wanted to see him naked, so I would have a nice and accurate picture of him to masturbate to. Where things would lead from there, I didn’t know and would let things play out as they happen.


That Friday morning we both slept in. I was at the breakfast table at around noon, and Kevin still was in his room. I hadn’t planned anything, in particular that day, but then my mom asked me to go to the mall with her, which I gladly accepted. These 50 bucks were burning a hole in my pocket. Eventually, I bought some almost see-through lace thong panties with a matching sexy bra which I of course didn’t show my mom. Together with her I also bought a nice pair of shoes. My mom and I then went to eat something and talked a bit more. She confessed to me that she regretted a bit that they grounded me after hearing the full story, but also said that she had expected me to intervene sooner that evening. We had a good conversation and accepted each other’s point of view. We also decided to leave it at that. My punishment was over anyway and I appreciated my mom’s honesty. Wow!! I really was starting to like the person I had become and not being a bitch all the time. Maybe that was the great plus of us moving across the country.

By the time we got back, my dad was already wearing his tux and putting their suitcase in the car.

“Where were you!?” he said to mom.

“I was having a good time with our daughter” she replied.

“Can you help me please, Laura?” she asked me.

“Of course!”

We both went upstairs. My mom quickly took a shower and I took out her evening dress and underwear and laid it on their bed. When my mom came out of the shower I helped her with her clothes. I had seen her naked a lot of times, but now, as I helped her get dressed, I noticed how nice her body was for a 41-year-old lady. She still had firm breasts and a really nice ass. If this was the future I was facing, I had nothing to complain about. We both decided that a bra shouldn’t be worn under this dress, so she went without. I zipped her up and helped with her hair and makeup. My mom was ready to go in under thirty minutes.

She and my dad thanked me, spoke some stern words to Kevin and me to behave and go to bed at our regular bedtime, and then they were off. Kevin looked at me and smiled.

“Let’s make this a pleasant evening,” he said.

“I agree! I’m going to take a shower and put on my PJ’s” I said.

“Me too. Let me know when you’re ready, then I’ll take a shower and we can order the pizza.”

And we did just that. I took a shower and put on my loose-fitting, sleeveless t-shirt and a pair of loose-fitting boxer shorts. No underwear of course. I called Kevin and he went in to take his shower. In the meantime, I took the bottle of whiskey I took from someone at the party and had kept hidden in my room and sat it down on the table in the living room. I ordered the pizza and booted up our media player. My dad had this hobby that consisted of the best audio and video hardware. We had a real high-end home cinema system in our living room. All I needed to do was select the right movie. I was curious about the fifty shades series but wasn’t allowed to watch it. This was a great moment to watch it I decided. I just needed to get Kevin on board with this one. After I made all arrangements Kevin came down in his PJ’s. Well… His outfit got my attention, that was for sure. I wasn’t sure if he did this on purpose, but damn!! He was wearing practically the same outfit as me. As he walked toward me, I could see his junk moving under these shorts, so I guess he wasn’t wearing any underwear either. And these shorts were short too. I guessed these would fit him about a year ago, but now they were just REALLY short. And his sleeveless shirt showed off his muscles real nice too. It turned out he didn’t mind watching fifty shades with me. He admitted he actually wanted to see it too. He asked me about the whiskey.

“I took it from someone at the party. Maybe we can drink some of it later on” I said.

“Okay…” he said a little hesitantly. ”I’ve never drunk alcohol before”

We settled in on the couches and started the movie. Kevin was sitting to my left on his own couch, obviously relaxing. I sat on the far end of my couch with my legs toward him, so if I wanted, I could give him a peek up my shorts or show some sideboob through the holes of my shirt where the sleeves used to be. I was determined to get him horny. But It turned out Kevin had some plans of his own. He had put his legs up on the coffee table, giving me a great view up the legs of his shorts. I could look up quite far and could even see hints of his right testicle. Or at least I thought it was his testicle. I couldn’t quite make it out with him sitting like this. This was turning out to be really interesting. I was wondering how things would turn out this evening.

Kevin moved his leg a bit more, giving me a little more view up his leg. And then the doorbell rang. Dammit!!! I reluctantly got up and went to the door. I paid the pizza delivery guy and got back in the living room. Kevin had taken his legs from the table and had cleared the table enough for me to place the pizza’s on it.
He had also already poured some coke for both of us.

“Do you want some whiskey with that too?” I asked while pouring a bit of whiskey in my own glass.

“Sure! Why not?” so I poured a bit in his glass too.

I sat back on the couch and started eating the pizza. I made sure I gave Kevin a good view of my boob through the sleeve of my shirt. He couldn’t see my nipple, but I guessed he wouldn’t mind that one bit. Seeing the tent in his shorts confirmed my intention of showing boob worked. We ate and drank in silence after that and focusing on the movie.

The pizzas were gone and on-screen Anastasia was showing off her nice body in all her glory. I was getting a bit aroused by it. Maybe it was also the alcohol kicking in, although I was real careful not to put too much in our drinks. I didn’t want to be drunk, nor did I want Kevin to be drunk. I just wanted to take the edge off it with both of us. But seeing this, I found it the right time to put my plan in motion. I had already figured out I needed to find a way to let Kevin take of his own clothes. The Magnificent Zafar would just help a little. And maybe tease him a bit too.

“Kevin, Eat my shorts!” I said.

Again I couldn’t notice any change in him.


He fell down over his lap again. This was needed to tell him some things.

“When I say you can wake up again, you are fully awake and make your own decisions. But your clothes will feel itchy. They’ll start to feel itchier by the minute. You’ll also answer all the questions I ask you honestly. You can’t lie to me. Is that understood?”

He nodded his head in his lap to let me know he got it. I figured this was a good way for him to take off his clothes and let me see his penis. Oh… How I longed to see his penis!!

“Okay, Kevin. You can wake up now”

He sat back up again and looked back at the television again.

“Do you like the movie?”

“Yes! It’s pretty hot. I got hard during some of the scenes”

I couldn’t help it and laughed. Wow. That honesty thing was working.

“I get it. I’m getting wet watching this too” I admitted.

Kevin looked a bit puzzled at me but eventually gave me a nice smile.

“I’ve never thought about that,” he said. “Girls get horny too of course.”

He started moving a bit uncomfortably on the couch. Rubbing his back against the back of the couch.

“Do you mind if I take off my shirt?” he asked.

“No. Why? Are you hot?”

“No. These clothes are really itchy! It’s annoying”

He stood up and took off his shirt. I didn’t take my eyes off his body as he took off his shirt. I saw these abs again and that V disappearing in his shorts. It was SO hot! He sat down again but now started rubbing his butt on the seat of the couch.

“Better?” I asked.

“A bit. Now it’s my shorts that are still itchy. But I’m not wearing any underwear…”

“I don’t mind if you take ‘em off. You have a nice body and I won’t look if you don’t want me to.”

He looked at me and smiled.

“You’re really nice Laura. And I guess I don’t mind that too much” and he stood up. He turned his back to me and dropped his pants.

I was treated to an extremely nice ass. I could see his dick dangling through his legs, but couldn’t see it good enough. Kevin covered his dick with his hands and sat back down again.

“That’s much better!” he sighed and looked back at the television.

I myself couldn’t keep my eyes off of him.

“You look fabulous Kevin,” I said to him in a hoarse voice. “Can I see your penis?”

“Why would you want that?” he asked me with a bit of uncertainty in his voice.

Of course, I couldn’t tell him I needed a more accurate masturbation picture in my mind.

“I’ve never seen a naked boy in real life” I admitted. “And I think you’re really nice to look at.”

Slowly Kevin took his hands out of his lap and shyly looked at me. His circumcised dick was lying on his left thigh. It seemed big on his frame. I guessed it was 4 ½ inches long, but not too thick. His hairless sack was a bit tight, but I could clearly make out his two balls. His whole body was completely hairless.

“What do you think?”

I noticed he was a bit insecure about this.

“It’s fabulous,” I said in all honesty. “You don’t have any pubes yet?”

“I do, but I shave them. I don’t want any hairs peeking out above my speedo’s”

Well. That made sense. I was so turned on by now, I threw all my caution and plans out of the window.

“Can you make it hard for me?”

Kevin then surprised me by asking:

“I can. But it’ll be easier if you take off your shirt, so I can watch your breasts. I’ve ever seen real breasts up close before, but I really want to!”

I didn’t hesitate one second. I lifted my shirt and for the first time let a boy look at my naked breasts.

“Wow! They’re gorgeous!” Kevin said. “And it’s working” he smiled.

I couldn’t keep my eyes off his hardening dick. It came to life with his heartbeat and grew hard in a few seconds. It grew to about six inches and throbbed with his heartbeat and sticking up from his lap.

“Stand up. I can’t see it good enough” I whispered.

Kevin nodded and slowly stood up. And there it was, right in front of my eyes. It was straight with a slight bend to the right at its base. His circumcised glans was red and it had a small clear drop of precum on it. This close I could see some stubble at the base of his dick where he shaved his pubes. He could use a new shave I thought to myself. But I was absolutely mesmerized by his dick. My hand had a mind of its own and I saw it wrap itself around his cock.

“Ohhhh” Kevin moaned.

It was obvious he liked my touch. So did I! His dick was hard and soft at the same time, and it was warm and had an exciting texture and…. I was hooked!! I couldn’t let it go and stop caressing it! Kevin was breathing heavily and moaned again.

“You like what I’m doing Kevin?” I asked with a smile.

“Oh yeah, Laura! It‘s amazing!!” he gasped.

I took his dick more firmly in my hand and moved my fist up and down on it. I paid special attention to his glans and couldn’t take my eyes off of it. I pointed it toward me so I could get a better look at the tip.

“Ahhhh… Ohhhh… Laura… This is grfevsae…. AHHHHHHH!!”

I felt his dick growing fatter in my fist. And at that moment his semen spurted out. The first blast hit me by surprise on my chin. The second and third landed on my tits. After that, it dribbled a bit out of his dick. His sperm felt warm on my tits and the drop on my chin dripped down in my lap. Kevin stood there panting and looking down at me with fear in his eyes.

“I’m so sorry Laura!” he said. His voice was trembling.

I didn’t get it. What was going on here?? He just came buckets due to my short hand job. I thought he would be over the moon now.

“What’s the matter, Kevin?”

“I didn’t mean to shoot my stuff! But your hand was so magnificent and soft and I couldn’t stop it!! And now you’re covered in my sperm! I’m so, so sorry!!”

“Don’t worry about it, Kevin!! It was amazing and it was so hot watching you cum and watch it shooting all over me.” I said and smiled my sweetest smile at him.

“Really!? You’re not mad at me?” He asked surprised.

“No! Of course not you silly!”.

I looked at his softened dick with a drop of cum hanging from its tip. He looked down at where I was looking and smiled a cocky smile.

“This was fucking hot!” He said.

This was the first time I heard my little brother use language like this and it surprisingly turned me on big time. I was of course still horny as hell and needed relief too.

“Yeah. It was fucking hot! YOU are fucking hot! Your cum all over my tits is also fucking hot”.

I saw his dick come to life again.

“You like this dirty language?”

“Yeah…. I do. It’s so hot hearing you talk like this with my dick practically in your face and my cum on your tits.” And then, out of the blue: “I want to see your pussy again!”

“Oh… You do, do you?” I said teasingly. “Why would I do that?”

“Because I’ve seen it before in the car, but didn’t see it good enough. I want to see it completely, so I have a better picture in my mind to jack off to.”

I almost forgot the hypnotic state he was still in. Well… I couldn’t blame him for this of course. This was my initial reason for this after all.

“Sit down” and he immediately sat down on our coffee table with the anticipation beaming from his face.

I decided to give him a little show. I saw a striptease online the other day and figured I could more or less mimic it. I slowly and teasingly pulled down the front of my shorts to just above my slit. I slipped my hands in my shorts and gave my wet clit a little rub. A shiver went through my body and a moan escaped my mouth. Kevin had his hand on his dick and was slowly jacking himself off. I turned around slowly, looking over my shoulder at Kevin. I then pulled down my shorts in one slow move down my legs to my feet. Of course, that meant I stood there fully bend over with my ass and pussy toward Kevin.

“Oh… Wow!” I heard him say.

That urged me on even more. I spread my legs a little and slipped a finger between my lips, making sure Kevin saw how slippery I was.

“Do you like what you see?”

“Oh yes! I can see your pussy real good now. And I can feel my balls tingling again…”

There was that honesty again. I stood up, turned around, and put one leg on the coffee table beside Kevin. This gave him an even better view of my pussy and my lips spread some more.

“You shave it too?”

“Yeah. I like it much better without hair. Makes me feel a bit sexier”

“I like it too. I can see everything now. Where does the penis go in?” he asked.

I wanted to give the best show I could, so I spread my lips and showed him the hole.

“Watch this,” I said and Kevin stopped moving his hand on his dick.

I slipped my middle finger in my pussy and couldn’t hold back a moan. Kevin’s eyes got wide and his hand slowly moved again. This was it. I couldn’t stop myself and started fingering myself in earnest. It was so hot being watched by my masturbating little brother, that my orgasm came quick and hard. It was by far the very best I ever had. I felt my legs go weak and fell back on our couch, still rubbing my clit and sliding my finger in my contracting cunt. I kept coming for at least an hour, or at least that’s how it felt to me. At least it was a lot longer than usual.

I heard Kevin breathing and moaning and when I opened my eyes I saw the sperm flying out of his cock and splatting all over his chest and tight belly. That sight added another level to my orgasm and I came again. I laid there panting and tried getting my breath back. Kevin was looking at me with an extremely horny smile on his face.

“Now we’re both covered in my sperm” he smiled.

“Yeah. You’re right. Give me a minute and I’ll clean it up” I panted.

“Uhm… We could also take a shower” he timidly said.

As I was recovering I looked at Kevin and smiled. It was an erotic sight to see. His penis was halfway down and had another drop of cum hanging on it. On his chest, I saw the cum sliding down toward his dick.

“You’re right. Great idea! Do you want to go first?”

“Uh. I figured we take one together.”

“I know. I’m just teasing you” I laughed. “Let’s go upstairs”

Kevin walked behind me as we went upstairs.

“You sure have a fine ass Laura” Kevin giggled behind me. His face was practically at eye level with my ass going up the stairs.

“Thanks,” I said and exaggerated the swaying of my ass, trying to make it sexier.

I turned on the shower and fiddled with the water temperature. I was bent over a little bit doing this with Kevin standing behind me.

“This is a real nice thing you have here” I heard Kevin say and a moment later I felt his hand caressing my left bum.

It was nice having him touch me. I pretended to be fiddling some more, but the water already had the right temperature. I looked back over my shoulder and saw him smiling and looking intensely at my backside. I stopped the fiddling and stepped in the shower.

“Ahhh. This is nice. You getting in?” I asked as I let the water wash his cum off my body.

Kevin of course wouldn’t let this opportunity go to waste and came in. We have a pretty big shower with one of these rain showerheads. We both stood under the stream, facing each other. Kevin sighed too as he got clean. I looked at the water running over his fantastic body and realized I was still quite horny. But mostly I was feeling a lot of affection toward Kevin. His head was tilted back toward the water and on a whim, I gave him a big, tight full-body hug pressing as much of my body as I could on him. My nipples hardened as I pressed them on his chest. Kevin hugged me back and his hands cupped my ass. I looked him in the eyes and kissed him on his lips. As the water cascaded over our bodies I opened my mouth and pressed my tongue on his mouth. Kevin quickly caught up and opened his mouth too. We started Frenching and I cupped his phenomenal ass too.

Between us, his dick was fully hard again and trying to get up. Now it was pressing at the front of my pussy. I couldn’t ignore it. I liked it and from the back of my mind the thought came up to let my little brother fuck me and take my virginity. Apparently, the thought had lingered there for some time, because it didn’t bother me at all, nor did I feel any hesitation about it. Kevin moved his ass back a little, which meant his dick slapped against his belly and was now pressed between us. We kept kissing pretty hardcore and as I pressed myself even more against him, a little moan escaped his mouth. I abruptly let him go and got down on my knees, my eyes leveled with his dick. I looked at his dick again in full close-up, took it in my hand, and lowered my mouth on it.

“Ohhhhh… Laura! Yess!!” Kevin moaned as I gave my first blowjob.

I did everything I ever read on the internet to make this the best blowjob I could give. I lapped my tongue around his head and under his glans, moved my mouth over his shaft while making my lips hard and soft in the process, every now and then I pressed his dick against my palate. While doing all this, my left hand played with his hairless balls. I really liked his balls… Above the noise of the water running over us, I could hear Kevin’s moaning increase. His hips were moving now too and he was practically fucking my mouth. I kept up as much of the action of my tongue and lips as I could, but moved my hands on his ass to feel his tight muscles move as he fucked my mouth. I was SO turned on by all this, I was on the verge of coming, without even touching myself.

“Ohhh… Ah ah ah ah…. I’m cumming Laura!! Watch out!” Kevin almost screamed.

I had already made up my mind and wanted him to cum in my mouth. I wanted to taste as much of him as I could. Moments later I felt his dick grow even stiffer, Kevin pushed his hips forward and let out some sort of primal grunt. And there it was. His dick pulsed and kicked in my mouth as I felt the first spurt hit the back of my throat. And another one. All in all, I felt three big spurts and two smaller ones. My mouth was now filled with my brother’s cum and I tried to taste it as good as I could. But my mouth was pretty full now with his dick and a lot of cum, so I needed to swallow a bit. I made sure I left a bit in my mouth to savor the taste. With a little pop, I took my mouth off his now softening dick. I stood up while rubbing my body against Kevin. I’ve never been this horny before in my life. It felt like my pussy was on fire! I kissed him hard on his mouth again and slipped my tongue in his mouth. We were now both tasting his sperm, but Kevin didn’t seem to mind.

“That was amazing!!” Kevin said as we broke our kiss. I never came this much in such a short time.

“I know. I couldn’t help myself” and I smiled the most wicked grin I could muster.

“I guess you probably didn’t expect to get your first blowjob from your big sister, did you?”

“This wasn’t my first blowjob” he simply stated, staring blankly into my eyes.

“But it was absolutely the best blowjob. That’s for sure!” he added enthusiastically.

Right. Still that honesty. I needed to fix that.

“Thanks. But, wait. Not your first blowjob?” I asked him, waiting for that honest answer.

“No. Brian and I sucked each other off a few times before we moved over here.”

I knew Brian. He was Kevin’s best friend back home in Florida. He was nice, but not nearly a cutie like Kevin. I accidentally saw him in his underwear once at a sleepover and noticed he was a scrawny kid. On top of that, he had braces and a goofy haircut. So no. Not my type.

“Okay…. How come?”

“We both read about it and saw it online. We wanted to know what it felt like. Brian offered to give me one if I gave one in return. So we did just that. The second time we did it to each other at the same time. It’s called a sixty-nine.”

“I know that you dummy!” I laughed. “I didn’t know you did those things. I’ve never done anything more than just kissing. Until now that is…”

Kevin laughed at that comment and I started laughing because of Kevin laughing.

“Anything more I need to know about your sex life?”

“Brian and I did it one more time on the last sleepover. We didn’t kiss, so I didn’t have any experience with that. Until this day that is” and he laughed again.

“Right… My little brother had more sex than me..” I said, pretending to be gloomy.

“Don’t worry about that. You’ll find someone you like”

“I already found someone I like,” I said and looked him deep in his eyes. “I think I’m in love with you Kevin…”

“Well…. That’s great news because I love you too” he said, looking at me real serious.

Knowing he couldn’t lie, and his deep and intense look caused the butterflies in my belly to do flip-flops, loopings, and a lot of other stuff to make sure I noticed them. Damn! I really was in love! We kissed another passionate kiss while hugging each other again. After a few minutes, we broke the kiss and I turned off the water.

“If we stand here any longer, we’ll look like raisins,” I said.

“You’re right. Let’s get out. Uhmm…. I’d like to dry you off. Is that okay?”

“Sure! I’d like that.”

Kevin got out, which showed me his perfect ass again. He took a towel, turned around to look at me, and quickly dried himself. I looked at his penis flopping from left to right as he dried his back. It was an awesome sight. After that, he took a fluffy towel and started to dry me off. I laid my head on his chest, so he could dry my hair. While he was tenderly drying my hair, I was looking down the front of his body and saw his penis swaying with every move his body made. I was in love with Kevin, that much is true. But I was also very much in love with his dick! I was getting hypnotized myself this way!

Kevin was doing his best to make it as tender as possible. He dried my back and my butt but didn’t inappropriately touch me. He even dried my boobs without trying anything. This was both sweet and frustrating because I wouldn’t mind one bit if he touched me there. When he started doing my feet and legs, he sat on his knees. This put him at eye level with my crotch. At first, he started with my feet and slowly worked his way up my legs. This also made him look at my pussy. Suddenly he bent forward and kissed me on it. He didn’t lick, suck, or nibble. Just a sweet kiss. His hands were now right between my legs. At that point, he dropped the towel and moved his hands even further upwards. I couldn’t hold back a moan as his fingers started to probe around between my legs. I instinctively spread my legs a little more to give him better access. He kissed my pussy again, but this time I felt his tongue poke between the furrow of my lips. As the tip of his tongue touched my clit, I almost cried but could hold it back so it was just a loud moan. His fingers probed some more and I felt a finger enter me. Kevin started licking me for real now and I felt one of his fingers enter me even deeper. Sparks were flying before my eyes.

“Ohhhh…. Kevin!!! Grsssjjeeehrrgg” was all that came out of my mouth at that point.

I was now reaching the point of no return. Kevin’s tongue kept flicking over my clit and his finger was inside of me all the way now. He started moving his finger in and out of me, so he was fucking me with his finger. All the time flicking the tip of his tongue over my clit. He added a second finger and started using his entire tongue on me, which even increased the intensity. I felt him moan on my pussy and that was the trigger for me.

“Aaaarghhh!!” I grunted a low moan and came. And I came hard.

I felt my legs going weak and tumbled down over Kevin. At that point, everything went black….


When I opened my eyes, everything was a bit blurred. After a few moments, I could make out Kevin’s worried face. I was a little disoriented, but pretty quickly figured out we were in my parents’ bedroom.

“What happened? Are you okay??” I could hear Kevin was really worried about me.

“I think your wonderful tongue and fingers, knocked me out. Quite literally” I smiled lovingly at him.

“WOW! Really!? You were out of it for a few minutes. I didn’t know what happened, so I picked you up and carried you to the nearest bed”

I felt a lot of love for Kevin at that moment. A warm glow washed over my body. I was also very aware of my pussy still contracting every now and then and it felt like I was on the verge of another orgasm. I’ve never felt like this before. It was like one long orgasm still happening. I couldn’t place it, but it was awesome!

“Come here!” I said and I stretched out my arms inviting Kevin for another hug.

He got my intention and started to hug me while he was still standing beside the bed. I pulled him down, which caused him to fall and lay half on top of me. We both started giggling. Kevin then moved and laid down next to me and kissed me hungrily on my mouth.

“I was worried about you” he seriously said to me.

“I’ve never had such a powerful orgasm! Not even close! THANK YOU!!” and I kissed him too.

Kevin placed his hand on my left boob which caused me to moan in his mouth.

He was lying on his side, his leg draped over me. I could feel his hard dick against my hip as his hand massaged my tit and his fingers played with my hard nipple. My pussy was still lightly contracting and the frequency of it was increasing now. I rolled on top of Kevin without breaking our kiss. I was straddling his waist and felt his hard dick pressed against my still sopping wet pussy. I kept hugging and kissing him and ground my pussy against him. We were both moaning in each other’s mouths. I rolled back, taking Kevin with me, so we were now lying in the traditional missionary position and still making out pretty hardcore. I broke the kiss and looked Kevin in the eye.

“Will you please fuck me, Kevin? I want you to be my first.”

He looked at me with both lust and fear in his eyes and then nodded.

“Yes. Of course! I want that for a long time. Ever since I saw your tits for the first time as you came out of the shower!”

Oh yeah… honesty. I didn’t have a clue what he was talking about, but I’d figure that out a little later. Right now all I wanted was to feel my little brother’s dick inside me and fuck my virginity away.

“Go for it…” I whispered.

He lifted himself up a little and took his dick in his hand. He started poking around, which caused me to see sparks before my eyes again. This was already amazing now. I couldn’t wait for him to enter me.

“This the place?” he softly asked.

I felt the tip of his dick at the entrance of my pussy, which caused it to contract sharply again.

“Ohhh… Yessss. That’s it! Push it in me now!” I urged him on.

And then I felt it. I first felt his glans enter me. I could clearly make out the rim of his head going deeper and deeper inside me. I was so wet by now, he could enter me in one swift motion. But Kevin was agonizingly slow while sliding it in. I guessed he didn’t want to hurt me, but the opposite was true! I wanted his dick all the way inside me! Right now I could feel my lips closing around his shaft and the top was still touching every nerve ending I had in my pussy. I was still contracting and orgasming lightly. I became aware of his balls touching me and the movement of his dick had stopped. I couldn’t think too clearly now and I heard myself panting and moaning.

“Ohhhh…. Laura… I’m all the way in… This is awesome!”

“Ohh… Fuck me! Fuck me now, little brother!! FUCK ME!” I heard myself say.

I felt like I wasn’t completely in control anymore. I wrapped my legs around him, trying to get him deeper inside. I placed one hand right above his butt and the other in his hair. I started to feel his dick moving inside me. This caused my light orgasm to be more prominent and my pussy started contracting harder.


I opened my eyes and looked him deep in the eyes. I was a little unfocused, but the look on Kevin’s face was priceless! It was a look of concentration and pure bliss. With my hand, I felt his butt moving and his dick was constantly sending sparks and fireworks before my eyes. If I had died and gone to heaven, I would have believed it. I’ve never, ever felt this good before. Right then the orgasm hit me quick and hard.


My pussy was contracting sharply and trying to pull my brother deeper inside me. Through the sparks, I saw his face screw up and he pushed himself as deep inside me as possible. He was cumming too!

“Ohhh… Laura… I’m cumming!”

I felt the tip of his dick was right at the entrance of my womb. And at that point, I could feel spurt after spurt entering my womb. It caused me to cum again… Or still…. Or…. Oh, I didn’t know. The last five minutes were one big, no giant, orgasm. Kevin had gotten me so worked up, horny, and beside myself, that I really felt like I was in heaven.

My pussy kept contracting around his dick as it softened a bit. Kevin was lying on top of me, breathing heavily.

“Are you dead?” I giggled.

“This was fabulous!!” He panted.

“I know….”

Even though Kevin came for the fourth time now in a short time, his dick only went soft a little bit. I squeezed my pussy around it a few times, causing him to shake a little. I kissed him on his cheek and whispered in his ear with the sexiest voice I could find:

“Can you fuck me again please??”

He looked up at me and smiled. His dick got fully hard in a heartbeat and he started moving again and the sparks before my eyes were back again. After a little while, Kevin asked if I wanted to be on top. We turned over without him leaving me. As I sat on top now, the tip of his dick was constantly poking at my cervix. It was nice, but giving complete control to Kevin felt better for me. He was now playing with my tits and I could see that Kevin was enjoying himself and it wasn’t bad for me either, so we fucked like this until Kevin pushed himself up against me and came the fifth time that evening. I still came a few times, but not the full-blown orgasms I had before.

After this, we laid beside each other and got under the blankets. We were both totally spent by now. I cuddled up against Kevin and we both decided to fall asleep in our parent’s bed. Since they would be back late in the evening tomorrow, we wouldn’t get caught sleeping in their bed naked. Kevin kissed me on my head and I pressed my pussy against his leg, trying to get even closer to him.

“I love you” we whispered at exactly the same time and both giggled about it.

“Good night, little brother”

“Good night, big sis!” and I drifted off in a very, very happy sleep.

END Part One

Copyright 2020 – Jason Crow
All rights reserved

Wow. That’s it. My first. Completely written by me, Jason Crow. And yeah…. I know!! Hypnotism doesn’t work this way, so don’t bug me about it! 🙂 Once again a pretty long story, but I guess I can’t make short stories. I need the character development. Ah well… Maybe the next one…. For this one I have a few more things In my mind. Laura has the power of The Magnificent Zafar, so why not use it a bit more?!? With that in mind, I decided about halfway that this must me a multipart story. I’m not sure how many parts it’s going to be, but at least two. If you have any suggestions what to do with this story, I’m happy to hear it and maybe will use it in the next part. Just drop a message on the website (https://jasoncrow.eu/blog) or an e-mail: jasoncrowwriter@outlookl.com

By the way… The names Kevin and Laura weren’t chosen randomly. I fan e-mailed me some info about his (sex)life and I asked him if I could use their names. So there it is Kevin, hope you like it!

And of course: Dixi ego in potestate ‘anglicus

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